Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Jan 1954, p. 2

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m-' ;v W ' % •, sfta *rr" * . • • : . - / , v : . v . . " : • ; • Wtm£ s.'"; IPP?'- BRIDAL COUPLE vtr»i At PTA Meetly Jan. 28 has Men designated «fi the night the McHenry Community PTA gives "papa" a chance to Show he is a parent, too. Tliis will take place at 8:15 p.m. in the high school oafeteria. The speaker for this evwit is Rev. Johft fe. Hubbard of Evans ton, minister of the Episcopal church in that city. Several local members •heard him address those who attended a Boy Scout banipiet In Woodstock a few months and were so impressed with his wit, entertaining speech and pleasing personality that he seemed a natural for the Fathers' Night. Itev. Hubbard will use as his subject, "Pops Are Parents Too." 1the social hour to follow the meeting is under direction of high school parents, with Mrs. Homer Fitzgerald as chairmen.' COUNTY DELEGATES TO ATTEND ANNUAL FARM-HOME WEEK Mike Freunds To HoM Open House Mr. and Mrs. Mike Freund of Richmond Road, McHenry, who will celebrate their golden wedding anniversary on Saturday. Jan. 30. wUi be host and hostess At a supper and reception at St. Mary's hall at 5 o'clock that <t»y. followed at ? o'clock by Open house for their many friends and relatives. CJ>. Of A. Social January ft A C.D. of A. social meeting and fclso the third party of the current card tournament wi k held Thursday, Jan. 21. St Ofrrm's Court HM Anniversary Party MMUbers of St. Clata** No. 659, W.C.O.F., will enjoy their anniversary party Thursday, Jan. 28, With a pot-luck supper served at 6 o'clock at St. Mary's school hall, A meeting will follow at 8 o'clock. RJiA. Camp Invited To IastallaUoa Fox River Valley Camp, No. 3251, R.N.A'., ha* received an invitation to attend the public installation bf officers of the Lady Washington. R.N.A., camp at Algonquin Masonic hall Wednesday evening, Jan. 27. at 8 p.m. Anyone desiring to attend ta« asked Wo call 692|R-i. St. Fatrtyirs Women; Sponsor Card Party ' T*e women of Si. 4Ntrtek'e PMsh are sponsoring a public card party at 8 o'clock Wednesday evening, Jan. 27. There will be .prizes for eaoh table, also special prizes, and refreshments win be served. Delegates from McHenry county Home Bureau will travel to Urbana Feb. 1 for the four-day Farm and Home Week, sponsored by the College of Agriculture of the University of Illinois. One or more delegates from each of the twenty-five units in the county will attend, sponsored by their local unit groups. After their return, they will report to thei: units on the homemakers' sessions attended during» tin! week. A trnis has hero schedul#8 to transport the- McHenry county delegation, leaving Woodstock early Monday morning, Feb. 1, and returning Thursday evening, Feb. 4. Extra space may be available. Anyone interested in bus transportation or room reset vations should contact the Home Bureau office, Woodstock. Hie Farm and Home Week program for homemakers will include information on such varied subjects as detergents used in kitchen and laundry, women's responsibility for Pure Food and Drug Laws, buying textiles, pre-packaged foods, current styles in home equipment and time-saving kitchen short cuts. In addition, special classes, recreation and exhibits will fill the schedule ; -r ' r». ./ - -K %*\r t TUB McHENRY PUUNDEALER . r x; ' . - > Jimni • ffijtfil T •t \ Photo by Worwick THt ROBERT HAWKINS MhHenry's Zion Lutheran church was the scene of a pretty i wedding ceremony on Saturday afternoon, Jan. 9, When Miss Martha Krepel became the bride of Robert Hawkins. The • newlyweds will residje in California, where he is in service. MOOSE LOOSE Girl Scouts Troop 4 4 had election of otfi- They are Sally "Niesen president; Muriel Frett, vicepresident and scribe; Kathleen Albright, secretary; and Miriam Gies, treasurer. I$eat week the Girl Scouts of Tr*g.* will have the Brownies of Troop 9 over fbr a party and jpIfflf a few games and have a .daf$t 4t 1wo. Muriel Ihfett, scribe On Tuesday; Jan. 5, the Women of . the MobSe held their monthly initiation. Our new memberjs are Eleanor Schlottman, Shirley Ballowe and Delores Meyers. Visitors present were Trudy Ford of the Cicero lodge and Sophie Koati of the Woodstock lodge. CaTds were played after which refreshments were served by the child care committee. Chairman Helen Miller and co-workers Miriam Miner, Georgia Steuben, Viola Glawfton and Claire Seeber. Our membership drive was von by Lottie BykowSki. Any couples interested bowtbv Sunday evening, contact Eleanor Brusso. in CAW) OF THANIIS I would like to take this opportunity to express my thanks to all who sent me flowers, gifts and cards while I was confined to the hospital. They were all greatly appreciated. *37 Shirley Wegener M i l 1 S 4,"l'J"H'*f i 11 111 1 H"M' COMING EVENTS l"iiiH"Hiil"iiiC"Hi 1 '1' 1 I1 l"lif"l"Hi January 21 W.S.CS. Monthly Luhcheon -- Methodist Church County P.T.A. Council Election -- Algonquin Grfde School, -- 8 p.m. - January 2S Polio Benefit Dance -- Moose Hall -- Sponsored By Moose Lodge January 25 Johnsburg Public School P.T.A. Meeting -- 8 pan. ; t January 26 O.E.S. Stated Meeti# January 27 Polio Benefit Party -- Legion Home -- Sponsored By Legion Rifle Squad Public card Party -- St, Pat* rick's School Hall --" Sponsored By Women Of The Parish , January 28 Community P.T.A. Meeting -- High School Cafeteria St. Clara's Court Anniversary Party -- St. Mary's School Hall -- 8 p.m. February 0 Valentine Dance -- American Legion Home -- Sponsored By St. Patrick's Mother's Gtab --|* pjn. ' « February 9 Ringwood Home Bureau Talk By Irene Dotoney, Home Adviser -- Legion Hall. McHenry Ringwood Home Bureau Luncheon -- American Legion Home -- 1 p.m. O.EJ3. Stated Meeting -- Acacia Hall -- 8 p.m. • j February 17' O.E.S.. Public Card .;'3P*rtjf <-f. Acacia Hall -- 1 p.m. ^ | February 25 , • ' McHenry Community F.T.A, Meeting -- High School Cafeteria l*y Marie Schbettgen Legislation HftfiiAl^hout the natU&fc mertean Legion and the auxiliary are circulating petitions to show public support for the ^United States gcArertiMetft's st^nd against admission of JRed China to UN membership. ^ The so-called Chinese People's Republic has shown iHrtrtlUftgness to Carry out the obligations of the United Nations charte: by 'systematically disregarding every hunian right and violating evfcry freedom. TV) grant this seat would be a betrayal of all those young Americans who have died fighting against the Red armies in Korea. We of the Americanv and auxtllary believe tlftft the Arfi^rican people firmly suppoj t the stand of our government agaibst any such surrender to Communism. We hope the millions of Americans will make their position on this ilaue known by signing the petition. .Metnbemhlp Enrollment The American Legion auxiliary continues to grow. Approximately 740,000 of the auxiliary's 988,000 member s paid dues for 1954 in advance of the new year. We see in this report a willingness of the American woman to take her place next to that of her husband, brother or father and to share in the effort to help the disabled veteran and his family. Through this great organization, she i& able to help in many ways. She visits the vetei-ans' hospitals to bring cheer as well as more material gifts such as cigarettes, candy, books, etc.; she takes part in the comiminity service; she is a staunch patriot and does all in Her )>dwer to preserve the freedom enjoyed by all of us in this wonderful country of ours. Each year OUT organization attracts more and more serious minded woittert.1' DIED JANUARY • ••'i 1*41111 < > # 111 PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Justen left last Sirnday for T<Tew Or- ; leans, La., wnere they will vacation for a time before going on to Florida. They expect to be nway about three weeks. Mi*, and Mrs. Albert S. Blake are attending the 1954 National Auto Dealers convention at Miami Beach, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Justen and daughters, Clarene and Mrs. Carl Martin and daughters, Greta, Carla and Marta, visited Jacqueline Justen of St. Joseph's -convent, Milwaukee, Sunday. Miss Ann Smith of Waukegan spent ttie weekend visiting relatives and friends in McHenry. Mrs. Ed Holle of Oak Park visited her parents, the Mu'jin Conways, last weekend. William Martin of Stalling, tk., visited his sister, Rita Martin, in McHenry last weekend and on Saturday they spent a few hous with their father, Clarence Martin, in Wauxegan, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Teanow of Villa Park were visitors in the Charles VycitaTTiome last Siuw day afternoon. Mr. Tesnow is a well known square duoe in the Chicago area. AMONG THE SICK Snakes sleep with their eyes open bees use they have no eyelids. . » ' Mrs. Robert Beckenbaugh un-f/ derwent surgery at Augustanal hospital, Chicago, oa Tuesday' morning of this week. § Hubert Smith was a surgica* patient at the Woodstock hoepi-; t^l this past week. -- K ; CARD OF THANKS . I would like to take thi9 meanaf of thanking all those who sent' me cards and who visited me"\ when I was confined to the 4io#< pital. These many remembrances!^ Were appreciated very much. *87 _ , Peter F. Freund|t Photo by Worwick CATHERINE RAUEN Mrs. Catherine Rauen, 77, of Spring Grove, died in an Evanston hospital Saturday morning. Jan. 9, after only a short illness. She was a native of Johnsburg and had spent much time in recent years with a daughter, Mrs. William Justen, in McHenry. WHAI YOU WAN i i t ) K V 0 ' . " A r > 0 " T " W I N - Mexican jumping beans $mp because of the larva bf a moth which is ihside. Read (be Want Ade NOTICE ik this date, the telephone number of Dr. L. L. Kagan of Spring Grove will be Richmond iu%. fox ^our Conirenienc* We Are Now Open Every TUES. - THURS. A FRI. EVENINGS TIL 9:00 P. Wfc Spidalizt In Permanent Waving -- Tinting and Complete Beauty Servioe tRwev&UU. Studi^ y 12C N. Riverside Drive McHenry, I1L Phone 147 UARTERS! 0#r Whitman's rttrifertttr tivts you kitchen-fresh candy all year 'roi^|. M stme today! CHOCOtATIS J Low Cost Fuel At Your Door Why use out-moded fuels with all the extra work they cause? We will deliver convenient, thrifty, safe Bottled Gas direct to your door, wherever you live. ALTHOFTS HARDWARE "McHenry County* Leading Hardware Phon* 284 Ml Main St. McHenry, IU. •uvaa I0N0LITE I N S U 5 . A T I N G F I L L hCU%<£ Cvl i'o uC'-'i c t f Infill It Yotrtilf Is 0HE Afteraooa! ZONOUf• VwwIcwNt* Iniwl«tin0 P1H,.. the easiest of all insulation^to iristalL ^asalate the average attic for as low as $67.60.. .do it yourself sad save up to.4U00.00 installation <bsfe! with ZONOLITE yon can save up to 40f! out of everv fuel dollarf Just pour it, level it, .1 .10? s- STREET PHONE 40 McHENRY, ILL. It's 100% ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. Mala &t., PHONES .......rnrnmm+mmmf BIRTHS Mr. aiftr Mrt. David 8*^#. Idyll Lane, McHenry, are the parents of a daughter, born Jan. $ at Swedish Covenant hospital, Chicago. She has been named Laura Ann. "" N6 iV&Vtor what tiw "oc-' caalon . . . ("Say it with We graph Mowers Atnywher* Phone 230 "Across The Street From A ft P S00 W. Elm St. McHenry, IU, I NOW OPEN ' Wee Folk's Way Sctiool (McHenry> First Day .Mwo<|r) AT • ^ 109 ELM STREET PHONE MO McHENRY, ILL. QPiatJft 11:90 AJC. DAILY MRS. EVELYN VARESE, Director and Teacher' MDR&. CARMEN ANTONSON, Teacher ^ I You merely provide identification, if yem * are unknown to us; answer a few question#; v and fill in some simple forms. That's all therie is to do -- it takes very little time. It's easy to put yourself in a position ti . save bill-paying trips and keep orderly re#» , ordl Open your checking account with us. McHENRY STATE BANK MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPO^^-JON MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM JPT" INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS 'PHOBfE 1M0 I 200-fcp Butdc Ccnturt-- U$ ptk*hAmtk». With this High-pow^edV8 (HE wonder is that TVvin-T\irbine Dynaftow could be bettered at all. ^lat in the spectacular 1954 Buicks ihere's a whole long list of happy surprises besides the completely new bodies and glamorous new styling. find one of them is the silken new tnd carry of TT Dyitafjow ais by the mightiest Bilick engines evef ' ^ u i l t . r - ; ; , 4 ; : . r - V ' ' ' ^•MU ^ t..t..n. &e.1 afcntiivSaci of iiti.'c* 'oAl u-#ierS»c ' gorgvuus lievf^ Buicks with this fully automati|- transmission and y<ju*11 see what w# iTiean. "t instant new response en get await. %LL 1954 BUICKS HAVE V8 tNGINBS with tt»pp»4-up IkntpoiMri, including the w-pricid Bvlct SrfClAt# far* is Iks afwitMi bodytffk. steiri to legal limit. Smoothness beyoii$ measurement--infinite and constant* And new quiet every step of the waf» That's literal fact--aad we'll glad|jr prove it to you at the wheel of a beauts* ful new 1954 Buick. Drop in this week jfor a sampling --and for a face*to-fa<j£|. ^Cyclonic new power in one singljp ^meeting with the buy of the year.' sweeping, velvet stroke from standing o»Ro*dmMt*r,optk>^m*x*f*taito»oifas*riiitf % fclJlCK the bcautiiiil Itu -WHIN SCTtpft AUTOMQSIIBS ARC BUILT SUICK WILL BUILD THIMr ih * Pl - R. I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES . . ' ••.7*-' /"'i--"f. .?*: T"" ' ' w 403 FmqI 8t Phooe 6 McHenry. E

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