Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Aug 1953, p. 6

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•very Thursday at U by the McHenry! WALL & FLOOR TILING Qtrnpany, Inc. 'Our only business - not a sideline. , -- j ^ Prompt guaranteed work. Al E DITORI Al y Free Estimates A S^> Cfj TI^N ICaU Cary 6104 or Barrington 1276 FOR SALE -- L. C. Smith typewriter, reconditioned. Bargain at $2$. Also standard U.S.N, life pre* server suitable for race driver. Cheap. Phone 585-W-2. 15 #. CURPBINDT. Gen. Manager J y^DEUS FROEHLICH, Editor Plaindealer Want Ads * No ads counted less than 25] •t>rds $1.00 minimum, f 1 insertion 11.00 (Count 5 words per line) 26c service charge on All blind ti. Cash with order. rd of .Thanks--$1.00 Minimum Want Ads close promptly at 10 Wednesday. MUSIC INSTRUCTION In Yoor Own Home • 15 Piano and Piano Accordian Claiinet and Saxophoffle EARL P. KOCH = Phone Pistakee 633-M-l 5-tf SUBSCRIPTION RATE fear ... 93M DE *r ANIMALS--K*„liest cash prices paid for cows, horses and hogs, no help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and Holidays. Call Wheeling Rendering Works. Wheeling No. 3; reverse charges. 36-tf _ FOR SALE -- New 10 qt. pressure cooker $8.00; 5 gads, of sand paint, $5.00; child's fire truck, good condition, $8.00; girl's 2 wheel bicycle $8.00; child's 3 wheel bicycle $3.00; babystroller like neW $5.00; small Easy washer, $10.00. Phone 537-M-2. 15 "Entered as second-class matter HI the post office at McHenry. 'HI., under the act of May 8, J.87#- AUTOMOTIVE REPLACEMENT PARTS ft® ALL CARS Accessories and Seat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY Route 120 - 1 Block East of the River Bridge Gjien Week Days 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sundays 9 am. to 1 p.m. FOR SALE -- 1947 Ford Tudor. Very clean, 6 cyl. with heater. Re- -painted and all new chrome. Offered for quick sale. Call Richard Mathews, Wonder Lake 3062. *15 CLARENCE OATH o Decorating Service Interior - Exterior - Residential v• and Commercial "•K-' • We Satisfy --- •. Call 675-R.l .. ;*«tf OARAGE DOORS ^ V WOOD SECTIONAL Residential, Commercial or Industrial -- Standard or Specially j Designed. KEN LEIBACH Biles, Installation and Service McHenry 1187-R 14-tf GARBAGE Disposal Service. Efficient and dependable. Thomsen and Jorgensen. Phone McHenry 395. 10-tf FOR SALE -- Pontiac, 1937, 6 cylinder. Motor overhauled. Good tires, new seat covers, snow grips. $225. Call 658-J-l or 17 during the day. 15 FOB SALS 1961 NASH SEDAN 1951 OLDSMOBILE Sedan 1951 DESOTO Club Coupe 1961 FORD 2 Door Sedan 1950 DODG$ Ch b Coupe 1949 PLYMOUTH Sedan 1949 CHRYSLER Club Coupe 1949 CHEVROLET 2 Door Sedaii 1949 CHEVROLET 4 Door Sedan 1948 CHEVROLET 4 Door Sedan 1948 PLYMOUTH Sedan 1947 CHRYSLER Sedan 1947 FORD Club Coupe 1947 OLDSMOBILE 2 Door Sedan 1946 DESOTO Sedan 1»41 DESOTO Sedan 1941 HUDSON Sedan 1941 CHRYSLER Sedan 1941 CHEVROLET Sedan 1940 PLYMOUTH Sedan 1941 STUDEBAKER Sedan 1941 PONTIAC Sedan 1938 OLDSMOBILE Sedan 1937 PLYMOUTH Coupe 1937 PLYMOUTH ^edan 1886 CHEVROLET S&an 1930 FORD MODEL A PAINTING AND DECORATING Quality and Service Call Stan Johnson McHenry 890-J after 6 P.M. 6-tf Peter A. ground (Formerly Eddie Huff's) Sanitary Service I clean and pump septic tanks, cesspools, catch basins, cisterns. Phone McHenry 877-W residence, Fox Street. 5-tf FOR SALE -- Flat top desk 33x50. Qffice chair and swivel chair, $35.00 ; 2 used doors $5.00 each; 2 single rollaway cot* top kitchen cabinet $15.00; 6 used $10.00 each; 1 30x22 Linoleum windows $1.00 each, Call 292- R. 15 When someone calls to see just you, will clothes you wear look fresh and new? Just send clothei here to us and see, how pressed and clean your' clothes will be! Spic and Span Cleajiers, Phone McHenry 665-R-l. 15 SPECIAL BARGAIN! m NEW DOUBLE CONSTRUCTED SHELLS FOB AS LOW AS -- • $2,650.00 AIRSTUN BUILDERS WONDER LAKE PHONE W. L. 2798 HELP WANTED ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE C(& FOR SALE -- B flat clarinet. In very good condition, $50. Call McHenry 1059. • 15 FOR SALE -- Boy's 24" Hopalong C&ssidy bicycle. Call McHenry 31. •15 FOR SALE -- Bartlett pears, Mcintosh apples. Bring own container. Call 135-J. 15 FOR SALE -- Electric hot water heater. 40 gals, practically new, $50. Electric Range $45. Phone 661-J-2. 15 CESS POOLS . SEPTIC TANKS Pumped and Cleaned PHO"NT£ 776-W. If no answer call 1383-&S G. A. DOUGLAS 309 Wast Elm Street McHenry 6-tf FOR SALE -- Oliver Tractor. Cable fropt.end 'loader with half yard bucket. Good condition, $700. Call Wonder Lake 4811. 15 FOR SALE -- Chris Craft 17 ft., 95 h.p. Inboards & Outboards. JOHNSON MOTORS. E. J. Wendt Marine Supplies on U. S. 12, Richmond,. 111. 15-2 Sears Roebuck St Co. "'Applied roofing and sidlfef Easy payment plan ' Telephone or write Frank Gans, Repres. 300 Riverside Drive Tel. McHenry 767-W 12tf FOR SALE v Colby Motor Sales Crystal Lake, 111. .15 l*OR SALE -- '50 Ford convertible. One owner. New top, new tires, many extras. Priced to sell. Phone 645-M-2. • 15 FOR SALE--New Electric Round Bobbin Sewing Machine, sews forward and reverse, 20-year guarantee, plus free service policy as low as $69.95/ Call Freund's | ,777™ Sewing Machine Sales and Ser- Ft>R E 664-J-2. leow FOR SALE -- Stoker. Call 360, or 2Q? So. Green St. 15tf FOR SALE -- 2 French doors with concealed hydraulic closures. All inside trim. 1 double apron kitchen sink with combination faucet; 1 toilet bowl seat and tank; curtiss kitchen cabinets; 2 wall and 2 base. Phone McHenry 207-R. 15 "a good place to ^ TELEPHONE , OPERATORS r Good salai^jr, Id - s quent increases. You'll be ; working with girls your own age and you'll be doing interesting work in aft Important industry. See: Miss R. Marshall, -. Chief Operator lit 102 Park Ave. «-tf REAL ESTATE OUTDOOR MEN ~ 18 to SO • . '-f $ To Trim Trees Also Older Men For Ground Work. PHONE WAUCONDA 9288 or Crystal Lake 2117-J 52-ti FOR SALE -- McHenry home, 5 rooms and bath; gas heat. Ai. J • newly remodelled. 160 Country j' Club Drive on the Fox River. IJ $11,500. Phone 272-R. 15 ! FOR SALE -- In McHenry, 3 large bedroom tri-JeVel house;' • powder room; master bath; show- j 1 er room; large living room. Knotty IJ pine dining, kitchen. Automatici 1 gas heat, 2 car garage; full base- 1J ment, utility room. Just complet- • ed. Will sacrifice, owner leaving ' town. Phone 1188-R. 15 < • • • FOR SAL E--HOMES--FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY ,, Knox Real Estate, V> 495 Richmond Road • McHenry, 113. Phone; McHenry 421-J . 24-tf ' . • t . s F*OR SALE -- Six room modern RtJAL ESTATE: Win trade a 5^ (^ar round home. 2 car garage, Homes In Vicinity Of McHenry 6 rooms furnished, $7900. 8 rooms, 1% Acres, $12,000.. •. 5 rooms, furnished, $9000, 8 rooms, 1V2 Acres, $13,fc00i Taverns, $5,000 and up v H. Bell, Ringwood, 111 Wonder Lake 8548 15 room frame bungalow in Brookfield, 111., for a 5 room winterized home on the river. Must have water frontage. Write to Joe E. Otts, 9208 Ogden Ave., Brookfield, 111. 12-tf HELP WANTED -- Young man or boy to drive car or. paper route. Must have driver's license; also boy helper to deliver papers on car route, mornings And evenings. Apply at once. Albert Krause and Son. Tel. 379 or 878- J. 15tf WANTED --^ Girl for general office work. Shorthand helpful, but not necessa^'. Must like figures. Reply c'0 Plaindealer, Pox 383. 15tf HELP WANTED -- Waitress and cook. Apply In person at Ml Place Restaurant. 15 FOR SALE -- Full size Hollywood bed, practically new. Original cost $99.95, will sell for $50. 716< Center St., McHenry. FOR SALE -- 200 white rock fryers, weight 3 to 3»,4 lbs. $1.25 a piece. Call McHenry 608-W-l, evenings. 15 FOR SALE -- Ford Dump Truck. Qood condition. $300. CaU Wonder Lake 4811. 15 BUSINESS SERVICE ^fel. 566-W-l McHenry, 111. Candid Weddings from Home, 1 Ctamh «ud Reception &OLIN ^?13tographers Commercial, Publicity, Sports and Photostats No Matter when or where you go, you'll want to look your best you know, so send clothes here, get cleaned and pressed, depend on us, and be well dressed! Spio and Span Cleaners, Phone McHenry 665-R-l. 15 Siebert baby buggy like new. 5 piece chrome dinette set. Chrome and upholstery like new. Reasonable. Phone 715-M. It FOR SALE -- Boy's 24-inch Monarch Rocket bike, like new, $25. Michael Doyle, phone McHenry 650-R-2. - 15 JOHNSON MOTORS New and Used -- Terms. Motor* and Boats Wet vice, Reflnishing and Storage BILL'S ONBOARD MOTORS 104% b. Riverside Drive Phone ^cHenry 1076 44 A? WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon, 806 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 167. 26-tf FOR SALE--An end to defrosting mess. Modernize your present refrigerator. Cut electric bills - save food - guaranteed; For FREE trial in your home, call Carl Barnlckol, 643-W-2. 6-tf FOR SALE -- Year "round COMFORT a n d ECONOMY w i t h FIRE-PROOF Johns-M a n v i 11 e Home Insulation. Installed by the Wallfill Co. Call Leo Stilling, 200 E. Pearl, McHenry 18. 4-t'f COLEMAN BOTTLED GAS -- Do like hundreds of housewives do, use it for cooking, baking, refrigeration and water heating. Prompt service and deliveries. Vycital's Hardware and Sheet Metal Shop. Call McHenry 98 today. FOR RENT W ANTED -- Men and Boys as pinsetter3. McHenry Recreation. Apply in person. 15 FOR SAL'S '-- 3 bedroom home; fully insulated, fruit trees, berry shrubs, deep well. 2-car garage. 2 large lots. $9,500 at terms. Phone Phone Wonder Lake 2793 11-tf river frontage. 686-R-l. Phone McHenry V , ' - ; . ' 15 dollar |f our low, low prist® McHENRY CLEANERS ill llm Street PHONE 104-M We give and redeem J Gold Bond Stamps. , " J?'- • mm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimtk WANTED TO RENT SITUATION WANTED FOR SALE -- McCullom Lake, furnished 5 room home, full basement. Large gardge, land 100x280. Price $13,000. F. Lewia, 711, 18th St. North Chicago, 111. 13-4 WANTED - To do typing in my Since peedless waste we all ab- Reply c/o Plaindealer, Box J'JK WAlsfr?!)--any job, no matter how ru^^ei, where you can't wtar triple ta;med, tough and soft WOLVERINE SHELL HORSEHIDE WORK SHOES. Go ahead-- JUST TRY AND NAME C NE. Fitzgerald's Men's Shop 208 So. Green St. McHenry, 111. .35 WANTED hor, It's wise to make your clothes wear more, our "thorough" cleaning helps them wear, keeps them "fresh as cool, clean air." Spic and Span Cleaners, Phone McHenry 665-R-l. 15 Real Estate For Sale McHENRY -- 4 rooms, 2 bedrooms", gas heat, insulated, close to towa, only $5,500.00 ALSO 5 room year around home, automatic heat, 2 bedrooms, 2 car ga rage, nic« ideation, Price -8^&- 600.00. * GIRLS WANTED for light machine work, day or nfght shift open. Precision Twist Drill. 13 Woodstock St. Crystal Lake. Phone 1144. 10-tf HELP WANTED--Full time sales lady. Experienced preferred, but will teach. A;,ply in person. Ben Franklin Store, Green Street, McHenry. 6-tf For appointment call our office in Johnsburg, phone McHenry 37. Jacob Fritz -- Real Estate R. 5, McHenry, Illinois lttf WANTED ~ Yonng woman with pleasing personality for general office work. Must have knowledge of typing and shorthand. Apply in person, McHenry Sand and Gravel, 606 Front St. 15-2 WANTED Woman Teacher to share home in McHenry. For details, call week days, McHenry 869, after 6:00 p.m. *15 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE -- New home on large wooded lot, 60'x292'; 2 bedroom, tile bath and kitchen. Fireplace and all utilities. 2 blocks fram town on Pistakee Bay Road. Call 661-J-l. 14.2 FOR RENT -- Newty decorated rooms, home privileges, near depot and schools. 109 Main Street. Phone McHenry 100-R 20-tf FOR RENT--1, 2 and 3 rooms, furnished or unfurnished apartments. Year's lease, from $60 to $80 per month. Riverside Hotel, Riverside Drive and Elm St., Call 266. 14tf FOR RENT -- 5 room houqe, Call 131-J, from 8 a.m. to 12 noon. 14-2 TftEE AND BARN SPRAYING-- Vhite wash or Fly control. Frank <». Henkel. KO. Round Lake, 111. Residence: Volo, I1L Phone McHenry 54VJ-1. 4 5_tf C. S. G.--Power lawn mower refairs, complete rebuilding by factory trained mechanic. Also repairing of all outboard motors by •killed mechanic. Special: $i.5C sharpens any hand mower; $3.5C sharpens auy 21" power mower For information call McHenry 575-W-2. Dealer Page Fences 51-tf MACHINE DIGGING-- Complete Septic Tank systems. Dry wells, Seepage Beds, Trenching and Footings Dug (18"x36" wide, 7-ft. maximum depth). Prompt service Garrelts & Rogers. Phone 539-R-l or 534-W-l, McHenry. 51-tf Protecting health is always wise, don't harbor germs in "soil disguise." Send clothes here -- our thorough cleaning, gives sanitation a brand new meaning! Spic «**d Span Cleaners, Phone McHenry 665-R-l. 15 Permanent*, Tinting"""" ( < and Bleaching ALICE MARIE BLASKIS Fitzgerald'A Building Phone 292.J FOR SALE--ALUMINUM WINDOWS. The Wallfill Co., Leo Stilling, 200 E. Pearl, McHenry 18. 48-tf FOR SALE --, TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES. Service on all makes, also ribbons fer all makes, carbon paper. L. V. Kiltz, Clay St. Woodstock. Phone 549. _ 7-tf FOR SALE -- Schwinn "New World" bike, hand brakes, like new. Cushman Motor Scooter, 1 hp., two speed transmission, coil springs. Call - 428-W after 5 p.m. * 15 FOR SALE -- "Dressed Ducklings" -- Palmer's Poultry Ranch, McHenry 699-R-l. 15 FOR RENT -- Available Sept. £st U> June 1st, 3 bedroom home. Automatic oil hot water heating unit. Full size basement. Phone 530-J-l, Johnson, Emerald Park Subd. 15 FOR RENT -- In Johnsburg, 3 room apartment with bath. Available Sept. 1. Phone McHenry 87-M after 6:00 p.m. 15 VHRJVM CLEANER REPAIRS INMr Cleaner Sales ft Service -;;CARL BARN1CKOL |f|y ^;"74 Woodlawn Park Phoas 646 W-2 v€-tf FOR SALE •-- Everbearing strawberry plants. Radio and phonograph console. Desk. Phone 530- J-l, Johnson, Emeral Park, after 5 p.m. 15 FOR SALE --- 1 boy's 26" bicycle in good condition. 4 nfw 14 ft steel wagon beams. Call Wonder Lake 3838. 15 FOR SALE -- Champion bred English setter pups registered, 3 months old, paper trained. Grand Sire^ Field Champion "Mississippi Zev". Reasonable. Call Clearbrook 3-0813. 813 S. Mitchell, Arlington Heights. 14_2 FOR RENT -- 3 rooms in Lakemoor. Nice quiet location. Full basement and garage on black top roadv Automatic oil furnace. Rent reasonable. Phone McHenry 517- M-l. 15 FOR SALE -- 6 room house, river frontage, garage. Oil heat. Near town. Call 476-J. *15-3 McCULLOM LAKE -- 6 room house on 2 lots, full tile bath. Combination screens, automatic oil heat. Insulated, siding. Must sell, leaving State. Immediate possession. Call 537-M-2. 15 FOR SALE -- Snug Harbor Tavern on River Road. McHenry. Phone Mrs. Brady, McHenry 877- J. *15-3 FOR SALE -- 8 room house, la McHenry, near schools, churches shopping areas, good income property. Large 2 car garage. Reoly care of Plaindealer Box 359. 5tf FOR SALJ& -- Year round home, 5 rooms and bath. Large screened porch. Automatic oil heat. Garage. Private beach. Must he seen to be | appreciated. Rca&onabl3' priced. Plore 661«J-2. 15 LOT FOR SALE -- In McHenry, 90x132; reasonable. Tel. McHenry 1188-R. 15 FOR SALE: Year 'round home in Wonder Lake, 4 rooms with tile bath; oil heat, 1% garage, 75'xl25' lot. Priced to sell! Call Crystal Lake, 2118-J 14.4 FOR SALE -- Ten room house; four bedrooms; oil heat. Ideally located. close to business district cn lot 132x132. Also adjoining store and garage on Elm street. Will sell separate. Phone 978 or 520-W-2 for appointment. 15 FOR SALE -- Fine insulated large 5 room home,' over-looking Fox River. Private pier, automatic heat, full basement, large breezeway thru to garage, deep well, fine flowers and trees. McHenry 658-J-l. *15 FOR RENT -- 2 large rooms with kitchen privileges near depot and schools. Call McHenry 1059. 15 FOR RENT -- Excellently located apt., with garage; 3^ rooms; automatically heated. Call McHenry 445tM. »15 FOR RENT -- 4 room heated apartment, 2 bedrooms. Refrigerator, gas stove, hot water heater and washing machine furnished. Lakemoor. Phone McHenry 742. 15-2 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Man with lunu ber yard experience - only reliable person looking for permanent position need apply. Box 362, c/o Plaindealer. 8_tf WANTED -- Main to do Artificial breeding work with reliable concern in the McHenry area. Experienced inseminator or man on small farm preferred. Farm back FOR SALE - Oil space heater, perfect condition, heats 4 to 5 rooms. Will include 25 feet of copper tubing and filter and several . lengths of stove pipe, floor mat, I ground required. Will train." Write etc, $35. Phone 585-W-2. 15 \ p. 0. Box 877. 13.3 HURRY - HURRY - HURRY Before the fall rush starts -- Tree Trimming and Cutting Free Estimates (gladly givenj CALL TODAY -- McHenry 385 A & R TREE SERVICE HELP WANTED TURRET LATHE OPERATORS ENGINE LATHE OPERATORS High Earnings For Skilled Men OVERTIME PERMANENT APPLY - BARCO MANUFACTURIM6 CO. 500 N. HOUGH STREET BARRINGTON ifoadajr through Friday, tf ajn. to 4 pJk 381. 15 WANTED -- Down and crippled cattle at better cash prices. OrvilJe Krohnl Woodstock. Phone 1651-R-l, collect. •lS-tf WANTED -- REAL ESTATE We have buyers for Lake, River, or Channel Front Property, if you want to sell, call GEORGE D. WATTS, Realty ••'"ox Lake, 111. Fox Lake 7-1011 2-tf REAL ESTATE WANTED We have cash buyers for your homes, summer homes, farms, and business properties. We can sell your property if your price is right. JACOB FRIT? . REAL ESTATE in Johnsburg Tel. McHenry 87 27-tf WANTED -- Down or crippled cattle, $15 to $50 cash. Call L. BurnsMe aad Sen* Marengo 907, collect. 14tf WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO RENT -- By Sept. 1, .2 or 3 bedroom house in McHenry or vicinity for our new bookkeeper. McHenry £and and Gravel. Phone 920. 15-2 WANTED TO RENT -- Year round home near lake, with opition of buying. Phone or write. Hu 6-2817, between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. < 15 WANTED TO RENT -- Newlyweds, both working in Chicago; we will transfer our 'ease to responsible party. Modc.n, year 'round 5-rm. 2-bedroom apt.; semifurnished; gas heat; storm windows; screens; beautiful view; immediate possession Jf desired. No small children, no dogs. Tel. Pistakee 194. WANTED TO RENT #: WANTED TO RENT -- Urgent# needed by Sept. 1; 2 or 3 bedroom house, furnished, winterized for. comfort. Will pay reasonable price. Mrs. Plotner, Wonder Lake 5351. 15 MISCELLANEOUS MISC.--You can own a fabuloflB?. Pfaff Zig-Zag Sewing Machine by doing simple sewing. For da^J tails phone McHenry 569-M-l, Ar-' -vrite Bos 172, Barrington, 111.- 48-tf ; ui|L" A great opportunity to start raiding Parakeet:. Poor health corHf* pe;i<j me t sell my complete 15 breeding stock of well know#-- talk:ng and trained birds; includWirg breeding and flight cages. Act cnce and nave a lot of younff tfrds ready for Christmas. Phone, WANTED TO RENT -- 2 bedroom house or apartment furnished or unfurnished. Needed by Sept. 1 in or around McHenry. I Fox Lake 7-1841, ^cHenry 410r Call Wonder Lake 4601. 15 evenings. Ifc, WANTED TO BUY--Top price paid for iron, metals and junk ^ars. Ed Marsh, phone McHenry 563-R-l. 33-tt WANTED TO BUY--Cottage or winterized home; must have water frontage on river. Address Box 365 in care of Plaindealer. *; . 1 loti ADMIRAL CORPORATION NEEDS WOMEN, MEN, BOYS Free Hospitalization Bus Transportation Paid Holidays Paid Vacations NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY Office Hours 8 to 5 Mon. thru Sat. ADMIRAL CORPORATION McHENRY, ILLINOIS TELEPHONE 940 or 941 Saturday* 9 &.m. <o Noon I0E301 •All CIIAMIOIV MIICACI "tow ALL CARS Reconditioned and Sold with A Written Warranty. SAVE UP TO $100 , '52-DODGE 4 Dr. Sedan <R-H-Qyro> Looks factory new from bumper to bumgw£ *1795 '51 • PLYMOUTH 4 Dr Sedan (R-H-Equip) $|2« f One owner--extra clean--mechanically perfect ^ *51 Studebaker Club Sedan _ Beauty plus economy in this V-8 '50 PLYMOUTH 4 Dr. Sedan (Bq-ipprfi Had the best of care from it's one owi»er, '50 - DODQE 4 Dr. Sedan <H We sold and serviced this one owne?^< beauty '49 DODGE Sta. Wagon (Heater* Ideal all service car for business & pleasure '48 PACKARD 2 Dr. Sedan (R-«-Equip) $ _g- Perfect inside and out wlP '46 PONTIAC 4 Dr. Sedan <R-h-Equip) High quality -- excellent condition '46 OLDS 4 Dr. Sedan (R-h-Hydra-Matic You'll buy real quality when you buy this *495 *495 These and A Wide Selection of Other Models May Be Seen At A.S BLAKE Motors Inc. PHONE 156 ,-fcfcfc-yw. 301 E. PEARL STR

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