•4A« ^F*H !• 'v' 7 •.:> •% * .-/•' „? • -i « > *3 .• ?' V> 'x*;iV•'1A -' > h " . ' V • '?* THE MdfiniBY Hhi'ifclll * I hll of home fires take during the holi- . warns the National IHre Underwriters.. canaes are (1) matches- 4 2) misuse of electrici- (3» stoves, furnaces, boil- MU their p(p«B. At this time of year, such ex- . combuetibles a« the "Christ- LS tree, evergreen decorations gift wrappings are in tN> {-: Jj»me. Wiring for indoor and outttooT tree lights and other orna- ' Iteenta may put a strain on elec- ^ - ^jtrtcal circuits. Old lighting sots • tnav have frayed or \vorn cords. ,£n addition to furnaces opeiating .•|»t full-acale winter capacity ' Stoves are/ often being overworked, cooking elaborate holi» day meals. Add these special holiday precautions to your year-'round fire safety habits, urges the National Board: . l. Throw away "gift 'wrappings as s*oon as the presents have been opened. ^ ,2. Never smoke or lay a cigarette. down near the tree or greens. 3. When Christmas tree needles start to fall, take It down and discard it outdoors. 4. Be sure that wiring for holiday decorations does not overload electrical circuits. H. Look for the UL label of fiip. and shock safety on every lighting set you buy, and when the cords have become worn rave them replaced or buy a 'new sft. 6. Be doubly careful npt to let grease accumulate in Oven or food Sense--Not Nonsense ANOTHER EXPLODED It's Timer to Tdffc of Teeth Another fallacy about food and teeth has been blasted. It simply isnt tree- that aH foods high in carbohydrate wreck havoc with our teeth, • •>,3 Used to be, that those who faced a possible losing battle with tooth •*?*-< detay were advised to cut down on the amount of refined carbohydrat# ' V foods as the only known way of meeting the dental caries problem, ',k Among foods singled out, were those made from white flour. That food» high in starch do not bring about dental decay i« demonv ^strated by dental health surveys made in several countries where the diet consists mainly of such foods. In Italy where 70 per cent of the v; calories are obtained from bread, spaghetti and macaroni, a 60-year iold person can be expected to have as good teeth as a 13-year old Ameri» lican child. In China and India where refined rice dominates the diet, dental decay is low. f Good thinking demands some "brushing-up" on the facts regarding :.V;decay. It results indirectly from the activity of micro-organisms living . ; |«m the covering of the teeth, known as "the plaque." The organisms pro- I. jdnee acids from sugars; the acids in turn attack the enamel of teeth. |;3Research shows that the breaking down of stat-ch by these organism! I |to its final product, acid, iG so slow that the evef-present saliva can . i.^offset the acid -farmed. Recent stasias emphasise the long-known fact that proper use of the " ^tooth brush *riU greatly decrease dental decay. It isn't always conr i lvjoiient to bitaih one's teeth after a meal, but it is possible to gently -^l^rinae the mofcth with a drink of water to remove sugars and any parr» •" 'v tides of other foods which might have remained after eating. broiler. . „ ' v •. " 7 Keep a bo* of baking soda and a large pot lid near, the stove. Either of then can be used to smother a small grease fire if, despite precautions, one occurs. 8. Be sure M|ur furnace is operating $afely.^HecMfefttfc>dically to see if the Milter and walls near it feel hot to your hand. If so, additional insulation may be needed to keep them from chn raring or catching fttpjlf in doubt, check with an experienced Repairman. i * i 9. See that no rubbish or kindling is left near the fundoe. They might ignite from radiated heat ' 10. Provide metal cam for ashes. Never place them in wooden or paper boxes. *! 11. Make a note to have the entire heating system inspected next spring, and cleaned and repaired, if necessary, before using it again. •4 ; iTwtffiWrinHiTsrrTi * A Kodak camera is a color camwa ; . *. a black-and-white camerq.., . f and a flash camera. * *, Brownie Hawk'eyt Camera, Flash Model Modern box camera with built-in flash. Takes biock-and-white or color snaps. C«Mf% $7.20; Flosholder, $4." Kodak Duaflex* Camera, Kodet Leas Inexpensive reflex-type camera. Takes'black-and-white or color ^ snaps. Camera, $14.50; Flasholder, $4.25. ; . 'KCobdmaekr aP ony Budget-priced 35mm. color cam-1 era. Has f/4.5 lens, flash 2001 shutter. Camera, older, $8.25. I? J ' Kodak Tourist Camera, Kodmt !•*« Popular folding model with builtin flash. Has optical view finder, g* Camera, $26.25; Flosholder, T\ $8.25. Mony olhi'f models i.t sfoi)< Pi < t • ' ' f >• d T a * vvh rr p j. BOLGER'S Green Street SF DRUG STORE! "3,. - McHtnrr ? PHONE 40 VWe Oi» And Redeem Gold'Bond Stamps t'i1***; ; R. COOPER Jt, lag i a E. DISTRIBUTORS; PROUDLY ANNOUNCE aTrh e$ nO MpecnHienngr yO.f A Now G. E. Franchised Radio and Television deatl' M. RADIO & TELEVISION SALE§ & SERVICE 118 No. Riverside Drive >honi McHenry 979 Thf pftM^sapeak for themse^es- 'CMIM ilt'-SM the big differ--CO 1 PICTURE SHOWDOWN G-l 21-indi Aluminind Twbo iLMK-BAYUTt A^twne 5n sn<l see our side-bvside picture comparison test. Then you'll know why people everywhere pick G-E Ultra- Visien 7 to 1 over other leading sets. Factory designed for UHF and VHF. '399.95 •iarrina f®/ O S. -t rmHf «ni3 TV. f CMS. 21-tMk Uki»VWM MR, *••• Oenuin* mohofony vmnrt. CM* ImW «wiv*l cMtf'rk. TOP TRADE-IN] W« IMV« planty *f buyM« hf |(i«r «M TV m, w w* cen fiv« • bios*r sHawanc* •« yow lrwf»-in! J . We,, tarn on this 0-C to any other set anywhere near its price. Yen be tbt judge. See for yourself the difference the G-E AhrminuMi Picture Tube makes--Wetter blacks, whiter whites, greater range of grays. Designed hi all-channel UHF-VHF. Let as show you this G-E in acti<a. Blocker blocfcsl Whiter wMttsI More tenet In h>iwedTBjSl*' .! hMl, (forring for C.f. ail radio on3 iy. FRS HOME mmmim SM a G-i right In your *wn htiml No •WlgaHon. '349* >1 IIClU. 21-in«h contol* in _ o*n«tn« mahogany vuiHrt end noii" LIBERAL TRADE-IN | SET ^ YOUR OLD TELEVISION | G. E. \ YOUR OLD TELEVISION SET IS YOUR t Clock [ DOWN PAYMENT. . 1 , ' iE.- Z BUvD .G E•' T I Radio AVAILABLE... r j m 11m k*9 Exdnhrtsl A«P WILL aid there's pletfy mtre dirpugiMut tM store! Come see! k 4 *'-V\ Want to put more m-m-m-m in your Christmas meni.. .IMMT , 4-^ more money left in your purse? Choose A*P exclusives -- Ann *;* ^ Page Poods, Jane Parker baked goods, Eight O'Clock, Red ;"4,4N Circle and Bokar coffees and other fine products made by -- or for - AfcP and sold with a money-back guarantee. When you • discover how much less they cost tiian other brands of com- . - '• parable quality, youH scarcely belicve your eyes. Come se& /. » some save at AfcP! ^ fruit Cocktail Saltana Brand in heavy •yrup --5 choke fruitt 30 Os. Sunnyfield Butter Buttor «t Its dolicato-fasHng best...churned from fresh, sweat cream and kept «t tha right tamponatwro ' 9t Scare '|*Lb. |M_ •l okwi»r^tsai fc^:1 0n. "" lona Apricots Sweet Potatoes A&P Pumpkin Tomato Juice d Grapefruit Juice UnpaeUd 29 Oz Helvfts Tin Aft? 18 Or Vac Pac Tin Fancy Grade A Kola,Ging«r Ala, Boot Bear 2 2 2 3 29 Or Tins 46 Oz Tine 46 Oz Tins 24 Oz Btb :'1 Pius Bti Dopotil 25' 25' 25' 3» 39 25 tfexo Shortening 3 it. 75' Mince Meat f Oz. 17 Tin Hare's Help for Holiday Hostesses! Fruit Cake lane Parittr' Fruit StoHan fVi lb. cake *1.29 3 ^ Isfflili ^estive favorite filled through and through with delicious fruit and nutsl - crve it proudly for parties --give it proudly, too! ^ ' '-.yjKlUHk Parker Brown'n Serve*4'-" Loaf Cake -1 *• ^ RoHs Parfcar 45c rStuffing Briead 29c llVliite Bread Jane Parker 16 Oz Sliced Ibaf f 25cPumpkin Pie ;jkog. Price 33c > v Ann Page Buys for the Quality Wise 4!m >I0VIS ,^< 5*G wuititky M Wwwtooftm ANN M#B finefio* ; Mm**8*. •MH MSI Pint STRAWeMRT 0*^0 |ASPHl Rea. Price 49c ^uperb mayonnaise for holiday salads. Fine eaiad oil smoothwhipped with efcg yolks, vinegar, pure lemon juice; fcrtlully seasoned: Preserves ANN- PAOS 41 ANN. MiM tearMe MLATIN EILNOID --^- CANS AND NUMTT f llswers 3 "-20* Black Pepper C • ^ 25c Vanilla Extract & ';1* 25° Syrup KT«N MF CI Grape leHu Peanut Batter ,20L ANN PAO« mm CRASAMI, MINT oe IMIYATIPN A , A2*ex. s 39tf 19* Mm; Jar Oz. 0't*t M: Why Wait Till Christmas to be Pleasantly Surprised? If you new use any other coffee, you've a pleasant sur- youll taste the flavor that comes only from real coffee, prise in store the minute you change to in-the-bean Eight ,.. freshly roasted, freshly ground, freshly made. Kemein- O'Clock, Red Circle or Bokar. You'll see your choice Cus- ber. holidays mean lots of company... and lots of coftom Ground exactly right for your coffeemaker.' You'll fee. So buy one of AfcPs fine blends in the handy, extra- IWe/' the aroma that promises rea/ co^e enjoy meat and bafii • • • * light Red drda Bokar MIIO AND MIUOW RICH ANO FULi-eOOKD viooeoue AND WlNCY 1.11. i>ie. i-u. •AO 84< 86< 3^$2« 3a!J52 3;.<25S ItViRY CUP OF CUSTOM GROUND AfcP COPPBB COSTS ' YOU LESS* YET THERE IS NO FINER COFFEE IN AMY fACKAGE AT ANY PRICE! ' • * ifiave Ufa to IX a pound compared with like-quality ooffeet. -V " ~M '• $OiD 1 i tXCLUSIVttf 1 ii1 v;-; 1Mil a " ATMimC S PACIFIC TIA COMPANY r i- ..1 '* 4. , . .. ..v.-.-? ••:v' V«X