• - \1 October 22.1959 THE McHENRY «-ciw-f '!•' - "t " mstm -111H V9m Pag* TMrteoB RING WOOD m-f • •"• iSc By lira. George Shepard ioi aocaocssss •."" t :i" o . Q IOI 3fl i t' The Bunco Club went to Elgin • Wednesday to the home of Mrs. ";lfildred Munshaw, where the £ birthday of Mrs. Grace McCan- , #on was celebrated. All enjoyed , 4inner at the Y.W.C.A. and then • ^ifunco was played in the afterwtBoon, with prizes awarded to ,Hrs. George Shepard, Mrs* v Georgia Thomas, ^frs. Grace IfcCannon Mrs. Jennie Brown, Sirs. Lester Carr, Mrs. Laura . Munshaw and Mrs. Fannie Udall. le guests from Elgin were Mrs. • • 1 .Jennie Brown, Mrs. Laura Mun- ' . jhaw and Mrs. Fannie Udall. • Ifrs. Georgia Thomas received ' the special prize. •V®. *W»® Evening W.SsC.8. and the :a-~ W.SJC.S. held a joint meeting in Ringwood church Wednesday ; vetiing. Mrs. Gordon Fossum, resident of the evening group *nd Mrs. C. L. Harrison, president of the afternoon W.S.C.S., 5 Had charge of the meeting. Mrs. "Elsie Hoppe showed movies of tier trip to Mexico and a display Of articles from Mexico were njoyed. They were brought by • r .the different ones that had been 1 to Mexico. Mrs. B. T. Butler •nd Mrs. Paul Walkington show- .Ji.'lld slides of Africa as they had been studying the people of Africa. Coffee and cookies were Served. The W.S.C.S. will hold their Smorgasbord supper and bazaar in the church hall Oct. 29. There Will be plenty of fancy work, ap- . tons and homemade candy for •ale. Serving will start at 5:30. The senior M.Y.F. met at the „ Greenwood church Sunday even-, Ihg- Mr. Bacchus, a citizen of v British Guiana and- a student at Garrett, was present. There will be no school Friday As Mr. Andreas and Miss Heideinan will attend a meeting of • ttie northern Illinois state teach- ? irs division at St. Charles. A pot-luck supper was held in the schoolhouse Monday night at ^ §:15 for the parents and'teachers " f l|f the Ringwood school. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Sowers and son, Charlie, and Mrs. Betty Buchberger and children , spent the weekend with relatives at Decatur. Fred Bowman and Albert Oonk went to Chicago to the football game Sunday. Mrs. Fred Bowman and daughter, Nancy, and Betty Feltes attended Liberace's piano concert at tile Civic Opera House in Chicago and then spent a few hours in the Kenneth Powers home. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Ehlert and sons of Bohner's Lake spent the weekend in the John Ehlert home. Mrs. Ehlert remained over Monday. ' Mrs. Frank Albright and Mrs, Ben Kunz of Wilmot spent Thursday afternoon in the John Ehlert home. Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., and daughter, Mary Ann, Mrs. Jack Lenard, Mrs. Louis Winn; Mrs. Martin Wegener and Shirley were visitors in Oakj Park Thursday evening. Mr .and Mrs. Philip Saunders and daughter of Sycamore spent Sunday in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. Sunday dinner guests in the George Shepard home were Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger and family of Hebron, Mrs. Georgia Thomas, daughter, Hiley Jean, and son, Loren, of Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young of McHenry were callers in the afternoon. William Pagni wp a Chicago visitor Saturday and visited his mother who is ill. Those from here to attend the | Eastern Star card party at Mc- Henry Saturday evening were J Mesdames William Cruickshank, r Lester Carr, Louis Hawley, Roy Hairison and Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Stevens of Toledo, Ohio, spent the weekend with his sister, Mrs. Agnes Jencks. * '< Mr. and Mrs. William Harrison of Round Lake and Mrs. Ardin Frisbee - of Greenwood spent Saturday with their mother, .Mrs, Flora, Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pettise and family of Barrington spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Agnes Jeneks. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison spent Sunday in the Henry Marlowe home at Huntley. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas, daughter, Audrey, and son, Duane, and Miss Do. is Bauer attended the homecoming at Northern Illinois State . college at DeKalb Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frey of Palos Heights Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Olsen and son, Chailes, of Richmond, Mrs. Wilmer Montayne and children of Huntley. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox of Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and family spent Sunday in the Beatty-Low home. Charles Carr of Hines hospital spent the weekend at his home here. Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Sr., and daughters, Mae and Mrs. Lester Carr, attended a shower Jew- Mis Mary Ann Wiedrich at Elkhorn Sunday. William Cruickshank visited several shorthorn breedy in Wisconsin Saturday. Mrs. Kenfteth Cristy and son, Kenneth, Jr., spent the weekend with relatives at Waupaca, Wis. Dr. and Mrs. William Hepburn and Franklin Block spent Monday with M;ss Jean Block at Kaufman hall at Naperville, wheie she is attending college. Mrs. Richard Clark and son of McHenry and Mrs. Frances Costello of Hartland spent Saturday afternoon in the William Cruiokshank home. ' Mrs. Paul Miller and Mrs,, Anderson of Kenosha spent Tuesday with Dr. and Mrs. William Hepburn. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler spent Sunday in the Harold Stanek home at Elkhom, Wis. ovJkfrs. Charles Ackerman returned home from Woodstock hospital Sunday, where she undrewent surgery. Phyllis Bruce of Belvidere spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bruce. Miss Maxine Vogel entertained at a miscellaneous shower at. her home at Elkhom Sunday afternoon for Mary Ann Wiedrich! Those from here to attend were Mrs. J*red Wiedrich, Jr., a$d Mary Ann, Mrs. Louis Winn and Mrs. Jack Lenard. \".V ®«l»ool New* Margo Andreas celebrated her third birthday Friday. Her father treated the upper and lower rooms. The school had films on "Take Care of Things" and "Animals on the Farm." The upper room and some of the lower rbom went to see Mc- Henry's hometom.ng parade. Jay Walkington School Reporter OIL PRODUCTION Drilling operations in the Illinois oil fields du:ng September resulted n the fnding of five new pools and two extensions to pools, according to the monthly report of the state geologic.il survey. The new pools are: Melrose South in Clark county, Decatur in Macon county, Calhoun South in Wayne county, Junction East in Gallatin county and Ashley in Washington county. Estimated production of oil during September was 4,956,000 barrels, compared to 5,029,000 barrels in August. CARE" Accepts Holiday Orders Turkeys,«with or without the trimmings, are now awaiting orders for Thanksgiving or Christmas delivery overseas in the annual CARE food packages especially prepared as holiday gifts. CARE's area office in Chicago at 188 W. Madison street, has announced that anyone who wishes to assure festive dinners for relatives, friends or needy families abroad may order the birds" immediately, as a $12 Turkey Package or an $18.75 Holiday Package, complete with a whole canned turkey and a generous serving of j extras. Order s may be sent to ! the Chicago CARE office, or to 1 outlets established a public service to accept CARE package orders. 1 It was announced that increased parcel post rates will* not affect CARE's prices, since the non-profit agency dbei its own shipping and warehousing. Parcel post fees alone would cost a minimum of $5, CARE officials said, if an individual sent • overseas a package comparable ! in weght to the average |10 CARE food package (also available for holiday gifts). All the CARE turkeys .are broad-breasted Belts vilie Whites weighing a minimum of 8^3 lbs. and have the meat equiva- ! lent of a regular 10 to 11 lb. j bird fully, dressed. They are j steam-roasted in their own juices ! and can be served cold or heat- ( ed and browned. Based on recent surveys of food needs, this year's Holiday Package is in two var iations: One for England. Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, the other for Austria, B e l g i u m , F i n l a n d , F r a n c e , Greece, West Germany and Berlin, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Yugoslavia. The turkey alone goes to Japan, Okinawa and the , Philippines as well as all the rcountnes\ above." ? "'J'-.•• y Lie* can slow down cattle gains and sometimes cans* death by causing a loss of Wood Bite wounds and initation froc the lice may cause the animals to rub and scratch, resulting in serious wounds. A. F. & A. M. 107 N .Court dt. Meeting. l-3rd Tuca, Visitors Welcome Phillip Ricker. Secy Phone McHenrv 417 o. fc. s. 107 N Court St Meetings 2nd & 4th Tues Visitors VVcUnr-r* Myrtle Harrison Sc« Tel. Won Lk 3641 FRESH CANDY j. -M' -H- •{"M-fr-' 4» WE DRESS YOUR FLOORS & WINDOWS ' SEE OUR COMPLETE LINE • LINOLEUM - TILE - CARPETING ~ • DRAPES - CURTAINS - RODDING • VENETIAN and VERTICAL BUNDS i PHONE 917 for Free Estimate TONYAN'S HOME FURNISHINGS 208 E. ELM STREET McHENRY, ILL. COUPON |'M lnlctlp'| 115 NaiIl ! Clipper • • File on it, too! • | SoYe With Coupon (Limit 1) Carton 50 BOOK MATCHES (Limit 2) I Vi-px. J*r VVAlCPK0S RUB 1-pound Sizt MDAELXTT0RSIEFor Bab\ NYE DRUG STORE Ijcui,'le* /JtiucufA- 12*9N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, III. ON SALE THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY UUatyxegH Agency drug store Olive Tablets "££22 Zinc Oxide OMTMEiT 1-OZ. TUBE (Limit i) 14 LuxToilet Soap s.&' 30° Wax Paper"E23 AM Wtattw Typo 3 ROLLS OF ANSCO FILM Your choice: 4 2 3 4120 or 620 . . * I rails of #127... 14* 15c SH0E,nc BUFFER II 14-©*. Apu Eq.-53 Methproofer Mothproof* Woolent "74; 12-oi. GERIT0L TONIC B Complex ft Iroft All $2.75 Values! Big ALARM CLOCK Sale! All 40-hour 039 movomontl.. mm Darby, Corning, or Ring. fox 10 TAMPAX M*d«raSa«Hary 2-ounce Plastic 10c FUNNEL . . 7C •Cot a COLD7 ANEFRIN A"tthl9tamino tablets l£*39c at ..... H"P"ocheckn>i..r» Carry ln pocket .. JJ® WALTNO GAR6i.E_4.ot JA Wash bactena away 49* Cough relief. 3-oz. OZI IASAL DftOM' ja, typtus. l-oj. .. _ 49 Motf HALO SHAMPOO Wo dulling film. 57' 10'Ounct Increases appetite Household Bargains! Sa/ine Laxativt SAL HEPATICA Medium bottle 69 Quick Relief BAYER ASPIRIN Bottle CO( of 100 OA D Iff Sturdy Bristled Upholstery| Brush Sore todoy 13c| (Limit 1 only) with coupon Fine Test-lot9 RUBBER GLOVES a 65c en Voluo! .051 Thin... tough. Stylet For All 8-PIECE COMB SET Rugged pUstic Idetl For Home or Office STAPLER & STAPLES InpUttic 98 Easy loading. 1 CHEESE CLOTH CHIC. Ix2-yards COOKIE SHEET Sturdy metal GRAPEFRUIT KHVE 3-inch blade BLASS WAX SOLD SEAL 16-ounoo METAL DUST PAI Edged with rubber Sc Luxury FMruiint tDs roo r Big SS.tS Value! GILBERT CLOCK For the 039 (I.iinn i>) kitchen MAGNESIA TABLETS Botti* of 75 onlt MURINE FOR EYES Convaniant droppat bonl* .... EMPIRIN COMPOUND Fait haadacha laliat 25 . . . l-Who Said Toads y Are A Luxtiry? Add Hie cost of cleaning ' * this man's rain-sotked dothes and you'll a^ree door-to-door taxi actually saves money. A cab can help In a hundred dlff< ent ways. When you need k CALL 723 McHENRY CAB Our Whitman's refrigerator gives you kitchen-fresh candy ail year 'round... Got some today! 0 mm <0 CHOCOLATES BOLGER'S DRUG STORE 103 S. GREEN STREET PHONE 40 McHENRY. ILL. PROFEWDrifiL DIRECTORY DR. ARTHUR J. HOWAID Chiropractic PhysidaB 1B4 So. Green St., McHeory, B Phono McH«ary IMS Hours - Moa. and Frl. 10 to 12:S0 - 2 to 8 Tues. and Thurs. 1 to t Sat. By Appointment locaoc: DR. C. R. SWAXSON Dentist ^ 120 S. Green Street " v- r Office Hours: Dally Except Thursday 9 to 12 -- 1:30 to 5:S0 MMM Wed. and Frl. Eveol^>. By Appointment Only Teleohone McHenry 1S§ € VERNON KNOX Attorney At Law Cor. Green and Elm Streoti MrHenrv, 111. Xnesday and Friday AfteraoMM Other Days by Appointment Phone McHenry 43 rsocioi --mnie" s WILXJAM M. CARRCMX, Xr. Attorney At Law 110>/2 Benton Street Phone Woodstock Woodstock, Illinois JOSEPH X. WATNNH Attorney At Law Waukegan Road (RFD Phone McHeary 492 West McHeary, IB. ANNOUNCING NEWDODH TRUCKS Brilliant new design opens new era in trucking! See how new lower work-saving design saves you time and effort! Pick-up and panel floors are as low as 22 Vi inches from the ground ... knee-high for loadiag ease! Lower running boards for easier entry! Lower hood for greater visibility! New low center'of gravity for extra stability, safety, handling ease! New grille, integral fenders, sparkling chrome! New colors! New sleek lines! New Dodge "Town Panel" combines brilliant beauty with the greatest cubic capacity of any Vi-ton panel! New two-tone interiors! New Dodge styling will build prestige for any business! (Jew! engine, line-ups! POWIKFlfL NIW V-t'S--FAMOUS THRIFTY 6'al, „ America's Greatest Array of Truck.Power! In addition to cost-cutting 6's, Dodge now offers the most powerful V-8 engines of any leading trucks! Available in 2-. and 2*6.- ton models . . . standard in 2V*-, 3-, 3li-ton! Hemispheric^ combustion chamber for high efficiency! Free book tells ho# high engine effici^ncj^ saves you money. See us for your copy! FRANK S. MAY BLACK DIBT Sand - Gravel - Drivewifl Excavating' Route S, McHeary, m. , 'i,, < fhone: McHenry MO-M-t saraocioi - m^rr' Sand Lfmeatane VERN THELEN Tnacklag Gravel Black Dirt Excavating Tel. McHenry 588-R-l or 888-W-l Box 218, Rt. 1, McHenry, BL A P. FRIEND A SON».^_ / Excavating Contractofs * * v '%ruckin|r, Hydraulic aad| Crane Service -- ROAD BUILDING -- TeL 204M McHenry, •. aaaoBQi jouqux ; rvsiRAxcis EARL R. WALSH Blre, Auto. Fair? <*• Life lininn Representing SELLABLE COMPANIES When You Need Insurance •# Any Kind PHONE 43 or 953 Green A Elm McHenry, BL , lonoi aonoc; COMPLETE ROOKKEFPING SERVICE tV • ftr the small busineaa Mj|l| Reasonable Rates I Income Tax Returns McHENRY BOOKKEEPING «ni TAX SERVICE Professional Bldg. 210 So. Green Street Phone 788 or 263-M 7 -f\ aocaoi New Dodge cabs offer real easy-chair comfort! New cab heating and ventilating available! New sealing against dust, drafts! New easy-to-see arrangement of instruments! New convenient glove-box location! New higher, wider doors! Big, one-piece windshield! Total cab vision area of 2261 sq. in. . . . more than any leading make! New value throughout! Shorter conventional tractors make 35-ft. trailers legal anywhere-- 3,000 to 5,000 extra G.C.W. in 3-, 3Vi-, and 4-ton conventional models--and Power Steering available in 4-ton trucks! NEW! Em vdns...yit still pricri with thi Iwistl Sn tins May! A. S. BLAKE MOTOR SALES, Inc. 301 E. PEARL STREET PHONE McHENRY 156 -- 30,000 MILE GUARANTEE -- •Ar-inr-- STOFFEL & RE1HANSFEBGER Insurance agents for all cla---- el property in the best oompaalML West McHenry, HUmI8 Telephone 300 50 Main Street McHeary* WB> • • SCHROEDER IRON WOKKS Ornamental & Structural Steal Visit Our Showrooms 8 Miles South on Bt, 8*.-.^ \ Phone 950 *^ R I N G ' S PLUMBING and HEATDMI BOB FRISBY, JR. Quality Fixtures-Radiant Gas and Electric Water Water gysteens - Water pairs - Free Estimate* Phone McHenry *tf .s: • * FRED W. HEme ^ Reellor OwpM« TELKPHOKB IB r