j* ¥* ^^ T ^nw?5^ ~vv-& ^Jap ^ V-Tr^ ^"»v' "€*"^ • T^' f^- f$J -*w ' - ;> • •'• - -- CAH ^ ltionfun major LOHR [^SNAPSHOT GUILD ,;':f ^WwWMtiMhlp can make %tfofun," the president of the f^JMhlMam of Science and Industry • Wtf in a statement concerning '$ WlucationaJ television, prepared tot the news letter of the Chicago Educational Television association Major Lenox R. Lohr, formerly ^ of McHenry, who is also the iirsi 'vice-president of the Chicago Educational Television association, ; sponsor of the new, proposed nony commercial, educational televisioi station on Channel 11 stated, "Th' Museum of Science and Industry has adopted the idea that 'learn ing can be fun', that education and ' _ \ritertainment are pot opposing • elements. The fact that more thai! ; , two million people^ visit the Mu M.um each year and stay an ap V-reclable time is ample testimony t:y,~ Mt these two elements can be %"?: uccessfully combined to secur ; n audience. Showmanship is the *?>••! atalyst in the Museum that ha., f >rought the technical aspects o ?, %X!ience and industry into the realm of public understanding ' "he same technique employed lere can in principle be put t. .vork on television." __ He added, "The urge toward belf-improvement ( is one of tlu strongest forces behind all forms of education. Tljis force can be one of the most important assets ior Channel ,11 and should fc made the basis for a major part of its programing. Aside from th --'relaxation' and 'escape' benefit? accruing from the transitory en tertainment being predominantly oifered by commercial television jaw, there is little motivatior t.cward self-improvement. Others r> ore qualified, have pointed ou fhe danger to a civilization tha „ S specialized in technology." "Television is destined to pro \ de greater knowledge to large. : ambers of people and in so doing • /ill play an importan t role in th : ,a.uring of the public intellect. Channel 11 must by its inception. i ssume a major share of that 3 csponsibility." ., "It is encouraging to see the public's already considerable re- T^onse to the project of an edu ' «, ilional television channel. Al- 1. lough commercial television of iera many excellent programs o , : n educational nature, there is iv i till a grea: need for the j.ype o j rogram which will stimulate the • -ewer toward the acquisition o Luiowledge," Major Lohr concluded. Thursday, October 8, 1989 nA"r«-« SCIENCE and youry£* AD of the elements in thia scenic view seem to belong together • Ad combine •icely to bring attention to the barn. The curve of the fence and road b effective in guiding the eye to the main subject. The Importance of Composition VETS LIST METHODS FOR DISPOSING OF DEAD ANIMALS Stata law requires that all dead animals be burned, burled or hauled away by a licensed rendering company. Here are some suggestions for safe disposal, given by veterinarians: 1. Bury the animal at least six feet deep. Cover the carcass with a layer of quicklime to speed decomposition. Do not bury animals ;n awampy land near streams or on a hillside. When you can, bury the animal where you find it. 2. Or you can cremate the carcaas. Dig two trenches two feet wWe and 18 inches deep in the form of a cross. Cover with a metal grating or green posts. Heap several layers of dry timber on the gTates and lay the carcass on top. Start the fire with straw soaked in kerosene and add fuel as it is needed. Another successful cremation method is to cover the carcase COMPOSITION is important In every kind of picture taking, because it is the way the subject matter of a picture is arranged. When all of the elements in a picture are arranged in a pleasing fashion, then you have a picture that's pleasant to look at and I'm sure that's what we all want in our snapshooting. A picture that is well composed tells just one story, and tells it so well that a glance will tell you why the picture was taken. This means that you must study the scene carefully in the camera's viewfadsr so that you don't get parts of two or three other stories in it When you take a picture of a little girl playing in the backyard aaadbox, and oa one side you see a neighbor hanging out the family wash and on the other side you have half of a man changing a tire on an automobile -- that's a picture that has parts of several stories and kills the punch of the main story you want to telL It is as though you had taken an article from this newspaper, cut the paragraphs apart, and inserted at random, lines from other unrelated stories. Obviously, it would be a very garbled hodge-podge. And some pictures I've seen are just that! In taking the lime picture, if the photographer moved in closer to the little girl and her playing in the sandbox--chances are good he'd have a pleasing picture that tells its story simply welL In no case is composition more important than in scenic views. Sometimes, if the action is sufficiently meaningful or the person involved very interesting, we can forgive a certain amount of error in composition in some picture types. But in a scenic view, if it isn't well composed you just don t have anything at alL Probably the greatest difficulty in composing a scenic view is being able to separate what we can see with our eyes from what we can see in the camera's viewfinder. A little concentration is the answer. If you really look at the scene through the viewfinder, with your mind as well as your eye, then you will know just what is going to appear on your picture and will take it accordingly. --John Van Guilder THE LOST VIRUS '< T v> by Science Features A lbrrugated paper tar fotf&t more than 30 years after it was lost in a University of Michigan laboratory has yielded what may be an important clue in solving the riddle of the virus. For the virtu, smallest of all known disease organisms, is one of the largest unsolved problems of science. Viruses cause such diseases as infantile paralysis and influenza. The story begins 44 years ago--. in 1909. Dr. Frederick G. Novy, Michigan's famed bacteriologist, Aas conducting experiments with k powerful virus fatal to rats. The ii us, kept constantly supplied with he living tirSue believed necessary or its existence, was studied for Jti years. In 1919 the test tubes containing the virus were lost. Thirty-two years passed. 'then, in 1951, workers cleaning N.e laboratory found a corrugated ;iper box hidden in one corner-^- md inside with the lost test tubes. Meanwhile, scientists had greatly added to their knowledge about viruses through use of the electron microscope and other new devices. They believed that the rat virus so lonjr neglected would be dead. _ Instead, it was deadly. When the test tubes and their brown deposits were ground up and injected into healthy rats, 75 per cent of the experimental animals died within three to eleven days. Dr. Novy, who retired in 1935, came out of retirement to prepare a scientific report on the lost--but still very much alive--virus. As a result of this discovery, scientists are investigating the possibility that other viruses, perhaps those which cause human disease, may be capable of long periods of survival without a living "host" on which to feed. DEPAUW 8TUDBNT8 #1 Two students from McHenry lave registered for the winter omester at DePauw university, ."hey are Kenneth J. Dorsch, son >f Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dorach of Rt. 2, a senior, and Normar. versten, son of Mr. and Mrs. Que lersten, also of Rt. i. Norman s a sophomore. Cold Star Wives Service Foundation * EXPENDITURES FOR SERVICE AND DIRECT AH During its Eyst eighteen months of o£«ratioi I9j8% summer camps jsak .6% HOUSING 1*4 67.9* SOCIAL SERVICE 35% MEtHCALC^ J.6% EDUCATIONAL 47% MISCELLANEOUS White Ipoc* lllvitrot»i *xp*nditvr»> for namtovt mtWcm for ssM fltor fomWtt. $hod*d won 4«nofe, in th* most part, rfirad (I iMtf fa# 4«net«i •xp«ndilur«t lot information and »«r*k» Mntafi oiiitlanc* with oil typci of partonal probliM, (deluding thoi* involving conlact with £ov«rnm«nt ag«nci«> an# •Mi handling of wolfaro torn. ' roprtMntt paymonti to ov«f •tt >tf*4r«d mm' tfcrovghovt tfc* Unitad Slot** in baholf o< Gold Star children.' roprMMtt payments mad* directly to phyiiciont and ho* Mr ltd of Odd SloirR«!!I§i. ^ ropraMnh grwtH to educational in«HMtwM to apply §| f# Hon poymonti for Gold Star children. represent! poymenti given i| tooni to Oold Star f--lll» for emergency touting au<stance. J? Include* loan* for attar parwiaal aaargatMlaai palrlafk «Ml cultural activities for Gold Stor Sons and Daughters) transportation expenses for Gold Star mothers and a widow to attend burial tervices far their ions and husband. • with oil and straw and finally with a layer of heavy, fairly dry manure, the veterinarians say. Disposal of animals that die of anthrax disease must be conducted under the supervision of a veterinarian. Proper disposal of dead animals is a major factor in the control of animal disease in your herds. Keeping your own herds healthy will contribute toward preventing serious animal health problems in your community. ° Seft Telears Soft velours are being used ta many of the new hats. Choose the shape and "flare" which does the most for your face and hair style, be it a top, side or back flare. Seamleaa Bow If the weather's humid aa4= yen, itill want to wear hose, ehooee the seamless styles because you then won't have te turn and twist the hose into plaee la have tha seams straight V.F.W. NEWS The last meeting of the V.F.W. auxiliary was well attended, with thirty members present. Plans are shaping up for the dinner ind bazaar to be held Nov. 8. A fried chicken dfhner will be served from 5 to 7:30 o'clock. Tickets may be purchased ahead of that date or at the door. A baked goods booth will feature cakes, pies, cookies, candy and home-made bread. We would like another table or two of pinochle players for our card tournament. Come over next Monday for our regular meeting. JEAN WETLAND (OE Clttning tools « extra COM. £mqi mojttAk Don't Be Misled Why pay outrageous prices for a water softener* w Get yours wholesale. I CALL PHILIP=RICKER PHONE: McHENRY 417 8 Local wholesale representative for Johnson Softn water Co., 17 years of proven experience « FREE WATER ANALYSIS V i j| No Obligation opoi... oxaoi losaoi No Money Down jj J,-,.--»r>. I --•-,*% UP TO 40% OFF On Factory Imperfects LET US^HELP YOU PLAN A STEP SAVING, WORK SAVING ELGIN KITCHEN THAT WILL GIVE YEARS OF ENJOYMENT AND PRIDE YOU ARE INVITED TO BRING YbUR KITCHEN PROBLEMS TO US. No -- Visit Our Factory Display Room - 667 N&. State S>t. Elgin, 111. ASK FOR MR. KEVERN It Pays to Advertise In The McHenry Plaindealer GENERAL TRENCHING Complete Septic Systems INSTALLED NETTS SAND & GRAVEL Telephone McHenry 584-R-2 •QUAKE dANCING , Beginning Saturday evening, 0ct. 10, there will be square dancing for 'teen-agers at Edge- Acts As % Seal Pottery containing flowers mart. ly ne*ds water dally. To prevent "swesitaf" on the ontsfde which leaves a white ring on woodwork brook school from 7:30 to 10 underneath, give the pottery * coat o clock. two ^ shellae when dry. Tha ihellac acts as a seal--Just as i| lead The Wast Ada! toes with wood. be informed.. READ YOUR LOCAL NtWSPAPW Fall Special! 82 GALLON TOASTMASTER ELECTRIC WATER HEATER ifaodel 82 Re2 Regular $164.95 NOW! UNTIL DEC. 1st $139" LEE & RAY ELECTRIC "THE STORE THAT SERVICES EVERYTHING IT SELLS" SU MAIN STREET PHONE \bu Wouldrit buy slacks without trying them on... 0btoti.. m # su9q*...ot # cka* Phone us today lor a hope Rowing--no obligation. You get more for your money when you try before you buy! So before you buy any ne* -ar, be sure to^ take our Natth "10-Mile Comparison Trip." See how much more automobile you can get for your car dollars . . . how much more the new continental-styled Nash offers you in performance, economy, safety and comfort. Why BUY A Car Without It Out? L&H TELEVISION SALES & SERVICE J,--tsRation* -- Appttanoea fill Fraaft tt, none McHenry 009 Genuine Hydra-Matte Drive on all Models--while they tail CALL YOUR NEARBY HaAA. DEALER Downs Nash Sales, 405 W. Bm Phone 484 McHenry, FATHER FLANAGAN'S CHOIR IN PERSON a . * Father Flanagan's Boys Town Choir jta the choir t'sdB Dowd Memorial Chapel. t; ^ ? TUESDAY, OCT. 20th - 8 p. m. " at • ^ McHenry Community High School Gymnasium Advanc. Tickets on Sale ai - - MeGEE"S • WATTLES DRUG STORE - STEFFAN'S JEWELRY - RIVERSIDE / Sponsored By C. 0< F. -St. Mary's Court 594 :5it.