WW^ TO. THE McHENHY PLAINDEALEB SPORTSflASHES " tomm *' " «K *•. AlpOCUItg HCQM kfJ. Q. Taytif Spiak Boudreau Clainw Best Outfield in Ckune In tihe two months which have 4 elapsed since the * Red Sox obtained Jack Jensen from Washk frigton, Manager Lou Boudreau J has come out with three differm ent plans for deploying, Jensen r and Jimmy Piersall in his outfield. v . : According to a story in the torrent issue of "the Sporting , News, originally, Boudreau de- / dared he would wait to see how } things go in spring training. His f second setup was to play Piersall in tihe vast right field at . frenway Park and center field on * the road. Jensen, of course, would patrol center field at home and « right field in the seven other Attierican League cities, i Recently when Lou was in Boston he announced his third program. "Piersall if going to be * my center fielder," said Lou, "and Jensen my right fielderh iTiat's where they'll play in the spring exhibitions and when the reason opens in April." Always cautious, Boudreau adds in The Sporting News story, "unless I M find that Jensen can't play right field in Boston." . Third man in the Sox outfield, of course, is Ted Williams. "This <^ut field," claimed Lou, "is by k far the best in baseball, not only offensively, but defensively. Ev- ^ eryone knows about tihe fielding and' throwing and running of Piersall and Jensen. "Hie case of i Williams is different. "Because Ted is known as a , hitter, his fielding has been overlooked. He's also a top defensive outfielder, but the fans and writers only look to him as a hitter." SPIRITED WARRIOR SUBS LOOK GOOD ' IN HEBRON TUSSLE The Warriors still had the new look Tuesday night at Hebron -- and on them it looked good! It was the same new squad we saw against Barrington. This time the boys were beaten by a very respectable score of 52 to 36. McHenry scored the first basket and showed early signs of parrying the fight and forcing Hebron to make mistakes. Hebron, could not forge atitftf in the first quarter, but found the range in the second period to gain a 33 to 16 half time lead. Surprisingly enough, the Warriors held the scoring edge 20-19 in the last half. This was the second game for this group of boys who were called upon to take over for the suspended regulars. They gave it all they had and was enough to throw the opposition way off stride. P 3 2 Hebron (52) Wilbrandt Schulz Judson Spooner R. Coulman Ellison Mau B <6 % 3 f *0 0 Totals McHenry Ekeroth Novak Olson May Wis8ell Joosten fearbier Weber Beck Sales (>•> 20 12 B P ! Totals 12 12 16 Score by quarters Hebron 18 18 * 10--52 . |IcHenry 9 7 11 9--3# Il«a4 Want Ads Take It Easy- Take A Cab! When the weather's bad . When you want to rearib your destination in a hurry . . Whea you have luggage or heavy packages witk yon, it's time to call us for a cab. *emember our amber McHENRY CAB PHONE 723 SPORTSMAN MAILS TWO DOLLARS TO CLEAR CONSCIENCE "Dear Friend: Enclosed, find a small sum of money for a small law violation please. Signed, A troubled conscience." That was the note wtoich, accompanied by two one dollar bills, recently came in the mail to J. V. Maloney, superintendent of the Illinois Department of Conservation's division of accounting. The remorseful violator of the state's game and fish laws gave no clue to his identity. The envelope bore a Fairbury, Illinois, postmark. Maloney recalled a recent newspaper account of a six hundred dollar "conscience contribution" to the, internal revenue department. ' "While our overall income is far below that the internal revenue department, we seem to be keeping pretty well abreast of internal revenue in conscience contributions on a percentage basis," Maloney declared. Maloney said the two dollars would go into the game and fish fund along with money received from fines levied on violators. Total amount received by the conservation department from fines for 1953 was $36,265.90. The money came as a result of $1,214 arrests of fish and game code violators. Frosh-Sophs Beat Hebron 59 To 51 A good second quarter gave the McHenry Frosh-Sophs the edge they needed at Hebron Tuesday night to gain a 59 to 51 decision. Bill Huemann scored 19 points in coming through with one of his best games. Coulman's 22 r>«uv points kept Hebron close all the St Patrick's Catholic Church Ker. Edward C. Coakley, Pastor Masses « •Sunday Masses: S:00» 9:00, 10 00 and 11:30 Masses: 7:00 and 8:00 way. McHenry (M) Oeffling ; v McMahon- Joosten Marks > B. Huemttus HUff Totals Hebron (Si) Mau •. DeHaan Coulman Ellison Vanderkes Sime Totals Score by quarters m % i t .2 f x H 11 » F 4 1 1 0 Jt - fc. 1 1 0 *' 0 1 18 F< 2 2 , 4 2 .0 3 Holy Days: 6:00, 7:00, 8:00 and 9:00. First Fridays: Communion distributed at 6:80 and daring and 8:00 Masses. , ' ^ Confessions' " Saturdays: 4:00 to 5:00 p.ml iBd | f:<»0 to 8:00 p.m., and on Thuro- 1 lays before First Fridays r 4:90 to - »:00 p.m. aad 7:00 to 8:00 pdHu7'-- McHenry' Hebron 8t Mary's Catholic Cludl Msgr. C. fc Nix, Pastor Masses Snnday: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 and 11:30. Holy Days: «:00; 8:00; and 10:M 18 15 13 Week Days: 6:48 and 8:00. ! First Friday: 6:30 and 8:00. Confessions Saturdays: 8:00 p.m. aad 7:M 16 19 8 16--59 15 12 8 16--51 Glen D. Palmer Announces Operation "Pheasant Lift" WARRIOR WRESTLERS BATTLE WAUKEGAN ZO CLOSE FINISH Operation "Pheasant Lift" (has been completed by the game propagation division of the Department of Conservation, it was announced today by Glen D. Palmer, director. This operation included transfer of all the brood stock of pheasants, plus pheasant hatching and rearing equipment from the Mt. Vernon game farm in Jefferson county, to fhe Yorkville game farm in Kendall county. "Economy and efficiency" were T .. .. tihe reasons given by Palmer for \¥^BeId the change which will mean in the future all pheasant operations will be handled at Yorkville and at the Des I'laines wildlife area, Will county, leaving all of the Mt. Vernon facilities for the propagation and distribution of quail. "We can ship quail to northern Illinois much easier and cheaper," John D. Montgomery, superintendent of the division, stated. "Besides most of our quail are released in the southern half of the state." Last year the department released approximately' 84,000 pheasants from Mt. Vernon to clubs and farmers and about 69,- 000 from Yorkville. A total of 80,000 quail came from Mt. Vernon. Under the new setup, it will be possible to increase tihe maximum capacity of both farms in a shorter breeding season and at less cost, Montgomery explained. The Warrior wrestlers iemgitt Waukegan down to the final match before bowing 24-21. Jeff Moss in his first varsity match at 95 pounds finished with a 7 to 7 tie with Svostrom. Winners for McHenry were Claude McDermott, Gene Hughes, Art Thornton, Al Trendler and Dick Stilling. HughesV and Stilling registered pins. 95 -- Moss, (M) tied Svo* strom (W) 7-7 103 -- Jessup (M) 1, Golwitzer (W) 6 112 -- McDermott (It) 7, Tiernan (W) 0 120 -- Reid (M) I, Robbin (W) 3 127 -- Hughes (M) pinned Thursday before First Friday: After 8:00 Mass on Thursday; 8:66 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. 8t Peter's Catholic Chat* -- Sprlag drove Rot. John L. Daleiden, Pastor Masses 8unday: 8:00; 10:00 and 11:M, Holv Days: 6:80 and t:06. Weekdays: 8:00. , First%Wday: 8:00. Confessions Satvdays: 8:80 and 7:18. Thursday before First Friday: 1:80 and 7.16. St. Joseph's Church Richmond, HI. Sunday Masses: 8:00 and 10:00 Daily Mass: 8:00 Holy Days: 7:00 and 9:00 Rev. Fr. Frank Miller, pastor 133 -- Thornton (M) 11, Votrura (W) 6 138 -- Swansea (W) pinned Trendler (M) 145 -- Pearson (M) 1, Mc- Kinley (W) 6 154 -- Al Trendler (M) 5, Onan (W) 4 165 -- Schimke ,(M> 0, Borjeck (W) 4 175 -- Stilling (M) Tomkins (W) j i Heavyweight -- Makiclft ,(W) ! pinned Sternickle (M) 8L John's Catholic ChuH Johnsbarg Her. Joseph M. Bittsch, Pastor Masses Saaday: 7:00; 8:36; 10:00 aad •l*" Holy Day*: 7:00 and >:00. Thursday before First Friday: 1:80 and ?:M. Need a Robber Stamp f It now at tbe Plalnaeaier. Zton Ev»«feHcal Lutheran Church pinned The Ctour th oi ihe Lutheran Hour 408 Join St. W. McHenry, 111. Rer. Carl A. Lobits, Pastor Sunday School: 9:00 a.m. Service: 10:15 a.m. Ordai You are cordially Invited tc attend our services. New Location G. A. Douglas CESSPOOLS -- SEPTIC TANKS SERVICE NOW LOCATED AT Lakeland Park ROUTE 120 1 Mile West 0< McHenry New Phone Number 1480 OMuuafty KKMM Ckarcfe »T McHenry Main and Center StreetA ' J. Elliott Cor bet t, Pastor Services: Sunday School: 9:30 Morning Worship: 10:46 Senior MYF: 7 P.M. Junior MYF: 7 P.M. Official board meets first Wednesday of month, 8 p.m. 8enior chcir rehearsal, 8 pjo. Thursdays. A cordial invitation is extended to you and your family to come and worship with us. Young Adult Fellowship: sec- •nd Sundays: 8 p.m. McHENRY BIBLE CHURCH Rt. 120, Lakemoor Donald G. Liberty, pastor Sunday School -- 9:45 A.M. Worship Service -- 11:00 A.M. Evangelistic Service--8:00 P.M Wednesday: Prayer Meeting, 4 p m . For other information, write P. O. Box 232, McHenry, 111., or call the R. W. Brooks home. McHenry 601-J-2. "You're Always Welcome Here." Woaier Lake Gospel Church (Nonsectarlan> Frank W. Anderson, Pastor Services Suadsy bible School: 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship: 11:00 a.m. Sunday Evening Service: 7:44 p.m. Prayer meeting Thursday, 8:00 p.m. Bring the family with you to Sunday School and Worship Serrioes. There is a plaoe and a welcome for everyone. Btagweod Methodist Qmfe Bfngwood, I1L Rr*. Darrell D. Sample, Pastor Sunday: Public Worship, 9:80. Church School: 10:80. Choir Rehearsals: Wednesday eveninf. St. Andrew's Episcopal Church Sunday: 7:30 and 11:00 Sunday School and Family SuchariBt, 9:00 B«ft. Jon K. Smedberg, pastor Phone Grayslake 3-2911 Mrs. c. s.' Wright, director, First Church of Christ, SclcaUst South and Dean Streets Woodstock, Illinois Sunday, n a.m. Sunday School Sunday, ll a.m. Church Service Wednesday Evening Services, 8 o'clock, "include testimonies of Christian Science Healing. Sunday, 7:40 a.m. WJJD (1160 kc) DAIRY BOOKtit Itofe than 400 requests have been made in the past two week^ for the booklet, "McHenry County Favorite Recipes Using Dairy Products." They are being sent out by the McHenry County Farm Bureau. It was a recent contest sponsored by the Pure Milk association which brought in the thirty-three recipes listed in the books, which are availiaMe upon request. Christ the King Catholic Church , Wonder Lake Rev. J times A. Yanderpool, pastoi SUnday Masses: 8:00 Low Mass, 10:00 High Mass Catechism:, Sunday, 8:45 A.M Daily Mass: High Mass, > 8:00 A.M. Holy Days: 6:00 and 8:00 A. M. Altar And Rosary Meeting: First Thursday Of Month, 8:00 P.M. Holy Name Society Meeting: Second Thursday, 8:30 P.M. , Confessions: Sunday, 7:30 A. If. tod 9:30 A M. MOVE LABORATORY The laboratory used by the state Department of Mines and Minerals for testing samples of air and rock dust from underground mines is to be moved f:om Springfield to West Fx'ankfort. The Eldorado mine rescue station will be moved to Harrisburg, and the Benld rescue station will be moved to and combined with the Springfield station. Director B. H. Schull, in announcing these changes, whidb will be effective at future dates not yet set, said they have been approved in the interest of increased operating efficiency. St; Mary's Enfooopat We&t Side Oriole Trail North o( Dole Avenue, Crystal Lake, 111. The Rev. Richard C. Adams Clerk of Bishop's Committee, Phone Crystal Lake 675. Sunday Services: Holy Communion, 8:00 A.M. Choral Eucharist, 10:00 A.M. (Morning Prayer second and fourth Sundays) Church School, 10:00 A.M. Mission House, 331 McHenry tvenue, phone 1009. Want Ad*, tike freedc ••verybody** hostneea.. Central Garage SALES FRED J. SMITH SERVICE Complete Motor Overhauling Welding JOHNSBURG, ILL. McHENRY 200-J * 3; » lH;. _ FOUNDERS' DAT McHenry Community P.T.A. will meet Feb. 25 at 8:15 pm at the high school cafeteria and" will commemorate Founders Day by honoring past presidents and charter members John R. Thomas, sixth grade teacher at Junior high, will show colored slides on his extensive travels through Europe while serving -with the armed forces. v Cleanup Speaker Warren BnWti at the Writers' dinner recently drew a lot of laughs in his introduction when he stated 'The town that made Milwaukee famous -- Boston," reports Hie Sporting ^Ne ATTENTION PARENTS Of Boys 11 to 14 Years of Age . If You Are Interested In Having Your ||0^ Joiil A BOY SCOUT TROOP --, Attend PARENT'S NITE FEB. 25th - 7:30 pit. AT MOOSE LODGE ROOMS 510 Main St. McHsnfy, IU. Bring Prospective Scouts Guest Speakers & Movies Troop To Be Sponsored By 'T' McHENRY MOOSE LODGE* ! -is- •i i* DRIVING EXPERIENOS VOU BVER HAD I come drive a'54 CHRYSLER H.R on Imperial and New Yorker Oe Luxa' 195 HP on New Yorker POWERFLITE FuH-Hme Power Steering and Power Brake* Come drive it todayf . . . same matchless "power leam" . . . same record-breaking performance that aet a new all-time endurance mark at Indianapolis! 235 HP FirePower V-8 engine plus PowerFlite: jrost automatic of all no-clutch transmissions! This amazing car covered 2157 miles in 24 hours to win the coveted Stevens Challenge Trophy in the world's toughest stock-car test. Now come see why . . , in your driving life, too . . . the power of * leadership is yours in a beautiful '54 Cjtiryiler! COLBY MOTOR SALES 12 So. Main St. Phone 1110 Crystal Lake, III. "MY DOG LIKES MELLO-CRUNCH" mellocrunch the complete DOG FOOD Abundantly Fortified With Essential Vitamins and Minerals Mellody Mills, Inc., Lfbertyville, 111. YES - THATS THE REPORT from reds of users throughout this arei. . . MELL0-CRUNCH has "What It Takes" to luild bodies strong and straight . . , to promote good health . . to perk up energies .. to keep eyes sparkling with the jojr of Kft. Its the food they GO on, GLOW on, GROW on TASTE APPEAL Mello-Crunch provides, as nearly as research can <!$• termine all the elements a dog needs.. it is a com-? plete balanced diet V ^ < 47 - ESSENTIAL INGREDIENTS - 47 j| -'I "Tbe Proof Is la The Feeding" Promote your dogs health and Order a package of Mello-Crunch to-day! (available at the following stores) M&M MARKET McHenry, I1L SUNRISE GROCERY McHenry, IJL ART SMITH Midwest Grocery McHenry, 111. FREDDIES GROCERY Cardinal Food Store bland Lake Grocery Volo, 11L A Lakemoor, IlL Route 176 J , Island Lake, HI. Johnsburg Food Mart (A Cardinal Store) Johnsburg, I1L h '*