Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Jan 1954, p. 2

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v W*" jS" , ^ rSV} -..f, • ?••' I* '-rf ;V • "ix •; mm;'; THE McHENRY PLAINDEALE* Thursday, January 7 f * T ? p ; -n't * f at; *. '- •- * ^ ' s /"= P f T 4» ••••««• hat ••*«» a • m mmm kf,'...^ DISTRIBUTE FOOD PACKAGES (Irde S At Duker Home Circle 3 of the W.S.C.S. will meet in the home of Mrs. C. H. Duker on Wednesday, Jan. 13. with Mrs. Leonard McQracken as co-hostess. Mrs. French will lead the devotions and Mrs. George Johnson will give the missionary report. Double Baptism:il .""v Service Solemnized The infant daughters of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Smith and .Mr. and Mrs. Lester Smith.were baptised in a double service lead last Sunday morning at 10:45 o'clock at St. Mary's church by Rt. Rev. Msgr. C. S. Nix. The cousins, born only nine days apart, are Cheryl Lee. daughter of the Robert Smiths, whoae birthday is Dec. 15. and Linda Jean, daughter of the Lester Smiths, bom Dec. 24. Sponsors for the former were Ralph Smith, an uncle, and Mrs. Arthur Smith, an aunt. Linda's sponsors were Gene Mendel, an uncle, and Miss Jean Degen. A large gathering of friends and relatives was held at the Robert Smith home, 309 W. Elm street, following the church service. ,. ent to spend the day with them. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Piey of Aurora, Paul, James and Grace GLauser and Mrs. Leland Berg. Afternoon guests were Harold Oiling of the Marine Air' Corps., just returned from Korea, and his grandmother. Mrs. Peter Oiling, of Zion City. Announce Troth "1 Of Sharon Frcunft * Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Freund announce the engagement of their daughter. Sharon Marie, to Edward Shiel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed J. Shiel of Lake Forest. No definite plans h*ve b$en made for the wedding. '; . Bauer-Andreas Engagement Told ' Mr. and Mi a. Bernard Bauer announce the engagement of their daughter, Doris, to Duane Andreas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas of Ringwood. No date h«ts tyeen set for the wedding. S » Past Matrons' Club Entertained Dec. 28 The Past Matrons* s of McHenry - chapter, O.E.S., were entertained in the home of Mrs. George Johnson on Main street De4. 28. Guests were also present anj the entire jgroup numbered about thirty. \ ^ A delicious tui*key supper,, was served?.** 7 o'clock after which - they fnJoyed a special hotfr of entertainment and a gift exchange. Present were 'Mr. and Mrs. George Reiker, Mr. and Mrs. Wifiiam Hjpeft. ~Mr and Mrs. J. Hofcy, Mr. %nd |tt£. C. Harrison, Mr|. Katie Har¥ison, Miss r'dyth Harrison, Mr. aAd Mrs. Pearson, Mri. Eva Ep§j^.Ctlen Eppel, Mr, and N&*. White, Mi4B Frances Vycital, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Hoppe, Miss Ethel Jones, Warren Jones, |lr. and Mrs. Geqrge Johnson, Frank Johnson, Mrs. Ethel E. Smith. Mrs. Gretta Goodell Mr. fe'* "J*-".: • '• i" '• •h«S# 'Oouiw , Starts At Church ,Jirhe Life and Task the Church Around the World." a stuiy course sponsored by the Women's Society for Christian SeAice, will start at the Community ^jhurch on Tuesday. Jan. ^.Jfrflnp 9 to 11 o'clock in the moHiing. The course will continue to: four Tuesday mornings, under leadership of RfVyJ. E. Corbett. A Ihirsery room will be provided, with supervision^"* for pre-school agefl children. Women's Club T© Meet January 8 The Woman's' club will hold its next meeting Friday afternoon, Jan. 8. at the Legion Home, when an Illinois Bell Telephone company rcpi esentarivc will show a film entitled, "Your Voice is Y^W." Members, of the McHenry County Retail Liquor Dealers association are shown with some of the approximately fifty food packages distributed by that organization during the holiday season. Names of families which would benefit most by t&e packages were obtained from* church and veteran group*. j Pictured, left to right, are Wally Miller of Slocum's Lake, Frank Holt of McHenry, Lennie Felcman of Crystal Lake, president of the association; Pete Porten of Island Lake and kneeling In front, Bill Lester of Pistakee Bay. Riverview Camp Installation Riveiview (Camp. No. 6818, R.N.A., will hold public installation of officers on Tuesday, Jan. 19. Cards and the serving of refreshments will follow the impressive rite. Cannon. Tell Engagement Of Margie Simon Mr. and Mrs. Herb Simon announce the engagement of their daughter, Margaret Ann, to Carl Elsoff of Springfield. No definite plans for the wedding have been made. Waiter Glausers Wed 25 Years fj Mr. and t$rs. Waut 'S Glauser fat? Ringwood eelffelhited their •llvfr wedding anniversa: y Jast Sunday, with their children pres- Mother's (Sub To Meet Juwary 12 St. Patricks church Mother's club will meet Tuesday, Jan. 12, at 2:45 o'clock in the school hall, wtth ,moth«*rs or fourth grade •pupil/ as huetfcsee. 1 AMONG THE SICK Kenneth Di*drich underwent surgery at thf Woodstock hospital last week. Donald Wattles was a surgical patient in the Woodstock hospital last week. BIRTHS Mark" is the name" selected by Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Freund of Woodstock for their son, born Dec. 21. He has two brothers, Barry and Greg. Mr. and Mrs. Nick B. Freund of McHenry are the paternal grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lundy, Jr., of Shalimar are the parents of a daughter, born Jan. 2 at Uie Woodstock hospital. ^Ir, and Mrs. Carl Neiss are the parents of a son, born Dec. 31 at the Woodstoclf hospital. Mrs. Neiss is the former Diano Freund. Officer and Mrs. Fred Kiohn, Jr., of McCullom Lake, are the parents of a daughter, Gerry Lee, born at. St. Joseph's hospital, Elgin, Dtc. 29. The infant, whose father is serving in Korea, has two sisters. Kit, 8, and Phyllis, 3,- and a brother, Bill, 6. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nickels of Barrington are the maternal grandparents and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Krohn, Sr., of McHenry are the paternal grandparents. A son was born Dec. 30 to Mr. and Mrs. James Ballottl of Sheffield, 111. This is the third child and third son born to the Ballottis, the others being Jim and Mike. Grandparents are Mr. and Mt-s. Lester Bacon and greatgrandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Lester Adams, all of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. James McNally of Volo are the parents of a daughter, born Dec. • 4 at the Woodstock hospital. A daughter was born Dec. 5 at the Woodstock hospital to Mr. and Mrs. M. Domoto. CONING EVENTS PERSONALS •" » f ' f I T I * I T I T | 4 f I 1 4 * ^ 1 l I Mrs. Nellie Bacon spent New Year's Day visiting in the homes of her sons, Weston and Harold Bacon, in Crystal Lake. O. G. Reed of Oshkosh, Wis., former teacher and coach at the local high school, visited McHenry friends one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blake, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Blake and Mrs. Helen Hettermann drove to Campbellsport, Wis., where they visited the Blake nuns, Sister M. Ildefons and Sister M. Arcadia, Jast Saturday. A total of 332 undergraduate students were named to the fall | quarter honor roll at DeKalb, among them one from McHenty, Barbara ifirt. Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson and family of Skokie visited Sunday in the home of his paients. Mr. aAd Mrs. Clinton Martin have b«$n vacationing in Florida. Mi«s Carrie Clark, accompanied by a friend, spent the holiday vacation in New York. Upon her return, she appeared on the "Welcome Traveler" show. Mr. and Mrs. John Sheets and children and Anton May of Spring Grove and Mr. and Mrs. Roger Ekholm and family of Elgin were Sunday visitors in the John Just«n home. Mrs. Jennie Mae Richardson spent the holiday vacation visiting her son and family, the Robert Richardsons, in California. The Richardsons returned from Korea last summer and after several weeks spent in McHenry went to the West Coast, where he is stationed. Mrs. Robert Krinn has been Day in the 3. C. Purvey home, in Crystal Lake. Mr». Elisabeth Michels accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Muska when they left last week on an extended trip. At Phoenix, Ariz., she stopped for a visit with her son, Edward Midhels, after which she will continue on to Long Beach, Calif., to visit in the/ F. J. Bauer home. The Muskas will make Mexico their headquarters for the next ' few weeks and will enjoy a number of interesting side trips. Mr. and Mrs. Clarepce J. Freund ?nd Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stilling are spending a couple of weeks in Florida. Mr. and Mrs Clarence Young, Mr. and Mrs. Leo King and Henry 3. Stilling visited Sister Junilla at Sacred Heart sanitarium in Milwaukee. Pvti and Mrs. Donald Butler have returned to Tennessee after spending a few days with their parents, the Magnus Nelsons and the Andrew Butlers. Girl Scouts Two weeks ago, Girl Scout troop 1 had its yearly Christmas party. Some of the girls brought some cookies they had made. Each girl got a gift. ^ On Jan. 4 we elected new officers: Diane Freund, president; Joan Adams, vice-president; Andrea Parks, secretary; Therese Tony an, treasurer; and I, tgrnae Buckie, remained scribe. T': •; *' !Buckie, Scribe ^v Troop f ' ¥ ileld its reguktr nh^t ing Monday, Jan. 4. There wai an election of officers: Karei Bailey was elected presides Ruth Ann Scr.oenholtz was elec ed vice-president; Kathy Prax was elected secretary; Dian Fritzsche was elected treasure -Mrs. Antonson, ~ our Girl Scot leader, taught us an open pjaye Our Viext meeting will be Ja r * Ruth Ann Schoenhol f. Scrib Around the equator the eart is larger than around the merid ian. In a 20-mile race, a man wouldf win over a horse because of his endurance. , To The Plalndealer January 7 C.D. of A. Business Meeting . January 10 Public Party At St. John's vacationing in California, where Sponsored By *he went to join her husband, Residence Changes The Sam Schmunk family is now located in the Charles Corso house in the north part of t>.e city, having moved recently from the Henn place on Rt. 31. north of McHenry. HELLO FOLKS Shan-Gra-La New Year. for the Aged welcomes the public this Thanks to your cooperation and confidence you have in us, we had a happy, successful year. We hope in the future to oblige you with the same kind of service that we have given your loved ones, you entrusted to our, care in the past year. { THANKS AGAIN HELEN P. BISBEE. Prop. IDLE DELL ROAD PHONE McHJpNRY 691-M-1 'irV School Hall Blessed Virgin Sodality, Johns burg -- 8 p.m. January 12 McHenry Chapter, tip. S47, O.E.S. -- Initiation t-« Acacia Hall -- 8 P.M. Circle 1, W.S.CJ3. -- HtB- Walter Haug Home January IS Adult Girl Scouts -- ^Legion Home -- 1 p.m. Circle 3. W.S.C.S. -- |«rs C. H. Duker Home ^ - * 52* January 19; Installation Of Officer*, Rlyerview Camp, R.N A., No. 8819 January 21 W.S.C.S. Meeting -- Book Review . -- 1 P.M. -- Methodist Church Hall. February 6 Valentine Dance -- Legion Home -- Sponsored By St. Patrick's Mother's Cltytb p.m. who had been spending a few weeks there. The Trine family of Center street spent the holiday vacationing with relatives at Appleton, Wis. Mr. Trine is new to the local high school faculty this year. Mr. $nd Mrs. Joseph J. Miller and Mr and Mrs. William Morgan and children, tfce latter of ,Elkhom, Wis., spent New Year's WHAT DO YOU WANT KNOW ABOUT BANKING? Warwick's McHenry Camera Center Cameras Bought, Sold and Exchanged Photo Supplies VIEW MASTERS and REELS See US Before You Buy Worwick's Studio 117 N. Riverside Drive PHONE McHENRY 275 HRIFT account passbooks, certain stocks end bonds; life insurance policies that have a gash or loanable value; bills of lading, warehouse receipts; trust receipts; chattel mortgages-- these are acceptable security for a bank loan here. When you borrow on collateral, you get credit quickly and pay the lowest loan cost. Consult ua about your every financing need.; McHENRY STATE BANK JglftCBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS dfONE 104® • THE mmm sew COATS - JACKETS and SNOW SUITS DRASTICALLY REDUCED 812 ELM ST. PHONE 746 1 Mile So. of West McHenry - Block East of Rt. SI OFFICE SUPPLIES |ifo Can Provide All Your Office Needs LOOSE LEAF and BOUND BOOKS LETTER FILES and FOLDERS PRICE and TIME BOOKS JRTPEIRAITER & ADDING MACH. RIBBONS STAMP PADS and INKS /"^CARBON PAPERS DESK PADS and BLOTTERS ALL GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES ALBERf KRAUSE & SON JIEWS AGENCY v ; f HONE McHENRY 878# SOS E. ELM STREET McHENRY. ILL. SUBZERO FAMOUS WSVLATu MOT FUU KU0WS TONGUE WON MSOI NHL HEKMETlCAuY-SEALED DEAD AIR CHAMMEK (Thermos Settle principleJ SURROUNDS FOOT FROM AI0VE ANKLE • ... I 4 -i I Itfcfi ytmnJrom THE instant you see these 1954 Buicks, you'll know that something sensational has happened in automobile styling. Here is vastly more than the usual model changeover. Here is vastly more than could be done just by warming over what Buick had before. Here is something accomplished by going far beyond artful face-lifting. Here is that rarity of rarities--a completely new line of automobiles. But Buick didn't stop with the bolder, fresher, swifter-lined beauty you see in raised and lengthened fender sweep--in the huge and back-swept expanse of windshield -- in the lowered roofline -- in the host more glamor features of exterior modernity. They upped all horsepowers to the highert in Buick history. They engineered a new VB lor the SPECIAL ,--and in the process came up wif:h new Power-Head Pistons that boost gasoline e in every engine. BUCK m brought to-market a sparkling new- .comer with a famous name, the Buick CENTURY --a car with phenomenal horsepower for its weight and price --a car with more pure thrill per dollar than any Buidlc ever built. * And they did all this without change of thf price structure which, for years, has made Buick the most popular car at its price in the world. y f We invite you to come in and inspect thews great beauties, these great performers, these great buys. Then you'll see why the Detroit previewers are already saying, "Buick's the beautiful buy!" When better automobiles am built Buick will build them LATEX INNER AND OUTER WAU FOR PERFECT AIR SEAL THICK FflT INSOLE SEALED INTO DEAD AIR CHAMKR FOR COMFORT AN0 INSULATION t QN DISPLAY JAN. I 1 R. I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES ; OiCa UOf<M£TTlC. Owni 1M JUvemlde Octtre i>ttON£ 4&9 V.. * - McHenry. IIL Phone 6 403 Front i

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