Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Dec 1953, p. 8

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' -s^'SlSfcM Oumy a rtreman ta ttpurnbif the* «f a mmMft* of hia coworkers k ciitl <Hf CMefp'i skid raw. By Jon* Ingerwol Vhmn Sells mmm ' •»! ** " '* ,!? x« "'$ \ • 7 *9 M W .,*T -A <#*..,•• Sf.r •>» c fSifc'. .v. sv,«. i-i-1, »' (.«. V li • •' ••••\"5fV v •- it ;« &£# ul apprtxches, Lake Has become a of h^May sparkle, every, street boasts at home that is an inspir- ]|0 the passers-by. And evare lighted Christinas tfhlning gravely through the»winter evenings, tl wasn't alw&ye so. Ten years ago, Wonder Lake was dark and glim at Christmas 71,0 writer of this column. came to the area just ten years ago and that winter, the Sells family was Then! were houses without lights; fiduses without water; houses where the heat, escaped faster, than one could create it from the closely fattened oil. But the Christmas was a good one. A handful of friends put their ration points together and \\V had a very merry Christmas. We were putting down 'oots, t«i : |fpw Three Churchy And* * now, after only ' ten years, our people who live in the thousands of occupied hous* es will go to the three churches the only one to speSd the winter j ^at have developed in our In the eastern section beyond the county road. Only our Small cottage's lights beamed oui in the blackness where dozens of lights twinkle tonight. ^ v. Only Oue $ove There was no Hfcndy Pantry fen years ago. A nice old Italian couple had a bakery shop in the front of their cottage which became the Pantry ... but they closed it in the winter. Tlfe neaiv est store „for an Indian Ridgfef was Heilman's Pood shop- in I Wonder Center. There Was no Cardinal then. There was no Hickory Falls. Hunters wandered ! ^monies a^the Mass" after pheasant in the lowlands midst (there was no church ten years ago). At ChrtSt th# King Catholic church this Christmas Eve, a procession will start at 11:50 and a High Mass will be sung. The eight servers who will precede the procession include Bob (Cormier. Carl Walker, Tom Roti, Eddie Walker, Tim Nolan, Jim and Bob Cecich. The new Organ will be blessed. The Rev. Fr. James Vanderpool will sing the Afaes and preside at the ceremonies. Rob. Kolar will serve as master of ' Holiday Present Iff. 'and Mrs. Edward Remy of Indian Ridge received an early Christmas gift in the form Of a daughter . . ! their thiid child. The baby was born Deo. 10 at Augustana hospital in Chicago. She weighed 9 pounds. 4 ounces at birth and has been named Susan Mary. The Remys' other children are 15-year-old Shluron and l2»ysar old Edward. t ' The Remy family came to Wonder Lake last fall. Mrs. Remy is a s||ste^* tq wMrs^ F^ed Kusch.. ! Missi,lkh^ Halk ike fta* been attending school at,Waynesboro, Va., has returned to make her home with her aunt and uncle, the David Ayres. Miss Hales resided In this cpmmunlty for ii time hist year. » • _ • - ; of what is now Hickory Falls and horse-back riders rode through the high grass. .$ Milk delivery ceased with Labor Day because ther# was .not enough business in Wonder Lake to make a route in the winter It la 8efeoel At the school eighteen cMMren were taught' all eight grades by capable and gay Eleanor Foley, who is now .principal of McHenxy's EdgebaOok school. \nd alt the families .of the school joined to have a b|g Christmas party. The county road ah^i the school road were-fcotlr gravel and the eighteen children walked to the school. There were- only two rooms -- the classfeom upstairs, the babement playroom below stairs. The little community club of the school worked for entue seasons purqherthg some of the. spool's needs. Thfe eledttlc stove (how some of the mothers want* ed to put in a hot lunch program); a ifrdio-ptionogcaptt iso the children could, near good music). Early Pioneering Gasoline was ra^ioAtt (there At Wonder Lake's Gospel Center there will 6e an old fashioned watch-nigh! service. The Rev. Frank Andersen will he in charge. At Nativity Lutheran church a communion service will be held at 7:30 Christinas Eve. At 11:30 there will be a midnight cahdlelighting service. The Rev. Burton Sehroeder witt conduct the ceremonies. . Scout Meeting A green-bar Scout meeting was h(9d at the home of Boy Scout Committeeman Greg Meihling Thursday, Present at the ineetiflg, which is for the a6out executives, were Scoutmaster LArfy SttVa. A&tilitant Scoutmaster Richard Johnson, Scribe Larry Pierce, Patrol Leaden CaM Walker, Charles Johnson Anniversaries Last week, two of our happiest couples celebrated their an^ niversaries together. They were Mr, and Mrs. Ray Osterby and Mf. and Mrs. Fred Thompson. The Osterby's, 25 years and the Thompson's, 20 years. A party was held in their honor and in attendance were many good friends and numerous relatives. Everyone had a wonderful time and will remember always the happy foursome and their families. Congratulations and mAy you both have many more pieplant years together. * Timo Tsbls Av^flabld For Roasting Birds . A timetable for roasting young birds has been prepared fcr Illinois hofiiemakers by foods specialist' Geraldine Acker, University of Illinois College ef Agriculture, Urbana. You may have a copy for the asking. The timetable gpves time and temperature suggestions for chicken, duck, goose, guinea and turkey. It also gives suggestions for lifting a meat thermometer when roasting fowl. The timetable *s printed on ft four by six inch crd. You'll fttifl it handy to slip into your recipe fjle for future reference. Expei rments at Purdue University have shown that a high incidence of baby pig diseases mby be j partly due to* feeding an inadequate ration to sows be? fore facrowing. A balanced diet with proper supplements may help increase the number of baby pigs saved. Classified Ads ; Welcome Howie!. 'V /The many friends of Mr« 4§4 Mrs. A1 Warneff will be pleased to know that they have returned from California after a <3 months stay. They missed both family, and friends and decided to re*, turn. Celia, flew home to arrive early for the holidays and at last report A1 was somewhere between here and California in the family car with their worldly goods. Here's hoping he makes it for Christmas! After the holidays Mr. and Mrs. Warneff will start house halting. "Good Luck, Guys! s Eventful Day Miss Joel Martin, Miss Carole Stol|er, and yours truly, took a trip' up to Kenosha, Wis., last Friday to see Joel's parents net? home. The Martins for many years were residents of West Shore Beach until th'ey moved to their new house -- and'what a beauty it is. ' Very modern" with that infalible personal touch of Mrs. Martin's added in. When we arrived, (I think we went via New York) Mrs. Martin already 'had company from the lake including Mrs. V. Day, Mrs. C. Andersen apd Mrs. G. Johnson. All one time neighbors- of Mrs. MartUl before she moved. We had. a lovely lunch there anjt then went into town for som€ Chi istmas Shopping. After Ijeing pushed and shcrveci around for a couple of hOui> in the ,crowd, we retreated wjtSi sort feet' and aching arms to, the' ? car for our long? jtrty home; ' % > suwfj'nniw with' he^^fl^llftliC^hftby girL 19te haby was born Monday, Dec. li, 1953 at the Woodstock ho^itai. J. R. and Chris are •mighty happy to. haye. momjtiy arid sifctfcr honVei AM Papa, who is very; proud, is dfllii - a» cah be e«|<fcted. Traveler Retains Hugh McDonald returned last Wednesday, trom' a week's vacation in Hot Springs, Arkansas ldoking his greatest. Admits it was nice alld ; he hpd a wonderfol rest but* it's gbod to get home. ' - Holiday Pkins Mr. Ad Mrs, William Scfilitt and son Michael acre going to spend Christmas in Chicago with both Grammas aild Grandpas, Mr. and Mrs. Herzog and tyrt and Mrs. William SChlitt, Sr. Ift • ami pdaeelebratlon , air Mrs. Mr. ax^; jirs. are planningv the Chicago with friei tives. It's a' for theie finf J(plks, Helwig's .bjithday is Deeembef 2Tth. Happy Gertrude! Mr. and Mrs. Harold Meyer are having Harold's parents from Sibley, Illinois in for the holidays. That grand ole guy. Mr. Adam Jablonski, is celebrating" his birthday, Dec. 24th. Happy Bir* thday, Adam and rhay you have many, many more. I'd like to take this opportunity to wish you all, the happiest of Christmas'.' It sure is great to be in this swell' country of ours and we all lyfcve so mu<^i to be thankful for/ Have a Wonderful holiday.. / Santa was here and brought all your candy but there wasn't A«rrs thmb TKMC6UM VOURE L MBT A6AM THEYU. IW IT UPSO^SuLUdlw XOO NOU WILLYS-OVERLAND SALES 604 FRONT STR^T l^HONE 403 UMMAMMki NYE DRUG STORE 'If OUs'/JiuH24fA, 1 2 ? N . R i v e r s i d e D r . Mc H e n r y , ! l ' 'WatyiPCK flgcHcg ppi,;c- stop!- and Kurt Weisenberger and As- pi^pe yours wMh the sistant Patrol Leaders Skip tod^y! CHRISTMAS still a war on) ; and the per- j nuUMttt residents helped one anotl> er as UM pioneets pf early | lent a h«nd. ,Never was a connnunity so dependent, one iqpon another . . and , U^e j friendships formed in tliose days have frequently become stronger! than ties of Mood. T^ere is a real bond between people who are struggling without the necessities they &»d grown up wUh. P"". • £ Toy JBarnyfrds, Toy Chests, Tablfe ft Chair Sets, Wrttlag Desks, Kitdmi Cabinets, Doll Bed, etc. ^ ^ '/• - " >r ' > of 4e^>>^ er P»tolp Plne te Lsiwn f^trnltOM IM itale^, Tables, Swlh^, eWk * •- ' Ccnent Oewpdol Cover# * Chlmne)r, Cap| v ' . p . •• mJife CLARENCE SMITH ^ F«f6NE a^S^-1 JOHN8BCRG, \ % 4 your inv^mut fti RmI EiM» tiloi W" f - . V 1 ' * I - X - ' : m ^ V, * «^ld(j(ienrf< died ad'l Mil hoast' '"r VH sold, p&iple had fOrfOttCd the loll fe|v- «°°d ' t 'sK who rM> so map^ytari before. The nov^ in, spent a, in redecorating and had ' itd, w^»en.. ' vaoisbetr-ssOoan rreettuurrnneedo.. He elstiie^an,interest in ths pro^aoty his right ao«r the law. Withowt thf protection of a Tide Qhmmiw. Policy, the new owoer would haye ficcd expensive litigation sod serions loser We, bdwiver, settled the claim in ' •fielding titt new owners from legftt ! |( expense dr the loss of their faotte* > Once a policy is issUed, we ihstajotly assume 1 the defense of th* title, at guarantied, Mad pay ail legal doitt. Should lots occur, payment ii prompt. There are many kinds ot mooen title defects Ae/ tkoum in the t records that can come tO light later bringing legal entanglemehrrf, worry and loss. Telephone or write for this rtee booklet, "Why Xour Title Should Be Guaranteed," and learn how msrriagq,: ^ divorce, lawsuits, judgments, name confusion, etc, can affect^-?'^ 4e title to tlie Homi or business pfopetty y<Sn- owabt plan «0 Bo1 'J-.-r';. ;>.• Wlw^vir y5u"boy Rool Eitati, ask for our Titte Guarantee Policy t:i McHBHRY GOUNTT, TITLE COMPAHY l fi ' •# b & & t 3 c k , I l i i t t t t l i ' • T e l e p h o n e : W o o d s t o c k 1 1 4 ( ' Franklin 2-52 Uh Add the Fresh Scent of the North Pine Woods to Your Home With AMORAY" Pine Scented Household Deodorizer 12-ounce |19 tpray container JL Just a puih otf the button produces a fine mist sjSray that will make your home smell like an old-fashioned North Woods Christmas. One can will probably last throughout the whole holiday season. J coffeel Percolator modern at the tabir«ritht«!*e riffht 0 |Uf% f% I P a To Mafce ChriitwiflS Complete • K I D D I E S - F i l l e d S t o c k i n g s 10-inch QQc 12-inch <109 f\ size ... • WW site - • • • • . Filled with toys and candy MechMieal "irsfci Engine and 3 cars • • 1 fS Alphabet irocKs piastic^^bag^o^Oj^. 0 Telephone QCb KJ With bell Sewing Kit 198 1 J at" ..... 1 Q fothrow, smi, II "««»« Pad M<atjreraft 3 j Mitlcal Top Gailv designed /~\ Hoi«yiiMBtx»reMi 19 W runs in circle f • 1iIA Dipsey Oisney 109 Tahfe Lighter Jl#l \) Mechanical car • "onson Crown model Fisg^rfiint Set 1?8 \ ) F o r J u n i o r A r t i s t s . • Dmnter Set 5-piece nin.. BRAID MIL and CtADLE 4 Q Cap Cirbino Plastic, Walnut 1 She ca|Mwi*i Winchester mod4l. Mckdeof%A-ii^e latex iubber; the hat her own rockaby cradle: ttiUaK OTool Chest Set ll-piece in all J •wmite Case ' 1 *8-inch beauty r&££ C/O'^rs AU-metal, illuminated r~\ Caroleer Wrtath 11I llluminatftd; 12-incbet • r\•S-Lite Series $et 111 Glo-Lite brand • •. • * Bubble-Lite Set Oii hv Glo-Lite ^ U-s-Lite Set OJl i Vff 7_15 to _ ^^ A \y o-ute, DY m a * * f k t ii L^Akmmhibrn Noma, 7-lights . Mi The Gift for HER! UtM Laraino COLOGNES for HIM TnaNtifla ri or 4 25 Tret Mener I*- Especially g|h wrapped (or "Hei" Christinas She'll enjoy this gilf (0i0&n4 Water proof Lined Mi.tic Utility Travel Kit Hat a full lit zipper closure .... JL Available in tan or navy. Ponway Exiniaito 36 sheets, envelopes Electric Hair Dryer Large selection Choose The Perfect Gift Blows hot or cold oil.... "Selected" Dozen Golf Balls BILLFOLDS "GOLDEN CROWN* Jewelite Hair Bnislt Each one a In acetate gift box -- ..«« $5.00 value . Chodte jutt th* billfold you want for Dad... from our wide selection. There's olearfety of stylet and top grain leathers Ronson Lighter CM A quality brand . " TrfMipo Porfaae Playing Cards K-ounce gilt bottle. Twin decks, Po-Do.... .. Ice to bring eveiythlnff, r-- be'« coming ba<^t to the' Beachhouse. Santa wm bring the toy* Wednesday from 7 to 8:30 pan. fell fill your friends and neighbort and bring them with. Now don't forget they should not be dver 12 years old or y*Mger than 1 ijay old. All you we to do is put their name oa a slip of paper with their Ago aqd turn it in at Gene and Lottie's Store or to McDonald's or Royal InA tavern. Those of you who haven't picked up your candy stockings can do tl|i£ Wednesday and pick up your gift at the same time: also, if'you want to talk to Santa arkf do some last minute ordering do that Wednesday, Dec. 23. Hurry ndw and if you csn't make it call either Bob Kantorski at 514-R-l or Fied Matthesius at 549-M-l and he will tell Sjuit*. So hurry, hurry -~ Bye-Bye! "An excellent ration for winter-" ing beef .calves is corn silage made from high-yielding corn, •eup^letaiented with soybean oU meal and a free-choice mineral mi*. 5 R u f f - ; ; o n R L l i P L ' C T Q R V ••i ifc ML AMHUB 1. HOW ABO ? Odiopraetlc Physldaii 1M 8tf. Qnte Sfe, McUeary, IS. PlMMie Mdltsrj IOCS Hours . lH<m. and Fit. 10 to 12:8* - t |to 8 Taem. and Tbsors. 1 to 8 Sat. By Appotatsaent Only DBi, C. B» SWANSOip, Dentist ISO Si •rtsn Street ' Offlee Hours; Dlflr Except niumday/ # M If -- 1:80 to 9:80- . Hon* Wed. and Frl. ICvenlngS Bj AppolntmeBt Only Telephone McHenry 160 VKBNON KNOX Attorney At Law ' Got. Oreen and Elm StMets ' • AleHenry. HI. Tuesday and Friday Afte^uooii Other Dan by Appointment - Phoue MeHwnry 48 M. CARROLL, fr. Attorney At Uw 110 Benton Street Woodstock I8ii lOSttrH X. WAVNN9 .. _ AMormy At I#*r • 8*0 Wankegan Road (WD Bna Pheoe ModMiry 40& We«t MdliML ft I . FRANK 8. MAY V < • "J BLACK DIR#. ' teW - Gravel - Driv£W&y» Excavating Bdlite 0> MoHewy, OL me: MeHemrr MO-Bft-1 KOBOI ocaocsat Mmmum : , VSRN THELEN XrnokfaBV Oravta Stack Dlit '; liseavati^ Tel. WrTfenrj <ur 588-W* Box 218, Rt. 1, McHenry, III. A. P. FREUND * SONS , Excavattag Contractors HwwMilr ttydmullo «si On«Mi Service -- ROAD BUILDINO -- Tel. SOftM ^ MeHenry, INSURANCE EABL R. WALSf|> / . . • «m, Auto, Pem * Llfto lasuhu^Mlv R^LIABEC COMPANIES ' .Wlfli Ten Need Bieuiaiss «f Any Kind PHONE 4| or K» BMtk * Hi McHenry, OH gfOpfcttL * REIHANSPEROBB JSMtfAace sceaU for all clsuw ot tn tbo bast oempsnine We«t MWIenry, Bltaollj Tstophone 800 8*7 Mate Street MeHenry, IUBCHROKDER IBON WORKS 6fWMMHIaI * Structural Steel VMn Our suuxreunt \ 8 Miles South on Bt»'8l *"• ' Aene M0 "" Y • B I N G ' S PLUMBING and HEATING BOB fRISBY, JR. qnaity Flxtoret-Badlant Heatiag Q$m and ElectHc Water Heatoim Water Systems - Water seftemeffs Repairs - Frefe Esttma^tas PHooe McHenry 2M4t( * FEED W. HEIDE R--lior TRLEPHONE ISO v^.

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