THnrsd*t, BopimMfrAf. 1999^ *M'~ ~ : Spring Grove mm* wism H •#...£: ; AS.d'X'l.Af?1* *-wm" I ') ^ > Mrs. Chftrleg Freuod *plte of the cold Weather llse firemen's carnival was a great success. People from neighboring towns, as well as many local folks, were present ••tai enjoy an evening together on Saturday. -^iLast Sunday the christening 'W Mary Ellen Miller, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Miller, was held at St. Peter's church. Mr. and Mrs. XJeorge Firsching * were proxies fpr the godparents, who are Leo Miller of Stacyville, Iowa, and Mrs. Eleanor Kramer of Ackley, Win. Engate. A levaly lynch W*» served after cards. The Tinneys spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tinney to help celebrate the second birthday of Laurie Tinney. Mr. and Mrs. John Sheets and Jack enjoyed a trip to Yellowstone Park last week. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Mc- Nally entertained twenty-one members of the Chicago Conductors club of Order of Railway Conductors, at a picnic lunch and supper. A gift was presented by the club to Mr. and Mrs. John Wilkey. Mr. Willcey, a Milwaukee road conductor, is retiring and they are leaving to make their new home in Miami, Fla. SCHOOL JUDGING - TEAMS m JUNIOR LAND CONTEST OCT. 2 , *11 parts of Illinois is revealed upils of St. Peter s school in the latest crop report of the Entries are pouring in for the junior land judging contest to be held in*"^ onjunction with the Farm Progress show on Oct. 2 at Armstrong, 111. Interest In the contest promises to make it the biggest ever held. An estimated 300 teams, mainly from high schools in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan ^ and Wisconsin, will compete for honors and pzire trophies. The contest ia open to all farm youth between the ages, of 14 and 21. A team is composed of three boys and an alternate. However, all four Will judge and the three SOIL CONDITIONS highest scores will be taken fqi? A shortage of soil moisture in I the team score. Each team must pry? Johnsburg News By Mi*. Betty Hetternuunn Mr. and Mrs. Howard Thomas and Mrs. Mary Hettermann attended a dinner given at the Palmer House in Chicago by the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Mrs. Lina Kilday and Mrs. Betty Clark attended also. resumed their studies on September 9. Students of Richmond- Burton high school have been boarding the bus every "morning for two Weeks as they started their classes on Aug. 31. The children of the public school have been pouring over their books for two weeks too, as their school opened on Aug. 31. Terry and Tommy Brits are Intending St. Mary's school in 'Woodstock. Frank Tinney* and leigh Kagan left on Sept. 9 for llvatorian seminary in St. Nainz. Wis. {Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund i^pve to Menominee, Mich., over Stjiyp-? weekend to attend the investiture ceremony of Thomas Freund as he enters the Salvatorian novitiate. Tom's name fltow in the religious order is Frater Nicholas. ie Sam Rogers family has . from the Lennon house to the upstairs flat in the Ben Smith building. A 7 la lb. girl was born to Mr. .*fM|d • Mrs. Ozzie Pretzman in . tfavy hospital at Oceano, Va., last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Myers are the proud grandparents. JMrs. Math Nimsgern enterttflned members of her club at her home on Thursday afternoon! Prizes went to Mrs. Frank Tfeiney, Mrs. Nimsgern and Mrs. --:-- -- : ----- be accompanied by an adult leader, supervisor or trainer. The technical part of the congest will be handled by Vermilion county, 111., soil conservation district personnel with the help of other state soil scientists. The Farm Progress show, sponsored by Prairie Farmer - WLS will feature the great technical gains agriculture has made in the last quarter of a century. The program includes'"'machinery in either 1951 or 1952, although exhibits and demonstrations, and in both those years tluv crops | explanations of scientific advanwere earlier than usua". Illinois! cea in corn production. pastures are reported in worse condition than in any year since 1936. state and federal departments of agriculture. Last year such a dry condition was not reached until about the last of October. Recent abnormally hot and dry weather has pushed Illinois corn to the point where more than 80 per cent is dented and m->ie than one-fourth in out of the way of frost. Both corn and soybeans are nearer maturity than they were at comparative dates Rmd The Wait Ada! There will be no charge for admission. Need A Rubber Stampf Qet It at the Plaindealer. _ CLARENCE'S^ SHOP _ _» #,p* ilouaee - Lawn Chairs - Lawn and Porch Swings tksnlp and Umbrella Table* - Pier and Park (tenches Juvenile Chalrn, Swings and Sand Boxes - Window Boxes flower Wheelbarrows - Rose Arbors, Trellis - Picket Fences, et*. Cabinets, Chest of Drawers, Cornices, etc. Cement Chimney Caps and Cesspool Rings and Coven MADE TO ORDER V CLARENCE j. SMITH PHONE MW-1 JOHNSBUBt. ILLINOIS NYE DRUG STORE 129 N. Riverside Dr. Mc Henry, III. ~ULfa£gAe&K figeacy dkug store Wmtgr--* Brnd Chlorophyll Tooth Paste AQc t « f c e . . . f v PuriiiM mouth. bt*ath Corfon 50eBOOK MATCHES 2:31 ( L i m i t 2) M-oufice Listerme Antiseptic The large Qc bottle m 100 Pure ASPIRIN 13 U;SJRj^ORAINHJ^M»LCTrS__B__ OLIVE TABLETS 60c DR. EDWARD'S LAXATIVE (Limi CASHMERE Bouquet gc TOILET SOAP, REGULAR SIZE CAKE 4SSOOCC0IIEE0TTYY QQFUUAAALLIITTCYY.. EJJUUMM BBTOO I BBSUUYYS!! UE(„L imSi, 2,>) «2iW8 Mi. I.Jcul tu-M !•.« " Triton.«. U(«o«. and ».lIlold- •trt, Lottt •Miraff, MIm( Hay Fever Aids! Formula 20 Foaming Oil SHAMPOO •tth NMKMnphcfle S-OWKC tottlfe . 5-Oi. Silt MENNEN Skin Bracer After have lotion DOLPH Paradenzol Crystals 16-0/ size lottor Plofti of test Cos#? Service • Qualit Economy W. A. Brsnd White Mineral Oil TAtCIR Antihilt*mine Antihiiltmimo AREFRIN C0MP0VRR TABLETS S 73c l fZG'% PAGE'S INHALERS 1Qc M«dicat«4 cijartttM. 4S . . 10 RUBBER BANDS " S t a r ' ' a s s o r t e d Oc sizes. For only . . . TIME TO SAVE! Aati-SpUth SHAMPOO A RATH SPRAY A7U 4Qc . vtfve . . ,B||| 5-foot hose COUPON I L' Peggie ' • WAVE • S SET ! • (Limit 2) Thursday evening litis year's bowling session grot under way. The ladies started on Thursday evening and the men started on Friday evening. This year promises to have high averages for all (we hope!). * v Our deepest sympathy t*«xtended to the "sfneed" Stilling family upon the death of his mother, Mrs. Gertrude Stilling. Mrs. Stilling passed away last Wednesday evening and -was buried in St. Mary's cemetery on Saturday morning. She has been residing with her son and family for the past year. mann accompanied Mr; and Mrs. John Herdrlch to Elgin on Sunday evening to visit the Herdrichs' daughter, Linda, who is recovering from polio at St. Joseph's hospital. Linda was stricken about two weeks ago and la recovering. quite satisfactorily. AcckWnii Coat $200 p . Per Family Each Yea ft '"7 Bill Ricks has sent word that he has high hopes of being back here by the time this is printed. Mr. Ricks had an accident in his home about two weeks ago and has been recuperating at his daughter's home in Morton, 111. Everyone is looking forward to seeing the "Mayor" again. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Lasser of Jak-Ana Heights are the proud owners of a brand new car. They are getting the" car all broken in for their forthcoming trip." ANNOUNCER CANDIDACY Robert L. Farnsworth, 44, a life-long resident of Glen Ellyn, 111., has announced his candidacy for U.S. Congress from the 14th Congressional district of Illinois, comprising the counties of Kane, DuPage and McHeniv. Read The Wu\ Ada! Mr. and Mrs. James Hetter- DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST Kt 136 S. Green Street, McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) : a -- <VE8 EXAMINED - GLASSES FITTED FLSL'AL TRAINING - VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VIS1AL ANALYSIS HeURS DAILY : t to 12 A. M. and 1 fo ft P. IL FRIDAY EYENINGSJ StttO to 8tS0 P. IL SYENIXGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE McHENRY 452 for PIANOS ORGANS largest and : .finest seleetloa 'til tte Fox We boy, sell, trade, and aervice all makes. Open Moa ft Frt. til 9 P. M. 26-28 N. Ome Phone S-8148 E9LOIN, ILL. "Buy with Confidenca" Accident# -- $200!- r Did you include that h» your family budget last year? That we a the averag-; cost of accidents per family in 1052, accordng to the National Safety Council. "Accident Facts," the oil's statistical yearbook, is just off the press, puts national accident cost at an avarage of $200 per household. There was one acciHt r.tal death in ffff households and one disabling injuiy in every five households. Renew »hat solMcrtptlaa ta Si Waimlealer MOW! . JE.444ckrA> ICE CREAM "THERE'S Dlfference'^l^l : Try It 9;-^-'^Todayt *&•'- '•'5 FLAVORS. BUY IT AT .. . » BOLGER'S DRUG STORE Oiren St. McHenry. TO. '7 -ft* - V fr'i ^ ! ' mm '• v'fe - i F ^Lj' -A . • m- • * • * v -'-'P. • • M WE NEED MORE USED N» Mort Staim! PAPER-MATE RELUXE PER S htrrtl 4 69 colors ... I Washable ink. *2.75 Value! 40-AR. Movement GF "Surttr" CORNING ELECTRIC ALARM ALARM Ivory; ^39 f«y to 038 Lady Eirixr'i 4-PURPOSE FACE CREAM 10-ovnco AOc if -- ly . vO Radiant skin. A St.tS VtM "Timt King" GILBERT POCKET ELECTRIC WATCH Kitchen Q39 hpvltrly O 98 clock . . . I# p r i c e d . . . m>~ Count* lor RATH SCALE Cfta<cc CIS o/toior.. O Guarantttd. J'/2-ox. Siio VICKS VAPO-RUB Menthol- -||(( CtH)l JUST KITE CLEANING FLUID • O-OZ. ' M UC can NALO SOAPLESS SHAMPOO Metk H 7C Size 60c Siie MURINE for EYES ^ja c bottle Your present car will never be worth more... • You'll never have a tetter opportunity thtn ridht now to make a good deal on your preaent car! Am " " •f/* M so bring it in to us NOW and let's talk trade! And we're on our Here's why: Your car is depreciating in value as it gets older! Our Fonts--^ new and old--are selling faster than ever! Naturally we want to keep t.hi« rapid turnover going--but we need more used can to do it! That's the high price comes in--for you! So do yourself a favor (and us, too). Bring your present car in ; . . no matter what make . . . and w» think you^R be pleasantly surprised at the wonderful offer we can make you. And while you're here, see America's "Worth More" cgr . . . the '53 Foul. Let us give you the whole "Worth More" story. Know why Ford's worth more when you buy it.. . WMth more when you fell it! . vvss • r.o.A.r. 531 Main SirMl BUSS MOTOR PHONS 1 1'^ a McH^nrr. ml If You're Interested in an Used Car - Be Sure to See Your Ford Dealer iSp ^ ts Jtf c .ssfc