Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Dec 1953, p. 2

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SALLY NYE WED .rtc LAST SATURDAY tier ftfth Mi^Miy by murtain- TO DONALD REUTEH ta»® a JUfnter of littfcs friends at her. SQtQ*. in the north part of city last Saturday afternoon . 4 pretty winter wedding w^s solemnised at Christ the King GittSts included Mary and j church, Winder Lake, %|t S*t- Tarry Lai kin, Joyce Adams,; urday morning at 10 o'clock Catherine O'Donnell, Judy and ' when Miss Sally Nye exchanged Karen Hay, Diane and Dolores j nuptial vows with Donald Reu- D\edricH. Linda Dow^ll, Davie j ter. The bride is the daughter Meyar and David Klappericlfe' > of the 1st? Mr. and Mrs. Her- . v^."* j man Nye of McHenry and the Dnkfc K*noa Ownma • I v k bridegroom is the son o* the (J^^J^iuPariy i senior Papl Renter*. of fonder Delta. Kappa Gamnaa members i-ake. enjoyed their annual Christmas The petite Miss Nye was love- P*rty at the home of Mis. Cliarles. lQjjSfes last Monday' evening. A Easiness meeting was t allowed toy < a social hour which was much enjoyed by the guests, vho attended from Richmond, Woodstock, Crystal Lake and McHenry •» ' • • •, # JjWttsile Fw«att» .iS • V. Cfcilstimaii Party The Lady Forester juvenile Christmas party will be held Sunday afternoon, Dec. 20, from 3 to 5 p.m. at St. Mary's school hail. All those who attend are asked to bring a tw«i«y-fl*fe oent gift for exchange. iy in a gown of white chantilly lace and net, styled with standup collar, buttons extending down the front and lace scalloped skirt extending into a short train. Her fingertip veil was held in place by a lace headpiece and she carried a bridal bouquet of White rotes and IIUcb of the valley. Attendants were Miss Lona Nowak. a close friend, as maid of honor, Miss Ann Paluch, a friend, as bridesmaid and Miss Joann Reuter, sister of the groom, as junior, bridesmaid. All ware attired in gowns styled alike, Miss Nowak in light blue and Miss Paluch and Miss Reuter in darker shades. They were designed of lace and net, with Alter Skated Orace O'Brien was re- i s*And-uf> collars and short jacpresident of t^c Altar i kets Attractive headpieces had Rosary sodality of St. Patpom- poms at each side. They rick's church at an election malting "*nd Christmas party he|| last Sfteek. Others re-elected wejfe Mrs. Helen Prine, weepresident; Mrs. Kay Huck, secret* iy; and Mrs^-Ray Ma^»n«y. treasurer. MrsCv IWiday was in cluprge at; tfie party, which vva* concluded with the serving of A ta4y buf<^ , luqpfc from 9» attractively decorated table it| keeping with the holiday season. ' 'irtrt: *» • ^ --lwi ft. m, ,Xt,ft,W fifrls . TrW."1i - Irven Sphrqitt of Coflt street announce the enof their daughter, i •. f*an, to Richard D. son of Mr. and Mrs. tpdplph, Sr.. of 8pripg r February wading is planned. \ " ffoar V-a, • F0 Valley Oaqpi &.'***•*:' ~ " »ta# Office** ition of the following officers of Fox River Valley p, H.N.A., No. 3291, will be Tuesday evening, Jaq. 5. at fclock' at the American Legion carried red roses. Phyllis Reuter, another sister of the groom, acted as flower girl, attired in a white dress styled with hoop skirt, she carried sweetheart roses in % colonial bouquet. George ftfrtmW. Jr Wd Paul Reutft, Jr., attended the bridegroom. 'Bref^fast was served at Slmonini's at Algonquin to "the bridal parties and two families. Following $ wedding trip the couple *ili return to live temporarily at Wonder Lake. The bride is a graduate of the loc^l high. school with the claaB of 1953. The groom also attended the local high school and is emplpyed in the plumbing bustat Wonder Lake, le, Agnes Wissell: past ele, Beatrice Petersen; vice- Susan Olaen; chancellor, :es Peterson; recorder, Alice Lindsay; receiver, Carrie Justen; ifiirAtl, Eleanor AKhoff; asmstask marshal, Mabel Johnson; inner sentinel. Berths Freund; oqler sentinel, Lelah Howard; manager. Eva Wegener; physi- PERSONALS • ~y|fr. and. Mrs, Carl Webqf attended the funeral of Walter N. Sears in Barrington last Saturday afternoon. Barl Conway attended Wftkt of Walter Sears in Barrington Friday evening. - Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Woodbum and Miss Lucy Quinlan of Woodstock visited Mrs. Loretto Wahh and Mr. and Mrs., Cornelius Quinlan OQ Thursday evening. Miss Rita Martin and Mrs. Richard Hester attended a convention in Milwaukee, Wis., on Monday and Tuesday. Miss Dorothy Behnke recently 3 .. iiiUC large Crowd Heard Student Vocalists * ^ i "4 k V "1" ' ^ V ^ •" -\f- •. „ McHKNBY KIWANIS 3J"(>NSrttS CHARTER WDHT AJ WOODSTOCK "Alt overwhelxr\lngly supcessfu) CtMirter Nig})t l»§nquet of Wop<h stock Kiwtmis club is d pride and Joy of McHenry Township Kiwanls, the afionsartng olub. Kenneth P. Greenaway, immediate past vice-president of Kiwanis International from Canada, came move than 400 miles to personj|lly addresf 300 people w4^a braved Wednesday sight's storm and participated in the event held at the Grace Lutheran chunch. Present were cepresentatives of Kiwanis clubs from Rockford, Rochelle, LaGrange, Marengo, McHenry Township, . Crystal Lake. Sycamore, Harvard, Chicago's South Side, Englewood, Rftvenswood, Hide P»rK gers Park. Presiding was Lt. GovernOc at Division 5. Dr. J. K. |Eay. Rev. W. Bugeaer Maxwell was toastmaster. Rev. Clarence F. Kerr read the invocation. Mayor James C. Cooney gave the welcome address. In the absence of James Althoff, 1954 president qf McHenry Township Kiwanis club, Joseph X. Waynne delivered the response to the mayor's welcome address. Presentations of gifts, flags A "standi|j* W>om only" $ was in aftrapantQ at the mas cj^ira#. program psei last Sunday evening by members of the high school n)it» sic department. Four choruses pj$s«g«<l U»e first portion of the program while the last h«lf was, 4eyote<l to spfciaj holiday expressed In musical form by tv^p girls- en^mllee . ^ Vka boy?> octet. ,-W. .• •• X r v ' -f y A* it*fc . *'V ..<'."V« •m1 -tjh * " TI1E ROMAN BAUER* Before her marriage to Roman J. Bauer of McHenry, this lovely bride was Miss pi^ylli^ Werhan, daughter of Mr- And Mrs. Lyle H. Werhsn of pong Lake. She was married! to the soc# of the Bernard Bauers in a nuptial rite solemnised at St. M^iry's church, Nov. 21, with Rev. Fr. JoJin Reuland officiaitiiig.1 AMONG THE SICK charter were made by Dr. Kay. Mrs. Nick Adams is confined Lester C. Larson, Section I-ET, to St. Therese hospital, Wauhe- District, and Ray Harper, gover- gan, as a medical patient. nor of I-EU District. The acceptances came from Jack Satorlus, secretary, Eugene Maxwell, vicepresident, and Elmer M. Schneider. president. Mr. Schnieder, in selectpd phrases, fold of ths work of Kiwanis and expresed his joy associated With accepting a charter as first president of a new club after having served Kiwanis for thirteen years. Ken Cooper of Marengo introduced Joseph X. Waynne, lieutenant governor of pistrict 5, for the year 1954. Kenneth P. Greenway explain* ed purposes and principles and encourage faithful application of thfn». To offset the unpleasantness brought on by the snow storm, the Woodstock club was fortunate to have Carl Sommers lead the 300 Charter Night participants in group singing. To know what Carl Sommers can do it is necesary to be present and see. There were none without a song on their lips and certainly many went away with a song in their hearts. A qqartet who nafned themselves the Bsrber-Q-Four will also be long remembered for their jolly repartee and serious and htumorous songs. Mrs. A1 Barbian of McHenry supplied organ music during the dinner and the group singing. Subscribe To Tlte PIpHulsSilfir 1"H »»***« H Mil t BIRTHS »»'M >1 t l fe4 S l'»» l 1 HHI"1 A daughter was borp, Dec. 13 at the Woodstpck hospital to Mr. and lifers. J^omatj Miller (Qraoe Kilday). A daughter was tjorn Dec. 18 at the Woodstocjf hospital to Mr. and Mrs- Ponald Stehaefer. Mr. kn& Mrs. j.' R. Levesquf of McCulIom Lake are the parents of a daughter, weighing 7 lbs. 14 oz., born at the Wood-, stock hospital Dec. 14. She has been named Deirdre Joel. The Levesques have two other children, a daughter, Owrts, and a "son, Jeffrey. A daughter was born Dec. 16 at the Woodstock hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith. Mr. and Mrs. John Klapperi ;h are the parents of a daughter, born Dec. 15 at the Woodstock hospital. Christmas ii CiMU> Of TflANKI* v ' We wish to take this opportunity to thank all of our friend? and neighbors for the many kindnesses extended to us at the time of the death of our sister, Mrs. Sarah Eddy. We are also grateful for the services of Rev. Liddico&t Joseph, Boy and John Pass- *82 , field Families Enroilm#nJ|^ in 1954 Cbfiifami Chub Now Inyiipf I Happiest Santas are those "Who lqok ahead a year and save „ fittle-by-little for a big, bountiful Christmas for everyone. Simplest, surest way to do thip to .join our 1954 Christmas Club i>ow. Vour foresight will pay off handsomely ii! a grand and glprious holiday-. . . minus ^ C. W. Kloqtz; musician, j returned from a vacation trip to wa GoodeB; Faith, Lillian I Biorida. She and Miss Sharon er; Courage, Catherine Pe- Hedblade of Elgin toured the Modesty, Carrie Ensign; I entire state, spending a week in ihness, Helena Pepping; Fort Lauderdale. Highlight of lMgiltmnce, Amanda Brown; flag j the trip was a plane trip from bearer, Marie Niesen; Key West to Havana, Cuba, "• Gladys Ame» of Gumee Will I where they spent several days be In. charge of the installation. | touring the city and its suburbs. Enrqute home they visited Edheadachesh'; f^^:f • •'lEffJiBw," . BANK temtoer Federal Deposit; Insurance CorporatkST"' Member Federal Reserve System Interest Paid On Savings Depositir PHONES 1040 FAIRY LANE DOLLS ' Mr*. Glen Robison of Wood- Mttpk' visited in McHenry one Uftujng last week. tti'll "»'i" • ward Gay of Orlando, Fla., who is a brother of Mrs. Hans Behnke of McHenry. •IPPPfT ••eufjfui. apptollsf! lack doll It t incite* of expert cMttryc- ij r^Tj ffei. witk natural rcaMooklSf S , ' hair, movable arms and headland eyes that open and sleep. There's six different Fairy bene DoJU te cheese from at Misfiessl! '•-/ • _• * witk a sitrches* •f nMfi *r «<p> nrfn. n m The^e axe only tiwq permanent moireq qn tbe market. They are the cellulose ace. tate ("celanese") moire and nylon moire. The designs oil these mo.ires ^re achieved by running them through heated- e?»graved rolls and melting the, fabric into them. It is easily recognised because it comes in a long wavy pat* torn which is the same on both sides of the fabric. < By Dan Creamer •-•mted rsyom atoires, tkft silk iijolres. and most of the cotton moires are not permanent, and will lose that much valued design upon cleaning. There is only one permanent cotton moire. Its fffect is produced by embossing a plastic coating on t|»e fabric and curing at J)igh temperature. Bowls. 3 -l11 Pnt mSrnMkJ*» We believe your mendiast Ul know if a, tooire la permanent or not. if thfure h nne doubt, qnk us. "Scratch Moire" is quite1 Serviceable, but is only semi* permanent. It too, is celanese or nylon, but the desigil usually comes in small "repwtfiiw" patterns. ' For the rest, tfte re^enefm* ' ^CALL OR BRING THEM 1*0 -- Of course, we'll be glad advise you at any time •s to the serviceability of any fabric. Knowing fabrics is our business. -- And, for good cleaning 1 N. Front St. ' Around Corner North Of National Tea '• PHONE 927 Ffaiip |enio^ <K Ha> « 19% Gash ft Oar 17 •jt, -rt'-V t' rh^:' Ml The Want Ada! 12 lacs** .v sm Caribbean Wroeqht lr*n festivity merry hpftteM " <?!1 i i; v T -- ^ ' '• ' i:'"-5; - ltfr ^ 7 ,.-mw' 0 A.WMMM «|m IMIM S«va! Savaf Tlwts Hum as svailabie, may be purchased n suviogjpfH lo H with our csnificate pten. l«Qt. Cohered Sewce 2*Qt. Covered Seece fan 3-0t. Cevfrfd Seme Fes f ^ 4-Qt. C«v«r«d Seat* Pe»* Oven ' ' 'r;, i DSi-le. f*yin« t|i» ^ " IO-h» fiyifft ffn . KM*. CtUcken 11%-k. ,""i: : •;; ll%4e. O^e^er 10-la. Heeded 6ri4dk Ifln n«H*r „ , 10-9t. Kettle-Oven ^; 11-ln. Ov^ M'/I-IIV. Ohrel Ko<it*r ll'/j-lw. OpM Ov«l Aee*tt<t| l>C«p Keree^tar a Ifcf comjttpM tin* dltplay yeyou save H to M now . .. save wvrtf time ytm use if .' There's less titote and ihrink- ugc, less peeling and paring, yuu use le>S fat or shortening, it vouks m«4t exifs Kndet atnd dclitiuus . . can cut-your fuel co»i in hall! tt savck you money another way, too; txjeaube il's made tu last«tifeume, you won't need replacements later Start yo«r vtl today hkalfttr gift* , . DAYS' TRIAL GVAVAN rill . Um for 30 days ond if cM • ' ,4i* •W' • *xt With his own blonket. Movos like babf . .. h* walk ««r«KW m y to work! Hand Anlmqted Puppet Dolt LD MAID 51 fang*. IS denior. West v 4||iaHtyh>fii|l f«shionod. f«M ;«i4 filter shades -- Amberaid Beiqetone. Sixes SVa svifhru ^1. Short, Medium or :,loi9 Ifaqths. Packed in a gilt :i'! "bo*.

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