Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Feb 1954, p. 2

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Two y . ' ; ( <. . -\1 V, 1 W;r<m> ^ rrw^ yjT^y*' Afp i*;7r f * * ' ' ' ; :-lM^l .?r-\-..-s&-••?«• si.:'.:: DIED JANUARY 23 1HE McHENRY PLAINDEALEU •* v , • _»V" ^ t\ / r wj,Vi' ^'"J."" 4 •TOIFW1 ~ C*r<*e 1 At llnpR Home ;*•." circle i o<f^».cM-'v*u hold its next meeting at the home of Mis. Vaughn J >ncs on Tuesday, Feb. 9. TSirlmdoerfrr San Baptized " r/ The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Steinsdoerf^r, bom Jin 7, was christened Mark Andrew in a baptismal service which took place Sunday at St. Mary's church at 11 o'clock, with Rt. Rev. Msgr. C. S. Nix offieiat- %• Sponsors for the baby were Kirs. Don McVickers, an aunt, and Joseph Bauer, an unci®:. V. • . - • -•'•-•• : *» Monthly M'vfinj; #f Mothpp's Club * St. Patrick's Mother's club Will hold their regular monthly mooting Tuesday, Feb. 9, at 2:45 cfrlock in the school hall. Moffeers of fifth grade pupils will ict as hostesses. John Snml« To Address Club John Henry Smaie of Wonder Lake win be guest speaker at the meeting of the Woman's club which will be held at the Legion Home on Fridav. Feb. 12. lit Will speak on "Mysticism." Shower Honors Bride-To-Be Miss Maril/n Schmitt was fliest of honor at a personal Ifcldai shower given at the home of Richard W. Freund on Sunday afternoon, Jan. 31. with the Swisses Beverly Blish, Dorothy McAuley ^nd ,Ma;y Rudolph as ' Bstesses. • ,J % • Guests ? wire- Mrs. Irvin Schmitt, Mifi., - Russell Rudolph, ifcrs A1 Blake, Mrs. Roy Blake, Jlrs. L<*ais Kick. Mrs. Robert pecker, Mrs. James H. Wegener, Miss Lucina Thelen, Miss Phyllis Smith, Miss Mat gat et Wissell, Miss Joap Freund, Miss Betty Schmitt and Richard W. Freund. K. I Many bdioitifhi gifts were re- <yfR*a by Miss Schmitt, who will ttecome the bride of Richard Rudolph of Richmond on Feb. 13. Home Bureau Meets ft legion Home Fefc* # The prize winning dairy recipe Will be used in preparing the ' Wain course for the fo»b. 9 Home Bureau luncheon meeting to b6 held in the Legion Home at Mc- Iteniy. Special cheese cake and Aeese salad will be part of the lftte. j Irene Downey will talk about .decoration as her part of tpe program. ' The February meeting will be ftared to the tempo of the onth of birthdays and Valentine parties with members and •bests in attendances Ladies interested in Home Bureau activities. 4-H work or interesting tfces for dairy products are cor- Aally invited to attend. I Other attractions .at the lun- Tieon will be personal interviews fith Irene Ludwig, pastry exprt; Marie King, salad special- ' „and Mrs. Atkinson, with a ^-.ow-how In the use of herbs. O.E.S. Planning Ptiblie Card Party * Harriet Dodd, chairman st ®ie O.E.S. public card party now I being planned, announces her co-chairmen as follows: Myrtle Harrison, refreshments; Alyce Hoelt, special prizes; and Marie Nickels, table prizes, "the date is Feb. 17 and the time is 1:30 p.m. The O.E.S. card party in February fills a social gap each year when winter weather puts curbs on planning. Good weather this >e»r is rraking it easier for ixn especially uiergetic committee to r:ange for an outstanding" event Which will, no doubt, be most iew a: ding to all who attend. Plans are being made for every lady to be pleasantly rewarded for spending an afternoon with her O.E.S, friends. r----- JOHN M. Prr/EN • * ' " i t i i t i i s a f c i a I PERSONALS Mrs. Willard McCulla and son, Michael, and Miss Patricia Scholz of Quincy visited in the Robert J. Oreen home last week. | Mrs. Robert E. Rusboidt and ' cliildrgn, Michael, David and Terry, of" Harvard were visitors in the M. L. Schoenholtz home this weekend. On Saturday evenj ing, accompanied by Mr. * and | Mrs. Schoenholtz, nhe attended the goldeu wedding anniveisary | i elebi-.ition of their aunt and i uiicfe, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Freund. iStr. and Mrs. Paul Barbian are j vacationing foi several weeks in the home of her brother in North Miaoii, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Miller spending a few weeks'- vacation in Florida. > 1 Donald Dowe, who i« attend- • (• ing Bradley University in Peoria, 11161 has been spending the week >IhHparenta, the Herntan ?tar-y- 7 *rwi* ^ „ -" V 5 Vf a - , . "• : 1 • ' "\ V- ' ^ • •* . . ' Tharsdty, Fdbriiary 4 1954 spent Sunday with relatives her*. Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Yegge and son visited her brother, John Sullivan, at St. Francis hospital Evanston, on Friday. Mr. Sullivan is recuperating after under* going serious eye surgery last week. Among those from here who attended the wake of Sister Emmanuel in Milwaukee, Wis., this week were Mrs. Clarence Young, Mrs. Leo King, Mrs. Clarenct Freund, Mrs. Nick M. Justen, Mrs. Christine xtiltar *and )trs. John Lay. * CUB SCOUTS rim 11111 j'i u 11 iuu iiijiiiii i in j n 11 mtm\ BIRTHS (l£»tll IIMIJ i II1MI »JiH*HWIII J JllJIUimil Mr. and Mrs. Jack Phelan are the parents of a daughter, born $t the Woodstock hospital on Jan, 29. The Phelans (she is the former 8*Jtty Althoff) haye two other children, a boy and a girl." ' " Mr., &nd Mrs. Harold Vycital the pai^nts of a daughter, Surprise Party For lohn Freund* Mr. and Mrs. John R. Freund were pleasantly surprised last Sunday, Jan. 31. at a party planned in honor of their wedding anniversary. The afternoon and evening were spent in pi lying cards and visiting, with a 6 o'clock supper served. The Freunds weie presented with a lovely gift by the guests. Present were Mr and Mrs. Nick M. Jus ten and daughter, Clarene, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kennebeck, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bauer, Mr^and Mrs. Joe M. F:eund and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Blake of Mc- Heniy, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rosing of Libertyville, Mr. and Mrs. i John May of Waukegan, Mr. and Mrs. Normah F. eund and family « of Wauconda and Mr. and Mrs. Jay Seymour and family of Fa rnsworth, Great Lakes. His family and "a hpfet fiiends last week mourned passing of John M. Pitzen, who | died, at his home Jan 23, follow- j _ a,e „e p^u, „ , h°alth' sZicerw,1oadu'«"d:, ' " "" Woodatock from St. John's church, with in- tr0" f'P terment in the church cemetery , . °®" ' r ' ^ i visited her son and Mmily. She then continued oil to Long Beach, Calif., fora visit with the Fred Bauers (Lillian Freund) in the lJaUers' new home. While she was tl;ere, Mr. Bauer's brother. Joe, and sister. Marguerite, of I COOKS CORNER While we are still in the "R" months let's try some oysters as a main dish. Served with candied sweet potatoes and with a vegetable salad, they are ideal to serve on an evening when you feel like having a ' heavy'- dessert such as bread pudding or rice custard. They could be served with escalloped potatoes for a hearty puncheon dish.. Baking powder Mscuits or some other hot, .fcrwM ire idekl with the oj.stcvs. Oysters in Blankets 1 cup oysters ^ 8 slices bacaa tsp. salt *•1 tsp. papiika Drain liquid from oysters and examine for bits of shell. Place two or more oysters, 'depending on size, or each strip of bacon Sprinkle oysters with salt and paprika. Roll up each slice and tie with white string. Saute in hot frying pan until nicely browned. Garnish with parsley and arrange on platter with toast points if no other hot bread is served. If frozen oysters are used, thaw quickly in cold water befoj^ placing in bacon. Oysters Huist be used promptly ti iny case. 4-H NEWS 4-H FEDERATION The monthly meeting of the McHenry County Federation officer 3 was held at the ' Farm Bureau office. Gene Brown, assistant farm adviser, and' Irene Downey, home adviser, were also present. The approaching dame was discussed and it \yill be held Saturday, Feb. 6, at the Woodstock Community high scnofcl at 8 p.m. Each 4-H member is to bring a guest. Refreshments will be served. A letter will be sent out to each 4-H member, telling about the camp fimd. The amount contributed by members will be for our district camp Shaw-wa-nasee. The window display contest was also discussed, which is usually held during 4-H week iri March. The next officars* meeting will be Feb. 15. " David L. Smith Reporter ^ Mr. and Mrs. Richard Holmberg of Long Beach, Calif., announce the birth of a daughter, Diane Marie, born Jan. 13. Mrs. Holm berg is the former Mary Jayne Laures of McHenry. Read The Want Ads Chicago, filso wore callers. Mr. ind Mrs. John Looze have returned from a trip to Florida. Mrs. C. W. Goodell, Miss Ethel Jones, Warren Jones and Boyd Dowell returned last weekend from Florida, where they had been vacationing for ten days. Jack Wirtz, Bill Weber and Jack Justen were among the University of Illinois students who have been enjoying the semester exam vacation at their respective homes here. John Bolger and Donald Freund of Notre Dame university spent the weekend at their McHenry homes. Miss Mary Ann Bolder of Rosary college returned to school on Monday after spending several days with her mother, Mrs. John Bolger. Miss Kathryn Kortendick of Woodstock was a weekend visitor in the Bolger home. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fenwick and daughter, Julie, of Elmhurst Geoffiey Chaucer was the'first poet laureate of England. Lew Wallace, author of r, was a Union General. Ben <j>bj«Qtiyes for 1954 Kio^uus International jCreate better communities by strengthening our homes churches sad schools. Initiate and support activities ^pat strengthen the physical, spiritual and moral resources of oui" youth. Sponsor effective safety programs on the highway, in the Home, in industry, and on the arm, Chajppion competitive capita- •Hftic enterprise, a balanced budf£ t, and the conservation and de- Wl°pns*tit of our natural resources as essential to a sound national economy. Emphasize with action our way Of life. Promote informed participation |»y Individuals in government affairs at all levels. Maintain and strengthen the friendly relations between Canada and the United States. Work for a clear understanding of the interdependence of labor and management. KIWANIS CLUB McHenry Township JIM ALTHOFF. Pres "It Is a Privilege Jo Be a Kiwanian" m NOTICE As of this date, the telephone number of Dr. L. L. Kagan «of Spring Grove Will be Richmond 2661. »39 Follow Your Decorative Urof with WALLPAPER Tired of looklnf fif th? same old walls? Let us show you I our new collection of wall- ' | papers. Many new designs ' | to choose fpm--designs an£ ]) colors to compliment every room. SANITAS, WALL-TESE, birge quick, united, IMPERIAL, WARNER WALLPAPERS Also Hand Prints and ; Matching Fabrics Maichstick Bamboo Shades and Draw-Drapes % ARTIST SUPPLIES Main Paint Center Fsick. SS|^':" Congratulations tdi' Cubwiaater Bd Nardi, den mothers and committeemen of Pack 361 on the fine job they are doing on the new Cub pack in McHenry. The pack Is just a few months old and has already grown to a size where more den parents and committeemen are needed to help cbntinue the fine work. To date there are approximately forty Cubs in the pack. In the few months the pack has bean functioning, it has had exceptionally fine programs. In November a fine program of flag etiquette was presented and in December there was a Christmas party. The Cubs made the ornaments for the 5-foot tree which was later taken to some friends of all Scouts and was decorated1 and carols* were sung by members of the dens of Pack 361. Last month a minstrel show was presented by the pack. Program for this month ? If you want to know what it is you will have to come and see for yourself. Preparations are how being made by the pack for the father and son banquet which is Feb. | 13. Also they are making plans for their own. blue and gold ! banquet, which will be held at I the Legion Home on Sunday, Feb. 21. Color - Tress Treatment Make Your Valentine Appointment Early . For Your Convenience We Are Now Open Every - Ti7U8. - TfTURS. * FRI. EVENINGS TIL 9:00 P. ]Jf. We Specialise In r Permanent Waving -- Tinting and Complete Beauty Service fttwertorf# 9lair&tylincj, Stadia 1M N. Riverside Drive McHenry, I1L ' Phone 1#T BUTCH'S SAVE MONEY ON YOUR CAR Regular check ops and naiatenasce by our experts means lower ear costs for yo«! , I W# Do Complete Mto W. Elm Street Phone 811 VDItt „ M0l[J MH™" Towino Service Motor Overhauling fltcHenry, III. Residence 91-R At the present time, committee members of the pack are discussing plans for. a roller skating party and a splash party fo«r the Cubs of Peek 361. With programs such as these, it Is no wonder the pack is growing so fast and it seems that a big thank you is due the Men's- club of the Methodist church for sponsoring such a fine group so that the young men of McHenry can be taught good citizenship and fair play. A personal Invitation Is extended by Pack 361 to the public to come and visit at one of our pack meetings and see the future citizens of America in action. Meetings are held the third F.iday of every month at the Legion Home at 7:30, sharp. If you are interested In thefuture of ^ the younger generation and have one hour a week and would like to be a den parent, please contact either. Paul Jessup or Bd Nardi. ;• Den 7 Cubs of Den 7 Were Sad to learn that during the week one >f their buddies nad moved away. The Cube would like to take this * time to extend best wishes to I Charles Knight, who moved to* Etoerald Park last weekend. We hope he will visit them whenever he can come 'to Lakemoor. Cubs of Den 7 are still going' strong on the place cards for dads at the father and son banquet and are also getting their craft work In shape for the window display for Scout Week. Den 7 is pleased to announce that once again they are able to accept applications for membership in the den, so if you are between the ages of 8 and 11 and are interested In becoming a Cub Scout, please contact Mrs. , H. J. Saynor. *- Residence Changes j Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bauer and children have moved from the rear of the Kostl pl&ce on Main i J street to Chicigo. | | Mr. |uad Mrs. Bud Wilde and daughter have moved from <Vaukegan street to Emerald P.rk. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice P^nzt. have moved into the place vacated by the Wildes. WHAT 0 0 YOU / / A N ; TO KNOW ABOUT B A N K I N G ? YES, for we have a responsibility to our depositors whose money we lend. Therefore we must be certain that the purpose of every loan we make is sound. Prompt decisions on loan applications for really constructive purposes are the "order of the day" at our bank. Do you have a financing problem with which we can be of help? McHENRY STATE BANK MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION EMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM PAID t>N SAVINGS £>EPOSlini PHONE 1040 TT tV;*' ' - • • . r - v Y. 118 Main St. PHONE Ulft McHenry, I1L ' Lower, Lovelier TOMORROW! Make Your Beat Faster t. Mmtfntetor copid! Send a Valentine ||ake the maijm<m^gweetheart. From our large Greeting Card lo y one with molif ani and brilliant selection, cho matched «. NYE DRUG STORE WALGREEN AGENCY^ ^ DRIVE PHONE 26 THE KVUYONI AORIIS - OMATtST OLDSMOIILK Tit! ifRVve known it for months . . . and now showroom crowds have ^oofirmed it: There's mmr hem • car like tkU Hmemt Super **88" jPUwuofiflt/ This u the newwt new OkUmoliilc in fifty<Mven yean-- oat ahead In every way! Out ahead with breath-taking new styling! low-level silhouette! Dashing new sweep-cut fender and door design! All in all, an entirely new Americas sport* car look! Oat ahead in tision--with a new panoramic windshield! Make a date »1Kith the uftrs-oew, oU-new Oldsmobi)e Super for 1954! Cm Utmurm-d ; 1954 Suptr "MT HMUmy Cmmp*. tTkilt SUnett Tint f ti--ml m mctrm tarn. A CiMrai tfMn Vtd--. i • • ORIATUT "ROCKIT" Yff! Out years ahead in power. . . e x c i t i n g •ew "Rocket" Engine power! Tku is the 185-bp. engine that conquered the Continental Divide in the Colorado Rockies in record-breaking tune! TAis is the engine that prored 'its new economy at the Indianapolis Speedway! Try it... eeeni NOW A t f O U i e i D S M O I I L I D U U R ' S .** •- ^ . T-' R. J. Overton Motor Salet r WATCH I M i , ^ C P M l N f l H H M U A I t l

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