Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Aug 1953, p. 2

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^ • "-; . - . ,• '--. j K .- 't---l> -Wfl-'" t. . . % •' VJ^t' *" • !^. * •! .- , i* TOPS IN STYLE Tables In _ , <*"» P»rty • ' WftHwo tables, at cardeand bunco Were in play on the Wal-. Iftee Dobyns lawn last Thursday afternoon for the annual public card party of the Altar-and Rosary sodality of St. Patrick's Shurch, Success of the party may be credited to Mrs. Rav IfcQee, chairman, and her committee. Special prizes were awarded to Mrs. Jerome Steinbach and Mrs. Joseph Glosson. M Among; those from out 66 tewn who attended were the Misses Theresa, Alice «*nd Martha Herely. -Mrs. Joha How.ird and Mrs. Helen King of Harvard; the Misses Ethel and Lillian McGee, Mrs. James Keefe, Mrs, Fred Merchant, Mrs. Dan Desmond, Mrs. Grace Mullin, Mrs. Bill Ryan and Mrs. Mabel Dittman of Woodstock: Mrs. Lou Hook, Mrs J. Hook and Mrs. George Brandstetter of Grayslake; Mrs. Walter Weiss of Tower Lake; Mrs. Harfv Hall of Spring Grove; Mrs. Ed. Niest of Volo; Mrs. Jules Gonseth of crystal Lake; Mrs. George Sterling, Mrs. Ted Holden, Mrs. Maizie Hanley, Mrs. Frank Bigge and Mrs. James Mahoney of Chicago. Honor Recent Bride At Shower A recent bride, Mrs. Hermin Steffes, the former Lo*rrayne Thennes, was honored at a pirty held at the Corso-Kinsala home last Thursday evening. As the guests arrived, they were served punch and hors d'ouvres. Then Mrs. Steffes opened her gift from the guests, an electric roaster with all attachments. Games of bridge and pinochle were played, with prises in bridge awarded to Mrs. Steffes, Mrs. Quentin Walsh and Mrs. Edward Ttiennes; Jifrs. R. W. Donnelly won the pltiochle prize. Delicious refreshments of sandjyrich loa*, petit fours, mints and caffee were served. T Those who attended this lovely party, other > than the ones mentioned aboVfe^ . were Mes- (ttunes Edward Buss, Elmer Jens «n, George Larfcin, Frank Gende, Gus Freund, M. Budler, John Thenneg, Henry Weber, Norbert Yegge, and the Misses Alice Qaulke, Genevieve Knox. Helen Stevens and Rita Martin. Mrs. Charles Brown and Frances Hnghes were unable to attend. Eari BroughLon of Waucon.Ja; Mr. and Mrs. William Perkirson, Mr! and Mrs. Raymond Jevit and Mrs. Lillian Peterson Chicago. Fo\ Valley Camp Plans For Outing Members of Fox Valley camp, R.N.A., have chosen the Milk Pail! near Elgin, to enjoy their annual outing, which will be held Wednesday, Aug. 12, at 12:30. Those planning to make the trip are asked to meet in front of tl% L & H television store at noon. Reservations must be made before Tuesday upon lay calling either 9 6 - R . . " • • - N'eunian Infant " Christened Yvonne The infant daughter df'Mf. and Mrs. Carl Neuman was christened Yvonne Therese at St. Patrick's church by Rev. Fr. John McGowan last Sunday. Sponsors were cousins of the baby. Miss Dorothea Miller and William Miller, Jr., of Fox River Grove. C0VELI>0'H0LLERAN # VOWS EXCHANGED AT McHENRY CHURCH illi ^ 5 & ' kJ sssw wm THE McHENRY PLA1NDEALER Thursday, August 6, II •••H I I'M ttmmtut n #• St. Patrick's church, McHenry, was the scene of a lovely wedding service last Saturday morning at 10 o'clock when Miss Phyllis Covell of Richmond was vnarried to Mr. James J. O'Holleran of McCullom Lake. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Covell and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John O'Holleran. Rev. Fr. John McGowan, assistant pastor of the church, officiated at the nuptial rite. Soloist for the service was James Bergin, who was accompanied by Marion Slavin of Hebron, aunt of the groom, as organist. The bride was attended by Lillian Sleman of Genoa City, Wis., and Velora Sutton of Richmond, cousins. The newlyweds sire now on a wedding trip and upon their re-' turn will reside in McCullom Lake. The former Ki-ss Covell is a graduate of the Richmond high school and has been employed at a - drug store in that city. The bridegroom is an employee of Hickory Creek farms. CHARLOTTE HOtiAN This attractively" attired young lady is pretty Miss Charlotte Hogan. 19, of Ringwood, who was one of five selected out of 226 girls in county 4-H work to model at the state fair later this month. As a representative of the Ringwood Sunshine Girls club, she is shown in the aqua fleece wool coat which she made. The local club had an outstanding record at the style revue held recently to determine the girls to attend the fair. Seven of their eleven members took blue ribbons and three were named to compete at the fair, either as regulars or alternates. r CARD OF THANKS I wish in t this manner to thank the many friends who sent gifts, cards and flowers and remembered me in othef ways during the time I was ill and confined to the hospital. These kindnesses Were appreciated so much. 13 MARY AUDINO i* . , , i-------, j . i.. ' 8nbM>mie frt The Pfnlndealer <• PERSONALS ••• 'I 'l Miss Ann Smith of Waukegan spent the weekend in McHenry and attended Marine Day activi ties here. Miss Smith was a candidate for the queen title last year, representing the A merican Legion. John McVinnie of McCullom Lake returnee recently from a trip to Europe, where he witnessed the crowning of Queen Elizabeth. - Recent- guests in t£fr;jC. J.'Hteihansperger hoihe wisfe Mr. Mrs. Tttottuts Fenwick and daughter, Julie, of Elmhurst and Mrs. Elliott Timme of Oak Park. Mr. and Mrs. G. Walinder Spent a few days recently in Ahe home bf their daughter lj| Qsqfesburg. • • V; s Mrs. Bernard Popp and daughter Rosa, and the former's grandchildren, Natalie and Patricia, visited old friends here last week enroute from Edgerton. Wis., to Upland, Calif., where- . they will make their future home. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Thompson and Miss Maud Granger visited > Mrs. Ruth Burnett at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Lyle Litweiler, in Grayslake one day last week. A former resident of the Island Lake community, Mrs. Burnett observed her nintieth birthday last month. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nickels and Mrs. Fred Krotyi, Jr., and children of Barrington were McHenry visitors on Sunday and witnessed the Marine Day activities. Mr. and Mrs. Weston Bacon and family and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bacon and children of Crystal Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Courier of Marengo spent Sunday in the home of Mrs. Nellie Bacon. ----t Mrs. Ben Wegener and daughter, Helen, of Chicago, were callers here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Marshall spent Sunday visiting relatives in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Hengels, ahd daughters, Gloria and Gwendolyn, of Chicago, spent Sunday aftejrnoon in the Simon Stoffel home. M^s. LeRoy Smith and children, Cindy and Richard, left Sunday for New York City, BIRTHS Announcement has been made of the birth of a daughter at Sherman hospital. Elgin, on July where they will spend two weeks" 26 to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Whitvisiting Mrs. Smith's sister. ' ing of Elgin, former local resi- Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sullivan dents. Whitings have two and four daughters of Woodstock spent Sunday in the home of the Norbert Yegges and witnessed the Marine Day parade. Mrs. Florabel Vogel of Reedsburg, Wis., has been visiting in the Lisle Bassett home. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Ekholm and children of Elgin visited in the home of her parents, t .Jthe John justens, cm Sunday. ResidenceChanges Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wegener have moved from the apartment in the Lisle Bassett home cm Main street to the upper apartment in the . Weber - home on Lake street., - * * AMONG THE Sici Frank, 3 -year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cuda of McCullom l^ake, underwent surgery at the Woodstock hospital last week. . Arthur Stuhlfeier of McCullom Lake has been a patient at the Woodstock hospital this week. Lester Page naj been a surgical patient at the hospital this wiJek. * • other children, .both boys. Mr. and Mrs. Lyl6 Anderson are the parents of a son, born July 31 at the Woodstock hospital. They have four other children, all girls. Mr. and Mrs. Barl Kra are the parents of a daughter,tfiteinbach. born at the Woodstock hospitalon Aug. 3. A girl was born at the Woodstdfck hospital to Mr. and Mrs. I^#rt, Knox on Ao£J3. * :.a CARD OF THANKS^-v^ In this manner we wish to thank friends and neighbors for spiritual bouquets, floral offerings, cards of sympathy, donations of cars and the many other kindnesses extended in our bereavement. We are especially grateful for the services of Fr. McGowan. At this time we would also like to thank everyone for their remembrances to Mrs. Frisby at thft time of her last illness. e ROBERT FRISBY, SR., *13 * AND FAMILY McHenry Women "Will Model In County Show The style show now in the planning stages by two units of the women's auxiliary of Memorial Hospital for«McHenry county promises to be the biggest of its kind to be given in years. It will take place' Aug. 1.7 at 8 p.m. in the auditorium of the Woodstbck Community high school. Women from the county will model the clothes, including two >fu)m McHenry, Mrs. H. C. Reihansperger and Mtas. Jerome HARVARD FLOWER 8HOW McHenry floweC lovers will be interested to learn that the Harvard Garden club will present Ss annual flower «*how, " A Day f Beauty," at *h% Methodist church in that city Friday; • Aug, 14, from 2 to 10 pJn. CARD OF THANKS In this manner I would like to thank friends and relatives for cards, prayers, gifts, visits and other, remembrances during the time I was confined to th*£ hospital. They were greatly appreciated. 13 . MRS. JOS. L. FRSHJNP VA fUprtMnlaiiw To Visii Woodstock Aug. t" -f \C BUSIEST WORKERS IN TOWN! PLAINDEALER WANT ADS Wars will probably end at about the time religiouB sects discover how to agree. FOR ATHLETES FOOT Use T-4-L for S to 5 days. It actually peels off the oc«ter skin, exposes buried fungi and KILLHON CONTACT. If not pleased with instant-drying T-4-L, your 40c back at any drug store. Today at BOLGER'S. . THE rioints: Mon. Tues. 10-6 ^ Wed. Thurs. Sat. 9-6 jj Friday $12 E. Elm Street McHenry, I1L, P«ONE 74# Style Revue Llste ^ entertainment Feat*fe» Tom Holochwost be featured entertainer when St. ]fery'8 P.T.A. presents its annttal style Tevue of fall and winter fashions on Wednesday, Aug. lft. The young man, a recent 1I.C.H.S. graduate, is an accomplished accordion player. • This year's revue will be held!1 in the V.F.W. clubhouse and on! tne ground?, starting at 1:30; o'clock. Tickets may be purchas-1 ed from the chairman, Mr^. Charles Jurak, at Betty Niel- • •en's, at th|fe Toddler shop, from ' any P.TA. member or at the: door. I 'The revue will be under the ;tlon of Mrs. Nielsen. Posters bean made by the Girl Scout troop of which Mrs. Roy ICiller and MTS. A. J. Wirtz are I Shrprise Party For '* Henry ftehaeferg A surprise party was held Monday night in ho*i»r of -Mr. ttid Mrs. Henry Schaefer, who ^fere celebrating their thirty- Decorating makes your house a home You'll find what you want in MINUTES in our UNITED WALLPAPER DECORATING CENTER All Grouped ; By • - Background Color Tabbed and indexed^-- just flip to the one you want! Summer CLEARENCE SALE - 'I SOHJVMP IN EVERYDAY LANGUAGE Many of our savings depositors are building balances for specific purposes; and some maintain a separate account for each goal. (Most depositors, however, prefer to deposit in one account regularly.) HERE'S WHAT IT MEAN$TOYOU Whether you save for one goal or many... in one account or several ... you will find that our bank is a convenient place to save money. Start--and build--your savings account with us. ^ McHENRY STATE fANK MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM <I MTERFCSX PAID ON SAVINGS DEPOSIT* PIIONE 1941 Harry J. Pilarski, offiqdfr-incharge of the Rockford Veteran# Administration office, ann<Junce4 •* that he will be on duty in W001 stock Tuesday, Aug. 11, fr°; 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the pos| office buildings second floor^ to inform and assist veterans . and their dependents on all benefi^ programs of the V.A. The V.A. Officer also saift veterans with GI term insurance in .force will no longer have t» apply to the Veterans Admlnid». tration for renewal of their poli" cies for another five-year term before old policies expire. He saidP the Veterans Administration will perform this service for them automatically if their old policies are not lapsed at the expiration of the term period. This means the policy must be in force . at the end of the term period with the final premium having been timelf paid. .J., Don't buy auto insurance Let your own comparison prove the greater value at f I Allfetate's protection and - |- •ervice. Allstate, the autd- sS insurance company founded by Sears, Roebuck and Co., is nationally famous for ita • New •a$i*r-to-tfnd«ritand policy • 14 addsd benefits at no Mtiy _• Special low rates for fan*Wi|' • Nationwide claim servke MAIL THIS COUPON NOW! ----• j FRANK E. LOW, Agent J 20a Maple Ave., Mcilenry^IJL j Phone: 1004 *"| J WMwot eMigatien, pica** t*nd j fwil detail en AUitat* Auto Inwronc*. p | fj Name .1 • • 1 j Addren- I j atg- ----4.J Woodstock residents and those lining nearby can see or phone their Allstate Agent. GEORGE W. FRANCKE 24 Douglas Ave., Woodstock. HL Phone: 1898 j | Yov'rm m Good Hands whk < Jftysnin mm wk INSURANCE COMPANY fwdid by SMTS, BFIHI oad Ca. A wholtyownad tubtldiary of Sean, lo»bvcl and S Co., writh anets and liabilltim distinct and teporol# from th* parant compony. Horn* Office: Chicogo, III. Stop In TODAY -- see tow easy It is to pick perfect relatives' anT'frS' of color' **lga *««" yonr home by buying wallpaper this amazing new way. Decorating helps -«T*il relatives and iriends gal-i- «red at the home of M<: aid Mrs. Leo Wi;ikel, where tiie 4|nner party took place. .Those pre^rnt were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schaefer, Mr. and Ifrs. Donald Schaefer, Mrs. Gt-rt| Tide, Wormley, Mrs. Lena Bohr, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Winkel and and Mrs. George Worts of JcHenry; Mr. and Mr^. Lyle sughton, and Mr. and Mrs. I m jback of each pattern. Ton can't go wrong. £ Main Paint Center V^flttm&atHteratty*1 * Because that's all the money it takes to buy this great new 1953 Buick SPECIAL. That's all it takes to boss its high-compres- . sion Fireball 8 Engine--now stepped up to the highest horsepower in Buick SPECIAL history. That's all it takes to enjdy its still finer Million Doilar Ride--its full six-passenger jroom^jpjip -- ut if you're surprised at this news, 'wti: can't blame you a bit. at no extra cost-things tike direction ptls, dual map lights, twin sunshade^ lighter, trip-mileage indicator, automatic ^love-box light, oil-bath air cleaner, full- / .flow oil filter, bumper guards front and rear ?-- things most other cars 'of similar price charge as extras. *2255 88 Most people are--when they learn that yon" % can get Buick styling, Buick structure,* §0 there you are--definitely able to move ; gs Uuick room and power and comfort an£>; into this big, broad, robust-powered steadiness, all for just a few dollars iriore Buick for a price you'd expect to pay for a than the cost of the so-called "low-price^ :|esser car. ^ ~TT~~" three. Add another happy surprise. In this Buick you get a long| list of THE GREATEST ' Why not drop in oh us to see and drive this honey of a buy? The rest we'll leave up to you. That's the price of the new 1953 Bvick SPECIAL 2-Door 6-Passenfler Sedan Model 48D, illustrated, Delivered locally *OpMoiWl tqvipmut, aec*rtorl««. tltri• end Ivwl tautt. If my, additional. fricM mwt WT tllghHy '« adioi«ifi»t dv* to shipping cfiorgtt. All price4 to ckong* without aoiic*. •rot *418 Main St. •»< PHONE 1115 McHenry. Ill' JHR00MS CAN BE Company Sparkling plastic-finished Marlite pan- •Is go over old walls or new . . . provide lifetime beauty at moderate cost. Installation it easy and fall. Come in today. Select colors and patterns to match your decorative kcheme. Modernize with Marlite-* Alexander Lumber • WHIN iiTTft AUTOMQBILES ARE BUILT BUICK Will BUIIP THEM Sj' vlisSd-dEj; - : : . " R. I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES 9*1 MAIN UT. M * . . - SIcOEKlr, ILL. 403 FRONT STREET •• •! T > * T-»L H III 1.1. T » T .1 || TEA • 'FR* 1# I * I McHENRY, ILLINOIS •^v k

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