Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Mar 1954, p. 6

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>Kahed every Thursday at i _ U1., by the JScHanry «hing Company, Ina. IAL 101 TOR I At lAsfibcfcudN V'V, KTRFEUNDT, Oen'L Manaftt ADBXJC FROEHLICH, Editor I fhUdwtor Want Ada •i*;" !to ad counted leas than U ^•r *>*ds. 11.00 9iinl2num. «'? •' 1 Insertion |l-06 £ i. (Count S words per line) )ir •• 26c aervice charge en all blind •' Cash with order. kl4"'«3fc«l of Thanks--*LQP Minimum Want Ada close jmMptly at *0 a.m. Wednesday. PAINTING AND DOOQRATnto duality arid Strvtos Call s|an Jnhna#n McHsary 8&#J after i \ \ Ml Candid Weadifcfli \rm Home, • Church and lUot£tfc|0r ** KOL1 ft Photographs* Commercial, {fetal* tfcd IV m. m-vt-i . m 44-tf WALL A FLOpftTlX^Na Onf only business'- no* a sideline. Fro^pt ruaitote* spttfc Fsoo Ksttmtftqa. • am Caf* «1W or 6ar*aft*t1ZU J-tf SUBSCRIPTION BATK ^ foar |M4 ijiiiiiil ili;*!# 'V • • • •••• tmcuriM Entered as second-class matter the post office at McHenry, under the act of May 8, 1879. AUTOMOTIVE • || {REPLACEMENT PARTS FOE [I ALL CABS |f AoMMories and Seat Covers j' 1DOMMU.VITY AUTO SUPPLY ff Route 120 - 1 Block But of the River Bridge Weak Days 9 mr, - t pan. V Sundays: • am. to 1 pja 'iL . Expert Sowing Machine Sopairp Free Estimate* AH Work Ouanaitaad Singer Sewing Machine Co. til Benton St., Woodytoofc It# 35tf I# A dependable cab is ll ; *OUB BEST insurance - ; . 1(53 PLYMOUTH GTanbrook Bed. lt53 DBJSOTO Custom Sedan 1»52 LINCOLN CUpfi 1V51 DESOTO Club Sedan : 1*51 PLYMOUTH Club .Coupe J1951 CHRYSLER Windsor Sedan ,1951 FORD Custom Sedan 1951 CHRYSLER Saratoga Chib Coupe $51 STUDEBAKER Regal Sedan S50 PLYMOUTH Club Coupe 50 CHRYSLJSR Windsor Convertible Olub Coupe CHRYSLER Royal Sedan #50 CHRYSLER New Yorker Sedan |f)50 PORD V-8 Sedan PLYMOUTH Special D*lt«< Sedan IN® PACKARD Convertible Club Sedan 19 CHRYSLflBR Windsor Sedan |)48 PLYMOUTH Special Deluxe Sedan 1648 CHRYSLER Windsor Sedan 1048 STUDEBAKER Club Coup* , 19 t7 CHRYSLER Windsor S9fty}$ 1947 BUICK Super Sedan 1947 0L.DSMOBILE 'Sedan #47 PLYMOUTH Special Deluxe Sedan r #46 CHRYSLER Windsor Ssdan 1946 OLDSMOBILE Sedan 1946 PLYMOUTH Deluxe Seda* 1946 CADILLAC '62' Sedan 1946 BUICK Super Sedan 1941 PLYMOUTH 3 Passenger Coupe 1141 CHRYSLER Windsor Sedan 1940 PONTIAC 2 Dr. Sport Cpe #38 PLYMOUTH 3 Pass. Cpe.; '^Chf 4?hoice of ",y<U:j Buyers V CtttBY MOfOB SAttS Gtystal Lake, #ma|i 1110 - PHONE . nil 44 FOR SALE -- 1941 Chevrolet. Good condition. Reasonable. CaM McHenry 666-M-2. 44 FOR SALE -- 1941 Plymouth Tudor Sedan; 1939 Dodge Tudor Sedan. Priced to sell Worts Service Station, Rts. 120 A 31, McHenry. 4g FOR SALE -- 1949 Kaiser convertible. Reasonable. Phoft* 1098. 44 BUSINESS SERVICE JOHNSON MOTORS New and Used -- Terms Motors and Boats iervice, Refinishlng and Storage BILL'S OUTBOARD MOTORS S. Riverside Drive Phone McHenry 1078 44_tf cms pools - same vjfabs PHON* tr mo answar, mil lti*ft-S a A. RlNtAI ffcfrlsnd PaHt. Rt. X# UeBmrf' #-tf kdsic iN8nrat9MXBr Ik Your Otto gQHia Pteo» and PUm AnoMdlon QaMhaf SyMkauk ttflnqr MIK •41 #BAPTY 219 8. (Veen VKarotalTs i JS&a -- t9t-J •m-M lf*tf AjMferson "ttrto Ss|»to> H9 Waukegan Roa4- - < McHsnry, IB. Rhono T24 A Complete Servlca F*OR SALE -- New and used straight sewing machine and automatic sig zag. Portable and console conversions. Repairs and suppitas for all makes. Also motor repair. New sewing machines for fm- To sew and save call: ^ FREUND'S ft S*rric« Acmes ftwn Hanterville Subd. MeHENRY (844 2 44eow FOR SALE--ALUMINUM WINCenlriUy Located For Quick Service FRED J. SVOBODA & SONi SEACO SALES And SERVICE Repairing -- Rewinding -- Rebuilding Electric Motors -- All Models Automotive, Generators, Starters, Armatures DAY Or NIGHT PHONE 183 Bos 419 - UljVMtr IdM. MoHeary, mtwols tmittik* -FOR RENT FOR RENT -- 65 acres farm land ^ with water; availaUe one-hair DOWS- The Wallflll Co.. . ^jPast^*'^anc? "H5bI*: 2 mlle" StmiBK. 290 & Pearl, McHenry from McHenry- T«l. McHenry 785. ia» 48-tf 44-2 FOR SALE -- EigM radiators With pipes and fitbingB. Eugene Fretmd, Rt. 31, north ot McHenry. Phtme 195. 43-2 FOR SALE -- Water Softener Salt. Rock, Granulated, Pellets. Vycftal's Hardware, Green St. plone 98. 44 |T^>R SAtJB -- 3 month old Span- Ul, fciatie. Well trained. Call 627- J*l. 44 F^R SALE 120 Bass Accord- Ian, perfect condition. Phone McH e n r y 4 4 5 . " < 4 4 FOR SALE -- High chair, training chair and baby scales. All in g9td condition. Phone 622-J-1. 44 FOR SALE -- Evinrude outboard 14 Hp. Late '52 model, like new. Getf shift, Cruise-a-Day tank. First $225.00 takes it. Phone Wonder Lake 5161. 44 f7tf -^jg r*"^' ' . " ~ --r-- --" ~c'~- *'* WELL^ DBXtXJBD OB DRIVEN WATER SYSTEMS--We soil, repair and inst&ll pumps. BiU Bacon, 206 Main Street; McHenry Telephone 1«7. 4 26*tf AKACHINE. TRENCH0W A DIGGING 8eptic Systems -- ^WiUei* l4tte Dry Wells -- Setin^ Bads WELLS DRILLED A DRIVEN GARRELTS A ROGERS Rt. 4 McHo^uy, 111. Phone 534-W-l or B39-R-J FOR SALE -- Outboard motor, Champion 4.4 Hp. Good condition. Cftii McHenry 570-Wr2. 44 FOR SALE -- Automatic gas heater, full safety controls and thermostat on stove, will heat large room or small cottage. Money refunded if not satisfied. Call McHenry 682-AC-2. 44 F5r!, SALE ifble top 4 Wiite, $30.00 Phone McHenry 603-M-l. It 4. ' -- Detroit Jewel burner gas range, In good condition. 44 Miki and LaVerne Pefrin Sower and Cement Contractors Dry Wolls, Septic Tanks and DraInfields Installed Grade A Black Dirt All Work Guaranteed Wonder Lake 5972 or 8281 .FOR SALE -- Humphrey No. 100 | gas "unit heater. Input rating 100,- x '000 B.T.U.'s, output rating 80,000. _ U large atUc fan, site 43-C. Call ^aK'H36-M-'l. 44 FQR SALE -- Small air compressor; 4 -- 10 ply 700x20 truck tires; 3 -- 650x20 truck tires. Call McHenry 563-R-l. 44 Pain ting and Paper Hanging' Lance M. Parks Phone McHenry 508-M-2 Your Complete Satisfaction Assured 42-4 FOR SALE -- 2,600 rolls of washable waterfast wallpaper, 98c rolls 42tf 147c; 65c rolls 33c; 55c rolls 27c. i Apthoff's Hardware, 501 Main St. 44 General Contractor Carpenter Work. Fireplaces. Stone Work Osqtont Work - Chimneys Painting - Brush A Spray Reasonable - Reliable Time and Materials or Contract 20 Years Experience McHenry 762-W 43-4 ' " ' H and s ' #tctilcal ContractAiB "Wirt* of AB Kindt P*»W > W69 or 493-K-X McHenry 43-2 A Tf Tree Service «aa Romotai pt Servipe . , 'action Gui!rint»«j||> rbbd For Sale •' CaQ McHenry 627.-J-1 or S96-R-2 : • . 44 tf Radio A TV. Service raMM lloHenry 1385-W-l LUySMkar' Sub. -- Calls .made at an times in<UUding, evenings, Sundays A Holidays. All work guar- 44 tf FOR SALE John Reinboldt GENERAL CONTRACTOR All Types Of Carpenter Work ; Satisfactory Guarantee Call McHenry 137-R 32tf mBB A. FREUND *• (Formerly Eddie Huffs) 'SANITARY KERVTOB t cfc»ji Biid pump septic tanks, •respooTs. Phone McHenry STf-W esidence, Vox street. "16-tf ANTIQUES, MISC. ITEMS -- Clothing (good condition) for entire family. Formals. Open Tucs., Thurs., Sat., I - 5 p.m., 6 - '9 p.m. ^•d., FrL,-1 . 5 p.m.; Sun. 11 t.m. - 5:30 p.m. Closed Mon. Mrs. R. Dietrich, Terra Cotta Consignment and Resale Shop. Phone C. L. 1346-R-l. 30 eow •OR 8ALB -- TYPRWRtntB n AWMNQ MACHINES. Service on sll makes, also ribbons fbr all makes, carbon paper. L. V. fcin* Clay St., Woodetoek. Phone 9*9. _ • T*tf FOR SALE -- Thurs., Fri. A Sat. oniy. Manor House coffee, 89c lb.: Standing Rib Roast, 45c lb.; Tube Tomatoef 2 lor 29c. Certified Food Store. 41 FOR SALE -- WARDS WASHING MACHINE. APPROX. 7 YEARS OLD. GOOD CONDITION, 935.00. PHONE 813-R. 997 fl. GREEN ST. tf FOR RENT HELP WANTED WANTED -- Women ambitious and energeUc, full or part time who want to sew at home, earn and save the easy way. For details write Handy-Craft, inc., Barrington, HI. 42m WANTED -- POWOT 'sewing machine operators. Experience preferred, or will train ambitious REAL ESTATE FOR SALE -- Having purchased a business, we have 2 homes fot sale at Wonder Lake, overlooking the lake. For further tftformatio call Wonder Lake 3393. 39-tf FOR SALE -- 6 room house, automatic oil' heat, 2 car garage, river front, near town. Cali 476-J. 48*4 FOR SALE -- #900 tot in Lake- Mnd subdivision. Will sacrifice for $800. Terms available. Phone McHenry 6^0-M-l. *44 WANTED RIDE WANTED --, Lady desires ride to Woodstock Wednesday, March 17, 9:30 a.m., return by noOn. Call McHenry 634-W-2. 44 WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY -- Top price paid for iron, metais and junk oars. Ed Marsh, phone McHenry 568-R-l. 33-tf WANTED TO BENT WANTED TO RENT -- Summer home from April 1 to Oct. 1. Water front on Fox River 01 Lakes. Dr. <*eo. W. Regan, 331 Howard St., Evanston. UNiversit- 4-8889. »44-3 MISCELLANEOUS Property for exchange in the Ozerks of Southern Missouri. Large 4 room native stone house, inside conveniences. Double cabin, girls. Magic Slack's, 600 Miain St., 90% completed. 5 9/16 acres McHenry. 44tf 1 fronting on State highway. Exchange for home in or near McHenry. CaH McH. 570>4l-2. 44 HELP WANTED -- Girl for general office work. Typing & experience necessary. Write care o' Plaindealer Box 434. 44 HELP WANTED Switchboard Typist, 40 hours a week. Good starting salary. American Terr Cotta Co.. CpJl Crystal Lake 24. 44 WANTED -- Young woman to help in the home and with the care at 3 small children. Call 531- J-l. 44 £EAL ESTATE J"*>r FOR SALE MeHENRY - 5 rooms, glazed la porch, completely furnished, garage, 60 ft. water front on Fojs River, near Johnaburg. Price #10,"- 500.00. JACOB FRITZ _ Realtor* ilk Johnaburg. PI»ne MftHenry ft7 3 FOR SALE #900 lot for #80^ Lakeland Park, McHenry County, lot 9, block 5, unit No. 1. Unfortunate circumstances forces sala. Call Chicago, MUlberry 5-3167. Reverse charges. 42-4 FOR SALE MeHENRY - Year round ranch type home. 4 rooms, breezeway, 2 oar garage, attached; automatic oil heat, on main Highway near McHenry. Price #10,900.00. JACOB FRITZ -- Realtors in Johnaburg, Phone McHenry 37 40tf FOR SALE -- HOMES--FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY Knox Real Estate 405 Richmond Road McHtiiry, JU1. Phone: McHenry 421-1 24ctf FOR RENT -- Newly decorated rooms, home orivlleges, near depot and schools. 109 Main Street. Phtone McHenry 100-R 20-ti FOR RENT -- Heated 4 room apartment, 2 bedrooms, gas stove iftd Refrigerator included. Also 3- fpota s*>artment available March 10th. Phone McHenry 742. 33tf FOR RENT -- 2 car garage. 404 John St. 'Mrs. Ida Kreutzer. Call ?78-M. 43.2 FOR RENT -- 3 rooms furnished and a four room year 'round un furnished cottage, call 628-M-i or 663-M-l. 44 FOR RENT -r- 4 room (1 bedroom) downstairs apartment, unfurnished, stoker heat. 105 Richmond Road. For Information. Cal' Woodstock 1436-J. 41 FOR RENT or FOR SALE -- 4 room house in Lakemoor. Call 561-R-l, after 6 p.m. 44 WONDERVIEW -- New fully lmsulaited & furnished 3 rooma and bath, 2 olosets, large porch, furnace healt, on large lot near beach. Price #6500. Small down payment. Call*McHenry 705-M vr 292-J. 43 tf FOR SALE -- River front year 'round 5 room bungalow. 2 bedrooms, gas heat, automatic hot waiter. 2 oaa- garage. Wooded lot, 66x208. Cement seawall. Pier and boats. Convenient to schools and churches. Call 696-J-l. 43-tf SITUATION WANTED WORK WANTED -- Completed or shell homes at reasonable prices and easy terms. Also remodeling. No down payments required. : years to pay. Airspun Builders, Phone 430 after 5 p.m. 41-tf SITUATION WANTED -- Will do ironing in my home. Phone McHenry 220-W. 44 OUTDOOR MEN WANTED Between 18 A 2£ yrs. of age.^ Must ba SinfJe A Free To Trar ' -eL NOTICE STANLEY H. CORNUE of Hebron is seeking the Republican Nomination FOR TREASURER of McHenry County. 44-5 Fish Fry Every Friday Night Plaza, Friday and Saturday night "Alibi", Gws'a Place 180 S. Green St 37tf Earn while you learn at home ir spare time. We teach you how! Home sewing can earn you up to $50 per week. For details, write Box 172, Barringiton, I1L 42-8 Last Riles Thursday For Loren Edinger Friends learned with 1 egret on Monday of the .death of Loren Edinger, 67, who died at the Woodstock hospital following recent surgery. He was well known in this community. .Surviving is his wife, Eva; a son, Robert; and a brother, Lester Edinger, who is circuit clerk. Last rites will be conducted at [ 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon from the Merwin funeral home, followed"" by burial in Oakland cemetery, Woodstock. icurn^r WHOMAUY Farmer's Question Corner NIMHID It Aaerkas Founditie* hr Anlmi! Health Win #25 in merchandise of your own choice at the Riverside Retail Factory Outlet Store, westend of old bridge, by naming the secret word. Thdis week's due, "it is connected with a flower." 44 NOTICE Property of McHenry Country Club. Bids will be accepted for the sale of the old Club House and another building, approximately 18x22 ft. on or before Mar. 24th, 1954 at Fitzgerald's Realty, So. Green St. 44 # Veterans Given Preference 3 Weeks Training in Tree Trimming and Surgery in Kent, Ohio. Then Field Assignment. SEE A. E. SCHNEIDER AT WOODSTOCK HOTEL Woodstock, I1L Mon., Tues. A..Wed., Mar. 15-16-17 . 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Evenings After 7 Bring References With You «LEGAL % • 11 WANTED REAL ESTATE W --,"V~ ANTED We have cash buyers for your homes, summer homes, fbrraa, and business properties. We can sell your property tf your price Is right. JACOB FRITZ -- Real Estate Is Johnaburg M McHenry 31 *7-tf PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of Proposed Change in Schedule To the Patrons of the Illinois Bell Telephone Company: The Illinois Bell Telephone Company hereby gives notice to the public that it has filed with the Illinois Commerce Commission a proposed change in its rates and charges for telephone service ii the State of Illinois and that said change involves a general increa m the rates and charges for toe 1 exchange services, intrastate tr" services, mobile telephone services and special contract servicra. A copy of the schedules showing the proposed change in rates = j and* charges may be inspected by any interested party at any business office of this Company. All parties interested in thir. matter may obtain Information with respect thereto either dircctly from this Company or by addressing the Secretary of the Illinois Commerce Commission at Springfield, Illinois. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY By: L. G. BRATTON; General Commercial Manager (Pub. March 11-18, 1954) WANTED, to do general! house work or leaning by the day. Call 539-R-l. 44 FOR SALE -- Property ,n McHenry, Wonder Lake, Islaad Lake and surrounding territory. Homes Cottages, Businesses other types of real estate. Varsity is derived from the word university. tat'-.. >e»t Powdered cos' >reoared by maohtne* which srrinH the prbduct aa fine a* talcum, provides the intense heat ' for best results in modem Industrial furnaopj 219 8. Green St. PWONE 1126 McHenry 17tf I fl l 11 I I I Mil lililll l!l!H:|;|:l 1111111 Dealers ALUMINUM COMBINATION FOR SALE; PHOSPHATE - LIMESTONE POTASH SPREADING BARN LIME CRUSHED LIMESTONE FOR DRIVEWAYS MELVIN ACKMAN Lake, III. Phone C. L. 13S3-W-1 1 GARAGE DOORS WOOD SECTIONAL Residential, Commercial' or Industrial -- Standard or Specially aleMMtty lift-B FOR • SALE--Year "round COM FORT and BOONOMY w i t h FIRa-PHQOF 9»ha«. MaavOle 1 5 Home Insulation. Installed by the WaHfiU Co. Call Leo amugj 200 B. Pearl. McHenry It. 4-tf WINDOWS Buy Direct From Factory 24x24 Costs Only $12.90 Sm it at 711 McAUSTER. ' ^ WAUKEOAN, ILLINOIS HELP WANTED | COST ACCOUNTANT m Should have at* least 5 years experience in Cost Accounting, preferably in Metal Manufacturing. Should know costs of manufacturing materials, " be able to read Blueprints. Permanent •-- Preferably Under 40 WHAT ABOUT ANAPLASMOSIS? Q: Why today's growing concent over anaplasmosis? A: This deadly' blood disease of cattle is spreading. It no longer is limited to states with mild climates, but has invaded the north* ern states as well as the south and west. Q: Just what causes anaplasmosis? A: It is caused- by a tiny para* site which attacks the fed blood cells of cattle. It can also appear in sheep. Q: How Is It spread? A: Mosquitoes, biting flies and ticks can spread it from one animal to another.. Outbreaks have also been traced to improperly sterilized dehorning shears, castrating knives and contaminated hypodermic needles. Any object which .contacts blood of an affected animal, then punctures the skin of a healthy animal, may transmit the disease. Q: What dees anaplasmosis lock like? A: Common symptoms include a quick drop in weight and general condition. Sometimes jaundice appears. Tlf& eyeballs, linthg t>f the mouth, and skin of the udders may take on a yellow color. Q: Is it a fatal disease? A: Yes. From one-fifth to onethird of the affected animals die. The ones that survive remain carriers. Q: If anaplasmosis is suspected* what should the" owner do? A: Veterinary diagnosis is essentia! to distinguish it from anthrax, tick fever and certain poisonings. t)nce identified, treatment can be started and steps taken to protect hezilthy animals. There Is no vaccine for anaplasmosis. NOTE--Due to space limitations, general questions cannot be han* died by this column. ,v You Save Safely , :. On our Cash and Carry Plan McHenry Cleaners 108 Elm Street McHeflvj PHONfc 104-M ... v We Give and Redepttk r Gold Bond Stamps NEW APPOINTMENT .£ James c. Helfrich of Hajfo« niond, 111., has been appointed by the Department of Conservation as educational supervisor for the department's Lake Villa school. Student sessions at Lake Villa will begin June 13. Announcement of other personnel to assist in operation of the school Swill be made soon, according to Glen D. Palmer, conservation director. Improves Flavor A pinch of sugar added ts dsh peas or corn in cooking ly improves their flavor. Stock Securities # !_ Bought - Sold Complete Investment Service Theodore Meyers Rt. 2. Box 69, Palatine, I1L Associated With DAVID A. NOYES & CO. Members New York Stock Exchange Only Direct "Ticker Tape" From New York Ib Tht Fox River Valley. . FOR SALE Due to the coming dispersal of Hickory Creek Farms' Holsteins on April 5, 6 and 7, we have A quantity of feed for sale now: -- -- . 4, 4200 ton brome and alfalfa hay, 1st & 2nd cutting Also, 2,000 White Leghorn laying pullets. 430 ft. corn silage ' First come, first served. Hickory Creek Farms/ McHenry, Illinois. See Leo Smith, Farm Manager. Phone McHenry 548-J-2. BANTAM TRACTOR FOR SALE -- Young Parakeets, choice of colors. Special this it Store, lonelSfe. M VUV4VV V* W»W* o. up week, |5.00. McHenry £ i(»1».TRivers^.l^v.; Alutti-A-Tiim Metal Products 711 McAUSTER Waukegan, HL f Pfcotie DE 6-1045 •Sirflftif Barco Manufacturing Co, lit No. Hough St. Barring tun, OL -•V" Monday thru Friday -- 9 A-M- to 4 P.M. JLAWN ROLLER TRAILER TRUCK SICKLE MR 400 Doundt Capacity: 600 »t Seats* four to tlx chtkJra*. hm far all. Far cutting high grass and waatfi. 96" cat when ballot! loadatl. $353.00 3 H.P. Briggi & Straltan «ngin* • autooiotiv* typa ilMring -- trantnit. (ion and differential. Twf forward, on* revert*. ATTACHMENTS NOT SHOWN UWN SWEEPil . LAWN SPtEAOEt • DISC HAMOW ROTARY SPIKER • KIDDIE RIDE CAtT CAN OPiRATI--CINIRATOt . WOOD SAW • ETC SNOW PLOW IR BULLDOZB 34" wid*, fall angular odjuttabU blad*. SANS MOWERS H*avy duty 56" cut Cutting capacity: I acr* per hr. Adjustcble to fit any row. Spring tenwon MARK'S 212 S. Green St. McHenry, 111. Sporting Goods Marine Supplies Phone 1000

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