Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Feb 1954, p. 2

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TOE McHERRY WW- • r-v '? -js" %' - ' " j . * - v . » ' i * r? ^yrmT^rcj WWMWWr-f: ANDREA POKETTE t g WED SATURDAY TO 4UAMES JOHNSOIf f St. Mary's Catholie «lM»rch \ ivns the scene of a lovely wedding ceremony last Saturday morning, JFeb. 6. at 9:30 o'clock when Miss Andrea Pokette, daughter of the Clyde Pokettes of Lily moor became the bride of Mr. James Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Johnson of McHenry. Et. Rev. Msgr. C. S. Nix officiated at the nuptial rite. Given in marriage by her fa CJ>. of A. Business ! has made an exciting selection Meeting February 4 -J of table piiwa Mid is anxious The regutar business meeting to share this choioe with Acinar the C.D. of A. was held bers and guests who plan to at- TOtursday evening, Feb. 4. Win- tend. ne™ in the card games which o.E.8^"card P**®!ijnMthe past j tuer/'MiM PoketU approached --~ -- - * (he altar, lovely in a waltz length gown of white net over satin, styled with tight fitting bodice and bolero. Her fingertip veil was held in palace by a headpiece of satin and net and she _ - H should be' mentioned that, carried a bouquet oX call* lilies The next meeting will be held Myrtle Harrison is encouraging; amj gteplnnotis. Feb. 18, this being planned t some of the beat cherry pie male-; D.tu social get-together and alsq the' fourth party of the' card tournament. will not only be a conversation piece for their attractiveness but a'so arc sure to require a care ful calorie count the following : day • • - - ^ -- " The party will tie feeld . at Afacia hall. t t • '1I"H < IH' followed were Kathiyn L. Freund ! have left pleasant memories with and Theresa Steffan in pinochle;! those who attended and special Van Diedrich in canasta; and j effort has been expended to date Marie Larkin in bridge.. to make this one equally en joy- Refreshment? were served by' ,q ble and will Weep these mamor- Helen Mauch and Constance May j ies alive. and their committee Catherine Mahoney * and . Dorothy Miller will act as hostesses. Marilyn Schmitt Honored At Shower. Miss Marilyn Schmitt was hofPored at a miscellaneous shower last Sunday afternoon, given by the Rudolph family of Spring Grove at the Roy Rudolph home at Salem, Wis. Aft-plane bunco was played, after which a social hour was held in which the bride-to-be opened a variety of lovely gifts. Patriotic Program Presented By Pupils A patriotic program was presented by students of the eighth grade, under direction of Sister M. Adilia. at the last meeting of St. Mary's P.T.A.. held Feb! 3. The committee in charge included Mrs. Bernard Blake, chairman; Mrs. Wilfred Blake. M* s. Clemens Freund, Mrs. Robert ThurlwellJ, Mrs. Clarence Regner, Mrs. Stephen Huska, Mrs. Gus Freund, Mrs. Charles \Vhiting. Mrs. Paul Nits and Mrs. Margin Tuffekowski. Both the matron of honor, era in the community to extend j Mrg Ruth Kreuuer, sister of the themselves on tllat day. They bridegroom. and the bride8maid. luvenUe Foresterf* Plan Valentine Party Juvenile Forester girls are planning a Valentine party to be held Monday, Feb. 15, from 7 to 9 p.m. in St. Mary's school hsll. Bridal Shower For Marflyn Miss. Manly Diedrich honfn?d guest at a bridal shower pivejr recently at St. John's hall. The room was attractively decorated in the colors of yellow and' white, whih an umbrella as a c<||jwfllece. G|m« Wire enjoyed, with prizfs awarded the winners. Miss Diedrfch received a corsage made up of small kitchen utensils and also was given many other beautiful ahd useful gifts. Alan J. Bookman vVed Janice Holmes Dr. and Mrs. F. L. Holmes of Searcy, Ark., formerly of Park Ridge, have announced the en* gagement of theif daughter, Janice Virginia, to Alan J. Bockman, son of Mr. and Mrs. William A. Bodhman. Sr.. of Rt. 3, McHenry. Miss Holmes is a student at Northwestern University. Her fiance, a graduate of the McHenry high school with the class of 1948, has been serving with the Air Force since 1951. He is presently stationed at Travis Air Force base, Calif, No definite da^e &asf been set for the wedding. ' wap serwd by thf^ hos-^ tMjMMiaker^ ?%'Iaarrtl*e DDtiaertfrriicchh ," SSuuae TVhhAe-- rtMn-Honh* Wfffc ty Ann Stilling, Nancy and Dorothy Schaefer. . Diedrich will become the bridi 'of Gerald Thelen Feb 20. Delt^ Kappa Gamma Met" In Crystal Lake 1 A meeting of Delta Kappa Gamma was held at Central school in Crystal Lake Monday 1 evening, Feb. 8. It was arranged to entertain Future Teacher clubs in McHenry county and approximately fifty young people attended. Mrs. John Bolger, advisor of the dub in McHenry, had seventeen, of her group in attendance. Clifford Todd, president of the local F.T.A., deserves much credit for enthusiasm of the Future Teachers of McHenry. Richmond, Crystal Lake, Woodstock and McHenry had representatives sjt this meeting*. OJEjS. Public Card Party on Feb. 17 The McHenry Eastern Star public card party scheduled for 1:30 p.m. on Feb. 17 is only a X^w. days away. Marie Nichels MAKE EVERY DAY VALENTINE'S DAT WITH A LASTING GIFT Dr. Neal BowmaiT •" ., To Address Club' > In addition to the appearance of Mr. Smale at f^riday's meeting of the Woman's club, the audience will be addressed by Dr. Neal Bowman Of the National Asportation of Manufacturers, who will also be guest speaker at the Boy Scout father-son banquet Saturday nighfc . Thirty-six McHenry' Jaunty homemakers attended ' the University of Illinois Farm and Home Week Monday through Thursday of last week. The group left the county Monday morning by bus to attend four days of honiemaking classes and activities, including the Illinois $ome Bureau Federation annual meeting on Thursday. Those in the group included Mrs. Ralph White, Mrs. Roy Swanson and Mrs. Howard Wilkinson, Ringwood, and Mrs. Russell Rudolph, Spring Grove. imwriiiiiui immmrni m, i i«t w BIRTHS ffMVtN I H I I IIWW11IJW I ItHTI IM11111I I Htir A son. Alan Robert, was born Feb. 8 at the Woodstock hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Weingart. This is their first chilft. Mr. and Mrs. Richa'i Frederick of Johnsburg are the parents of a son, born Feb. 6 at the Woodstock hospital., A son, Mervin Daniel, was born Feb. 2 at the Woodstock hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Mervin sStaines of Woodstock. Grandparents of the baby are Mr. and «^MrSv;William Staine* of McHenry ahd Mrs. Elisabeth Pjnrtfhgton Of East Beamstad. Ky. CARD OF THANKS I would like to take means of tlianking all those who sent me cards and gifts and offered prayers in my behalf during the time I was confined to the hospital. They were appreciated so much. MO i Rita Louise Freund Cub Scouting, started in 1931. now has over a million "boys enrolled. ' Miss Maiian Springman, friend of the bride, were attired similarly. They chose yellow net gowns over satin, with matching headpieces. Their flowers were red carnations in heart-shaped bouquets. Sylvester "Dave" Kreutzer served his brother-in-law as best man and groomsman was Jack Schaefer of Fox Lake, his cousin. Mrs. Johnson chose a navy blue nylon dress with red accessories and a corsage of white carnations. Breakfast was served at the Johnson home for the bridal party and twenty-five members of the two families enjoyed dinner at noon at the Town Club. A small gathering of friends and i relatives was held at the Johnson home. The bride attended the McHenry high school and has been employed at the Admiral plant. The bridegroom also attended the local school and is an employee of the TAM corporation. The newlyweds expect to make their home at Lilymoor. CHORAL CLITB OWy solotsts and small ansembles of the McHenry Choral club will rehearse next Monday evening, Feb. 15. The following Monday a general practice will be held. PERSONALS - Freddie Thompson of Waukegan visited MCHenry relatives last weekend. Mrs. Lydla Lang spent the weekend with her brother in Columbus, Ohio, and while there attended the wedding of a niece. The Lynn Smiths of Rockton spent the weekend with her parents, the Martin Cor.ways. Miss Rita Martin spent several days with her father, Clarence Martin, in Waukegan. Miss Ann Smith was a Weekend guest in the home Of Miss Mary Jane Gerasch. Henry Schaeffer visited Herman Maiman at St. Therese hospital on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Doherty, "Mrs. R. I. Overton and Mrs. Ada Hoelscher, the latter of Elgin, left last week for Qrlando, Fla., where they will vacation for several weeks. . , Miss Ellen Walsh ,'of Sotgtfi Bend, Ind., and Miss Cathy Miller of Chicago were weekend guests of Mrs. Jack Walsh. Mr. and' Mrs. John R. Justen left Monday morning for a three weeks' trip to Mississippi and Florida. They were accompanied as far as Champaign by their son, Jack, who returned to his studies at the University of Illinois. The Misses Barbara Simon, Mary Ann Noonan and Joyce Weber left last Saturday for a sixteen-day train trip to Florida and Cuba. Patsy Owen, who is attending Cornell college in Iowa, spent last week with her father, Harold Owen. Joe and Margaret Bauer enjoyed a visit recently with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Dietz of Glendora,, Calif., formerly of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Phalin visited in the Mrs. A. D. Foley home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Phalin had just returned from a cruise to the Virgin Islands, Caracas, Panama Canal Zone and Cuba. Mrs. William Spencer is enjoying a trip to San Carlos. Calif., where she is visiting in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Richard Stenger, and family^'.J CARD OF THAOVKS ? We wan to take this' opportunity to thank our many friers, relatives and neighbors fop cards, gifts and prayers on the occasion of our wedding anniversary. We are also grateful to the many others who also helped to make our party such a delightful success. Everything was appreciated very deeply. 40 ^ . Mrt and^Mra. John*, CARD OF THANKS We would like to take this opportunity to thank fiienris and relatives for cards nnd gifts and the many other remembrances which helped to make our fiftyfifth wedding anniversary a day long to be remembered. 40 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Smttjf Your Hair Is JPrecious Trust it only to Experts • Don't Endanger the Health of Your Hair by Experimenting. Come To Us for Skilled Care and Top Stylings ... Make Your Valentine-Appointments Early . . . Open Every Tues.-Thurs. A Fri. Evenings Until 9:00' P.M. We Specialise In Permanent Waving Tinting and Complete Beauty Service Hweruda ShilMtijtinfy Stadia tsbtfrrtlN! To TV- Plain<l«alnr t 126 N. Riverside Drive McHenry, 111. Phone 147 LAST RITES HELD , m CHICAGO FOR f CORNELIUS QUimJUr Last rites were conducted in Chicago on Saturday for Cornelius Quinlan, wtio died in Victory Memorial hospital, Waukegan, on Wednesday, Feb. 3.* A Mass was read at St. Patrick's church, McHenry, Fi iday, toy Fr. B. C. Coakley, after which the body was taken to the Suburban funeral home in Maywood. Rev. Fr. Arthur C. Haubold of St. James daurch was in charge of final services conducted Saturday mbraing at Calvary cemetery. Evanston, followed by interment beside his mother. The deceased was born in Chicago, a son of the late Cornelius and Rosamond Quinlan. He lived there until moving to McHenry in 1945. t "it ; was through his association with the Spring Grove Packing company, of which he was part owner, that the Quinlans moved to this community. His interest was disposed of several years ago. He was still active in business in Chicago at the time of his death, having been vice-president and director of the Fulton Street Wholesale Market company, which was founded by his father. % In earlier years he was very active in all types of sports, an interest which (he maintained as a spectator more recently. He was exceptionally proficient at golf, enjoyed fishing and was awarded trophies for his "300" bowling game( Survivors include his widow, Ida Ann Quinlan; a step-daughter, Mrs. Jean Pabst of Chicago, one sister, Mrs. Gertrude Mc- Guire of Skokie, and a brother, Lester, of Chicago. He also leaves two nieces^ # .'TEEN-AGE DANCE GROUP PLANNING VALENTINE PARTY V.F.W. NEWS Thnrsdty, Febvuary 11. 1954 Erneft Userhan called fof iI capacity crowd of young square dancers at the Edgebrook school recently. Each meeting, more and more young folks come to participate in these dances. There were seventeen sets of eight young people set up and ready to go at the first call. It is truly something to see these boys and girls having a very good time and in such great numbers. Mr. Useman is to be commended for his smooth operation of this successful program. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Kiehl and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wirfs were chaperones representing the Community P.T.A., Joseph Dahlen took charge from juni>£ high, Mr. and Mrs. Nihill were present from St. Patrick's and Mr. and Mrs. Hirry Brady represented St. Mary's P.T.A., Saturday, Feb. 13, is the date of the Valentine party for these 'teen-agers. The time la 7:80 tp 9:45. Marriage Licenses Frank Rempfer and Kathryn M. Howard, both of McHenry. Girl Scouts Troop 1 On Feb. 8, Troop 1 planned their belated Valentine party which will be held on Feb. 15. The girls who are working on the cook badge will bring calces or cookies, whichever they prefer. (There is a correction to be made in our last news item. Juliette Low day is oq March 12.) Lynne Buckie, scribe Troop 8 Troop S is working on a scrapbook that is for the second class badge. We discussed the Girl Scout pageant and then did some dances. Pat Anderson, scribp Read The Want A4a! Gii4 J0OT? a Chance HOW CHioiCff-eVexysuNn^y UNITED EVANGELISTIC MISSION PREACHING SERVICES SUNDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 8 P.M. Feb. P14th thru 19th XT THE ; COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH v Main and Canter streets ' km- Spaafcer: Rev. Wm. Fatai,, mmlifntiisstteerr of First Methodist Church of Belvedere. VISITORS WELCOME u M ft* All Members of Pamrly MMATIA tf Jewels $42.10 Other Elicintfrom $35.75 FAItimS 17 *69.90 HEW ELCIHS IncMi Mtral Tm " FROM STEFFAN'% a J#welry & B*cazda At# Main St. MrHenry, 111. PUUMB ISM '-V h r , v: Remember those dear to you. and send an appropriate valentine, Ottr large assortment includes greetings fas family as well as sweexnearts; Come Ift Today] B O L G E R ' STORE 103 So. Green Si. NOW t°r f'rst t'me in many years you can buy this DOUBLE WALL - BOWL TUB SPEED I r l QUEEN ) The sensational low price of $99.99 for this genuine* double-wall Speed Queen is made possible through factory cooperation as a special mid-winter promotion to reduce warehouse stocks. It's a golden opportunity for you to make a big saving on a new washer. The main thing* in order to get this low price, is to act right away--before ouc stock of this special factory allotment is sold out. So stop in as soon as possible, or phone. Terms can be arranged for as little as *2°° PER WEEK Phone 40 Carey E l e c t r i c ]t» 4 OMMCN STRKEfr ffiONt Ml NJohenby, nxoron By OhMljH Saoeie At a meeting of Feb. 8, the ladies of the auxiliary were happy to welcome a new member in their midst. A wonderful letter was received from Downey hospital, thanking the girls .for the wonderful Christmas they gave the patients. The patriotic conference will be held this coming Saturday morning at the Hotel Sherman. The time 14 9:30 a.m. 'Anyone interested should please contact President Helen Low. ' Our next district meeting will be held in Elgin on Feb. 21 at 2 p.m. Please contact H. Low if interested in going. A nfiw project has been undertaken by the ladies' auxiliary to benefit the McHenry library. The ladies are going to sell well known cooking products and the proceeds will be turned over to the library. The support of everyone is required. President's Reminder Each year at this time' the committee in charge of delink quent membership contacts those members who h&va jxat renewed their membership in the auxiliary. Again this year we look forward to an increase in -the number of members and it is only possible by the renewal of the old members. The many undertakings of our organization, both in the community and at the veterans' hospitals we serve, aa well as the National Home at Eaton Rapids, necessitates help and members to do the job well. We look for « banner year In 1954 and certainly hope that as well as the new members we receive, the old members will be a., pact, of; ifc' V ' a Over 300,000 volunteer leaders in Scouting took training courses last year. First Church of Christ, Scientist Woodstock, 111., South & Dean Sta., invites you to listen to -- > - ^ paw Christian Science *.•/ Heals "Aff EFFECTIVE ' REMEDY FOR , OsFFICE POLITICS" 'Sunday 7:40 a.m. WJJD (1160 kc) Sunday 9:00 am. WROK (1440 kc) WHAT DO YOU W^NT TO KNOW ABOUT BANKING 1 •n i * w ROM your checkbook balance, subtract y Ikny service charges. From the statement bal* |nce, subtract the total of checks issued but phot yet paid by the bank; add deposits mad| •^lince the date of the statement. The two balances should then be in agreement * i Tfye statement of your account which w» ^ Sendl you periodically also brings ; :elfed cfmcltf yvfcv&imfh f«H McHENRY STATE BANK MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTltf* INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS FHOftfE 1040 You'll win the heart of your Valentine with her favorite corsage. The most convincing way to say, "I love you." ELM STREET FLORIST I'r we ! Telegraph Flowers ^ AnywtMTdf- " Across The Street FNM| AiP" ftOO W. ELM 9T. PHONE 290

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