McHenry Plam&ale^r Published every Thursday at McHenry, IUL, by the McHenry Publishing Company, Inc. , NATIONAL EDITORIAL AS?! «V. BURFEINDT, Q«n'l. Manager ADEJLE FROEHUCH, Editor PltindMler Wast Ads No ad counted lea* than 28 tvorda, 11.00 minimum. , 1 insertion $1.00 (Count 5 words per line) 2§e service charge on all blind ids„ Cash with order. Sard of Thanks--$1.00 Minimum Want Ads clpse promptly at .0 a.m. Wednesday. SUBSCRIPTION RATE 1 Tear *8.08 rTiiicirritT^ Entered as second-class matter at the post offiee at McHenry, HI., under the act of May 8, 1879. AUTOMOTIVE REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR ALL CARS Accessories and Seat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY Route 120 - 1 Block East of the River Bridge Open Week Days 9 a.m. - 0 (MB. Sundays: 9 a.m. to 1 pja. •' u-tr ONLY ELGIN LINCOLN MERCURY HAS ED SCLLTVANS SAFE BUY USED OARS 1952 CADILLAC 62 $3795 1951 FORD Victoria $ 895 1949 DESOTO Carry-All $ 495 1946 BUICK $ 150 Painting and Decorating Wall Board Taping Reasonable Rates Crystal Lake, 1365-J-2 38-2 WALL A FLOOR TILING Our only business - not a sideline. Prompt guaranteed work. Free Estimates. Call Cary 6164 or Barrington 1276 2-tf FOR RENT -- Newly decorated rot)ma, home privileges, near depot and schools. 109 Main Street. Phone McHenry 100-R. 20-tf FOR RENT -- Heated 4 room apartment, 2 bedrooms, gas stove and refrigerator included. Phone McHenry 742. * 83tf WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, repair and install pumps. Bill Baton, 206 Main 8treet, McHenry. Telephone 167. 28-tf BEAUTY SHOP 210 S. Green Street Fitzgerald's Building Phone Alice -- 292-J or 705-M 16-tf Accordion lessons for beginners. Accordions furnished. For information, phone McHenry 430. 27 tf Expert Sewing Machine Repairs Free Estimates AH Work Guaranteed Singer Sewing Machine Co. 291 Benton St., Woodstock 294 i 35tf Studio K ' 109 E. Elm Available for Olulhs, Parties, Instruction and Business. -- Hourly Rental Call 746 or 962 for Information 35tf Wells Drilled and Driven. 2" and IV. Garrelts and Rogers, Phone 534-W-l Or 539-R-l. Rt. 4 Mo- Henry, HI. 35 tf FOR SALE ANTIQUES, MISC. ITEMS -- Clothing (good condition) for entire family. Formal*.' Open Tues., Thurs., Sat., 1 - fr p.m., 6*9 p.m. Wed., Fri., 1-5 p.m;; Sun. 11 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Closed Mon. Mrs. R. Dietrich, Tfrrra Qotta Consignment and Resale Shop. Phone C. L. 1346-R-l. 30 eow WE ALSO HAVE 2 NEW 1953 MERCURY'S LEFT. 1000 DUNDEE AVE. ML M04 FOR USED 173 DUNDEE FOR NEW -- PH. 9300 ELGIN LINCOLN MERCURY 88 FOB SALE -- TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES. Service on FOR RENT -- Jfew SH room house, 1 bedrobm, garage and utility room. Reasonable rent to responsible people. McCullom Lake. Call Clearbrook 3-7816. 36-3 FOR RENT -- 5 room apartment. Call 919 for information. 37-2 FOR RENT -- 4 room year 'round home, Lakemoor. Rt. 120. Call Walbrook 5-7328 after 5:00 p.m. or write W. M. Schurr, 5425 So. Justine St., Chicago. 38 FOR RENT -- Two car garage, each space $5.00 per month. Inquire 509 Waukegan Road, McHenry. 38 FOR RENT -- Modern large, 5 room apartment, steam heat, hot water, ample closet space. 3 blocks from depot. Call 772-M. Also 1 car garage at 513 Waukegan Rd. 38 FOR RENT -- 3 room apartment with bath. Heat furnished. Call 566-M-2. 38 HELP WANTED You Buy A Home See JAK - ANA HEIGHTS in Johnsburg. You can get a modern home on a 100 x 200 foot lot, overlooking the beautiful countryside. Near church, school. New Memorial Hall and shopping district* JACOB FMtt - REALTORS In Johnsburg , v Tel. McHenry 37 Rt. 5, McHenry, Illinois REAL ESTATE WANTED -- MEN - WOMEN -- Are you in need on money? Rawleigh products holds the answer. Become a dealer and serve your neighbors during convenient hours. "Your old Rawleigh dealer will continue to serve rural trade." Write Rawleigh's, Dept. ILA-52- M-W, Freeport, 111. 37-4 WANTED -- Girl for general office work, with some shorthand experience, must like working with figures. Sky sweeper Inc., Johnsburg. 88 WANTED -- Receptionist, experience preferred. References required. Write Box 425 care of all makes, also ribbons for al! «*ting quaHficattw^ makes, carbon paper. L. V. Klltz, Gtejr St., Woodstock. Phone 549. 7-tf FOR SALE--ALUMINUM WINDOWS. The Wallfill Co., Leo Stilling, 200 E. Pearl, McHenry 118. 48-tf FOR SALE -- 1961 Dodge ton pickup truck, fbone McHenry 1158-W. 38 FOR SALE -- 1951 Henry J, gray, 6 cylinder, deluxe with overdrive. Good condition, $450 or best offer. Phone 662-R-l. 38 FOR SALE--Year 'round COMFORT a n d ECONOMY w i t h FIRE-PROOF Johns- Manvllle Home Insulation. Installed by the Wallfill Co. Call Leo StiL' «ng, 200 8. Pearl. McHenry 18. 4-tf BUSINESS SERVICE John Reinboldt GENERAL CONTRACTOR All Types Of Carpenter Work Satisfactory Guarantee Call McHenry 137-R 32tf PETER A. FREUND (Formerly Eddie Huffs) SANITARY SERVICE i clean and pump septic tanks, cespools. Phone McHenry 877-W residence, Fox street. 16-tf GARAGE DOORS J WOOD SECTIONAL s Residential, Commercial or Ind us trial -- Standard or Specially j Designed. 1 KEN LEIBAOH Sales, Installation and Service McHenry 1187-R 14-tf I AjNTING AND DECORATING Quality and Service Call Stan Johnsod McHenry 890-J after 6 p.m. 6-tf ; Candid Weudings from Home, | Church and Reception | K O L I N Photographers Commercial, Publicity, Sports [ and Photostats lei. 866-W-l McHenry, 111. I 44-tf Anderson Tree Service 519 Waukegan Road McHenry, 111. Phone 724 A Complete 8ervi|| 87tf •98 POOLS - SEPTIC TANKS Pumped and Cleaned PHONE 1480 t oo answer, call 138S-H-2 1 G. A. DOUGLAS Lakeland Park, Rt. 126 McHenry 6-tf JOHNSON MOTOBS New and Used -- Terms Motors and Boats it-vice, Reflniahing and Storage SILL'S OUTBOARD MOTORS 104% S. Riverside Drive . Phone McHenry 1076 44-tf MUSIC INSTRUCTION In Your Own Home. Piano and Piano Accordion Clarinet and Saxophone EARL P. KOCH «-tf THICK JUICY STEAKS Potatoes, large salad, hot rolls, coffee -- $2.00 at Ben's 120 Club in Lakemoor Tap Beer 10c -- Drinks 30c Served Daily until Closing 38 FOR SALE -- Are your water pipes freezing? If so, get electric tapes at Vycftal's Hardware, McHenry, 111. 132 So. Green St., phone 98. 38 FOR SALE -- The entire household furnishings and gardening tools at the home of the late Mike Schaefer at Johnsburg, 111., will he sold Sunday, Jan. 30 from 2 to 4 p.m. 38 FOR SALE -- Washing machine, Storm door. 2' screen doors; car radio; furnace grates and controls, small rugs and runners, man's overcoat, suit, slacks and miscellaneous, clothing size 46. Call 653-W-l. 38 FOR SALE -t- Sttghltly damaged used 275 gal. oil tanks, $5.00 and up. Oil burning stoves $4.00 and ^p. Slightly damaged wash basins $2.00 and up; used kitchen sinks $2.00 and up.' Used hot water radiators, low type $2.00 and up. $75.00 oil lifts, to lift oil from basement to stove $12.50 each. Call after 5 p.m. on week days and all day Sat. and Sun., McHenry 1499. 38 FOR SALE -- 1V£ year old female English Bulldog, housebroken, child's pet and good watch dog, $25.00. Call McHenry 632- M-2. 38 FOR SALE -- Old Fashioned China cabinet, gas stove, bed and spring, wash machine. Call 528- M-l. 38 FOR SALE -- 36 ft., 2 bedroom, 1952 house trailer, completely furnished. Sacrifice. Can be financed by reliable party. Phone McHenry 636-J-l. 38-tf BARBECUE RIBS Meaty and lots of them Potatoes, Large Salad, hot rolls, coffee -- $2.00 at Ben's 120 Club in Lakemoor Served pally until Closing 38 Classified Ads bring result* •iMt xssst ttitk m rwnimiM today! HELP WANTED -- Female help for general office work. Good opportunity. See or call Mr. Brandes, Rosenthal Lumber Co., Crystal Lake. Phone 27. 38 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE -- 5 room year 'round home on 3 landscaped lots; tile bath, cabinet kitchen, full basement, fire place. Garage, lake rights. Phone Plstakee 660-J-2. 37-2 FOR SALE -- 2 bedroom home oil heat, garage. Full price, $8500. Call Mr. Burger, McHenry 237»J. 98 SITUATION WANTED SITUATION WANTED -- Middle aged lady will care for elderly person and help with housework. Stuy. Phone Wonder Lake 3647. 38 SITUATION WANTED -- Single man' of 28 with life background of farming in midwest wants to operate dairy or stock and grain farm. Finest references. Reply care of Plaindealer, Box 426. 38 WANTED FOR SALE -- Country home, city conveniences oh large wooded river front lot Gas heat, automatic hot water, 2 bedrooms, 2 car garage. Cement seawall, pier and boat. Good transportation to Chicago. McHenry 696-J-1. 32tf FOR SALE -- HOMES--FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY Knox Real Estate 405 Richmond Road ----- McHenry, IB. -- REAL ESTATE WANTED We have cash buyers for your homes, summer homes, farms, and business properties* We can sell year pup--If It jrsar price Is jrtgWi. JACOB FRITS -- Real Estate In Johnsburg fel. McHenry 87 27-tf Phone: McHenry 421-J 24-tf REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Terrific Entertainment Saturday Night at Ben's 1<20 Club, Lakemoor Ruth Madison at the Piano Lowest Prices Beers 10c up -- Drinks 30c up Open until 3:00 A.M. 38 ON FOX RWER -- Small year WANTED TO BUY around home, attached garage, nicely landscaped lot, only $10,500. ON FOX RIVER ^ Large 7 room WANTED TO BUY -- Top price home, year around, insulated, two' *or 'ron' metais and jimk car garage, overhead door. Price at only $14,500. For information call at oiff qtttct in Johnsburg. ; > . ; - JACOB FRITS; Realfe* Tel. McHenry 87 Sltf FOR SALE -- Property m M6» Henry, Wonder Lake, Island Lake and surrounding territory. Homes Cottages, Businesses and other types of real estate. 214. S. Green St. IfoHeary PHONE 1126 17tf Commander Robert E. Peary discovered tne N^r^h, - ,PoJ$ op April 6, 1906. ears. Ed Marsh, phone ifcHenry 563-R-l. 38-tf MISCELLANEOUS •+- 21* Shrimp in the Basket i99c Chicken Feast --: W|c . ^ with potatoes and salad at Ben's 120 Club, Lakemoor ' Everyday until Closing- Orders to take out 88 Do you want peace of mind? Save your home! Save the lives of your loved ones'- Then call, McHenry 638-J-2 for a free demonstration of our automatic Fire Control System. No water or electricity needed. Don't be wiped out by fire. 37-2 MISCELLANEOUS Fish Fry Every Friday Night Pizza, Friday and Saturday night "Alibi", Gus's Place ISO 8. Green St STtf Get Our WINTER PRICES I on KITCHEN CABINETS FORMICA TOPS COMBINATION DOORS Wood -- Aluminum and STORM SASH SCREENS O'HEAD GARAGE DOORS Also on Ash Wall Panelling, Ply wood, Cabinet Lumber, Doors, Trim, etc. •CRYSTAL LAKE MEL MK * Gary, III. Gall Cary 7248 FFtlVATE BALLROOM DANCE instruction will continue. Instructor Phil Tartas. For information, call 380 Wednesdays 'between 5 and 7 p.m. or 746 anytime. 38 WIN $25 in merchandise of your own choice at the Riverside Retail Factory Outlet Store, west end of Old Bridge by naming the secret Word. This week's clue, "It's located in the southern half of the United States." $8 amMMDl loin 7he MARCH OF DIMES TEST YOUR I. Q. 1. Name the capital of Costa Rica. 2. What play has had the lot# est continuous run on Broadway! 8. When was the first Miif America contest held? Saturday January 30 In Person Gaorge Freund's Orchestra 4mb Miymoo* ^ iropor wedding anniversary? S. Who was the composer 0< thi opera, "Hansel and Grstel"V Sealed proposals will be received by the City of McHenry at the City Hall until 7:30 o'clock P.M., February 8, 1954, for furnishing and installing Ornamental Street Lights on Green StreOt and other Streets. Plans and specifications may be secured at the office of the City Clerk or at the office of Victoi H. Kasser, Engineer, 202 E%»t Chicago Street, Elgin, Illinois. Each proposal must be accompanied by a certified check for ten (10) percent of the bid or a bid bond, payable to the (order of the City of McHenry, DQBnols. ' The right is reserved to reject any or all pids or to waive an; informality in any bid and to accept any considered advantage to the City. By order of the Council of the City of ,McHenry EARL R. WALSH. City Clark (Pub. Jan. 31-2&) NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of FRANK E. HARRI SON Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons that March 1, 1954, is the claim date in the estate of FRANK E. HARRISON, Deceased, pending in the County- Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on op before said date without issuance of summons. . - CHRISTINE a HARRISON, Executor Don A. Wicks, Attorney (Pub. Jan. 21-28, Feb. 4) Public Auction William H. Russell, Auctioneer Having sold our farm, we will sell at Public Auction on the farm located on U.S. Route 14 East of Woodstock, Illinois V4 mile East of Junction of Routes 14 and 47 on FRIDAY, FEB. 5, 1954 a-t l:«0 P.M. Sharp The following listed personal property: MACHINERY -- 1950 AUls Chalmers "C" Tractor, power take off. Hydraulic lift, starter and lights; in A-l condition. 2 row cultivator; Allis Chalmers 2 bot. 14 in. plowon rubber, like new; Oliver 1 16- inch plow on rubber, like new; Oliver 7-ft. tandem disc, like new, Oliver 2-sec. spring tooth harrow, like new; 3-sec. Lindsay drag, David Bradley high speed wagor and rack on rubber, nearly new wn o r m i c k D e e r L n g m a n u r e spreaaer on rubber. Most all this machinery purchaser new in the last 2 Vi years and used very little. FEED -- 75 bales of stubble hay; 150 bales 1st cutting alfalfa anc mixed hay; 375 bales 2nd cutting alfalfa and mixed hay; 250 bales bright oat straw; 500 bu. of ear corn; 50 bu. of oats; Some grounc corn. FURNITURE -- Easy electric washing machine with wringer; Portable aluminum laundry tubs; Dressing table; 9x12 rug; 7' 4" k 9' 3" rug - both in fine condition; several small rugs; Mirrors, pictures, lamp shades. . Miscellaneous Items 1 f Quantity of used lumber, some woven wire, water pipe, 200 chick electric brooder, hand grass seeder, small tools and many other articles too numerous to mention. Terms; Usual Bank Terms. J. TOUSSAUrf THE STATE BANK MT WOODSTOCK, Clerk Women who retain their inaid^ en names after marriage ami called Lucy 8toners. A whitesmith U oft* who works with tin. i'l - y . -l-ftPM. IBWW'J.ijjLJ1 1 "l.'U |l" DR. W. E. KOHL, Jr. - ANNOUNCES THE OPENDJCJ OF HIS' •' STT" |IEW%ENTAJ, QFFJC at 5 y. v 128 Nt>." Riverside Dritfe; McHehf^,1 HI. ; Hours By Ajipointmept PHONE 447 3rd Annual 15-Day Wool Clearance Sale 20% Off On Every Item la The Stove Beautiful Springfield Blankets full Si twin sizes. Fine wool shirts sizes 12 to 20 The famous Merrill Mac-Jac Sur coat sizes 4 to 50 (for men, women and children) Fine wool sox and sweaters Grood selection of Deerskin Jackets and Moccasins (tor men, women and children) MerriH Woolen Hills Branch Store T »><•< on Rt. It -- (««• *• north «f Bt. ISO) V. Houa 9 to t fealHdtn* *mday The National Automobile ers association represents a nation- wide membership of approxW mately 34,000 new car and new truck dealers. Founded in 1917, NADA is today one of the largest and most representative business groups in the nation From its headquarters, locate*, since 1941 in Washington, D.C., the association conducts extensive services to its membership to supply them with information on various phases of automobile retailing. Quick to actapt its programs and services to meet the needs of its dealer members under rapidly changing economic conditions, NADA has been instrumental in aiding automobile dealers to meet changed industry conditions through two world wars. It is now assisting the retail automobile industry to adjust quickly to a normal, peacetime competitive market. Governed by a board of directors, composed of one directoi from each state, the association's programs and activities are conducted under the immediate leadership of numerous standing and special committees, all made up of dealer members. The association's official pub* lication, NADA Magazine, is mailed monthly to its thousands of members. Many regular and special releases convey to NADA members vital information and suggestions for their use in the field of employer-employee relations, business management, public relations, used car merchandising, service operations and other fields. In addition, the association conducts ' surveys on Industry . . , c a m eish&c^uf«y Sayts Your Clothes & Money TiH McHrary Cleaners Hi Kka Stro* We *&4 IMaftu. Ool4 *am* jz . problems and collects dealer opinkm from its member* as. guidance for ita programa a** activities. ts •r> m ** AIM win TO TEST YOUR ».Q. 1. 8M Josr. 2. "XifeWtth J. la 1M0. 4. JBaerakl. i. Snteib HumpexdfMk. Centrally Located For Quick Service FRED I. SVOBODA & SONS SEACO SALES And SERVICE Repairing -- Rewinding -- Rebuilding - Electric Motors -- All Models Automotive, Generators, ^Starters, Artfta!ures{ DAY Or NIGHT rfiONB 183 BOS 416 • LUymoor SnbA, McHeory, Wla<da •M d tK •m Mi • M ' * m •m fp _ •Mr* , The Famert Tradbg Post ' Slmer Oloason General Trucking Livestock and Limestone MoHenry, IU. Tel. 11S9-M M-tfl WANTW -- Down or orlppled attle, $15 te ISO cash. CaO L, TSurnslde and Sons, M&rexigo 901. coDteot. 14tlfJ R. M. FLEMING «t SON SEW IDEA -- PAPEC DBALEK TKACTOBS SALES A SERVICE A Oeaaplete Farm ImpieflMt Service. PHONE MciTE NKT U Bt waakepM B#a4 FOR SALE -- 10 White faced steers, corn fed, 17 cents per pound. 1 or all. Call 10T9. 38 DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL No Charges for Service George Breier and S0b Phone Johnsburg 8M.W-I Sltf GEO. P. FREtWD Authorised Dealer for SALES a SERVICE Farm Implements and Tcaokars Vaivenal Milken New HeOaad Parm MiiMiiiu PHONE BicHENRT 4& m C r y s t a l Laka b4 FOR SAL|^ -- 6 White Em den geese for breeding. 1 wooden brooder house, 12x13; 1 electric brooder. 400 chix size, never used Call 563-W-2. 38 WANTED -- Down and crippled cattle at better cash prioss. Orv£) e Krohn. Woodstock. Phan< lt9T-R-l, collect. *15-5- MCHENMT EOOTPME^" : ll" 7 SALES a SEBVICE GUS FREUND PHONE MoHENRT 1SS 4*8 W. Elm St. (Basemcpl) FOR SALE ~ tap quality dairy hay delivered or sold direct. Hubert Kiekhaefer, Rt. 2, Greenleaf, Wis. Phone Wayside 10R2. *38-4 POfR SALE -- 1200 bales corn fodder. Call MeHenry fS*J-L 38 McHENBY OOOMTY FA8MERS CO-OP Dough Boy Ful-O-Pep yi Lcnp Poultry It Dairy Fea^a •' (PHONE MoHENEV 7W • OSS FOR SALE -- 1M ahd 2nd cutting alfalfa and brome balfed hay. Hickory Creek Farms, Leo Smith, manager. Phone 548-J-2. 38-3 DEAD fKXMALS-- prices paid for cows, horses and hogs, n# help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays aad Holidays. Call Wheeling Rendering Wocfes. Wheeling No. 8; re* versf charges. 36-tl McHENRY MILLS, Inc. xxxx Psuttry, Hog a Cattle F>eJ| jPHONE MUHENEV 81^ 508 Crystal Lake Boad ss ri jo tf td ol t» o ne Oi -1C «3 -.00 rt;, tat 9* 4x ifii 41 n •• ti m tu *$• ««> m