Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Dec 1953, p. 1

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w v> *•- ./,: «q- *<"'*' wm^m * ?gy$*£f ,:? s; >** «8» . . a* fft. w%®X"' '*•"'?'•• t " •' ^ * : ~ . v . *vrrT^f r** mm *; . - - • <?*-»>• ^ .*,»» *^.1* . . - - o > * - mV* * » * \ ^ ; > . " ' ' * 4 ; ~ . x v . ' " / $$* /f "" " 1'- "\*V- -V t ^ ..& • * 7f J. AW* McHENRY. ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17. 1953 i.WUSI 10c Pn COM Musln' > '.. Mid' &':% |,|jM««nderlnV mmmmrn--m--mmmm mA timutf m*1> ot the he*ft "* """ tyye barely escaped a due to the alertness * * !" The banter was making bis teay through a field, not far from the blacktop road near the Oakntfwmt fame farm, last nttday when he noticed movement on the around nearby. On 6tosor examination he found four Ripples about 6 weeks old which iad been abandoned in the snow. 1 The hunter carried the very cold puppies to the home of Oar! Behhke, owner of the game farm, who took them in and Is caring for them. The little Ones |re very happy in their new home but could be especially appreciative of the loving care of Iran* child who might Hkd a $»P«r for Christmas. Mr. Behake would be glad to give them to anyone who would provide a good home. Otherwise Qiay will Establish future residence at Orphans of the Storm. ' Among ta» Ripon, Wla. Ml- Jtge students who were pledged to nodal organizations on the »pus during a ten-day rushing1 last week way Valerie •apffsH of McHenry, the 1903 W*rt*e Day queen. F1C Radio and Television hi holding grand opening in their ijfew location at 128 N. Riverside Drive next Friday and Saturday. They are now franchise dealers for G.E. radios and television, as well as the lines they have been h a n d l i n g . ; ^ t - T - ' * . ? *P a»tuili it ^'hTSTai'iHiilHk' •m-jftwn' " 'trlnriurti Raasch attended the aeveath an* nttal mid-west national band cltnitt at the Hotel Sherman in Ctykhg* from Thursday through •atuNfcy. ^^" ^iturthiy' -- parting - tNtj? were Joined by aftout twenty-five VUKbi^t if the high Mbool hand, ssssrasg ~ i ifihe hUtt inu winner t consecutive national jion^hlpe In Legion compe- Itloh. Members of all fortjre^ ght states and Alaska Were represented at the clihic. The host 'tf local friends and admirers of Walter N. Bears mtned «lrii desfh ' thii weafc. Back In the 'twenties and thirties Mr. Sears instructed IfcHenry's young folks In their early musical training, during which time they benefitted by jfis unusual talent and vast ftmowledge of all instruments. ;*• He may be best remembered $^r taking the local high school orchestra, to the national finals Cleveland, Ohio, In 1831, with caravan of a dozen cars makteg - t^e long tn4 - roeiiwi ihlfi trip." ' w In the fashionable outskirts of £leveland, the 8ear* car, carrying the beloved director and his entire family, refused to go another foet. Time was all-imporj^ mt and within minutes it was attached with sturdy rope to another local auto and was makjjfig its way to Severance hall, the occupants oblivious to the took of disdain on the face of Jhe mounted policeman. Ray Little and his parents. Mr «nd Mrs. John Lopae. were lionored one evening last week At the Milwaukee Athletic ^lub. Ray. was a member of Hie Way- ^fuwl Academy football team and •lso was on the seof^fl midwest yrtp all-star team. ; Miss Celia Page, a sOfdHMhore at Illinois Wesley an Unhmrsity, appeared in the out of "Sujpahna's Secret," a brie comedy presented on Dec. if and 11 at like school. "" A small town is a hamlet Wfcere eversrhody makes fun %of ^he weekly newspaper, but If their copy is not regularly rej^ ined, it's no joking matfcap. f . I STRAY DOQB . Mcilenry police report that four stray dogs have been taken to the dog pound in recent days. .They warn owners of pets to them confined. fcL Large Number Of Children's Letters To Santa Claus Arrived In Mcdl E More letters continue to arrive for Santa at the Plalndealef office. Again they are being printed as received. The last letters will appear next week, "Dear Santa Clans, /'Please bring me a walking doll with some dotl clothes, a typewriter, folding table and chairs and a set! of china dishes. "I haW been a good girl and I help my mother so please don't to stop at my house. "Lovei, * , >*•* ' "\-^.^ rV;'V. "Barbara J, Albright" Dear Santa Claus, "Please bring me a bull-dozer, Steam shovel, road grader, a opened steel trailer, truck and some building blocks. "I am a good boy so please don't forget me and my two sisters. "Be seeing you real soon. "Richnrd J. Albright" "Dear Santa , - * '"My mother says t* have been good girls. Will you please bring me a walking doll. I am $ years old and my sister Susie Is 3 years old. She wants a doll to -- any kind. Thank you Santa C1*«M. v ? "tour frlnd "Judy Steddman "Box 804 R® "McHenry, 111.* "Dear Santa « "I want a stove and a table. I wm » good girt. t "Box 804. "McHenry, m." "f>ear Santa Claus t would like a flash camera and a shooting gallary. "My brother David wants * s Jeep with a mirror and a tool set and a boy doll^ Betty Jean wants a nurse set. Barbara ftylittle pull toy. "Joel Himpelmanw" "Dear Santa "I want walking don a ^nurn* -9^ 994 * aad a dob bed.. »Htry Himpelmswr "Dm& »aitU "flwp Christmap I*would like a doctor kit; a train, a caah register, talking Jiumpty dumpty, a tractor, a bell telephone, « cowboy set and some trucks and oars and a toy ponya and sled and a drum. "From Roger 1>r«y lfaHsr" "Dear Santa CIMia "I wood like a Santa Fe train. With signs too. With lights and milk car. Coal car. Refrigerted car to. With the Uggest transformer to. , "Form Timothy Bellows" "Dear Santa, "I have been a pretty godfl boy. Would you please give me these things for Christmas ? I would like a crane, train station, a tanck car and a look-out tower and a steam sovel. A space suit and space shoes. And some boxing gloves and a punching hag. "iiiat is what I want. "from Trey Covalt" "Dear Santa, "I have been a prstty goo$ girl. Would you please give me these things for Christmas ? 1 .would like some doll clothes size i8. a sled some cologne and a skating outfit and a pen and pencil set. That is what I want. "from Camifie Covalt'^ "P.8. Trey and I want a fingerprinting set too." "A walking doll chMgp' m skates Captam |Xook puppet a Peter Pah puppet glass dishes. "Janet Murray , "Rt. 4 Box 51# .• "McHenry, 111." "Dear Santa Claus. "I am a little girl 7 years old. Am In the 2nd grade and I have a very nice little sister almost 4 years old. And we would be very happy if you would bring us one walking doll and we both would play with it And anything else that you want to bring. We win be waiting for you We are teto# food. , "Judy and Karen Hay" "Dear Santa Claus, "Please bring me a tractor I can ride and a Are engine. I have been as good as a 3 >4 year old boy can be. Bring my 2- year-old sister a doll, a doll bed, dishes and a toy stove. "We would also like a table and chair set. Bring our puppy, "Happy," a water dish and a stuffed toy of his own. "If the tractor and. table don't fit down the chimneys leave Uiem by the back door. We'll find them. "Sea yeu Christmas '"Jack and Jtll Thelen" "Dear Santa "I would like you £0 bring me a toy piano. Please bring one for my sister Donna, too. I will try to be a good girl. "Jo Ann Wdghmaroi*' "Dear* Santa. „• "I am in kindfc<gaartM.-l feh a frood boy. Will you please bring me a pair of cowboy boots? Chris would like a streamliner and Lindy a phonograph. Ralph will like whatever you bring him. Tliank you. "Your friend, "Jerry Bennett" "Dear Santi Claus, * - } > "I would like a train' and a dump truck, and some cowboys and Indians, please bring my sister Mary Lynn a doll house and doll clothes. My sister Patsy wants a dolly. Thank you. "Jimmy Meyers "P.S. An electric train, please." "Dear Santa, , • "My name is Roberta ffcxinelty. I am 6 and a half years old I would like a set of jewelry, a doll, mocassin bedroom slippers, a Gene Autry watch (real) and a toy television set. "My brother Timmy is 3 year? old and he would like a table and chair set, a gun, a teddy bear to replace his old one (it if Worn out) and a truck. "I have a little baby brother one year old. Please bring him anything for babies to play with. "We have tried to be good kids and sometimes it's hard to do. "I hope you can visit us ir person this year. Well be looking for you Xmas eve. "Love, "AU Th# Dwpfty Children *&J8 BH&f 4ittdy j w n a t f c i n * ^ - 7 ^ 7 . "Dear Santa, "I'm early I low* fcttt I <Nmt want you to forget fmj. 11a three and a half years old ao I'm having my Aunt lean write this for me. "I have ,a ststef Jtouie and ft brand new slater, Jaoqueline. "We have all fcMft good. Sc would you please bring me a car and train. Suzie Wants a doll. You know what clfee little SWs tike. "H<tt>e to see you soon. ; ,r "Gary Hunt ; "Rt. 4, McHenry, 111. ;w"*ft"-tata of cea4yh aa4 «ru&.-' "Dear 8anta, '••••>•; "Just a reminder. Please come to our house. I've been a good girl, so has my sister and brother. "My sister and { would like s loll and doll buggy, dishes. My brother wants some noisy cars ind blocks. "Don't forget mommie and daddy, also bring a little candy and nuts, fruit. That's about all, will be waiting. "5 yrs. Marsha Jean Buchert "3 yrs. Joyce Ann Buchert "2 yrs. Billy Buchert. "P.S. I' like ice skates If I'm not-to little. "801 Front, St McHenry, fit." "Dear Santa: "Please bring ntt a slate, a pr. of pajamas - and house dHppers* and an electric tran. My 3 yr. old brother would like the same. Mommy says if we're naughty, you'll bring us a stocking full of coal, so we're trying real hard to be good. "God, Bless you Santa. "Chuckle and Jiiipny Kloeckner" "Dear Santa, "How are youf I am five. I want a {fair of high heeled cowboy boots and ah writeing set including Inkpen. My little brother Brian is in the hospital and I don't thing I can get what he wants. But I will try. I will have to go play basketball. Brian liked the tank and holstpr set that he got last year. , • "Love, "Jaek and Brian Altaian' "Illinois Soldiers' & Sailors Children's School "Normal, IH.'Y; ^ * "Dear Santa * 4 -r • " ^ *<I am trying to be a good boy and so is my sister. Please bring me a rocking horse and a Continued on Page 8 Holiday C3iurch ^ Services Sunday At least three local holiday church services will be held 00 the Sunday preceding Dec. 35. Community Matfcedlst The major Christmas service for the Community Methodist church will be held next Sunday morning at 10:45 a.m. Rev. J„ Elliott Corbett will preach on the subject, "The Joy of Christmas," and the choir will sing a Bohemian folk carol. On the same afternoon the children of the church will present their Christmas program, a pageant entitled, "They Opened Up Their Treasures." The children's Christmas party is scheduled for Friday night, Dec. 18, at 7 p.m., while the junior high party will take plane the following evening at 7:80 p.m. The Senior M.T.F. will present their play, "Song of Glory," at the Hartland Old People's Home at 2:30 p.m. this Sunday afternoon and will go out Christmas caroling In the evening, Bible Church The McHenry Bible chvxafc will hold its Sunday School Christmas program Sunday, Dec. 20, in the local high school auditorium, starting at 7 p.m. All departments of the school will be taking part, with recitations, skits and a playlet. There also be special Christmas music. Those responsible for the su- *>ervision of the program include Mrs. Bjornson. program chairman; Mr. Nixon, Sunday School superintendent; Mrs. Nixon, choir; Mra. Pope, •beginners; Mrs. Meyer, Barbara Zenlt and LaVonne Dodd,. primary; ' BSd> Bjornson and . Mrs. . B^ahler, :uniors; Mrs. Hansen, intermedittes and seniors. Pastor Liberty will bring a olosing message, after which Tifts win be distributed to all. Everyone, especially old friends the. church, are Invited to attend. A special Christmas offering will be taken, to be placed in the building fund. The church "ecently voted to start building in the very near future. Tfee anBoal Sunday Seheo! ttm*. tftval and. progeam at Wonder Lake's Gospal «9wrch will be held Sunday evening, Dec. 20, at 7 o'clock. The young people of the church will present. a program of recitations, Christmas carols and other music. McHENRY WELCOMES NEW BEAUTY SHOft, ' RIVERSIDE DHIVE ' . McHenry welcomes a business this week Friday and Saturday when Mrs. Adeline Pedersen has grand opening at her Riverside Hair Styling Studio at 126 Riverside Drive. Mrs. Pedersen formerly owned and operated a beauty shop in Chicago for; five years and for ten years managed a shop in the Allerton hotel. She and her husband moved from Chicago to McHenry on Dec. 10 to remain as permanent residents, having lived here as summer .residents for ten years. The new studio hatuiw the latest in furniture and equipment and is equipped far xnni|ilstr beauty care. Shop in McHenry every day and D.m. until Christmas. FORMBt BAY KSORTOWiet MB) SUNDAY^ N ~Ptak" Huriaon. " W. N. Smti Dwlhi Monrnsd In Am i A long time and respected resident of the McHenry community, Frank E. "Pink" Harrises^ 73, died at the Woodstock hospital last Sunday morning, Dec. 13. He formerly operated the Pink Harrison resort at Pista£ ee Bay, where the family resides. the deceased was a native of Warrington, England, where he was born on Feb. 26, 1880, a son of! the Henry Harrisons. His father was a major general in the English army. For more than thirty years, Mr. Harrison was employed as credit and office, manager of pthe Bremner Biscuit company in Chicago, after which he entered ^the resort business at the Bay. ^He continued in this work until ^1946, when the business was turned over to his two sons, Thomas a. and Herbert F. Harrison. On Nov. 25, 1920, he was United in marriage to Christine C. Immekus in Chicago. The deceased 4s survived by the widow, his two sons and seven grandchildren. Another son, Frank Harrison. Jr., preceded him in death. The body rested at tile George Just en ft Son funeral home until 10 o'clock Tuesday morning, WHKl last rites were conducted from St. Mary's church.' Interact was in the church ceme- W. N. Sear* *N., Sears, 7I> director of music in the McHenry Schools tot more than fifteen years and also of the municipal band, died unexpectedly on Dec. 9 in his Harrington home. He was well >>|(nown in musical circles -throughout this part of Illinois. Mr. Sears was born in Algon SMALL VOTE GIVES " HEARTY APPROVAL TO SCHOOL BUILDING Two propositions presented to voters residing in the grade school Consolidated District No. 15 were approved last Saturday in an election which took place at the junior high building. A total of 330 votes were cart. On the proposal calling for the erection of an addition to Edgebrook grade building for classroom purposes, 281 voted in fa-N vor and 39 against. On the second proposition for the issuance of $810,000 school building bonds, the issue carried 280 to 98. The board of education now plans to start action on the new project. It is expected that abcut six weeks will be required for the architect to complete blueprints of specifications. Plans will be open for bMs about the middle of February. KCOMTD HOMB10 K MID BY COMMENT JUNES ON MOMMY KCEHpt 21; TWO CLASSES LOT® >. ' .H » n» i|Vl • i .frftiN . mm • •. si t , 5, , « V> mwfth a request from a number of people, the deadline on the "Decorate Tour Home" contest has been extended by the Chamber of Commerce advertising: " Appeal*'1# the decoration. Class H wSl he any decoration, residential or otherwise, where a JMtffca or any Other type of adverting could ISLAND LAKE MAN COMMITTED SUICH^S LAST FRIDAY NOON A 4 V4-year-old grandson found the body of Albert Charles Hunter, 64, of Island Lake, hanging in the garage of the family residence about noon laist Friday. The youngater, son of the Gerald Hunters, lived next door to the victim. A cotone£s Jury which met Friday afternoon concluded that he had committed suicide while despondent because he believed he was seriously ill. However, the inquest brought out the fact that a physician had not found anything seriously wrong with him at the time Of Mr. Hunter's examination. The body was taken to Chicago for funeral arrangements. Dec. 2, 1882, and had lived ftP Barrihgton since 1913, when 'he wis married to Myra Hamilton of Sioux Falls, S.D. In addition to his widow, he to survived %y a daughter, Beth, also a well known musician and leading oboe player with the North Carolina symphony orchestra; another daughter, Mrs. Margaret EDen Muth of Crown Point, Ind.; three grandchildren ind two sisters. • Rites were conducted at t o'clock Saturday from the Stirlen funeral home in Barrington, with Rev. Eugene B. Nyman of the Community Baptist church officiating. Burial was in Evergreen cemetery. Theatre Season Opens In Counly January 8 ; Plans have been made by board members of the McHenry County Theatre Guild and the producer, Phil Lawrence, for a gala opening Jan. 8 of "Private Lives," which is the first play ef the season. New sets are planned for future productions, which include such plays as "The Foxes" and 'The Moon Is" Blue." ~i 91 Only 7 shopping days remain 1 before Christmas. • . ; I I M H I I H f i l l I M U H I I U I I H I I M I 1 4 1 1 1 H ji PWndealer To Be Printed Two ii ii Days Early For Next Two Weeks ;i i > . -V .» . « , :: To insure both city and rural subscribers and ;; «• advertisers ample time to peruse the pages of the I! ;; Plaindealer before Christmas, the Plaindealer will «• :! be printed two days early next week, on Tuesday, :: ;; Dec. 22. This will permit last minute shoppers " :: to obtain ideas presented by local merchants. The ;; < • same procedure will be carried out the following ! I ;; week, when the New Year addition will be printed • • ii on Tuesday, Dec. 29. The papers will reach both :: ;; city and rural readers on Wednesday. ^ All news must be in the Plaindealer office I! next week by Monday morning at 8:30 o'clock <• 11 classified ads will be accepted until 9 o'clock Mob- ;; ;; day morning and display ads until Saturday noon. !! • Anyone desiring an ad in the New Year ;: ;; edition must notify the Plaindealer office not later < J " than Satiirday noon, Dec. 26. • ;; 1111 111 IIII 1 Mil 11 I 1 11 M 1 HI 11'|l I 11II I'M1 u n t i l 1 ' t TRAGEDY AVESTED Ten school children and a bus driver escaped death near Algonquin last week Wednesday by what was described as a miracle. Only a tree stopped the bus from plunging into the Fox river when the bus, travailing north, went out of control in the hlindlng snow and sleet storm. All were injured hut none seriously. • & Photo by This attractive scene on the side of the Kenneth L sit jit residence in the Country Club subdivision won first place it thi 1902 "Decorate Tour Home" contest. from Saturday, Dec. 19, to Monbe considered as tllds -mm day, Dec. 21. "Hie purpose is to enable those who work out of town and have little leisure time to spend weekend hours In preparing their decorations. The sponsoring organisation la donating seventy-five dollars )i cash certificates to the winners of this contest. In addition, the following merchants are offering valuable gift certificates: Vycital's Hardware, The Gift Port. McGee's Store For Men, Fits- Gerald's Men's shop, Albhoff's Hardware, Local Cleaners, McHenry Lumber compa|y, McHenry Hosiery Mills and McHenry Mills, Inc. Any other merchant who wishes to donate a certificate in any amount may do so by contacting one of the committeemen. The ttfctart this W divided ipto two classes. Class I will be Strictly residential, where no Chrtabhia over-all decoratttgl Coatee* Judging win be eral artistic effect, ingenuity in utilising^ ings, conforming to ' spirit and size. .Anyone can help make «Ma lib- Henry's brightest ChrtsahAi by entering the contest very worthy com! You will enjoy sharing ytiir day spirit with all Who fid' your way. . To be sure of being Jmljiil. is important to the following bers: Homer Fit 1128 or 133-R; £». J. phone 15 or 1070; or Meath, phone 815 or Pamphlets with many ticitt~ for ^fctHg tained |rom ^ay og. namedL ^ POST OfflCE AND STATION TO REM/UM OPEN SUNDAY. KCB«ei 20; PUNJC C00PBUTM6 IN EASLY MAUI6 According to Postmaster Ray McGee, response to an appeal for early holiday mailing has been met with a spirit of cooperation by the general public. Many folks began early in the month to send packages to distant points, thus assuring delivery well before Christmas. On Monday of this week the holiday rush of mall started, with Christmas cards beginning to arrive in large amounts. By mid-week the postmen were making two deliveries to the residential sections each day. Mr. McGee announces that for the convenience of the public, the office and station will remain open Sunday, Dec. 28, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., with windows open for full serv}ce. Open Wednesdays The office and station' were also open all day Wednesday, Dec. 16, and the same procedure will be followed Dec. 23. In order to further assist pos tal officials in their heavy schedule for the next week, city home owners are asked to keep their sidewalks free from snow and rural box holders to keep the approaehef to the boxes free from snow. In addition to the response to early mailing, people have also been cooperating In tying bundles of cards for out of town and local mailing, which greatly facilitates the wprk of the postal workers. Again the public is reminded that it is best to send holiday greetings as first class mail to obtain the many advantages this service affords. Uhealed Christmas greetings sent as third class mail without unauthorised writing enclosed are chargeable with two cents postage if weight does not exceed 2 ounces. Another reminder asks that letters not be enclosed in parcels, as doing so subjects entire parcels to letter postage. . * NOTICE The McHenry State bank will be open Wednesday, Dec. 23, and will be closed all day Friday In observance of Christmas. News About Our Servicesiea The following letter was received from Lt. Walter P. Aregger: "After enjoying a wonderful two weeks' leave With my folks I'm back down here in Texas again. I'm on my fourth Air Force base in Texas and instead of seeing the world all I see Is Texas! "I'm now based at Biggs Air Force base in El Paso, Texas, with the 97th air refueling squadron. I have as yet not received definite duttes but it will be as navigator on a B-29 or B-fiO' type refuel aircraft. "Fm sending \ny new address so that the Plaindealer can be sent to me. "2/Lt. Walter P. Aregger "97th Air Refuel. Sqd., Box 70 "Bins AFB, El Paso, Texas" Select Fe Dates For miMfe, Joseph J. Stoffel. son of the Martin Stoffels of John street, is now in Navy training, stationed at San Diego, Calif., where he is taking "boot" traintog. A/4G James Gearyi san of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary of Volo, is home on a thirty day furlough from Bordeaux, France. He has been away a year and expects to return to prance for two more years. His enlistment was for a three-year period. Pvt. Paul Brefeld spent a furlough with hia parents last month and is now en route to the Far East. He was formerly stationed in Arkansas. A/2C James Molitor of Lakemoor. recently left the States and is now stationed in England. McHenry stores are open every night except Sunday from now until Christmas. The dates of Feb. 28 an* 4f have been selected as the allita for a benefit performance Cot the McHenry Public library, R will be under direction at Ami Varese, who conducts a sdMift:§t expression and dramatics The show is to be a hM^fe|P' ent production, with the organizations in the contacted to obtain Varese will produce the a variety presentation, with phasis on instrumental singing and dancing. On Dec. 4, a meeting waa at the home of Mrs. A. C. ton to formulate definite for the show. Mrs. Harry spring. Mrs. C. W. GoodtD Mrs. Fred Lieberson were ent and are working with Varese. Unable to be present at the initial meeting but promising support were Mrs. George Barbian, Mrs. Paul Jeasup and Mrs. F. Vaughn Jones. , 7 Anyone who would like fce .participate in the show is adiea In contact Mrs. Thornton. pboU» 622-M-2. The committee is looking for people who like fun. not necessarily those have great talent. They promise that there\ be no extended rehearsals those that are held will be for a time convenient for individual participants. The first tice to establish the will be held the second January. st priMh ssrs SANTA TO VISIT McHENRY BUSINESS*';^ I DISTRICTS DEC. 19 y|' Saturday. Dec. 19, is the big day in McHenry, when tenth Claus makes his annual ance He expects to arrive hy electric car butN in case of treme cold will come via hue. Santa will be in the M& street business district 'between 1 and 2 o'clock, on Green street from 2:15 to 3:18 and on Rivet* side Drive from 3:30 to 4:30. He will have a huge pack frees which he will distribute caaiy and nuts to the little cmsl Weather may change 8a«tafe mode of travel hut H wtifr tt/t keep hiaa from being in bee. 19. SANTA CLAUS JO VISIT OTY SATURDAY, DECEMBER >!>• « V v.';-;. "4: i'v'a I.-. *. . ... >v:' n

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