$r7£i . ; * P k ' ~ y ; ' J&bsbisM^^R. )?* 1953 i? ; W'r- '.."JW^W* <5* * - ; '-, : j < . > % •- •-.' ""'.••!.:J,*'-'v '^V, -.'s^i •M»MIIIM»II>*MI 11 Ml Pt|4n»*<t Ml I in I H i l l * '\iwkafk Yoar Remedy? « all the conditions affecting human being, the common is undoubtedly the oue e- _ the greatest number of nenrtsdies which vary from common sense to nonsense in nature Yet, despite these various claims, the still most accepted Method of cliring for the common cold is bedrest, the educational committee of the Illinois St&te Medical society points cut i* health talk. , Just why some persons are More susceptible to the common cold than others is not known. In fact, it was only in recent yes^rg that the cause of the common cold, namely a filterable virus, was suspected. The condition takes its name from the f»ct that no one seems to be immune from it. On the average, a person is estimated to have at least two colds a year. Since the average duration of & cold is abput five days, one can estimate the economic factors in loss of time at work, reduced efficiency and accompanying debility. Until the specific virus is determined, a specific cure or preventative cannot be established While some of the newer antibiotic and antihistamine drugs have alleviated or abated the symptoms of the common cold, they are not completely effective Once the medication is withdrawn, the cold sometimes reappears. Because the ctimmon cold manifests itself differently, researchers are inclined to suspect there are many types of colds, all of which attack the respiratory tract with similar symptoms but in varying degrees of intensity. In some persons, a sore thro4t Is a fore-runner of a cold, while in others the condition appearp suddenly with at- (Sicks of sneezing, chills and headacre. In some persons, the cold is accompanied with aches 9fHd pains generally throughout the body. The muscles are sore and there is a distinct feeling of feth&rgy which persists for days • wet mmmx rubmrnkum v , : v r ^ r / n after the acute symptoms have disappeared. In the acute and severe bouts, the victim's eyes tear considerably and the eyelids become red and swollen. Nasal secretions are profuse. In very susceptible persons, coughing is an added misery, often producing an intense soreness in the chest and abdominal miuteles • and resulting, frequently, in nausea. Because of the inflammattdn throughout the entire respiratory tract, it is no wonder that very susceptible persons develop a severe laryngitis with its accompanying hoarseness. The person with the common cold is in a state of misery. The sense of taste becomes less acute and the discomfort is heightened by a loss of appetite. Strangely enough the common cold is not a seasonal affair, although the condition is more rampant during the winter months. Severe colds do occur in the spring, summer and fall. As yet there is no positive evi« dence to point to the exposure to drafts as a source of colds, although many persons can trace the beginning of a cold to such an occurrence. Just why some persons develop a cold when exposed to chilling or dampness and others do not is not known. If a cold develops', the best treatment is bedrest. Because the condition is so communicable, it is wise to isolate oneself to obviate its spread. Then, too, bedrest enables one . to keep warm, which is essential in the care of the common cold, and forestalls the development of complications such as pneumonia and pleurisy. The diet should include plenty of fluids and fruit juices. Medications are available to alleviate the symptoms. These produce temporary relief only 1 and shold* be left to the discretion of the physician. NICKEL PRODUCE* During World War n. more than 40 per cent of the nickel furnished to the Allied Nations came from International Nickers Frood-Stoble open pit mine in Ontario. M. C. H. 8. NEWS ALL WOMEN NEED , THREE GLASSESr * OF MILK DAILY F.H.A. The F.H.A. members met to send for pen pals. This is one of the eight purposes of international good will. Committees have been sippointed for the Christmas party Dec. 21. A food show and exchange of gifts will highlight the party. - ; • - / • All-Stir ballots w&re handed out this week for .the All-Star games Dec. 17. The Freshmen will play the Juniors and the Seniors will play the Sophomores. The winners of these two games will play each other. The results will be in the paper next week. Basketball • will start after Christmas. The G.A.A. price party, held for giving prizes earned by selling magazines, was a huge success. For dinner they had barbecues, potato chips, pickMa, Ifie cream and cup cakes. When, if ever, can this nation relax, and stop sweating? Dec. 13, at 8:15, consisting of four ensembles, choruses and soloists. The program ffcattifred moitJy Christmas carols with Anil lundborg. Larry Ekeroth, Sharon Garner, Bill Weber, Nancy Swanson and Betty Holochwoat as soloists. Jean and Joan Weber accompanied them. v-. ^ Christmas Saturday night, Dec. 19, the Senior class is sponsoring a dance in the boys' gym. The, dance committees are as follows: Decorations, Bob Comstock, Loren Freund, Carol and Marlene Arvidson, Marilyn Smith, Arlene Wimmer and Larry Ekeroth; music, Marge . Rogers, Arnie Freund, Joan Weber, Art Barbier and Don Avermanrt; refreshments, Mary Hogan, Mary Winkel, Carol Stilling, Anthony Schaefer, Paul Hiller and A1 Trendler; publicity, Jean Weber, Pat Skiba, Judi Roesch, Pat Chorus Program I Maher and Cliff Todd. The Choruses presented , thetr Entertainment will be by the annual program Sunday evening,1 Student Council. BUTCH'S SAVE MONEY ON YOUR CAR Regular check ups and maintenance by our experts means lower car costs, for p/mt WeDo Complete Motor Overhauling 809 W. Elm Street McHeory, DL Phone 811 Realdenee 91-R Mothers are concerned when a child refuses his mfeali, when a husband insists on eating what's not good for him or when an oldster has no appetite. But what about the homemaker's j own diet T ' The average diet of women as a group runs low in two important nutrients -- calcium and a B-vitamin riboflavin -- saps nutrition specialist Harriet Barto, University of Illinois College of Agriculture. According to Miss Barto, surveys show that the average diet of women includes little more than half the calcium that is n$ces9fu-y for best nutrition. Calcium, as you know, is responsible for bone and tooth protection. A long continued diet lacking in calcium results in fragile bones that break easily and mend slowly. The B-vitamin, riboflavin, is necessary for healthy eyes, skin and other tissues. It is also related to the body's resistance to. certain dieases. One single fodd --- milk -- is outstandingly rich in both calcium and riboflavin. In addition, it has other properties that contribute to a person's general good health. Experts recommend that adult women consume three glasses of milk -- or the equivalent in milk products -- each day. Three glasses of milk will give 864 milligrams of calcium and 1.26 milligrams of riboflavin. The recommended daily allowance of calcium is 1000 milligrams, and of riboflavin, 1.5 milligrams. It is practically impossible to have enough calcium in the diet usless you include milk. The milk may be skim or whole -- the amounts of calcium and riboflavin will be the same in b^th. Some women and teen-age girls don't use milk because they fear It is fattening. Actually, says Miss Barto, milk and milk p: oducts are basic foods in all scientifically sound reducing diets. The various forms and products of milk may be used instead of fluid milk if they are used in equivalent amounts to provide calcium and riboflavin. For instance, three tablespoons of dried skim milk ar£ the equivalent to one cup ttf liquid skim milk. OBSERVE LIGHTS DIAMOND JUBILEE YEAH IN 19S4 : STMNI.F>iN STIXU • First manufactured as a custom or specialty product, the nickel-containing stainless steels are now produced in large tonnages by many of the steel companies throughout the world. walls dale, chairman at Commonwealth Edison con.pailjf, has accepted membership on a national committee to «ponsor the celebration next year of the 75th anniversary of Thomas Edison's invention of tlie first practical incandescent lamp. He is one of thirty-five forming the sponsoring committee for light's diamond jubilee, it was announced by Charles E. Wilson, former president of General Electric company, who is serving as the committee chairman. Headquarters will b^ in New York. The names of Hoover, Edison, j Ford and Firestone, frequently linked a quarter of a century ago, will come together again in the committee, as its membership includes ex-president Herbert Hoover, Charles Edison, son of the inventor, Henry Ford II, grandson of' the motor magnate, and Harvey 8 Firestone, long time friend of Edison. Other members include national leaders of electric manufacturing uid utility companies. According to Mr. Wilson, community celebrations are being planner* in nearly 600 cities and throughout the country. • MHse Safety . Jtoef bolting, now asetf «s«c*i at Umbering in many modem eoal mines, actually binds together the overhead layers of reck, thus making theft* aelf-supporting. . -JOB* HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 136 S. Green Street, McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HOURS: DAILY 9 to IS A.M. and 1 to 5 PJ& #%IDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 to 8:S0 P.M. . EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE McHENRY 452 Hit's a job for \f- Bottled Gas ^ ITS A JOB ror j SHELLANE 2T A v$ J , •! KRUSE& HARDWARE COMPANY RMumM, MeHeary Oonty, Long UsteMe Flue 111 NYE DRUG STORE / . .. and It can be a perfect Electrical Christmas wHIl fpmething for everyone. . gifts you know will be appreciated---enjoyed--now and for years to come.. Whether it's $5 or $50# our store has the gift for your esads. •- % E. Steam Iron $1S.9S ieefMem Irotimosfsr $14.9S intsrmafic Timo-AII $11.95 ^Elsc-Trivst $4.95 Svnboam Mixmaitar Jr. $19.95| Eioctrk Blankets from $24.95 'li J «!! tloctric Clock* from $3.9t (plus federal tax) Toastmaster $23r.3|)l,.' Swnkaam Toattor $26.50 WMdngheusi Roo«tor-Ovoo • ' VV" $44.95 . 3, Sunboam Coffeomastsr $97.50 West Band Porcokrtor $11.95 Dulcfno Fryryto $29.95 • ir .it-i in ;-- 'M • I, •• Dormeyer Broil-Well $49.95 Sunboam Wafflo Bakar $25.95 See these and other electrical gifts, too... at our nearest store. ' Sunbeam Egg Cooker $12.00 Handy-Hannah Hair Dryer $9.95 Sun Lamps from $5.11 IASY TERMS Hme*|Mli low as $2 OoWfi--$2 a **onlt» i Sunbeam She voma iter hpMPANY IPUBUC rLjoufsie> 'fyeica+fte I^N.viverside Dr. McHenry, Hi. Add the FrecH Pme Wb oas to Your Home With "AMORAY" PINE SCENTED NoateboM Deodorizer trounce| JJ Mafee Chi iimm Cowlhti TOY » OANDY FILLED STfemtl » will these I 39* COUNSELOR" BATHROOM SCALE SL. 7«S UahMd dial The children delight in receiving one of fine woefcings. IMach 4A| 4M me OW tit* ..... Always ELECTRIC BREAB TOASTER 389 ZIPPER RAfi 20-inch siae SCRAP BOOK 10K 16 i»ch#o Budget priced . Toasts 2 alio** at one*; toa«t_ tum» whan doon oitop«B»d NEATIRfi PAR Moxtetcroit fot i nr Home ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR 7-c*t> MH Kittle Traveler SEWING KIT Everything to make pretty little dresses for included doll. Sturdy ^|| Battery Opantti UGITEB CAR Streamlined plastic HOBBY PLANE Kill All parts snap se» curely in place. 4 authentic models to Jfe choose W Holiday Bright VHLETIDE C0RSA6ES Deluxe CQC assortment VV In acetate boxes. K««pi eoM«« hot all poetise with real during th« maaL adlights; strong sprint carry case motor Gay Whtrfmf MUSICAL TOP Tiny Tots Love em Washable Stuffed Toys Swiss Jewel Movement Lstfy VMttr WRin WATCH Tarnish resistant duro-gold case: sweep second fltS For nap time or playtime Brightly colored animals made of wash able plastic, each gayty decorated and trimmed. Choice of; Zebra, lamb, donkey, 4 (g $ elephant, giraff and clown . | ~~ f Makes a 3-toaed muscial sound while spinning. Easy for even the t»y tots to work. Gayly decorated with bright colored designs. A sturdy COt mctal band. Fully guaranteed The Perfect Gift of AIL' Stary" Full FuUoned NYLOOOSIERV These arc first quality, lull-fash ioned hose, 60 gauge-- 4 £8 IS denier. • > 1 Bill twpww Ml Rings when dial is turned . ... , .vv^ Riag Tost fitM For indoors or out . Blsaty Draw on either side Wfestara Taisat Beautiful Styled COMPACTS Values 98° to $2.98 Play for high score For Creative rum FINGERPAIMT SET For children of all ages Set includes 6 iars paints, 12 sheets of paper and 6 applicators "Oofer TIKE UMTin s*Ughr series. Men's or women s styles, top grain leather. ^50 $5.00 values . . SIO-UTE UKl-CU UUT SCT W«*|fc Wmmd IS Leakproof TMI aad Tackle Bex 7^ny,um"-- With cube (9. Sportsman- jfj Handyman LemLaraine eOLOORES TM M«««- 4 25 *i. |-- In Statlaatry il Your choice • Saknlit 01 Rayoo covered ^ Hair Bmh 0§i "JSwelite" Invigorator . » HM tc% Federal Cxeise TOJI ••Metriet, Uai .. _habUPU**« Windpra# ZIPPO LIGHTER Chrome Cudaly TOYS M**y position Golden CrMMB GOLF BALLS FLASHLIGHT Q a. in THE WONDERLAND FOR GIFT SHOPPERS