* • * ' * • ' ' ' I « L •, ? ' :X --T" ; : ; '"• ' v . - . ' . : r * - ' ' ' • - < ' _ „ . * * * * . : . . . . . vXv; . - *, _v • - ' WUser, s Advertised frecery end pariah a Ma teed prices sibjact te change Wttk tfcevwkeffc' CHOPPED BEEF f 1 (\ Natco v SERVING YOU BITTER yf SAVING YOU MOJtt Washburn's Beans " | flourishing GREAT NORTHERN Tike pick of tkt crop-sorted by haad. C TOMATO CATSUP Tree Top--Frozen Concentrated^ ORANGE JUICE 2601. " 4U 2-tb. 25 MusselmanV APPLE SAUCE J§olicioas iid« dish with a«y meal. 2^sosOC' RICE Aaitrica't finest-high*st quality, 2l-«Lk 25 Heat & Serve BALLARD'S BISCUITS From pkf to your table in minutes. 28-OZ. OC'C Cm Everbest Red RASPBERRY PRESERVES Mod* from tho finest choice raspberries. ',MSi |2-0z. Jar 47 Nkteaik j. Libby's PINEAPPLE JUICE Mas that refreshing tropic flavor. tt-Oz. 1 00 Cans ipi inwi ivii v9iiin^ nv^rr 346-0Z. 4L Cans ' JL Saiorno COCOANUT BARS favorite of the whole family* I0-0z. Pk(. 25 Silver Skillet CORNED BEEF HASH In a lwrry? Try this, you'll lovo it 2 "49° Del Monte SLICED PINEAPPLE Delicious with cottage cheese. No.t 8u 29 Stokely's SIFTED PEAS Pocked at their peok of flavor 2Ho. 303 E! C Honey Pad Peas 2"cm"35* Top Treat CHOCOLATE CHERRIES Creamy chocolate covered cherries. iC" ' lex 49 Sunsweet PRUNES' Large sweet prunes ready for cooking 24k. iC Pkg. SmswMt Large S^ne ProRM . . . Stokely Halves or Sliced Peaches Tonight serve peaches S. cr«oti tor dessert N.. Z;0 C' LO Gold Medal or Pillsbury Finest quality, milled from selected whe^ati Vanity Fair Bath Tissue Grrflenr>ss oid strength perfectly : ombined. 4 39 c Natco Pure Vegetable - For All Ymu Cook ing and Baking Needs. 3 iJ. Can U. S. GOVERNMENT GRADED AND STAMPED CHOICE BEEF STANDING Kt ^im SJh Rib-- 7-Inch Cat ROAST lost Made Cats National's 100% Pure Beef Pot 'J 961 Ground Roast uftU Beef 59 LH lean, Meaty, Fresh BaitonButt Pork Roast 55 For Cooking & Salad* i Swanson's Beef. Chicken or Pies 3£l°° Swanson's Everfresh Chicken Legs or Thighs Li. 89 Swift's PrtMlwn Tray Fucked Bacon Morhoefer's Old faiMsail SMaygai Style , , . . . - w S u m m e r Sausage.». u 59" Mkkalborry'* Snofcod Perk Seescfe • p Foocy Wkita--Lor«o a**, Litfie Mickeys, Gulf Shrimp..:>69® Mickolherry's 014 Farm Sliced ' |.n* aa S«nm*t Tmfitr Soaad--Extre Stenderd Urge Bologna.... %29e Fresk Oysters - 79* Advertised Meet Prfees effective thru SetM M. IJ Wesson Oil...... '.v.139 Sumkino AM Krispy Crackers.... & 27e 5 Pure Vegetable Shortening -- Orisco Shortening.... «»87c 20Nrf»M«i Mil, H* pk«. - . .. Modess . . . . . . . . . % |49 KiUfcon Htlpar _ Ajax Cleanser.... 2^25° Booaty Soop a-Jk fkfk Cashmere Bouquet ^ . 323 Aniasiaaly Mild Soap ^ Jfcan Cashmere Bouquet.. 3:« 35c 8-Lb. MESH BAG >rtn«» Omt Boevty _ A ^ Palmolive Soap..« 3^23 A leenty lotli ^ . Palmolive Soap... 3^.35e Special l« Solo . - Woodbury Soap. •. 425e s ^r= s Spatial 2c Sola' - • • ^ Woodbury Soap. i 38c MMd Soop • i Vel Detergent.... 2 & 59e Mo Soap Filaa /h A Fab Detergent i > .. ^69^ Was in Dirts o«t ;.|| p||. Tide Detergent.. * 2 & 59 Slakes SMne .a Dreft Detergent... 2^01 Foster Sods. Liqoid a. ha Joy Detergent, .v. 2.'«^ Sir Hoosohold Cloooor •• Spic & Span..... .^75° Hord Wotor Soop A . Kirk's Castile.. . . 3s?29® GRAPEFRUIT Tree Ripened--Marsh Seedless 'Peak of the Pack" Florida grown-** Large 70-80 Sii# Sweat and Fresh 49 c • t" iW'm' *4 0 j Worfda--Largo 10 She FRESH. CKISP PASCAL CELERY Clooo Waskad DAKOTA GROWN IEI POTATOES Florida--Largo Fall Car* FRESH GOLDEN SWEET CORN M. jO joe 4 *"2 9* CalHorala--Frosk |.Lk. Caii'ui itfo 1 A%oar)%««0.k „ a •. 0 • e « Pkg. w Peart. 2ik 25c - 19c ColHontia--20S-22Q Slio Wool f|||* 38*. Sta^r*«* Oranges...... »•«. 09 Lemons....... > 45c Advortisod Produce Prices offecHva ttw SatH M. 13 Dates WMtor.erowo--WlMSaoH AA{ Laro* F«« Ipilll iroall i^a Broccoli mm - •• . . Elm Street •*$> • r'S' STORES OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT 'TIL 9 P.M. FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENC1