Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Jan 1954, p. 7

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-^pp1 t™-"'^P-.f4|4W^ " \ ? ™FJ r:$<# 1.^31 ^piursday, January 21, 1954 GtJEST SPEAKER ! BURNS MART LORD ..Mary Pillsbury Lord, alter- ' Ate United States representative to the eighth regular session of the Cfeneral Assembly of the United Natiorts, will be guest speaker at the Arcada theatre in St. Charles on Thursday, Jan. 28, at 8:30 p.m. A donation will be given to the U.N. international children's Emergency fund. ,J Mrs. Lord's appearance is being sponsored by the League of Women Voters of Ringwood, Rockford, Woodstock, DeKalb, Joliet, Rochelle, Barrington, Aurora, Elgin, Batavia. Downers ftrove, Elmhurst, Glen-Wheaton, Hinsdale, Lombard and Geneva- St. Charles. Mrs. Lard has just returned . from Geneva, where the ninth session of the Commission on .Human Rights was held. The public is invited to attend. ELECT DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS OF TITLE COMPANY • -The McHenry County Title company has just completed the largest year in the niiiety-five years of its existence. Orders for title guarantee policies exceeded 1952 in every month of the year with the exception of December. Total guarantee orders processed by the company during the year were 4,593. At the annual meeting of the stockholders of McHenry Coiuuy Title company, held in the offices of the company recently, the following directors w."e reelected: William M. Carroll, Herbert T. Cooney, Henry J. Cowlin, David R. Joslyn, Richard E. Duff, " Henry W. Sandeen, Harold L. Reeye and John D. Blnkley. , . . newly fleeted . 4h'£Ctors' meeting followed the meeting of the stockholders and the following officers Were elected for 1954: Richard E. Duff, president; William M. Carroll, vice-president; Herbert T. Cooney, treasurer; and Harold L. Reeve, secretary. fiK MM! FATAL ' TO THOMAS TTK Tbomas Tyk, 13* most burned of the four children and their parents trapped .in a fire which destroyed their home near Terra Cotta ten days ago, died last Thursday morning in Sherman hospital, Elgin. It will be remembered that two MeCullom Lake men, Dave Hansen and Willard Hecsht, were instrumental in assisting the family in leaving |he home after they awoke to find the house in flames early in the morning. \Finding the Tyks dazed by the heavy smoke and spreading fire, the men assisted Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tyk and the 'four children in escaping / Thomas suffered second and third degree burns but was some improved the day before his condition became critical and death occurred. GENEROUS SUPPORT FOR JUNIOR RED CROSS REPORTED Mrs. Joanne Rulien. McHenry school nurse, has issued a report of ! collections for Junior Red Cross made this year. The amount totalled $218.91 and was contributed by the following: McHenry Community high School, $38.41; Edgebrook public school, $42.33; St. Mary's parochial school, $79.98; junior high school, $22.47; St. Patrick's parochial school, $16.98; kindergarten, $14.98; Lakemoor, $3.76. Mrs. Rulien, Junior Red Cross chairman for this community, is very grateful for the generous contributions and adds that these individual gifts of money help children less fortunate throughout the world. Stop Taking Harsh Drags for KIWANIS MEMBERS HEARD SPEAKER ON SPASTIC RESEARCH The McHenry Township fU*- warns club was represented at a recent Harvard Kiwanis club meeting, where Dr. H. T. Keiser of Spastic Paralysis Research Foundation talked about the $25,000 program sponsored by the Kiwanis of I-ET district. The meeting was atten by a large number of memre.s of the medical profession of the surrounding area, principally from Woodstock. Horace Wagner and Joseph X Waynne were guests representing the McHenry Township c!ub ind were accompanied by their wives. . ,, t program presented by Dr. Keiser brought first hand fnformation about the work the district is doing for "the forgotten child," njamely, the child who through no fault of its own is born with an affected nervous system because of loss of coordination. Kiwanis of I-EI district started the work on the research progiam In 1951. In 1952 the state board reported 4,400 registrants of requests for aid. At present, the foundation employs a top neurologist from London to head the research. The McHenry Township Kiwanis club has been a contributing member of this foundation since its beginning. THE tfeqEHRY gLAUJpgjUJSR " --'"fed** -- Tavern-- i Joe's Tap 2, Old HrH|i 1. Oorso, 239-566 Larkin, 507; O. I Old Timers-- | N. Porter, 205; IE. Koch, 202- Nimts* fZM, HM. 513; W. Schwelger, 209; R. Cyritz, 608. Cristy's 2238, tlfeke'i >320. Johnson. 512. City---• Atlas Pragert, IKcGfoe's t. ?. Johnson, 20^-552; C. Iftgersol, 202-502; H. KreutMr, 511; H. Smith, 504. Mark's 3, Lee St Ray' 0. Win- Schaefer, 225-572; Maynard, 233-j terg 532. 203-528; Sieker- 561; Peisert, 201-514. ' I man. 542. Hank's 2, Hoot's 1. Low, 562; Winters, 502; Bacon, 520. Fox Hole 2, Snug Harbor 1. Bob, 224-533; Russ, 517; Jim, 531; Andy, 216-212-617 npwa, 202-545. Al's Welding 1, Lannee Realtor 1. Blatx Beer 3, Atlas Prager 0. , . p,i» IfAWCWAL m?AR) - .? 9i * - k ^ '• i "•i Gutter Queens- Club Lilymoar i, Lakeside Inn 1. Schneider-Leucht Funeral Home 3, Thies 0. McHenry State Bank 2, T. Olson St Son, i. Snyder, 506; Cristy. Sr., 510; Schaefer, 508. Walsh Insurance 3, AlthofTs 0.' Early Birds-- .o-.: Steffes, 203-548; Wiser. 513; | Nye's Drug Store Mi, °Peter- McDonald's 2, Sportsman's Inn ! Schaefer, 541: A. McCarroU, 233- son Boat 1*4. L. FriSby, 425; J. prevention in 1954 March of Dimes, coin collectors this year are modeled on the "test tube" Seven G's Printers 2, Wally*s iwead of the "iron lung" used in at Lakemopr 1. j/955^. These coin collectors began McDermott's 2, McDonald's 1. appearing in business establishments across Illinois this week as tile 1954 March of Dimes began. It will run until Jan. 31. Carey Electric 3, VftixhA 'OUT 0. M. Wilder, 4tS. j Governor William G. Stiaftflfc McHenry State Bank 2, Doro- ^ designated the senior comthy• 's Millinery 1. H. 'Knox,' 457.. mfcnders of the new Illinois M Farmers' Mill J, Garrelts A » .. . . Rogers 1. P. Stilling, 434? It. "onal Guard mtsuitry divi»ionstaling, 425; If. Gates, 450. , 1 th* •*** time the governor j 'announced the general outline of 1. John H., 206-528; Chuck I., 520; Bob *** *11; Frank 21% 040. - ' ' "TV 598; Aregger, 510; Schaefer, 518; Peisert. 525. i Oxtoby, 433. C.O.F. 9:00-- Winkel's 2389, 'ttiennes' *197 Steffan, 501; Winkel, 204-038. Freund's 2385, Dledrich's 2237 E. Freund, 511; Gus Freund, Works l. j g toller, 436. 203-500. Little Chef 3, The Pit 0. L. -- McHenry Recreation -- Friday Nite Ladies-- Al's White House 3, Bimbo St Sons 0. E. Rand, 438; S. Sutton, 425. Mi Place 2, Schroeder's Iron 'C.O.F. '7*0Ct~ \ Miller's 2354. Kreutzer's 2227. D. Fredrichs, 208-508; H. Miller, 538. Meyer's 2558, Thennes' 2425. Rev. Fr. Miller, 503; B. Thennes, Fijalkiwski, 506. Wolff Bftit Shop, 3. Standard i S t u d i o s Q . • \ , V C r Thurs. 9f00--: v 1 F.M. Television 3, Lakeside Inn 0. V. Freund, 539; E. Pei- 216-236-636; E. Jus ten, 027; H. : g^rt, 556 Conway, 222-553; F. Meyer, 024. | The Vogue 2, Club Lilymoor 1. Moose-- Ray's 2, Cecil's 1. Joe's 2, Ted's l. H. Steffan, 500. Avoid Intotfmi Upset! Gd RaNof This Gmtte V«|Mabi« Laxative Way! For constipation, ntvtr ttke hush dru^s. They cause brutal cramps »nd griping; disrupt normal bowel action, make repeated doses seem needed. When fou are temporarily constipated, get sun but gentlt relief--without salts, without harsh drugs. Take Dr. Caldwell's Senna Laxative contained in Syrup Pepsin. The extract of Senna in Dr. Caldwell's is «*r «f the fuust •atmrm Uxtuhts known to medicine. r Qr. Caldwell's Senna Laxative tastes . - good, gives gentle, comfortable, satisf nring relief of temporary constipation for every member of the family. Helpl you get "on schedule" without repeated doses. Even relieves stomach sourness that constipation often brings. Buy Dr. Caldwell's. Money back if not satisfied. Mail bottle to Box 280l New York 18, N. Y. The Farmers Trading Post ^T^rtA/UlA/VUWVWVUVVVUAfVVyVVVVVVWWXAA'V'* Elmer Glosson General Trucking, . Livestock and Limestone McHenry; til Tel. 1159-M 26-tf WANTM) -- Down or crippled •attle, $15 to $00 cash. Can L. Boraside and Sons, Marengo 907, MUeoe. / I4tf R. M. FLEMING & SON NEW IDEA -- PAPEC DbALU TRACTORS •ALES * SERVICE . A Complete Farm Implement Service. PHONE McHBNBY S3 kK Waukegan RoStf DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL Nc OhargM for Service George Breler asd Son Phone Johnsburg 580»W-1 •• wtl GEO. P. FREUND Authorised Dealer for 8ALES * SERVICE Farm Implement* aad Tractors Universal Milker* " Ne# Holland Farm Maittinj . PHONE McHENRY 430 001 Crystal Lake Ro^l WANTS) -- Down and crippled cattle at better cash prices. OrvUIe Krohn. Woodstock. Phone 165J-R-1, collect. 'lO-tf McHENRY .EQUIPMENT CO. SALES A SERVICIE GUS FREUND JWONE McHENRY 180 sol W. Elm St. (Basement) FOR SALE --• 25 cubic foot <*«- 2 compartment Coldspot freezer (3.3 cubic ft. A 21.7 cu. ft.) Excellent condition. Phone Wonder Lake 4012. Steinle's Wonder Food Store. <>37 - McHENRY COUNTYFARMERS CO-OP ASSN. £>ough Boy Ful-O-Pep Larro Poultry & Dairy Feeds PHONE McHENRY 720 80S Waokegan Road U®-* ^ ANIMALS--ftfgnest cash prices paid for cows, horsee and hogs, no help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and Holidays. -Call Wheeling Rendering Works. Wheeling No. 3; reverse charges. 30-tf McHENRY MILLS.. Inc. Puultly, Hog & Oattle Feeds FBOWE MoHEKtRY 015 000 Gryltel l*lf* Boad LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE 510 Main Si. McHenry SpWisothig P0E0 Benefit D Saturday, Jan. 23, ance 1954 OPEN TO THE PUBLIC ADMISSION 60c * Meat Balls And Spaghetti Plate 50c BRAND NEW SPINET PIANOS Full 88 Note Keyboard In Mahogany *469»° USED SPINETS FROM $37500 USED GRANDS FROM $34500 ALSO BIO SAVINGS ON FLOOR SAMFLBS SAVE UP TO '200°° Large Selection To Choose From SIMONSON'S Established 1919 N. Grove Ave., Elgin, m. •a Open Mon. St Fri. Evenings 2 -aei rroaeeassr" Subscribe "To The Flaladsakr be promoted to rank of brigadier general and assigned to command the division, effective March 11. Brig. Gen. Paul K. McDonald of Homer, who has Just completed two years active service as 44th division artillery commander, will be assistant division commander of the near division. Headquarters for the new division will be in Peoria. Our Rack's Are Full We Need fioom l all sizes j Opon Every ON ALL PAMOU8 ALL WOOL * "CHIPPEWA" JACKETS & SHIRTS Prtoe Range Ursa 57.95 to $29.50 • u-:'WW> MOM - DAD SIS St JUNIOR ^Assorted Colon and Plai* « « . SUNDAY UNTIL 3:00 P. M. Thio Offer Good - Thuro„ Fri„ Satu Sun. 8e Mon. Only! Mark's 212 So. Green St. { A FEW Fl.xibl. Flyer Stodf 20% OFF McHenry, IU. Fk«e MpO LITTLE FARMER By KERM PEDEKSON Uncle IUIts*cd Of SiwH C Even a woodpecker with his head so don't brag OFF MAIN STREET By JOE DENNETT f SLEEPING LIKE AN ^ ANGEL/ GOSH, r FEEL WHEN IT 6ETS OUlET. THAT KiO OF MINE GETS INTO SAY.' ALL OF A SU00EN IT GOT AWFUL QUIET IN HERE/ J WONDERWHEN I LAV MV HANDS ON YOU, I'LL. -- - -- OH/ _ Zr V ^ V \ MISCHIEF- 60S, WHAT AR€W>p UP TO? 7 a DEEMS B, TOM OKA BY ARNIE MOSSLER 2^ GRANDPAS BOY ^TmmsmN 9 9 9 Don't argue with your wife while you're drivin', after all you hfve a home for that pur- Dose. If slacks do show a woman's independence; that ain't alL Grandma Hedges said the women sure needled each other at the sewfn* circle yesterday afternoon. A married man is a wolf that paid a lot for his whistle. A tot of gals love slothes , but they ain't too much wrapped up in then. • • • * . Yep. a good cook kin §f£«ct many flames. ,-0 With these low necklines aad short skirts It's s good thing the gsls wear wide belts • • • Gram says that Grandpa Hedges Is Just an old Wide * that tries to cut 19. • • • . Ysp, a twinkle tn the to do wonders for the soul. --REV CHARLEY GRANT (Cr®§§w©r<dl ACROSS I. Wne«T» .V Mnli >lr>nlt( ft »2 n.*>.<ii I,1 Slory M Sh»li«rr<1 m IS Dial IT Pronoun li Li rrprry 19 fVrvircMor 11 Tmy 2.1 Orarinseadm f«lngMu r*teltk 71 Lik. 2K A |«m 29 Th*. sun • II. Km*1 Am *V Inrtrflmlr MUfcl .W. Roug\ t««» 3S. FfltBf " « Wronc d*S 44 EkcIMMHm 44. Engr»vin(» «. Tib f > " ,.v SI Animal V Lubric*t4 . «». • tPnfc*d«rrn it* wlfir Si PHo.»l(m O Crrat Uk* (M4 CPllaeanrt S5 Sata(y DOWN r Purvnl n ?i * lUrtwI.Y «* » Tyi* Wwll* So«t»v4> •e Lnvtf nnH* XI UHj • ball M Cnnt*Md V «> Pad «} Noi • |W»(U1 o Him «T. Out ol !•*« a. Waltr bird « MlMtry aMillM 50 B*yt 54. Born K P»rtod ol tim* ST Be m*»M » Golf nwirw^a «> awna [3BE13 DSC SDQB UQiKi E1QB nsBDaa ESQ BUS CBtaa HBLiaE ganiiiaBua UataQB HD3 QQE kiU BiadlBDilS QO Ultjy UQ3 UEiufeJi an tiaaaQiiicib DBiaSlS ••DQ HSB 00 BQDQSE; BEDS) IlilSTiD QUeiC HUfO feSKWD BHBQ t. Prohibit 3. IMort J. Spr*Kj la <>> 4 N»ry inn 6 Book of tttp* 5 ot Mb 7 . Huh pi It S Ptar« a Cratify 10 Spiol U. Hol'»r H Pmr^iin M TakM bKiw Solution

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