Wonder Lake News By Vattsse Sells Home From Hospital -\Leonard Haught, Hickory a mechanic at O'Hare Field, was injured at his work last week and spent several days in Resurrection hospital at Chicago. Haught came home Sunday and Is now recuperating at ttte "home. ' • • ' Heads ABHorlation ' ' T. . Mathews of Wonder Lake was elected president of the McHenry County Realtors association at a maeting h«id 4a$jt week. -.y. 'ri-'vv-' the party were Mrs. Ruth Kolar and her children, Clay and Karen, and Mrs. v Libby Johnson and her two youngsters, Phil and Cindy, all of Wonder Woods; Mrs. Bemice Huebner and Pamela and Richard of Hickory Falls; and Mrs. Catherine Bernhardt of McHenry and Toh» and Gregory. Also present flt the party was Kathy's sister, Charla, who will be four next Tuesday. division, celebrated their sixteenth birthdays. Richard on Jan. 10 and Carole on Jan. 12. Belated anniversary greetings to Chris and Judy flasmussen, also of Shore Hills. . C. H. S. NEWS v | Your Income Tax EH SAVINGS BONDS SALES SET SEVEN YEAR RECORD Sales of Sei'ie^yB^and H ings bonds during rB53 set a seven-year record according to Earl O. Shreve, national director. Savings Bonds division of the United States Tteasury department. Total sales amounted . to $4,368,000,000, an increase of 22 per cent over 1952. "Not since 1916," Shreve pointed out, "when Series E bond sales were close to $450,- 000,000,000 have the American people put so much away in Savings Bonds. "Redemptions - Of unmatured Series E and H bonds during 1953," Shreve emphasized, 'were considerably lower than the pre vious year. A total of $3,139,000,- 000 were presented for payment in 1952 wMle only $2,831,000,000 were redeemed last year. "Another encouraging aspect of the Savings Bonds operation," Shreve said, "is the attitude of the American people toward their matured Series E bonds. A proximately $10,000,000,000 in thi o bonds have matured since May, 1951. Of this amount 75 per cent, or nearly billion dollars, is being retained by bond owners under the ten-year automatic extension plan." Hansens Have Son •. '"It's a boy! It's a boy! It's a . That's what Marius (Muzz) Hansen has been singing to himself for the past several days. The Hansens* son arrived Saturday morning at the Memorial hospital in Woodstock. He weighed 11 pounds, 6 ounces and his name is Roger J. Hansen. He has four little sisters. Political Pot Boil# One of the hottest political situations in all- of the county is the one in Wonder Lake's Precinct No. 5 of McHenry township. Four men are running for the office of committeeman. They are Charles Bergdahl, the incumbent, Sam Yokley, Jack McCafferty and Edward Doutlich. All of these are on the Republican ticket. Only Elmer MUrphy is running on the Democratic ticket. There will be one Republican and one Democrat elected. *• In the other precinct, No. S, Incumbent Steven Dut*ko * and Charles Paetow are seeking the • Republican committeeman's job. No Democrat has filed. Another Wonder Laker is seeking a top job. He is Frank Schroeder of Indian Ridge, and he is trying for the nomination to the ballot on the GOP ticket for county clerk. The incumbent is Raymond D. (Brick) Woods, seeking re election. Birthday Party Kathy Paetow, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Paetow of Hickory Falls, celebrated her fifth birthday Friday with a party at her home. Present at Stork Shower A" fltork shower was heM la* week for Mrs. Bernice Huebner of Hickory Falls at the home of Mrs. Fern Paetow. Mrs. Virginia Mahal was assistant hostess. Those present included Uldina Haught, Qrace Paetow, Betty and Kate Vacula, Mary Gnadt, Adeline and Lois Dolan, Julia Tellschow, Minnie and Diane Huebner, Elsie Gamin, Ruth Nitchie, Maige Anderson, Peggy Kusch, Marian King, Florence Anderson and Ruth Kolar. All but Mrs. Nitchie, who is from McHenry, are from Wonder Lake. Not present, but sending gifts were Mary Armburst and Martha Thomson, both of Wonder Lake; Bertha Covi, Frieda Koecher and Gertrude Massey. all of Chicago. By Ernest <9. 8auher District Director of Internal Revenfae Falls oa loo Sandi Sells, 15, daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sells of Indian Ridge, is a patient in the Memorial hospital at Woodstock, suffering with a brain concussion. Sandi was a member of a skating pdrty at Pistakee Bay Friday when she lost her balance and fell on the back of her head. She will probably be hospitalized until the latter part of the week. Hospital Meeting Present at the annual meeting of the auxiliary of Memorial hospital Tuesday were Mrs. Dorothy McEachren, chairman; Mrs. Marie Milbrandt, Mrs. Kay Armstrong, Mrs. Vera Wohnrade and sister, and Mrs. Helen Sullivan. Vic Gustafson of Wonder Center is recovering favorably after an emergency appendectomy. Richard Wielock and Carole i Bell, both of Shore Hills sub- JUDGE CANDIDATE Theodore L. Hamer, practicing attorney with offices in Woodstock, has announced that he will be a candidate for the office of county judge of McHenry county on the Republican ticket in the primary election to be held on April 13. He will oppose the present incumbent of that office, Henry * L. Cowlin, of Crystal Lake, who has held that position for the past eighteen years. Student Council Tile Student Council is working very tediously on a plan that will enable organizations to call meetings without the rear of poor attendance due to other meetings scheduled at the same time1, - .TV, J Some suggestions have heen made for copihg; with this existing [problem. It has been suggested tn.u we have an extra period set asidg for meetings cnly. Another idea is to take five minutes from each of tli«» looming periods, using that ;'if?cen minutes -ii some time during the day for a meeting period Still another suggestion was tp set up a chart and plan in advance when each class and organization would have thei* meetings. This chart would be posted in the front hall for everyone to observe. As the Student Council has always beeii able to iqpet the demands of a steadily growing enrollment, they are sure to come up with a solution to this problem, which is caused chiefly from a great increase in attendance. By Jackie Moss Exams are now ov2r and tthe school has settled back to' rtor» mal again.'"',, ; ; ; Cheerleadlng Rally , ^ ' On Saturday, Jan. 16, the-'varsity cheerleaders attended a rally which took place at Barrington from 10 a.m. to J p.m. All the schools in the. conference were there and the rally started with a panel discussion. Miss Mahr, from Maine township, then gave some instructions to help the cheerleaders in their cheering. They were then served dinner Household Benefit An unmarried person who qualifier as a head of a household is entitled to a tax benefit fot- 1953. This benefit extends to taxpayers not having spouses, but required to maintain a household for the benefit of other individuals. The tax relief is about onehalf of the benefit that a married couple is given under the split-income computation. > Forms to be Used To obtain this taSprelief, you must file either a long or a short-form 1040°return. it is not tests, you are considered head of a household sinos you art not •permitted to file a joint return. You must furnish over half the maintenance of a home which is your principal residence and which, except for temporary absences, you share daring the entir? taxable year with a dependent qualifying in the following categories: (1) An unmarried child, grandchild or stepchild, including a legally adopted child, who may or may not have received chief suppcrt during the taxable year and who may or may not have earned gross income of over $600. (2) Any other person for whom you ace entitled to a dependency exemption having gross income of less than $600. Temporary Absence An Unmarried person must the return is made out, you must be sure to claim the status of the head of the household by completing Schedule J on Page Two of the return. Qualifications To qualify as head of a household, you must be unmarried at the end of your taxable year. This includes a single person, a person legaly separated or divorced, a widow or widower. You in the cafeteria. After dinner, • would not qualify as "head- of a there was an open discussion ttnd' household" in the year your available to taxpayers who file the yellow form 1040A, When I maintain his home during the each school gave one of their cheers. , Prom Committees The juniors are getting started on plans for their prom. The music committee is writing to several orchestra leaders to find an orchestra for the prom. All juniors who are interested in helping with the prom should sign with Miss Oliva in the library. Business and Service Directory WONDER LAKE Watch This Space For Weekly Specials CROSLEY and COLEMAN Products Household Needs -- Bottled Gas -- T.V. Service REUTERS GENERAL STORE Hancock Drive Phone W.L. 4881 ALL PHASE Plumbing DISHMASTER Push Button Dishwasher - Completely Installed only $55.00 Phone W.L. 8651 New Horizons in Building *.YVVr« r- i Cristy and Stendebach GENERAL CONTRACTORS Phone Wonder Lake 5432 -- 2464 -- 5301 WONDER finns LAKE W BUILDERS f|:,| SUPPLY jf|l MS&gSS»i Free Estimates >fc Delivery Phone W.L. 3231 Mi/ry MEAT Beer - Wines ' Liquors rmk Vu/dalles Frozen Foods Fretk Fruiit Steinle's Wonder Foods iVonder Center Tel W.L. 4012 T. P. MATHEWS REAL ESTATE INSURANCE Of All Kinds WONDER LAKE 3061 Street's Hickory Falls Phillips "66" Service Station • Washing • Greasing • Tires 9 Batteries One block So. of Ringwood Road on Blacktop - North-end Of Wonder Lake . . . Phone Wonder Lake 8651 If you have news items of interest to your neighbors in wonder Lake, please contact your correspondent, Van Sells, at Wonder Lake 2933. ROBERT HAY "THE LOW OVERHEAD WAY' General Contractor New Construction •nd Remodeling , LET XJS ^ FIGURE FOR YOU Phone 622-W-2 ROUTE 4 McHENRY. ILLINOIS NOTICE PANTRY DELICACIES 134 No. Riverside Drive WILL BE CLOSED FROM FEB. 8th To FEB. 21st spouse dies. In this case you are generally entitled to file a joint return. If you are marr'ed to a non-resident alien at any time during your taxable year but otherwise meet the following entire year as the principal residence for a relative who gives him the status of head of the household. In case of temporary absences, such as for college, service in the armed forces, or travel or hospitalization, the head of the household benefit is allowed.' The benefit will also be allowed if tlfe relative dies during the year. Expenses Considered Maintenance of a household Includes expenditures for rent, taxes, upkeep and repairs, mortgage interest, utilities and food, but not such items as clothing, eaucation, medical treatment, vacations or life insurance. The above expenditures are to be used only for dc whether you are entitled to head of the household tax rata. Do not claim them as deductions on your return unless they are otherwise allowable. ft* . The shot fired by the can colonists at Concord wa& the "shot heard round the world." Toboggan sleds were taYenifl by American Indians. Jludckk ICE CREAM STILL THE Finest: ICE CREAM Made... Try It Today I ALL FLAVORS BUY rr AT. .. BOL R'S DRUG STORE Green St., McHenry, I1L 40 thm luxvrlom 300-hp Ro*MMarM ihrhro •fop buy of cvstom-cor "hardtoot." WE'VE had more than a fair share of success in this business--bu^this beats all! From the day we opened our doors to show the new 1954 Buicks, we've been kept hopping by people, questions and orders. It seems that folks have been hoping fen* a really big change in the new cars --and Buick's got what they want, right across the board. Buick's got it in style--in the sleek, swift, low and glamorous look of the sports cars, but with the room and comfort .of Buick size and breadth. Buick's got it in power--in* high-compression V8 engines all stepped up to new horsepower highs and boosted to new economy with Power-Head Pistons. Buick's got it in ride comfort, too, and handling ease, and visibility--and a whole It looks like the biggest hit in BUICKhistory! new list of features as up to the irihiute as the very look of these great cars. But -- why don't you oome see what all, the excitement is about? Then you'll discover that what's helping to make the '54 Buicks the biggest hit in our history are the prices we're quotingprices that buy more Buick beauty and power and thrill and sheer automobile than smart money ever bought before. nawft . • o i a \)cauViMbuy LOOKS LIKl A MilltON, HIDES LIKE A MILLION, yt ihit eorg«ovs 1954 Buick Spkiai Cenv«rfiM» -VI-peww«J to a rtcord high--d»livr$ locally for iutt a few dollar* mom Nmm lilihir nMIm •f "low-pric* i • WHIN BETTtR AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT BUICK WILL BUILD THEM' R. I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES 403 FRONT STREET PHONE 6 McHENRY, ILLINOIS Stop Taking Harsh Drugs for Constipation AmM iRtefal Upset! Get RalM Tlk GMIt Yeptabie Laxathri Way! For constipation, mertr take hanh draga.y They cause brutal cramps and griptqfc disrupt normal bowei action, malic pcatra doses seem needed. ' - When you are temporarily conM$r pared, get surt but gentle relief--without salts, without harsh drugs. Take Dc. Caldwell's Senna Laxative contained In Syrup Pepsin. The extract of Senna a Dr. Caldwell's is tm «/the fimst wwirf Uxativts known to medicine. Dr. Caldwell's Senna Laxative tastes food, gives gentle, comfortable, sad»> fying relief of temporary constipatMMI for every member of the family. Help* you get "on schedule" without repeated doses. Even relieves stomach sourness that constipation often brings. Buy Dr. Caldwell's. Money back H not satisfied. Mail bottle to Box 2S0^ New York 18, N. Y. PROFE^IOHfll DIRECTORV DR. ARTHUR I. HOWARD Chiropractic Phjridu 124 So. Green St., McHenry, fl Phone McHenry 1068 Hours - Mon. and FrL ; 10 to 12:S0 - S *• 8 " Mies, and Than. 1 to Sat. By Appointment Only . IOC DR. 0. R. SWANRON , Dentist ISO S. Green Street f Office Hoars: Daily !£xc*>pt Thursday 0 to IS -- 1:30 to 8:80 MoBm Wed, and Fri. Evealngp By Appointment Only tj. Trleohpne, McHenry 100 »N KNOX Xt^ortiey At Law dt* Gre^n and Elm l^lnrf, 111. Tuesday attd Friday Other *)ays by AppotnimtiBPhon » McHenry 48 WILLIAM M. CARROLL, Jlfc Attorney At Law 110% Benton Street Phone Woodstock 1884 Woodstock, Illinois JOSfeHl X. WAYNNTC Att»it)ey At Law Wauktpan Road (XFD Bm) Phone ' cHeary 4»t West Mcliiwrr. Wk FRANK S. MAT BLACK DIRT 8Md - Gravel - Driveway* •Excavating Route 5, McHenry, n, fhone: McHenry 880-M-t ' Sand VERN THELEN Tracking: Gravel Black Dirt Excavating Tel. McHenry 588-B-l m S88-W-I Box 218, Rt 1, =3000 A. P. FREUND Excavating Contractor* Trucking. Hydraulic and Cram Kervica.* -- ROAD BlILDINO -- Tel 204M McHenry, =30C30CSSS=a0C30ES : INSURANCE • / . EARL R. WALSH SONS Fire, Auto, Farm ft Life Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When You Need Ldanan'tf, Any Kind k • PHONE 43 or 988 ^ Green St Elm McHenry, SCHROEDER IRON WOl Ornamental A Structural Steal Visit Our Showrooms 8 Miles South en Rt. 81 Phone 960 IOOOI R I N G ' S PLUMBING and HEATINO BOB FRISBY, JR. quality Fixtures-Radiant Hi sling Gas and Electric Water Heaters Water Systems - Water softinsm Repairs - Fret- Estimates. Phone McHenry 28^-M FRED W. HEIDE Reallor f^Biplete Insurance TELEPHONE ISO •aHenry, Dl 'J*. i