Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Mar 1954, p. 11

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Y» March 11, jf$4 1.' f W' ^ * r~* U *i'i friU\S *| *f| iJft V Wonder Lake News By VauMe Sella Father md (Son Banquet . A spaghetti dinner was given! . |>y the Wonder Lake Men's club ijunday afternoon in Mttlie's ;"£pizzk Place near Wonder Woods Jor the fathers of the boys who ^ participated in the summer { , Jiports program. Naturally, the j fathers were accompanied by the : koys who were honored by Vari* ous awards. Also present were the cheerleaders for the teams. The Rev. Burton Schroeder of Nativity Lutheran church grave : an address. Others at the speakeis' table included Joe Lundborg, -Ernie Vogt, James Bell, Earl . Miller, T. FVjyles, Fred Zandier /f^|)d Russell Speuhr. About 130 si-4j>er®ons were present. / \ AWards to the cheerleaders • were given to Mary Lou and Suzanne Miller, Jean Marion, Judy Wielock, BarbaiU Mahall • and Sharon Bielecke. Special awards for outstanding players " were ,given to George Smith and Kurt Weisenberger. Baseball pins went to Carl Walker, George Smith, Bob Biggers, John Wright, Andy Thompion, Gary Vogt, Rodney and Rof er Benson Richard and Don undborg, Randy Sellek, Jimmie fCllecate, Richard Hoffman, Bill fepeuhr, Kurt Weisenberger, Tom Rati and Jim Bell. Football and basketball awards were given out to a group which included Warner Benson, Charles Corrado, Robert Cecich, Roland and Richard Hoffman, Roger and Rodney Benson, Billy and Lee gpeuhr, Tom Roti, Richard and Dan Lundborg, Skip Meihling, Tom Oashin, Jim Bell, Ronnie Heraldson, Buckie Remy, Ted( Smith Andy Thompson, Joe Wright, Carl and Eddie Walker, Kurt Weisenberger, Dan Lovelace and Gary Vogt. A group of these youngsters Will go to the Golden Gloves finals in Chicago today (Thursday) accompanied by Fred Zandier, who was given the tickets by Chief of Police Emery (Tiny) Hansman <ft-, Woodstock. The tickets were primarily for Hansman's Crime Stoppers but there were enough tickets to Include the Wonder Lake group. ing March 16, starting at 7:30 p.m. Two films will be shown. One of them is "Northwest Empire," and concerns the teilroads. The other, is about safety. Co-chairmen of the evening are Ed Cannon, Sr., and William Moore. /" The Rev. Burton Schroeder says, "If you don't have a son to bring to this meeting, borrow one from a neighbor or a friend." "Father" Schroeder is planning on .bringing atieaat tea little boys. - To Open Meeting Folk dancing by the children *V>f Harrisdn school will open the general session of the seventh annual meeting of the McHenry County Education association on Friday. The meeting, a4, which 400 tetu^isra*-are egftected, will be ^held "in "the Woodstock high . school. Arnold Zaeske, principal of Harrison, and his staff will be in attendance with the dancers. . Heads Farm (Group Kenneth Cristy, who resides west of Harrison school and on whose ground the school originally stood, has been re-elected president of the McHenry County Service company, a farmers' cooperative. Cristy has been president of •he group for the paat two years and has been a member of the board since 1944. The Service company did more than one million dollars worth of business in 1953. IFatiier and Bon Night Hie Brotherhood of Nativity Lutheran church win hold a father and son night Monday evenv Harrison P.T.A. On, March, 18 at 8 ffrn. the Harrison school will be tjie host Softool to the McHenry County Parents and Teachers Council. The adjoining McHenry county P.T.A. units will meet at' the Hai {;ison -school'to conduct their meeting: ... - "On Friday, March 12, there will be no school at Harrison because of a cdunity tefcthers* meeting. Tlie Harrison school students will put on a folk dance exhibition for the teachers of the county at this meeting. The .students will begin their dancing at 9:30 a.m. A luncheon for the Harrison school faculty, including the custodian, Joe Majercik, will be he9d at the school set noon on Wednesday, Mai eh 17. A luncheon will be served to the teachers ,and mothers are being called upon by the executive committee of P.T.A. to take care of the students of the different grades on this particular day during the noon .hour. The ApHl P.T.A. meeting will be held on the first Tuesday of April instead of the second Tuesday. We will then be able to bring to you at this meeting the candidates for Harrison school board. Election will take place on April 10. The last filing date for candidates' petitions is March 20. Also, please remember to vote on April 13. A very special vote of recognition to Mrs. Henry Setzler, P.T.A. legislation chairman, who so very successfully conducted a Low Cost Fuel Ai Your Door ; Why use out-moded fuels with all the extra work they cause? We will deliver convenient, thrifty, safe bottled Gas direct to your door, wherever you live. ALTHOFTS HARDWARE "McHenry County's Leading Hardware" j Phone 284 J. 001 Main St. McHenry, I1L mm no... PLAIN TALK! This writing may look like Greek to you, but to us each word and symbol has an exact meaning. The prescription tolls us what pharmaceutical preductf your doctor has decided will help you get weti. We also follow an unwritten order of your doctor's1thftt only the purest and finest drugs shall be used in your prtf- ... products from the foremost pharmaceutical . ftunous frxns like E. R. Squibb k Sons. We also recommend the purest and finest in household drugs --Squibb Aspirin, for Instsnrf, Than MPntr aspirin martj... y**r pnscripthas *ur sptcitlfy B0LGERS DRUG STORE Green St. McHenry, IB. Pboo« 40 schedule whereby the voters were; ments encouraged to vote upon the pj&ying. school bottd ifcmie ' We 'feel that j . TlfE McHENRY PLAINDEALEF Page Elma tfter |he through the efforts and plannii^ by Mrs. setzler, one of the larg- i e s t t u r n - o u f t s took p l a c e 4t o u r ' school on Satu;day, Feb. ,20. Also thanks to Mrs. Harry Pierce, event that she so capably arr ged for Saturday, FVb. 27. There was card and bunco playing, dancing and refreshments. The vision testing is now complete. Thanks to St. Pat's school in McHenry, where we took our students, we had a large enough tfoom to conduct these tests properly. Thanks to Mrs. Arthur Miller, who heig>ed Mrs. Swansort. with the vision machines. The hearing and dental tests Wire dormpleted a short time ago. To all parents whose childifyi Were checked with a "referral" a letter will arrive within approximately two weeks. To those who checked OJK. there is no letter, sent. • Hospital Auxiliary- Wonder Center card group met March 4 at the home of Mrs. Simone Fuller (Wonder Shores) and after the evening of card playing, strawberry pie a-lamode and coffee wer*e served. Mrs. Ruth Woodward of Wonder Woods substituted for Mrs. Martha Thompson. Mrs. Jean Motulerwicz had Freda Hoefler as her substitute while Mrs. Leah Cormier replaced Mrs. Betty Miller. Others playing were Mrs. June Kiddell, Mrs. Neva Fuhrer, Mrs. Velma Sinclair and Mrs. Lillian Belshaw. Six dollars was turned over to the building fund of the hospital auxiliary. Several of the women paid their dues for 1951. Six dollars was donated by the Wonder Woods card group when they met at the home of Mrs. Catherine Wurm on iFeb. 17. Mrs. Leah Cormier substituted for Mrs. Neva Fuhrer while the regular players in attendance wefe Mrs. Catherine Wurm, Mrs. Mary SSndgren, Mrs. Aim Miller, Mrs. OJive Armstrong, Mrs. Helen COpe, Mrs. Ruth Woodward and Mrs. Velma Sinclair. Refresh- '( |.'V* Wh|o, by Robert Osbom Gospel Church New* This Thursday, March 11, £be Missionary Guild will meet tor their monthly work day at 10 a.m. The meeting will bo held, at and means chahtnan, on the home of Mra Joaeph jjonthe terrific success of the social | oche ^ Wlckline Bay Friday evening, March 12, the governing board will meet for its monthly session at the chapel at 8 o'clock and on Saturday evening, the thirteenth, a youth rally is scheduled in the Suburban Bible church at Palatine. The speaker of the evening is the Rev. Robert Swanson of the Elmwood Paik Bible church. We cordially invite friends $nd neighbors to our Sunday; servf&rs at 11 a.m. arid 7:30 p.m. . The pastor is preaching a series of sermons in the Lenten season on the general subject, "The Wonders of the Cross." County Bought $281,253 hi Sayings Bonds In January Residents of McHenry county purchased a total of $281,253 in Series E and H United. States Savings Bonds in the month of January, 1954, according to figures received from the Treasury department by Harold J. Bacon of Crystal Lake, volunteer Savings Bond chairman in the county. Arnold J. Rauen, State director of the U.S. Savings Bonds division of the Ttgeasui-y department, announcecr\hat sales of E and H bonds in Illinois totaled $46,995,938, an increase of 9.2 per cent over sales for January last year. This represents 10.3 per cent of tjie state's annual quota and 9.7 per cent of the January sales for the nation. % TIm Trovalan Safety >>rvic« NEWS By Jonp Ingersol « Notice, on jjjunday, 14. at 2 p.m., there will b£ a' meetiilg for sportsmen of the Me- Cullom Lake JSstates and the Knollwood addition for the purpose of organizing a rod and grun club. The meeting will be held at the beachhousl. Anyone interested is welcome. We will discuss the possibility of a skeet, rifle and pistol lange of our own and also find ways to improve the fishing and hunting ih the lake. ;; There nave been complaints of pwple owning fifty foot water rights. Certain people think they own the lake because they have lake front lots. a This is not so and anyone may obtain information at the county clerk's office at Woodstock. The lot lines on lake front lots end at the shore line. We have had enough trabble ofl this lake without any individual starting any trouble over these claims. We wish to welcome Mr. and Mfs. Bud McCarthy and daughter home f6r a visit. Mrs. McCarthy is the former Miss Pat Kelly. We hoee you eajt»y your stay here. WOMEN OF *il£ MOOSE An initiation meeting was held March 2 by the Women of the Moose. Upon invitation from our chapter, the Woodstock ritual staff was in charge of initiation. Our new members are Dolores Rowe and Maria G'jettler. Games were played following the meeting?,-... with refreshments served by the Moosehaven committee: Chairman Evelyn Blake and assisting were co-workers Dorothy Wolowic, Ethel Hagberg and Mary Meyer. Rr*d The Want Ads Three out of four accidents in 1952 happened In clear weather an dry roads. Only YOU can prevent traffic accidents! « DAIRY RECEIPTS McHenry county dairy farmers received $321,760.10 for milk delivered to Bowman Dairy company receiving stations during the month of January. The White House in Washington is visited by 1,000,000 people annually. Business and rvice irectory of WONDER LAKE APPLIANCE and T.V. CLEARANCE SALE £ROSLEY and COLEMAN Products Household Needs -- Bottled Gas -- T.V. Service REUTER'S GENERAL STORE Hancock Drive Phone WX. 4831 ^^^PHASE DlSHMASTEfl Push Butiton Dishwasher Completely Installed only $55.00 Phone WX. 8651 T. p. MATHEWS • REAL ESTATE • INSURANCE of All Kinds * WONDER LAKE 3061 Ntow floiizons In Boflding Crisiy and Siendebach OEWERAL CONTRACTORS Phone Wonder Lake $432 -- 2464 -- 5301 Station • Washing • Greasing • Tires # Batteries One block So. of Ringwood Road on Blacktop - North-end of Wonder Lake . . . Phone Wonder Lake 8651 WONDER BUELOERS SANITARY SERVICE a. Romping and Installed L. PERRIN Phone Wonder Lake 5672 or 8281 REPAIR -AUTOMOBILE WRECK REBUILDING" Fnaob - Alignment - Renting' At Wonder Lake 1 MUe Ntorth of Route 120 on Wonder Lake Blacktop Roatl ' Pbooe : WX. fin • Nlto now 41*1 If you have news items of interest to your neigh- Vbors in Wonder Lak£( please contact your correspondent, Van Sells, at Wonder Lake 2933. CLARENCE'S SHOP California Redwood or Pondorosa pine in bird booses, dog houses, lawn chairs, lawn swings, pionle aid umbrella tables, pier and park benches, sand boxes, flower boxes, flower wheel barrows, rose arbors, trellises, picket fences, |i| Cabinets made to order. Cement cesspool rings and chimney caps. MADE TO ORDER CLARENCE SMITH PHONE 58S-J-1 v JOHNSBtTRG, ILLINOIS •m Phone M JP.U4cJll . > ICE CREAM STILL THE Finest^®! ICE CREAM Made... Try It Today 1 ALL FLAVORS BUY rr AT .;. BQLGER' DRUG STORE Green St., McHenry, 111. FIRST WINNERS! .- Dodge / , Anniversary All-America Contest 1ST DAY'S WMNK 2ND DAY'S NO DAY'S 4tN DAVS Wtm I Rayford C. Rankin Major David Parker Rev.Stephen 6. Dabkowski Mrs. Arthur Jones Fort Worth, Texas Topeka, Kansas Franklin, New Jersey Richmond Heights, §NTBft AS OFTEN AS YOU LIKE-THERE'S STILL TIMEfl ^ hur*y! WIN ! .-m *9 V; * ;* Of : H99. l4q l*] "4 W- 2 Weeks Away with Double Pay! 40 Grand Prizes * ,, A Grand Prize a Day for 40 Days! • PLUS all expenses for two .; • meals, transportation, hotels. PLUS *500 "fun money" (to spend or save as you please) PLUS two weeks' use of an elegant new '54 Ms* K*ral V-S four-Door What a Car! The crowning touch to any vacation --an elegant new '54 Dodge! Wherever you go in your Dodge, you go in luxury and style . . . thrill to flashingperformance, enjoy gas-saving economy! Dodge set 196 official AAA records . . . topped all "eights" in the Mobilgas Economy Run! What a Vacation! What a Contest! This is your chance to vacation at the places you've always dreamed about. New York, Hollywood, Florida-- anywhere in the U.S.A. Dodge pays for all meals, transportation, hotejs. In addition, you get double your pay for two weeks, plus $500 fun money .. . and the use of a new '54 Do4g$! There's a contest every day! A grand prize every day! A winner every day! The Dodge 40th Anniversary Alt- America Contest celebrates 40 gre4t years of Dodge dependability. There!® still time to enter! See your friendly Dodge dealer for contest rules and an official blank. Plus $10,000 in C^sh Prizes.. . . 25 Prizes a Day! It's Fun! It's Easy! Enter Now at Your Dodge Dealer's! Y*W FrtMdty Dod|i Plymouth 0««ltr Bnrigi You --taaayJTfcontts in "M«k« Room Fof Da<My," ABC-TV . Bwtf«l«i.-B««kTh« B.n< -ASC-TV . ".1.111 THitr. TIT TY Bp rtimii i tl»r tXfc • A. S. Blake Motors, Inc. 901 E. Paul St. - raONE 156 McHaary. HL

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