;*r> .**• k.Mtl-<n itfkirlU^Hg; ' -««L mi-i ' * *r - ' ' , ~ • • * ,« •' - V^^r* 2**?: .*'v^ % .Vij 'W' * tJ- ^ J" r:#Vf,'&:•>* In? "-3%; RINGWOOD By Urs. George Shepard rfs^jc^ '• Mr. and * Mrs. Pete Sebastian •fttertained their card club at their home Tuesday evening. Prizes were awarded to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy, high, and Mr. and Mrs. B T. 13utler, .low. , Miss Mae VViedrich entertained the Bunco club at the home of Mrs. Lester Carr Wednesday afternoon. Prizes were awarded to, Mrs. Grace McCannon and Mrs. Yiola Low. Lunch was served. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Viola Low. This will be the Xmas party. The Home Circle was entertained in the home of Mrs. Pete Sebastian Thursday. A 1 o'clock luncheon was served. The usual business meeting wa? held and t program in charge of Mrs. Flora Harrison was enjoyed. It consisted of readings and games. Mrs. Oscar Berg was co-hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Costello of H&rtland are the parents of tbeir first ehild, a* daughter, born at the Woodstock hospital Nov. 12. Mrs. Costello was the formet* Margaret Cruickshank and Mr. and Mrs. William Cruickshank are the proud grandparents. The Round-up Club held their meeting in the church hall Saturday evening. Supt. Duker of McHenry gave a very Interesting talk. Refreshments were served after a pleasant evening. .Quite a few from here attended the achievement program of the 4-H clubs at Algonquin Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Granbferg and daughter, Barbara, of Oshkosh fpent the weekend in the Kenneth Cristy home. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Granberg and Mr. tuid Mrs. Cristy took Barbara to Chicago where she Will attend school. Mrs. Beftha Hawley of Elgin sad Mrs. Floyd Howe of Crystal I*ke and Mr. and Mrs. James ftainey of Genoa City were callers in the Louis Hawley heme Tuesday afternoon. * Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard Jpent Wednesday evening in the $lenry Seegert home at McHenf f - I Mr. and Mrs. Robert SchulUse and daughter, Ruth, of Milwaukee, spent the weekend with Dr. and Mrs. William Hepburn. Mrs. Weldon Andreas and daughters, Darlene nnd Marge. Spent Sunday in the Albert Ebel Home at Algonquin. Frank Walters of New London, tbwa, and Miss Cora Walters or Crystal Lake were visitors in the Louis Hawley home Friday afternoon. M/Sgt. and Mrs. John Woodllpard and sons have returned from Japan and are spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mis. Louis Hawley, brfore jjping to Nashville, Tenn., where he will be stationed. . M r . a n d M r s . H a r o l d B r u c e o f Qjpdyke, III., spent Saturday in the Clayton Bruce home. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox 01 Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Low and Larry Thomas of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Walter LoW and family spent Sunday in the Beatty-Low home. Mrs. Joe Condon, At lUetmeai. Mr. and Mrs. Don Smart arid son, Bob, of Waukegan spent Sunday evening in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. Mr. and Mrs. James Wegener spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wegenez at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Adams Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Howe of yspent Saturday evening in the Crystal Lake were visitor" in the Louis Hawley home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Chlert, Trudie Oonk and Mrs. Fred Bowman spent Thursday afternoon at Kenosha. Mr. and Mrs. 'Alan Wagner and family of McHenry spent Sunday in the John Hogan home. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Senkerik and family of Chicago spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard were Sunday dinner guests in the Mrs. Georgia Thomas home at Woodstock. Mrs. Fred Bowman and daughter, • Nancy, and. Betty Feltes visited friends at Pell Lake Sunday afternoon. ^ Charles Carr of Htnes Hospital spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr. Sunday guests in the Clayton Bruce home were Mrs. Clara Bruce of Mount Vernon, 111., Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Culvey and family, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Shook and family of Belvidere. Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Shook and family and Mr- an{* Mrs. Axel Carlson of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Granville Carlson and daughter of Hillside, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Lea and family of Garden Prairie. Nancy Bowman and Betty Stanley Diedrich home at McHenry. Mrs. William Cruickshank, Sr., and Mrs. William Cruicksh.-ink, Jr., spent Sunday in the Fiancis Costello home near Hartland. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison were supper guests Sunday in the Henry Marlowe home at Huntley. ,••• Mrs. Ardin Frisbie of Greenwood spent Wednesday afternoon with her mother, Mrs. Flora Harrison.' Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pearson and sons attended the * banquet Thursday evening for the football players at McHenry, given by the Kiwanis club. Mrs. C. L. Hariison and Mrs. Flora Harrison spent Friday afternoon in the Lon Smith home at Pistakee Bay and called on Mrs. Luella Stephenson at the Villa Rest Home. (McHenry towpship is going to have * basketball tournament. The games will be played at the high school. Ringwood has entered eleven boys: rtussell Carr, Charles Sowers, Jerry Hogan, | Harry Hogan, Jay Walkington, Larry Feezel, Dick Aissen, Wesley Bruce, Larry Bruce and Edward Skidmore. Jay Walkingtort School Reporter CHEVROLET SHOWS '54 TRUCKS - UNEXPECTED DEATH CLAIMED SUPT. « « WAYNE McCLEERY Ringwood School Neftrs The organization of our school paper was held Nov. 9, 1953. Charles Sowers is the editor of the school paper. We win have about three papers a year, one paper to each family. Louetta Feezel will be assistant editor. The name of the paper is the Ringwood Tribune. Some of the things in the paper are: BeReve It Or Not, Lost and Found, Feltes went to Chicago Satur- Sports, News About Our School, day to the Chicago Theatre to I Our Clubs, Compositions and ads. see Julius LaRosa. I The Children will all help with Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., and i the organization of these things. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Winn visited! Some of our good artists will friends at Techny. 111., Sunday, f try for the front page drawing Mr. and Mrs. James Wegener We got letters from Tuba. Cltf returned home Saturday evening | Indian school Nov. 13 from their honeymoon ,trip to I 777 ,. . .7 St. Petersburg, Fla. William Cruickshank attended a short-horn cattle sale at Mason City Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Adams and family spent Sunday evening with her parents, Mr. and Friends of Wayne B. MtCCleery throughout . McHenry county were shocked to learn his unexpected passing shortly after leaving a doctor's office in Aurora last week Wednesday, Nov. 11. He had served as superintendent of West Aurora schools since leaving Crystal Lake In August of 1830. Mr. McCleery, known to many McHenry folks, had attended school functions the previous night and went to the doctor's ^office Wednesday for the treatment of a sore throat. Death came on{% a few steps outside of his office.' His wife, two daughters and a sister and brother? survive. The body rested at the Healy chapel in Aurora, where services were held at 2 o'clock Friday, with burial In Oak Mount cemetery. A coroner's jury concluded that death was due to anaphylatic shock brought 'on by an injection of penicillin, based on findings of an autopsy. A pathologist who submitted the report said this occurs only once in about a million cases. Stop Taking x Harsh Drugs for Constipation AvoM Intestinal Upset! Gtf MM TMi Gmtta VtgfMh LtxtOn Wiyl for constipation, merer take harsh dregs. They cause brutal cramp* and griping^ disrupt normal bowel action, make *+• petted doses seem needed. Get smrt but gtntk relief whea foa an temporarily constipated. Take Dc Cddweli's Senna Laxative contained ia Syrup Pepiia. No salts, no harsh drugs. Dr. Caldwell's contains an extract of Senna, tut •/ tin fata nsturml Piptmkh Uxmthts kaowa to medicine. Dr. Caldwell's Senna Laxative tastes t l i t t H -H-H good, gives gende, comfortable, satisfying relief for every member of the family. Helps you get "on schedule" without repeated doses. Even relieves stomach sourness that coostipttioa often brings. Buy Dr. CaldwdTs 30^ site today. Money back if not satisfied. Mail boate to Box 480, New York 18. N. Y. Who Said Ttncis: ••Are A Luxury?• • * • ( » < » Add the joont of cleaning <» tfcis man's rain-soaked clothes and you'll agree < door-to-door taxi actually saves money. A cab can help in a bundled different way*. When yea need ) CALL 723 McHENRY CAB :• 4. | . . H ' » • » l Casta* fee /iter Id Emporia. Kan*., Cart Tats Wniams drew 90 days after he denied that he was a Peeping Tom. tbld the judge that he was merely looking for something to steal. 5 'SOlf Lsft-Orer Left-over bread can he tSS## Hi Rich dishes as cheese fondue, bread puddings, or for French or milk toast Mine Safety Root bolting, now used of timbering in many modsm cost mines, actually binds together thi overhead layers of reck. Urns msl* ing them self-supporting, 5S;"SS| C<niio%r Farming Contour farming reduces loss the top soil and retains the in the soil for the use of plants. Distinctive front-end styling is keyed to added power and greater raggedness of the completely re-engineered Chevrolet tracks. Features include new engines, optional automatic transmission. Increased cab comfort and safety and easier bad convenience. DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST Ai 136 S. Green Street, McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HOURS: DAILY 9 to 12 A.M. and 1 to 5 P.M* ""RIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 to 8:80 PJ». EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE McHENRY 452 ICE CREAM There's a ; : • Differences^ Try': Ij'f r Today I A L L FLAVORS BOY IT AT ... BOLGER'S DRUG STORE ; Green St^ Mdlenry, 111. 6et tiankfuI of HORSE POWER Ask fot... TOOL FLVINC ^A-CASOLIN E You 11 enjoy the performance of full-power driving with a tankful of Tydol Gasoline . . . it's liquid horsepower! Tydol starts your engine instantly . . . takes you smoothly without stalling to whatever speed you need. Start fast ... go smoothly and get there quick ... Ask for Tydol Gasoline .... it's liquid horsepower! CARLSON OIL COL" FUEL OILS mohenHy, nx. PHONE 255 or 42* ••aci-' it ,3;! .1 ' !«•«.»« ' car is more on We're trading HIGH on our v53 FORDS--a doub^ advantage for youf 'Wr/yv- 21V j * Mi >4*1 U : "HI •. • •» • '. • I;' - #| *-- V r - i ' " -jfcn 00^ jpf. #vM W .'} I" I " j We're offering trade-in deals you can't afford to pass up! Our Fords ere selling faster than ever and we can afford to offer the besttrade- ins ever to keep the ball rolling! Your car will never be worth more on a new Ford than right NOW! Bring your car in today and see for yourself that the best deal in town is on a new Ford! YOU CANT BEAT THIS -COME IN TODAY AND LETS TALK BUSINESS! \\XK > /rv4v When you think of Ford, it's just natural that you think of "mostf* » . « "best" ... "only!" Ford has the most glass area of any car in its field-- giving you Full-Circle Visibility. Ford is the best car for keeping its value. Used car surveys show that year-old Fords return more of their original cost than any other car. And Ford is the only car in its field with Center-Fill Fueling that permits "filling up" from either side of the car, suspended pedals that eliminate floor holes, foam-rubber cushions in all seats in all models, and a new "Wonder Ride" which reduces road shock in the front end alone up to 80%! How about it? To get the most for your _ 1 r«.A.r. money, you can't afford not to buy a Ford.... QUICK DMUVOtYl TGSt Ifcr when you buy when yew aeM HI Drive the new Ford today! BUSS MOTOR SALES * * t 1 «"!» *- \,4 mSr S31 MAIN STREET --f-Hr PHONE McHENRY If You're Interested in an Used Car- Sure to See Your Ford Dealer •. m "S