MMtilUniHItMMIlHlldlillM t m WW Auguit 13. *•. mr v ' . ' j ifc l|:; L,V ;*M c %F- |ki" MOOR & LILYMOOR By Mr*. Pat Morrison | i.wuiii^HiiuiiiwiiMiiiiBiwimwiMWiiiiMniHiMiirtiuiiMii^iiinaiw JLily Lake Ladies League! the weather was sightly cool field their istallation of officers for swimming. lut Wednesday evening1 at J A #r« In Lakemoor. a very, delicious chicken dinner, served family style, was served to all the members, and very nice gifts Were given to all the out-going officers. Lovely corsages were ' presented to all the new and old officers. Mrs. Milinac of Lilymoor was the installing officer, VIth the following installed into office: President, Mrs. Leon: A variety of games were provided for recreation, with the following winners: Tug-of-war, men vs. boys, the men won. From 1 to 6 years of age, blowing up paper bags and breaking them. Nancy Godina. first prize; Kenny Ehrhardt, second prize. Sack races for the boys, winner was Buddy Kinnerk. Sack races for couples, first prize, Frank and Rena Pogany; second prise, Squib and Pat Morrison. The pince. xt' iaen i Lollipop Scramble ,'or ages 1 to Vice-president, Mrs. .N'eken Thomas Kaminski secretary, Mrs, Para; treasurer, -;lMrs. Wegener; trustees, For ages 6N and up, eating Stnard, Mrs. Buchwalter and Mrs. Hyatt; hostess chairman, Mrs. Kraus. A very enjoyable evening wag had by all. V; W - iWMWbers '.of ' the , ladies auxiliary to the Lakemoor volunteer fire department attended the Lake county fire department auxiliary meeting held in Lake Zurich last Wednesday evening. Those who attended were Marie V/Dorgan, Stephanie Szarek, Lyda HDiedrich, Elsie Cynowa, Irene Godina, Lu Bitterman, Jenny O'Leary, Gertrude Hyatt, Doris Kibbe and Pat Morrison. The county auxiliary invited the Lakemoor auxiliary to join and upon dscusson. our representatives decided it would be beneficial to do so. i"*" Election of officers f-or the county followed. As only firemen's wives are allowed to hold office or cast a vote, Jenny O'Leary and Pat Morrison were Inade delegates and Lu Bitterman and Irene Godina, alternates. The following officers -were elected: President, Mrs. . faimer from Bonny Brook; vicepresident, Mrs. Cynowa, Lakemoor; secretary, Mrs. Rutkowski, Winthrop Harbor; treasurer. Mrs. Schuldt, Lake Zurich; chaplain, Mrs. Rey, Bonny Brook: and historian, Mrs. Credi, Hiph- Wood. Games were played following the meeting and coffee and cake were served. A nice time was had by all. marshmallows on a string, winners, George Kawell and Betty Kinnerk. Egg throwing, winners, Al and Irene Godina. Wheelbarrow race, winners. Chuck and Dolores Hansen. Rolling pin contest, winners, Irene Godina i and Ray Cynowa. Honeymoon ' race, Ray and Elsie Cynowa. Tug-of-war, men vs. women, the men won. Tug-of-war between two men's teams. Chuck Hansen and Squib Morrison, Chuck Hansen's team the winners. Rolling pin throw, winners Marilyn Fisher and Terry Brady. Watermelon eating contests, 12 to 14, Terry Brady and Ricky Swart*; 10 to Z2, John Ritzert; 6 to 9, Betty Becker; 4 to €, Charlene Kawell. There was plenty, to eat #nd drink' and everyone had a wonderful time. The auxiliary would like to thank the following for donating their services, Mr. and Mrs. Gustafson, William Gibson, Othelo and Harry Brady, Danko, Mr. and MM. Buchwal-1 ter, Miss Schaefer, Mrs. Foss, \ the fire department and the committee members. The auxili- j ary would also like to express their appreciation for the wonderful cooperation of all those who donated their time and! those who attended in helping to make the beach party such a success. We were Very glad to see Rose Flynn at the beach party. It's been quite some time since Rose was last in our community and we are happy to see her looking so well. Belated birthday greetings to Othelo Brady, who celebrated her birthday Aug. 5 with a dinner at. the Rustic Manor and also to Mrs. Krieger on her birthday Aug. 5. May both of you enjoy many more. William Krieger of Now York has been visiting his mother and brother at tlie:r home in Lakemoor. The family and friends welcomed him with a dinner at the Morton House. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Tony Leon of Lakemoor on their thirty-first wedding anniversary last week and also to Mr. and Mrs. Al Godina off Lakemoor on their eighteenth wedding anniversary "&ug. 10. Miss Diane Cartan of Lakemoor spent a week attending the Bible camp at Williams Bay. She reports that she had a wonderful time. Mrs. Jerry Valtone of Lakemoor went to Chicago a week ago to attenc a large family party given for her grandson, Michael Vallbhe, who just returned from a. visit in New York. Michael is now attending a seminary in Arlington Heights, where he Is studying priesthood. Stephanie Ssartik, Ray Cynowa and Alex Wlrfs, all of Lakemoor, are gxmig to celebrate their combined birthdays with a party at Stef and Wally's this coming Saturday evening around 9 p.m. Roy Miller will provide entertainment for the- evening and everyone la Invited to attend. See yoii there. Micki and ^eay Morrison of Lakemoor spent a few days last week in Chicago, visiting their grandmother. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Beahler and family of Lakemoor drove down to Union Mills, Ind., last week, taking Ted's father to visit relatives on his vacation. On Saturday the Beahler family attended a birthday party in Chicago in honor of her mother, two brothers and grandmother. They had a very nice time. Mr. and Mrs. William Hyatt and family. of lakemoor spent the past weekend at Starved Rock. We were sorry to hear that Ronnie Hyatt of Lakemoor fell on a piece of glass in his yard last week and had to have tlrfee stitches taken in his side. Wc hope it will heal real soon. Happy birthday wishes flfre in order for the Cynowa family of Lakemoor this coming week, with Elsie celebrating on the eleventh, Larry on the thirteenth and Ray on the sixteenth. Dr. and Mrs. Maurice Cushman of Kalamazoo, Mich., were visitors at the Norman Morrison home in Lakemoor last week. Mrs. Cushman is a former resident of Lakemoor. The Lakemoor Brahma's played ball against Vycitals of Mc- Henry last Wednesday evening and won the game 12 to 7." Our fire department men poured the floor in the commun- 13m ladies* auxiliary to the Lakemoor volunteer fire department held a beach party last Sunday afternoon and evening i for the benefit of the fire department and community building. A very nice crowd turned iout for the affair even though N O T I C E ! ! Before you purchase any type of Furnace for your home, call us for a Free Survey and Estimate* We handle all types of equipment and also supply bottled gas metered service. The ONLY service of this type in McHenry County. ALTHOFF'S HARDWARE 501 Main Street PHONE 284 McHenry, I1L ity house last Aaturday. The building is really beginning to take shape. This coming Saturday they are going to complete pouring the floor and on Sunday they are planning on setting in the windows and doors. Some of the auxiliary members are planning on giving the men dinner at the fire house on Sunday afteroon, so come on out and give a hand. It won't be too long and the colder weather will be here and the men want to complete the first floor by the time the weather gets bad. Mr. and Mrs. Ooss of Lakemoor entertained quite a few guests at their home last Sunday. Those present were Mr. and Mrs, Lou Drown of Vicksburg, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Roy Goss and son of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Art Goss and daughter of Libertyville and Mr. and Mrs. Merle Goss and son, Greg, of Wheeling. Everyone had a nice get-together. ' ,5J%IWe' Church . The McHenry Bible church and Sunday school, are holding their annual picnic Saturday, Aug. 15, at Crystal Lake park. All those' who wish to go, meet at the McDermott building at 9:30 a.m. and bring your lunch along. The group will be at the park at 10 a.m. On Sunday, *rvices will be held at the McDermott building. Sunday school, 9:45 a.m.; church servceg at 11 a.m„ 6:30,p.m. and 8, p,m. For the locaton of the prayer meeting, to be held on Wednesday evening, call McHenry 509- J-l. 8400 AMERICANS^. , WALKED THEMSELVES TO DEATH IN '52 Last year 8,600 Americans literally walked themselves to death. They were pedestrians killed in motor vehicle accidents. "Accident Facts," the National Safety Council's statistical yearbook, points out that pedestrian deaths were highest among city dwellers in 1952, with 5,450 killed in urb^n areas and 3,150 in rural. *' , . In,3,000 of the.fetal pedestrian accidents, the victims were 65 years or older, according to the 1953 edition of the yearbook. Of all pedestrians killed, one in every twelve had a physical defect, such as defective hearing, defective eyesight, or illness. HT.ART ATTACK VICTIM Frederick George Sorengen, 36, of Volo, collapsed and died of a heart attack last week in the office of Dr. L. E. Foulke, Wauconda, where he had been taken after complaining of feeling ill, Mr. Sorensen, who came to Lake county '"from Muskegon, Mich., was manager of the Coca Cola plant in Waukegan. He was at his home at Volo when he reported to a neighbor that he was ill. The neighbor rushed him to the local doctor's office, where he collapsed and died in spite of all efforts to save his life. fifoW TO WIN FBIENDS Remember back when "1W5 ] to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie Wa*| on the best seller Met? I think that Earl Hubbard - made best condensation of the book 1. have ever heard. (Did it before, it was written, too,' which it quite a feat). Hubbard says the best Way to have a friend is tc ] be one. iMd* you know that there i.e no true rhyme for the woi silver? Subscribe To H»e Plaindealsr 1952 record Birth fate continues rise over! Most people forget that you can't become a "big shot" just i by making a lot of loud reports. FRED J. SMITH Complete Motor Orwhuliiig h » Welding D JOHNSBURG, ILL. oM ©1 McHENRY 200-J g IOS30E3SSSS3BOOO w 'i FRIDAY And SATURDAY AUGUST 148c 15 JOHNSBURG - Bowling Bars- EVERYONE INVITEHi:: : - • SOUVENIRS. •MUSIC •DANCING* IOBOI Don't S SIr: f•-' r - v v" • FOLLOW THE GIANT SEARCHLIGHT TO THE BIG V-J DAY CELEBRATION THURS SAT. & SUN AUGUST 13,14,15 & 16 At The V. F.W. Home Grounds Route 120, East of the river. cHENRY. ILL. & Manitowoc M«d only 2ft X 3 of • • • f(l •nywfciptifct ttp/tjughJb Home, Fh&eq&ti v r ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY Beautiful Prizes - Rides. - Games - Refreshments BRING THE ENTIRE FAMILY! F U N G A L ORE! I Lere's a freezer worth looking into! Mmouowoc gives fou file-cabinet efficiency. No digging or "diving" ... frozen food is always at your fingertips. Cold-Hold inner floors make it easy to store and find packages. There "j fre no hidden corners ... everything's in sight. --you get refrigerator-like convenience, plus many other * -"^features, with Manitowoc. ( ^This is the season for freezin'. Now, while fruits and Vegetables are at their best, is the time to get a freezer.. Before you buy, be sure to get the full Manitowoc story at ow :* jpearest store or your dealer's. Start now to enjoy holiday J3fating ECONOMICALLY every day of the yew! 'A • PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY MSI itr»f yawr rff.afar'»... gmt a fr-- octyaf-sa* Uporplmm. Aow MMIFowk wif fit .'JffPPfwWWi ••