I'WGWOOD By Mfs. George Shepard ocaoi locaoi M». Ben Walkington enter-1 Mtss 6Ma:ian Peet of Elgin tftined her card club Wednesday. A 1 o'clock luncheon was served •Ml 4>rtaes were awnrded to Mrs. K. L. Peck and Mrs. E E. Whit- The Community Club held its first meeting of the year at the tfihool . house Tuesday evening. Ttie business nfteeting wa? held Mid plans for the Hallowe'en party to be held in the church hall Oct. 30 wete made. TJie •chool children took part in the jrogvam,which 'was y6ry tiiuch •vjbyed. . The Ring^6od ' church •ored a family night with a pot- Itick supper at 7:30 in the church Mall Sunday evening. Mr; ; Ifrs. Glen Trion. showed, colored tildes of their travels through *•*'* the west. . • :\ " • - Mrs. Fred Wiedrich,. Jr., gave • i stork shoWer for M1rs. Lfland fcerg and her new daughter at /her home Wednesday afternoon. .Guests were Mrs. Don Smart of "Waukegan, Mrs. Jack Lenard of : Xrfike Geneva. Mrs. ,Louis Winri Of Richmond, Mis. Bob Brennan, Mis. Oscar Berg, Mrs. Glauser and Mrs. Phelps Saunders of lycamore. u Mrs. E. L. Peck of Elgin Is jrisiting her sister, Mrs. Ben Walkington. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard were visito:s at Elgin Monday.1 Mrs. Walter Low and daughters and Mrs. Viola Low spent Monday in the ° Charles Frey home at Palos Heights. Mrs. Beatty. who spent the past week spent the weekehd with her mother, Mrs. Lena Peet. Mrs. Charles Ackerman. Phyllis, Judy and Yvonne Bruce attended a'party in the Gene Ackerman home at Richmond Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Howe of Crystal Lake spent Monday evening in the Louis Hfiwley home. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard spent Saturday morning in the Alan «Aing?r home aft Hebron. . Mi's. Flora Harrison attended tjie wedding of her grandson at Wruikegan Saturday, v Howard Wattles arid son. t>oh- ;ild. and Glen Wattles, of McHenry and Mr and Mrs. Wayne Donahue, and, {amily. of Huntley -.pe'ttt'Siimlay •;£'#«£*-. son hoi]ie;...'-Vi;.'-' Mr. and Mrs.' William Heine of Chicago spent Sunday in the George Shepard homfc. . Mre. Agnes "j^ncks ^pent Sun-l and daughter, MaVy day afternoon " fhere, returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Trostrud and Mrs. Elizabeth Larson of Chicago were visitors in the Louis Hawley home Tuesday evening. Mrs. Georgia Thomas and son, j Loren. of Woodstock and Mrs. George Shepard were visitors at Richmond Tuesday mo:nin&. Mrs. Ben Walkington and Mrs. E. L. Peck visited friends at Waukegan Friday. Mi and Mrs. "Roy Dodd, >Mns. Agnes Jencks and Mrs C. L. Harrison attended Eastern Star mt Hebron Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hinze and Mrs- Louvie Morten son of Crystal Lake were caller# Mrs. Lena Peet home evening. v J*T:. and Mrs. Andrew Hawley Fox River Grove spent Tuesday evening in the Louis Hawley home. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Seegert ' of McHenry spent Thursday evening in the George - Shepard home. . ~ onenson oi illers in the le jp»rf»day home her daughter, Mm. Tom Pettise, and family at Barring ton. Mr. and Mrs- John Er.lert and daughter, Mabel, and Mrs. Fred Bowman spent .Thursday in the Dean Ehlert home at Kenosha. Miss Betty Feltes, Edward Skiflmore and Chuck Sowers attended the Cubs ball game in Chicago Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank ColiinS of Wilmette gpent Sunday with his mother, -Mrs. Mabel Collins. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowman and daughter, Nancy, spent Sunday afternoon in the Elmer Schultz home.at Pell Lake. Duane Ehlert and son, Jeff, and Lyle Ehlert of Burlington, spent Sunday evening with thejr parehtfc. Hilr. and Mrs. John Ehlert. - f Franklin Block * olf Milwaukee spent the weekend in the honfe of his grandfather, Dr. William Hepburn. - ; * Mr. and Mrs. Webster man and family of Chicago-were visitors in the Dr. William Hepburn home Sunday morning. i. Mrs. Fred Bowman and daughter, Nancy\ and Mrs. John Ehlert Were visitors in the Floyd Yardley homeS^ Woiodstock day .evening; ..Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich. 7r." Jim Wege» THg McHEKHY WJWBMfil ,-y -k fps!1 f f i t i r s & a y , I t f t l and family and Mr. and Mm., Louis Winn and daughter, Janet, were supper guests in the Phelps Saunders home at Sycamore where they celebrated the birthday of Georgia Mary Saunders, Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. riepburn visited Mrs. Susie - Evanoit' and Mrs Lill Conway at the rest home at Eolon Mills Sunday afternoon. 'Mr. and jfcfrs. Harry Ackerman of Waukegan and Mr. and Mrs. William Cruickshank visited Robert Sandesoa, . Waukesha Sunday. '* " -- Charles Carr of Hlnes hospital spent the weekend with his parents, JVlr. and Mrs. Lester Carr.' J Mr. ahd Mrs. William Pagnl WMrft. I>en* Peet and daughters, spent Sunday wtflt; raltfttVtt 'fttfAttMrfiui-- UBrt*ir Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bruce and family visited relatives at Roekford Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Shouse, Mr. and Mrs. Axel Carlson and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bruce attended the wrestling matches at the Amphitheatre in Chicago Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Adams and family spent Sunday evening with her folks, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Condon, at Richmond. School Ni Virginia Carr had a birthday party Friday. Friday, the upper room gave book reports. Russell Cflii vvfcs elected president and Jay Walkington seeertary of the book ( club for October. We organized a strident council. Hie members are Jerry Hogan, presideftt; Wesley, Bruce, I Jay Walkington, Edward Skidtary. Russell Carr*a team won the socker tournament for the week. The players are Russet! Carr, Jacqueline Skidmore, Anna Mae Alssen, tarry Feezel, Larry Bruce, Edward Skidmore, Chuck SOwe.s, Alice Ortlieb, Mary Ellen Cirr and Harry Hogan. Jay Walkington School Reporter Mr. and Mrs. Glen Treon of j more, Jacqueline Aissen, Walter California and Mr. and Mrs. | Hunt, Sandra Hoffman, Susan Heniy Hinze of Crystal Lake i Fossum, and Jacqueline Skidwere Sunday® dinner guests of! more," who waj elected s«cre- 8ALES TAX July gales tax collections amounted to $18,162,504, according to the state Department of Rveenue. Of this total, $10,089,- 500 came from ook couny, $7,- 857,138 from downstate and $215,864 from sources ouisir>e of Illinois. SOYBEAN HARVEST Hirvesting of the Illinois soybean crop is getting under way slightly ahead ' of last year's unusually early schedule, according to the weekly report of the state and federal depatrments* of agrculture. The beans are well dried ou, which ipiakes combining easier. A little com is being cribbec but general husking operation*, have not* yet started. More than three-fourths of the crop is mature enough t» he Safe from frost. -- ;--: jyi|« • rri.z> If you transplant peonies witJ' i the buds any deeper than, tw > I inches, they may never bloom. of ner. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lenard MEET TERRI 1EE_.. ASK ABOUT THE TERRI LEE THRIFT CLUB HELLO! If we haven't met before, let's get acquainted. Your playmates will beg you to bring me to visit them. I'm 17 inches tall and made of a hard plastic that looks just like your own pretty skin--and I'm guaranteed unbreakable. My wardrobe includes smart costumes for every occasion-- play, school, sports, and parties. In fact, my Terri Lee Friendship Club fans tell me that I'm the best dressed dol> in the world! COMf m AND Sit Mf M VYCITAL'S HAROWARK 182 Green St SHEET METAL SHOP lOVE 9* McHenry, III ' New Models NEW LOW PRICES! ! Um°'« Acfi FAMOUS \\cstinghouse LAUNDROMAT tind electric OiOTHBMtm Liberal Trade-In Allowance on your Old Washer * or Dryer ' " f » ' ' YOU CAN BE SURE... IF IT'S \Vfestin0house LAUNDROMAT Completely Automatic, Full Size, Agi-Tumble Action It's new! It's low priced! It's loaded with features that make washday completely automatic aYid assure cleaner, whiter clothes. ELECTRIC eumics DRYER Slanting Front, Fully Automatic, Faster Drying It ends heavy lifting, tiring hanging--all the hard work of line drying clothes--and it dries your clothes as you want them, dry or damp-dry. *249*5 Convenient, Easy Terms *1992? Convenient, . Easy Terms CAREY Electric Shop 119 Otmd St McHenry, IU. Phone 25? Essential Minerals mnd , ftiamins • • * in &ne Caosult *3.98 AYTINAL [Vitamins & Minerals with Crystalline B-12 339 NYE DRUG STORE 'Zfo44?AJi /J-luiGSfA- fa/elcmtte. . 129 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, ill. UVa&JAjzeit CtgeHCd/ DRUG STORE FREE! SHOPPING BAG With any purchase at our drug department. ^0 O&LCi BKMV) Walgreen'* CLEAN-GREEN 49c CHLOROPHYLL TOOTH PASTE 2 ?r.50 Bur 1--Sirt 97c! PERFECTION M« CREAM I": 2 s 99 Buy 2--Sa« $8«W! Olafsea Olev" percoworphum SOce 055SS drop' .i*""1 WEDNESDAY -THURSDAY • FRIDAY -SATURDAY FOR THE PRICE Or 1 PLUS You buy one item at its REGULAR EVERYDAY SELLING PRICE . . add a penny to get TWO! 5c "LUXURY' FRUIT OR MINT DROPS 2 i 6' 44 59c PINT _ W-A" BranJI Mineral Oil Not in Our lc Sale but TERRIFIC BARGAINS • pocket . RVMM dliiuAc" old Cre*1" SAVE 52.98 on Olafsen OLA-BERON-12 Contains 10 Vitamins plus 3 megs. Crystalline B-12> Regularly s5.98! Bottles of 100 98 CMHWMHIO OtL Aa 30UWCt BOTTti, Reouiarfv38»^S 27mug FOR Dry Skin Softener PERFECTION COLD CREAM 2 S 1-- Big 8 -oz. jars? "PO-BO" SHAVE CREAM 2for59c A nalgesic Balm, Keller s.. .2 for 89° flgc Fornnla 20, fot dandruff 2 for 98c 43c Deatal Cream, waigreens 2 for 49# 69® Bismadine, powder, 4%-oz. 2 for 89c Chililrei»,sAspirintwaigreens2 for 39c *4.89 0LAVITE, capsules. 50's 2 fo» 68S SSSES?W» ^38^ SAVE $2.29 on Olafsen ^ , AYTINAL COLOR TONED Multiple Vitamins LIPSTICKS |.j.uiminu 21 1-- O B««'es Q29 Many shades. ®f 100 Wu. 20% r.4..al BatdM Tax on Toll.*-. Antiseptic Pint Orlis Mouth Wash 2:70c Walsr««n'( ftmoniated Toetk Paste 2?44c Cream-Smooth Foraula 20 SHAMPOO 2s90e COUGH SYRUP COUGH DROPS Popular Brands 2£6C (Limit 4) 39c MILK OF MAGNESIA PINTS. 1c Buy* 100 More! OUR TWO BIO TV SHOWS . . . WISTINGHOUSt STUDIO ONI AND PRO FOOTIAU. Money Can't Buy Better/ Walgreen ASPIRIN 5-gr. tablets 2 Bottles Cllc of 100 79c Bottlts of 200 2 for 89« p«iy0l* Spray Deodorant ounce 2dc Calamine Lotion, 4^5unce . . >2r30^ 59c Keller Lozenges, box of 12 2s60c 45c Milk of Magnesia, Tablets . 2 i 46c 79c Dolph Liniment, 4oun«.....2g80c 1.19Tannette, lor feminine hygiene . -2 5 1 -- Formula 20 SHAMPOO With Efl 2 5 90c Walgr«en*» Chlorophyll Mouth Wash r t $1.39 PINT COD LIVER OIL 2 5140 Olafsen Your Choice "Sborelawn" PACKAGE STATIONERY 2 H 6 ' ^ 2 - q t W a t e r Choice of paper, tablets BOTTLFQ or envelopes. I.inen finish. ™ 2 i 2 ^ HAIR BRUSHES; «*»»>«. . 2 1 51e SHOE BUFFERS, sh**^... 2 £ 23c TOOIH BRUSHES, -2 s 39 Tablets Bottles of 1000 *1905 %-grain Valentine Hair Tone ;; 2^70c 63 c PINT MINOYL Mineral Oil 2164° 'HYDROGEN PEROXIDE i 46 PINTS $2.39 OLAFSEN BAYTOL 100 Capsules 40 2 1 2 CELENATE POWDER J 59c"KELLER" MOUTH WASH 16-ounce boitle 2 i 60c 'i il