Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Feb 1954, p. 12

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& t-T > Twalva THE McHENHY PLAMDEALEH Wonder Lake News By VueHW Sells Bob Davis Has Birthday | ga, WlcMlne Bob Davis, son of Mr. and Harry D and Florence Hunt of Mrs. Ben Davis, celebrated a Wonder Lake a:e suing Grovor, birthday on Valentine*^ Day. Bob and Anna Wickline for the re- operates a shoe store for his oovery of $3,200 they have spent! father in Belvidere. on a house near Shore Hills. The! > Hupts say they purchased the j February is truly a birthday ih^use and land from Wickline! month. The Parent-Teaoher assoand intended to use it as a sand- j ciation also celebrates its anniwidh shop. They understood that i Versary in February. the land was zoped for fommer-j It ^as on 17 lg97 •**1 use at the time they" bought | organization of parents, the place. Later they found it teachers and other citizens who wan not so zoned. were interested in the welfare, Wickine spent an undetermin- education an<i protection of chiled amount on partial const rue-; dr<,n youth wm founded In ticn of tfee house and th" Hunts vVashington. D.C. ' .pent another $2,210. They paid ; Appropriate to thlg occasion, $500 dov™ on a Founders* Day meeting was •TOth-»r *500 in good, on at th£ Harrison 8chool on *u*&truction work. y Tuesday, Feb. 9. Again a record > ,* , j attendance was present. Mother Dies .} The Harrison school P.T.A. , Mrs. Carrie Welton Sells, mo- president, Mrs. Roy E. Swan son, the* of Fred Welton Sells of Indian Ridge, died in Michigan Saturday at the home of her only daughter. Funeral se: vices °nd burial were in Carlinville Monday. She was a native of Carlinville but had lived for many years in Chicago. Mrs. Sells is survived by five ether sons, twenty-one grandchildren and fifteen great-grand - children. ! Has Surgery ,. Mrs. Frank Reiss of Wonder Lake entered Memorial hospital at Woodstock Sunday for major surgery. Move To Park Ridge Mr. and Mrs. Verne Hanson have moved from Wonder Lake to a new home in Park Ridge. Red Cross Drive Edward Doutlich is to be the fund chairman for the Red Cross in Wonder Lake this year. Mrs. Ruth Redman is the branch chairman at Wonder Lake. Entertain County Group The Wonder Lake auxiliary of the American Legion entertained the county council, of the auxiliary recently at the post home. Marian Cannon, chairman of the Wonder Lake unit, welcomed the guests. 'Hie next county meeting will be held in the post home, at Woodstock on March 5 Has Birthday V Young Philip Hasting*," #r, (known as Flip) of Wickline Bay, celebrated his ninth birthday last Wednesday with a party. A group of twenty-two children, most of them from his third grade class, were present at the party. ROBERT HAY "THE LOW OVERHEAD WAY* General Contractor New Construction and Remodeling LET US FIGURE FOR YOU Phone 622-W-2 f * ROUTE 4 ' . MoHENRY. ILLINOIS : displayed to the assembly the "Certificate of Program Accepted" that was earned by the Harrison school P.T.A. unit from the Illinois Congress of Parents and Teachers. This certifies that the program of the unit has been evaluated and accepted by the district and state program evaluation committees. Announcements were made in regard to the audio, dental and vision testing program. Ttyere has been a good deal of absenteeism and the audio testing is not quite complete, but will be completed very soon. Those who have been devoting so much time to this project are Mrs. Lincoln Kock, Mrs. JaniKs Ensminger, Mrs Car! Bailey, Mrs. Roy Swanson, Mrs. Alford Johnston and Mrs. Gree Mieling. The hostess room for the February meeting was Mrs. Oonk's fourth graae. The roommothers were Mrs. Mann, Mrs. Samkus, Mrs. Vacula and Mrs. Wat kins. They assisted in serving the tasty cake, coffee and tea at the refreshment hour that follows each P.T.A; meeting. Mrs. Greg Mieling, hospitality co-chairman, proved her exceptional talent when the special P.T.A. birthday cake was displayed. The room award was claimed by Mr. Bailey's room with thirty-four represented. It was unanimously voted at this meeting that the Harrison •chool P.T.A. unit Join the newly formjed McHenry county council of Parents and Teachers. The report of the nominating committee was read by Mrs. Marion Slavin. The committee met on Jan. 14 and consisted of Mrs. Robert Decker, chairman; Mrs. Slavin, Mrs. Bailey, Mr. Belshaw, and Mr. Pierce. The following slate of officers was presented: President. Mrs. Francis Majion; vice-president, Mrs. Greg Mieling; secretary, Mrs. Boyce King; treasurer, Mrs. LeRoy Johnson. In accordance with our by-laws, nominations are now open from the floor until the election meeting in March. Mrs. Mahal and Mrs. Bensoif asre chaperone3 for the Valentiiie dance for seventh and eighth grade students on Feb. 11 at the school. Arnold Zaeske spoke a few words in regards to curriculum and a proposed building program at Harrison school. Attention Please: Your April P.T.A. meeting will be held on the first Tuesday instead of the second Tuesday, as is the custom. A unanimous vote was given this recommendation so thtt a P.T.A. meeting could be held prior to the election date of April 10; also to test that Tuesday to accommodate another organization whose members may be better able to attend P.T.A. on a first Tuesday. We will then be able to bring to you the candidates who are running for your. Harrison school board of education offices. Mrs. Harry Setzler, legislative chairman of Harrison school P.T.A., has announced that there are two vacancies to fill. The terms of Mr. Cheney and Mr. Audino expire at this time. She also stated that three sets of filing papers for these positions have been given out by her, that March 20 is the last date to file as a candidate for election on April 10, and that on this same date the McHenry school board election takes place at the city hall in McHenry. On Feb. 20 a bond issue vpte for an addition to Harrison school will take place at the school. Mrs. Setzler has a complete schedule arranged whereby it is hoped to have a record vote take place. There will be taxi service, with hourly stops at the Vacula store, fire house, variety store, Nativity Lutheran church and Burch's garage for those who do not have transportation. There will be a sitter service also. For other information call Mrs. .Setzler or Mrs, Swanson. Jerry Vjdlbbs of Woodstock sang three selections for the enjoyment of the P.T.A. assembly. Mrs. Morris of Woodstock was most kind in accepting an invitation to appear at the meeting to tell of her inexpensive hobby of making mantle and table decoration bouquets - and arrangements. A "radio broadcast" skit was presented by members of Wonder Lake Girl Scout Troop No. 2, under the very capable direction of Mrs. Ted Reitesel. Those taking part were Jill Gustavson, Judy Koch, Dorothy Cook, Carole Swanson Susan Miller, Gail Cannon, Vicki Johnson and Lynn Wilkinson. Posters are again on cUsplqy at various Wonder Lake grocery stores to tell the community of the coming social event. The Harrison school P.T.A. ways and • f*. •<*« jf!»- ' • V -<*" • ' •' _ Thursday, February 18. 1954' .. v " V \ means chairman, Sirs. Harry Pierce, is in charge of a card, bunco and dance event to be held at the Harrison sebodl «* Feb. 27 at 8 p.m. IOCS NEW & USED RUGS FOR SALE OSfle To Our Plant and See A Complete Selection of Lee's and G r a t i s t a n S a m p l e s . Or P h o n e Woodstock 888 or in for Horns Shopping Service. TOP PRICES FOR YOUK OLD RUG IN TRADE OUR PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY Also Linoleum and Tile Sales and Installations, Carpet Laying, Bog Cleaning & Repair*. RUG CLEANERS Low Cost Fuel At Your Door Why use out-moded fuels with all the extra work they cause? We will deliver convenient, thrifty, safe Bottled Gas direct to your door, wherever you live. ALTHOFFS HARDWARE "McHenry County's Leading Hardware" Phone 284 501 Main St. McHenry, I1L t\ TIDY FLOOR COVERINGS 60* Washington St. Woodstock, IliT T BRAND NEW SPINET (PIANOS Full 88 Note Keyboard In Mahogany $46goo SURVEY TIMBER LANDS Timber lands in thirteen Illinois counties are to be surveyed within the next month or two by state and federal foresters. Three tracts, each containing four square miles, will be checked in each county ks part of a coun-\ trywide study of timber resources which is conducted every seven to ten years. The lust survey was in 1945. The state Department of Conservation will help the U.S. Forest Service do the job. Individual landowners in the areas to be surveyed can help by gtying information w!hen visited by a forester, tpvd by allowing him to go through their woodlands. The Illinois counties to be surveyed are: Alexander, Jasper, Jefferson, Marshall, Massac, Macon, Mercer, Grundy, Randolph, Schuyler, Stephenson, St. Clair and Wayne. FARMERS H fou have something to Buy, Sell or Trade ADVERTISE in the PLAINDEALER USED SPINETS FROM $37500 USED GRANDS FROM $34500 ALSO BIG SAVINGS . ON FLOOR SAMPLES SAVE UP TO " $200°° Large Selection To Choose From SIMONSON Established 1919 • N. Grove Ave., Elgin, Opoa Mou. tf. FH. "Evenings Business and Service WONDER Directory Watch This Space For Weekly Specials CROSLEY and COLEMAN Products Household Needs -- Bottled Gas -- T.V. Service REUTERS GENERAL STORE Phoas WX. 4S81 ALL PHASE Plumbing Farmers Agree champion Sb^cintITractor tires DISHM ASTER Push Button Dishwasher Completely Installed only $55.00 Phone WX. 8851 ffow Horizons in Building W'HWfc/A U OTHERS! Their deep bite and self-cleaning action give your tractor extra pulling power, saving 4u«l cosh and engine wear. Equip your tractor with Firestone tires toda^. Crisiy and Siendebach GENERAL. CONTRACTORS Plume Wonder Lake $432 -- 2464 -- 5301 WONDER LAKE BUILDERS SUPPLY T. P. MATHEWS REAL ESTATE IKSURANCE «f AD Kinds WONOER LASSB 3061 Streetfa Hickory Falls Phillips "66" Service Station e Washing # Greaainf e Tires e Batteries One block So. of Ringwood Road on Blacktop - North-end of Wonder Lake . . . Phone Wonder Lake 8651 McHenry Tire Mart l V WALT FREUND and BOB THURLWELL. Props. IN Matn Street Phone 2&4 or 295-J Went McHfurj j Free Estimates. £ Delivery Phone " wj* mi If you have news items of interest to your neighbors in Wonder Lake, please contact your cor* respondent, Van Sells, al* Wonder Lake 2933. ... 2 TIDY W< RESULTS IN FgWE* HOME ACCIDENTS A cluttered workshop not only slows you down, but it can cause accidents, too, warns University of Illinois farm safety specialist Gordon McCleary. Use one of these cold winter days to put your shop in order, and look for these things: , Have a place for every tool and keep it there when it's not in use. Using the wrong tool because the right one can't be found causes a lot of painful, annoying injuries. ' <r«'. . ,-,y. •> H Oily rags should be burned or stored in a tightly closed metal container. JDoo't inyii£ M fire fty letting flammable Material fine VP. - Keep flammable liquids In t i g h t l y - c a p p e d , n o n - b r e a k a b l e containers that are labeled. Store them in a cool place. Cords on soldering irons, drills and other electrical tools get a lot of rough treatment. See that insulation is in good shape, that plugs aren't cracked. Good lighting speeds the job and also helps you do better work. If you've taken the guards off the electric grinder, better" put them b*ck. And keep goggles handy; you can't replace an eye. Just in oaae a fire atarts, can I you stop it while it's still a little one? A fire extinguisher -- one ^ that's been checked recently is cheap fire insurance. If you have welding equipment, ' be sure there are no flammable materials near it that might be 4 set afire by sparks or welding flames. You'll need good , ventilation, too, and take a little ex- * tra time to put on a face shield and protective gloves whenever > you weld. "Gin" as used in Cotton Gins is an abbreviation for enginer 1 SPEEDY ^ M? HENRY GARAGE r SAY, POPHdw FAR IS r TOSrPRtNGOAlEpJ rjDONT BWTlY KNOW, SONNY •BOUT TH' Ofclt.Y THiNO >lOO > CAN DEPEND ON NOW CWT<5 15 TH'WONDntFUS. SERVICE of BUT TH' WW THINGS HAS 6ONE UP LATELY RECKON IT MtOHT BE ROUND SEVENTY FIV6 BY NOW. YES SIR! WHEN THEY FIX YOUR CAR YOU KNOW ITS 60IN6 TO J5 NICK MILLER'S GET v.." U WH&Rfc IPHENRYGMAtt YDUWA 1TT06O I SEE "YOU'PE HEP. SON RIGHT INTM THEY GIVE TOU 6S00VC! HJU. VALUE •SATISFACTION 000 FRONT STREET KAISER-WILLYS Sales & Service PHONE 408 McIIENRY, ELL. Future • Farmers pftfMtNiCCt. WE BELIEVE IN THE FUTURE OF FARMING The Future Farmen of Ameriefe, vocational agriculture students til-the high schools, are daily learning more and more about farming. Through training, through study and I through application oi fasts learned in the classroom, on 4he farm and in the shop, these boys are becoming more and more proficient at this ancient calling. With training through actual farm projects, each year more and more boys are coming out of schools with the "know-how" of farming on a modern scientific basis. It is through these boys that the future of our nbtion will depend, for only through a strong agriculture can this nation hope to survive. We believe in the future of farming as practiced by the vocational students of the high school. . ^ r . ____ NATIONAL FFA WEEK FEB. 22 through FEB. 28 Next week is the observance of National F. F. A. Week, picked specifically to coln- . cide with the birthday of George Washington, who besides many other things was i scientific farmer. We hope you will join with us in offering our best wishes to our coining farmers. This Advertisement Sponsored By ^McHENRY MILLS. Inc. PILL£BURY'S BEST FpPS SOS Crystal L»ke S& McHenry, % Phone 815 R. M FLEMING & SON ALUS-CHALMERS -- NEW IDEA A SERVICE 522 Wnukegnn Rd. . McHenry, lit Phone S8 McHENRY STATE BANK- - Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve System Interest Paid On Savings Deposits \ PHONE 10*0 , ' • ' . -J" McHENRY LUMBER CO. 611 Main St. McHenry.JUL Phone M SCHMITT & CONWAY. Int "INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS" _• 539 Main St. McHenry, IU. PHone 588 GEO. P. FREUND Aqthoriud CAS£ EAGLE HITCH Dealm Ml Crystal Lake U. im 111 m y, PL Fhne 420 McHENRY COUNTY FARMERS CO-OP ASSOCIATION POULTRY snd DAIRY FEEDS S2S Wanltegan ML McHenry, UL 729 McHENRY EQUIPMENT CO. "I-H" Sales 8c Serrice -- Gus Freund MS W. Etan St (Basement) McBeaqr, QL Phone 186 McHENRY SAND & GRAVEL O0S Front Sfc> McHenry, I1L Phoae M0 DAiRYMAW 5 SUPPLY CO. • 9MX S4 McHittfiY. /LL.

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