to overt e*l valve V-8 engine developing 161 horsepower, a new 1 tan*** front suspension and improved body styling are the major Ml of Ike 1M4 Mercary. A new four-barrel can>nretor has bee* "" lied lor rapid acceleration and economical operation. A longer • appearance hat been achieved by an extension to the rear mmL new treatment of the side moulding and a more massive JSSntZLt end grille assembly. A IriMrioos tnterior trims have been included* Shown aere la mo Mercury Monterey sedan. • BYBELL At Patrick's Catholic Chwreb Bar. Bdward C. Coakley, Pastor Masses • > Sunday Musu: 8:00, 9:00 10:00 and 11:30 SJaily Mann: 7:00 and 8:00 Holy Days: 6:00, 7:00, 8:00 and 0:00. , ttrat Mftk Orwnmnnioa dlarltfated at 6:10 ant during 7:Mr md 8:00 Masses. Ooafssskms %t*rdays: 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. and %l to 8:00 p.m., and on Thnrsfcotoro first Fridays: 4:00 to :M pjm. and 7:00 to 8:00 pja. ^ St. Marj^s Catholic Ckanlf r MUr. G fc Nlz. Pastor Massea T:0Q. 8£Q, 10:00 and Buy Days: C:00; 8:00; and 10:00 »-#eok Days: «:45 and 8:00. ' "* UrttTrtday: 6:30 and 1:00. . 8:00 pjn. and T:00 7 . before First Friday: 8:#0 Maaa on Thursday; 8:80 aiXT:*».ia. flt Mh Catholic Chnreh Spring Grove John L. Daleldea, Pastor Wednesday: Prayer Mooting; d p. m. For other information. Write P. O. Box 238, McHenry, DL, or call the E. W. Brooka home, Mc- Henry 801-J-2. "You're Always Welcome Here. Wonder tale flMfd Chini (Nonsectarlan> . flank W. Anderson, Pastor 8enrlces Sunday Bible Bchool: 10:00 Morning Worship: 11:00 a.m. Sunday Evening Sorvloo: 7:4k Prayer mooting Thursday, 8:00 p.m. Bring die family with you to Sunday School and Worship Services. There Is a place and a welcome tor everyone. Btafwood Methodist Church Rluffweed, I1L Rp*. Darrell D. Sample, Pastor Sunday: Public Worship, 8:80. Church School: 10:SO. Choir Rehearsals: Wednesday evening St Andrew'! Episcopal Church Sunday: 7:30 and 11:00 Sunday School and Family Cucta&rist, 9:00 Hot. Jon K. Smedberg, pastor Phone Orayalake 8-2911 ¥ 8:90; 10:00 and U:9ll . Daya: 6:10 and t:99. Weofclayt: 8:00. IVMay: 8:00. , Oontesskras ^ Saturdays: 1:80 and 7:^^ : ^Yfeuraday before Flrat Friday; 7:1*. St. *eseph's Church d, BL ay mnsM: 8:00 add 10^0 y Maaa: 8:00 •ly Days: 7:00 and 9:00 Ft. Frank Miller, pastor St. John's Cathelle Church ' Jehnthnrg Joseph M. Blitach, Pastor Masses 7:00; 8:S0t 10:00 and Days: 7:00 and 9:09. before First MUr: T:88i lutherMI Avck Ohurttt ot the Lutheran Hour John St W. McHenry. 111. Sov. Carl A. Lobitx, Pastor lohool: 9:00 a.«k 19 :18 a m. rm 'Hi' oordlally Invited * to our aervicoOb of McHowy Mala and Cfcator Streets - , J. Wott Oorbott Pastor School: 9:30 Worship: 1Q;4| MYF: 7 PJM. MYF: 7 P.M. hoard meeta first Wody of month, 8 p.m. r choir rehearsal, | pjn, cordlal invlUtion is attended amdyour fsotfly taeoeseaad »ift tfe- 'oung AdnlT Fellowship: sea* " 8undaya: I p.m. IT »t 120, t**aM o. Ulierty, pastor School -- 9:45 AJf, Service --- 11:00 *• U jgy„v W--t" "S erv' ice--8:00 P.M Chrlat the King Catholic Church Wonder Lake Sot. James A. Vaaderpool* pastor Sunday Masses: 8:00 Low Mass, 10:00 High Mass Catechism: Sunday, 8:45 A.M. Daily Mass: High Mass, 8:00 AM. . Holy Days: 6:00 and 8:00' A. M. Altar And Rosary Meeting: First Thursday Of Month, 8:00 P.M. Holy Name Society Meeting: Second Thursday, 8:30 P.M, Confessions: 8unday, 7:30 A. M. and 8; 80 A. M. Bt, Mary's Kohoogil West Side Oriole 'mill North of Dole Avenue, Crystal Lake, HI. Dr. Hubert Carlton President in Charge Clerk of Bishop's Committee, Phone Crystal Lake 675. Sunday Services: Holy Communion, 8:00 A.M. Choral Eucharist, 10:00 A.M. (Morning Prayer second and fourth Sundays) Mission House, 331 . McHenry \.venue, phone 1009. Mrs. C. S. Wright, director. History was made list week when the Bell Telephone system announced plans to construct the first telephone cable system a cross the Atlantic Ocean. It will be by far the longest underseas voice cable in the world and the first laid at depths found ill mid-ocean. * The announcement stated that an agreement had been signed for construction of the cable by the American Telephone and Telegraph company, the British post office, which organization provides telephone service in Great Britain, and the Canadian Overseas Telecommunication corporation, which furnishes overseas communications for Canada.' Spanning the Atlantic with a cable system capable of carrying telephone conversations will be the achievement of a goal visualised many years ago. Research work on such a cabl* has been going on for twenty-five years. The proj^t will take three years to complete and will cost $35,- 000,000. The transatlantic portion of the system, with its many vacuum tube repeaters, will be 2,000 nautical miles in length and will be laid in depths up to three miles on the ocean floor between Scotland and Newfoundland. It will then connect with another submarine cable extending 300 miles westward to Nova Scotia. From there, a 350-mile overland microwave radio-relay system will be built to carry the trans- Atlantic circuits to the United States border where connections will be made with the Bell system network. Many technical and economic problems had to be solved. Development of the technical design for the deep sea section of the cable project has been under way in the Bell Telephone Laboratories. Research by British telephone engineers has produced the design for the Newfoundland - NoVa Scotia section of the submarine cable. Amplifiers had to be developed which could be laid successfully from a cable ship, and which would operate satisfactorily without attention under the great pressures existing on the Atlantic floor. Such devices were developed several years ago and have undergone successful trial between" Key West, Fla., and Havana, Cuba, since 1950. There will be over 100 underwater repeaters on the transatlantic segment of the porposed systeni. The vacuum tubes used in these amplifiers have been under development for years and have withstood both laboratory and underwater operating tests of the severest kind. Bell system overseas service opened On Jan. 7, 1927, with a single radiotelephone circuit connecting New York to London. During the first year, service rapidly expanded between the two countries and nearly 2,500 calls were completed. Since then, the; service demand to Oreat Britain has multiplied by more than thirty times. Last year, for example, some 75,000 conversa- WMWita \ V *• ,v -VM, ».• T.»' *A • v m lmnlin lahty Wdti >*im By Mr*. Betty Hettemmmi Too* mush spunsd MNd 13/430 porsons and ii*-. Jurod 59S,000 h 1952. Only YOU enn provont tr«fNk6 •ccMonti! Wl tions were completed to Great Britain. The Bell system now furnishes telephone aervine to 102 foreign countries and annually handles about 1,000,000 overseas messages. Operators here in McHejvy handle about two calls a month. nusnter IN TOWN! PLAINDBALKta WANT AO& it ••• Another lleihoi -. Here's another method lor removing coffee stains which may also have cream and sugar mixed wtth the coffee. Sponge with coed water, lot dry. then spoAge wtth cleaning fluid or powder. Old coffee stains may he difficult to remove, so it's smart to get at <*«•»•» tight sway. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thelen was christened Gregory Alan on Nov. 29 at 8 o'clock in the afternoon. Sponsors for the little boy were Mrs. Gilette Doimellan and Mr. Dan jMonte, an aunt and uncle. . Dinner was served at the home Of the paternal grandparents, ilr. and Mrs. Art Thelen, where the HarTy Thelens also reside. Those attending the dinner were |fr. and Mrs. Don Monte and Children, Duane and Nancy, Mr. hnd Mrs. Donnellan and daughter, Barbara, and the maternal jtrandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Waller Plnnow of Crystal Lake. Gregory Alan was christened the same dress that his father >d the Thelen children Wore at irtr christening. The same afternoon" the infant Hon of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jfarsh was baptized. He was JMuned James Bdward. V f,/ ' ; V" • - Joseph Huemann a«i^-r:^SBjit,' fim and Bill, travelled to Indiana to see the Notre Dame foothall game. They saw the "Fightihg Irish" come out undefeated against Southern Methodist by m score of 40 to 1*. ' ^ . * I had a very nice phhno call from Mrs. Andrew Jensen of Miller's subdivision last week. Mrs. Jensen . wanted me to express a public "thank you" to all the wonderful people of Johnsburg, Plstakee and McHenry who came to her and when she needed them most She wanted to send a special debt of gratitude she owes to the Johnsburg rescue squad for their quick thinking in answering her call on her husband's behalf. Mr. Jensen was stricken with a heart attack and the rescue squad was summoned. With their quick action plus the help of up-to-date equipment, they were able to make Mr. Jensen comfortable until he was taken to HineS hospital, where he is recuperating at the time of this writing. That is only one of the many calls the rescue squad has answered. So let's all remember to stay behind the squad so they can remain well-equipped and ready for action at all times. A reminder once again, the all-impprtant telephone number is 1130. Use it when you are in need of quick medical attention. . Mrs. Mary Heftermann and a group from the McHenry V.F.W. auxiliary travelled into Chicago last week to attend the "Petticoat Party" television program. One of the ladies of the group appeared on television during the course of the show mij won a very nice gift. A little reminder for the parishioners of St. John's church next Sunday go to church with a few extra nickels in your pockets for donations towards the flowers for the altars on Christmas Day. itond tfco Want Afet •• - • * " • •-* - ^uiiiiiuiHtiiHiuuiiiHiiiiiHiiiniiiiiiiiiiiutiiHnmnitttiiiiiitiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiuttminiiiiiitiuiiiiiifHiiittiniiiuiiiiiiii | VOU ARE INVITED TO | FRANK'S BIRTHDAY PARTY SATURDAY (DECEMBER 12th KOEHR Nationally Known & Accepted ATTHE | fortable Electric Power Tools Corns In And Select The Propst Tool For Your Hobby r -i- 542 MAIN ST. PHONE McHENRY 486 2 *•. «**' watwessassao: ramus >^How to Profit front T JOB PRINTING Posters can be of large size for outdoor use, or in smaller sizes for counters and walls. Either way, they are excellent, low cost salesmen always ready to tell your story. Let us show you how they can bring greater sales to you. Call us. :;0baMlN» QUALITY PLAINDEALER * McHENRY '•'V. FHONE 170 1 102 N. Green Str«ei Renew »hat sabserlpttoo to tH PWindeoler now! If it'i a job for ' Bottled Gas •" ITS A JOB FOR SHELLANE KRUSB HAHDWARE COMPANY Richmond; HeHenr? County, DL Long Distance PhoAe ltl PARK PUB 1 • ' REFRESHMENTS SERVED iiitHitiiimiiHiiimwiiiiHUiiiiiiiniHiiiniititiiiHiiiuuitwiwHiiHHUiiiiiiitmuiinituitmiiiinwsimiiHiHiiiir the Want Worwick'f McHenry Camera Center Cameras Bought. Sold and EwchMgHtt Photo Supples VIEW MASTERS and MKfj See Us Before You Buy Worwick's Studio , ' '117 !t. 'Riverside Drive 1 Phone Mchenry ns ' FARM SERVICE WAY AUCTION Bewy A. Hreecnan and Eugene Fredifdk, Auetioneom ause of my sons induction into the Army, the undersigned will at Public Auction on the farm known as the Whistoh farm lo- Jd 5 miles Southeast of Hebron, 111., or 8 miles East of Hebron, on 173 then 2 miles South on Greenwood Road, or 3 miles Southof Richmond, III., on THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1953 Sale to start at 1:00 P.M. ^ 44 HOLSTEIN CATTLE C«w»--14 have JuK freshened; 14 are springing, **rhinrr to In eariy spring. 6 First Calf Hetfen, springing, due in Jan. tifeiry. 9 Heifers, 8 months old; 1 BulL VThis is an outstanding herd of cattle. They are large and of the itst quality and are all high producers. This is an opportunity to buy the best at auction. ..MILK EQUIPMENT-- 3 Surge milking machines, with motor and compressor; 18 milk cans, Haveriy 10 can milk cooler HOPS--23 Chester White feeder pigs, weight 80 lbs. flfcAIX, HAY, FEED--50 tons alfalfa hay, baled, mixed; 800 bales ^kraw, 1000 bu. No. 11 Clinton oats, 1200 bu? ear corn, 40 ft. ensilage III 14 Ct. silo, 20 ft. ensilage in 16 ft. silo. •sfraivACTOS EQUIPMENT--John Deere hammer "<ui $Rial Farm Auction Service Terms. ai ALBEBT HEUEB 1 FABM AVOtUm SERVICE, CtoUag FORDS are sel than everL-^.^. We're paying TOP priest 4li USED CARS because of fc2t turnover... and It all adds up to a BETTER DEAL for youi There has to be a reason why Fords are selling faster than ever. And there ts a reason--in fact, there are many reasons! Few care (none of them in the low-price field) can give you a choice--aaw Ford does--of both a V-8 and a Six engine a choice of three great drives--Fordomatic* / Overdrive and Conventional. Few cars (and only Ford in the low-price field) can offer features like Center-Fill Fueling, Full- Circle Visibility, and suspended pedals. * rrtW: These are some of the reasons we're selling so many Fords . . . and that's why we can afford* to offer you the very TOP prices for your carp °w oamd car stocks *• w® can ofieeyov a fopjhrwMn^woncm! The New Standard of the American Road •errr v-s '•A f IITWH aSOMM m wMM vort*»y #r • -^(Lat her fill her ewn etodcings for OiHstmas! Shell bar "--i 1 to if they're luxury sheers froi^. our elite collection of the be$i^ loved nylons in Apierica. Give her llrtnd new fashion shade and you're sure to be her favorite Santal 51 Gauge 15 Denier 3 pv ^2" McHENRY HOSIERY MILL omvb r.D.A.r. 010 CA* MlVI A NCW m fORO OjlM Uc. BU. lop Boa* . V, PHONE ssd BUSS MOTOR SALES 531 Main St. Phone Mc Henry 1 •*» McHenry, I1L If You're Intereoted !n wt ^g^USBD Truck -- Be S^o - tO "B»e :lFlNir Ford Dealer - - ^ t PI v.* .s v v. .M... •A'