Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Mar 1954, p. 7

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41 "•: A i- " yy V- •' ~ . 4 i3r, *: »• '.*•«' . siV^ V 'V '•** • S" » %<l.' # ~ ' «* . .W % . S " ' ' "' ' ' % •. '. ••.- •••..'••• SPRING GROVE WcRENBY MfifDEXUSt f-n np tw •**»?•. f f T'^p-h 4rtlg» " ~ •_ ^ - r_ .•' * Ar --' *•' i /" 1 " * 1 JUO. -rr ii »>• -S--. rilSfciftjlin The holy season of Lent was „ ^g^propri&tely opened St. Peter's church Wednesday morning with Holy Maai at 8 o'clock, followed by distribution of ashes. In the evening, Lenten services were held at 8 o'clock, with the reciting of the rosary and sermon, There will be services at St. Peter's every Wednesday nigbt at 8 o'clock and Way of the Cross every Friday after- O^on at 3 o'clock. -Mrs. Tillie May celebrated her lilrtlMlay on Thursday of last Seek by Inviting a party of lends to her home for an af- • ternoon at cards. Games of fivehundred were played and prizes went to Mrs. Lizzie Freund, Mrs. Mfcyme Tinney, Mrs. Earl Harms IDd Mrs. R. Rudolph. A lovely tlinch wwjs served after cards. Those from here who enjoyed the Forester party following the , C.O.F. bowling tournament held at Johnaburg Community hall were Mr. and Mrs. Leander Lay, Mr. and Mrs. Bemie May, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund and Jim Busch. Many prizes were given ; out to the various winners and one of them was received by Jim Busch. He feceived a trophy and cash award for his high threegame series of 673. Congratulatlpns, Jim. Mrs. Oxtoby was pleasantly » Mrprised at a shower given in her honor at her home on Tuesday night. Approximately twenty- five ladies were present to enjoy a social evening and a d Ucious lunch was served ... i ^pas the happy recipient ; beautiful and useful gifts. , ; Pfc. William Kattner returned Kbme the past week, having been honorably discharged from the . Army. Recently Mrs. George W. May Optertained members of her club at her home. A delicious roast beef dinner was served at 8 and the evening was spent at * cards, prizes were awarded Mrs. I* L. Kagan, Mrs. Steve Schaetir and Mrs. Paul Lewis. Those wiho received birthday gifts at this meeting were Mrs. L. L. Kagan and Mrs. George W. May. It was a most impressive sight Ijtmday morning at St Peter's t» see a large group of men march into church to sta#t their Dsy of Recollection by attending eseni Jid ded. Elaifle of muy Holy Mass and receiving Holy Communion. The afternoon was spent at church in prayer and adoration and ended with Holy Hour services and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament at 4 o'clock. Dr. and Mrs. Earl Young returned the past week from a trip through the southern states and to Arizona, where they visited their son and family. Miss Donna May celebrated her sixteenth birthday on Sunday afternoon by inviting several of her friends to her home. In the afternoon they all attended a show and returned for supper, which included birthday cake and ice cream. Donna received many lovely gifts. Those present were Charlotte Freund, Theresa Popelka, Anna Mae Gritzuk, Sonia Komar and Donna and Dianne May. Guests in the htime of Mrs. John Jung on Tuesday afternoon were Mrs. Ford Hanford, Mrs. John Schmitt, Mrs. Ted McNish and David and Ricky, Mrs. Bob Hanford, Bobbie and Stevie and Mrs. Victor Bassie and Victricia, all of McHenry. Mrs. Frances McNally, Mrs. Julia May, Mrs. Gertrude Parfrey and Mrs. Kva Freund enjoyed a show at Woodstock Opera House on Sunday, Frank Tinney and daughter, Kitty, Mrs. Frank Tinney and Dr. and Mrs. L. L. Kagan and family visited their seminarian sons, Buddy Tinney and Leigh Kagan, at Salvatorian seminary in St. Nazianz, Wis., on Sunday. Our heartfelt sympathy Is extended to the family of Herman Siedschlag, w<h© passed away on Feb. 26 at his home. Funeral services were held Sunday, Feb. 28, at Ehorn funeral home and interment was In Wllmot cemetery. Members of her cluo met at the home of Mrs. Peter May on Thursday afternoon. Cards were played and prizes went to Mrs. John Smith, Mrs. Jake Miller, Mrs. Mark Pierce, Mrs. Math Nimsgern and Mrs. May. mips on Iraf f ic Safety M A R L FS P CAP PEMT l F R Soc r l t ,i r\ t r S ' t Human nature being what it is, the familiar route over which you drive your car five or six days a week can become as dangerous as a bobsled run unless you make yourself be alert at all times. A recent traffic safety article told about the driver who "made i ii i ii i jliNj 11 rum ii^h COMING EVENTS k Finn Leans Loans to farmers by the. COC I* finance construction or purchase Cff suitable farm storage facilities for grain will be available through June n. iMi. '--NOW OPEN A NEW HOG MARKET Come Sea Ui -- Call Us -- Writ* Da -- Try V* Your LOCAL DAILY HOG MARKET SAVE . . . COMMISSION -T- TRUCKING & SHRINKAGE We Have Trucks To Pick-Up Hogs Monday thro Friday Honrs: 8:00 AM. - 1:00 P.M. • MARENGO DAILY HOG MARKET PHONE MARENGO 262 On Highway 20 East Edge of Marengo, DL i Fanners R. M. FLEMING & SON QtMLMSRS MEW IDEA -- PAtEC DEALER TRACTORS •ALES ft SERVICE A Complete Farm Implement Service. PHONE McHENRY SS 822 Wankegaa Road «*0AD ANIMALS--Highest cash prices paid for cows, horses and hogs, no help needed to load.. Day and night, Sundays an«f Holidays. Call Wheeling Rendering; Works. Wheeling No. 3; reverse changes. 36-tf GEO. P. FREUND Authorized Dealer for SALES A SERVICE hum Implement* and Tractor* Universal Milkers New Holland Farm Macfciawy PHONE McHENRY 420 501 Crystal Lake Road WANTED --- Down or crippled cattle, $15 to $50 cash. Call L Burn aide aad floM, Marengo W7 tttf McHENttT EQOTPMET*-' •ALBcS £ .SERVICE _ GUS FREUND PHONE McHENRY 188 SOS W. Elm St. (Basement) .VANTED -- Down and crippled •attle at better cash priced. Or- Wile Krohn, Woodstock. Phene 1653-R-.1, collect. *19-tf McHENRY COUNTY FARMERS CO-OP ASSN. Dough Boy Ful-O-Pep Larro Poultry & Dairy Feeds PHONE McHENRY TSt 52S Waukegan Read a train disappear." He had become so accustomed to crossing a railroad track at a certain location, he had done it so many times that he forgot Jt was there --until the time a train arrived just as he did. His familiarity with the route simply "made the train disappear." Don't let yourself become virtually hypnotized by a familiar route. There is always danger present when you are driving a car. New and totally unexpected situations can occur at any time and with practically no warning. M H i M H I < 11 I 1 •< 1111I II March It Girt Soout Pageant. -- Rlgit School Auditorium Woman's Club MeCAifcf -- t*- gion Home -- 2 p.m. March It Teen-Age Square Dapc* 116- gram -- Edgebrook Playroom -- 7:30 to 9:45 O'Oock Itfnrch 16 Women Of Hie Moose Social Meeting -- Moose Hall March 17 St. Patrick's Day Lunohoon And Oard Party -- 12:30 -- Sponsored By Chriiftlfch Mothers Sodality, St. Peter's Parish, Spring Q rove March W.S.C.S. Guest Day -- Dessert Luncheon At 1 p.m. -- McHenry Community Methodist Church March 20 Teen-Age Square Dance ^Program -- Edgebrook Playroom -- 7:30 to 9:45 O'clock ^ .March 21 ••• • ' 1**- Public Party -- 8 p.m. *--i ®t. John'8 School, Jo^nsbung -- Sponsored By Blessed Virgin Sodality -- Refreshments March 28 McHenry Community P.T«A. Meeting -- 8:18 p.m. -- Speaker, Mrs. Delila White, Psychologist. Subject, "Special Training For Mentally Retarded Children." Lecture Luncheon chib Meet* hig -- Fiesta, Crystal Lake -- 12:30 O'Oock March 28 C.D." of A. Initiation fleeting -- Afternoon C.D. erf A. Initiation -- St. MAry's School Hall April l-S Rummage Sale -- Mtfthodist Church -- Sponsored By Circle 3, W.S.C.S. April 2-S - White Elephant Stale -- St. Patrick's Church Hatx -- ^Obwed By Mothers dub April 21 Concert By University of Illinois Men's Glee Club •-- High School Gymnasium -- 8:15 p.m. June 25-27 Johnaburg Conftnunity dub Annual Carnival Advertise In McHenry Plaindealer APPREHEND ESCAPED MAN Guy Robinson of Irving, 111., who escarped on Match 8 from Vandalia, was apprehended by sheriff's deputies Tuesday. He was found in a house north of Lawfence, in the county, with his wife. He had been driving a stolen oar. REPEAL BOARD ACTION On Tuesday of this week the board of supervisors voted to repeal action taken at the February meeting in creating the office of supervisor of assessment in the county. The matter will be tabled for the present. Action was taken when only two applications .were submitted for the Job after notice had been given of examinations' for the office. Subscribe To The Plaindealer SAY. did you ever notice the fthape some people are in? Some 1ju!ge out here and some out there but «6t many bulge in and out in the same places. We've noticed how people bulge and we're very concerned with the matter. We oan't understand wiiy people purchase ready-made clothing that was constructed to fit some stuffed dummy in a clothing factory when we can offer you slacks and suits that are made for yoU alone at the same, and in /fanny cases, lower prices! Some of the bulges peopie carry around today would be hard to hide even under a tarpaulin but we can take your bulges into consideration and allow for them when we make clothes for you. Wont you try us for a pair of slacks tailored, to your measurements and see if you don't feel more comfortable satisfied knowing that your clothing is made just tor you? Sacks (woolens, no acetates) just $13.05 TAILORED FOR YOU! ( Suit* -- Just 108.00. Also .tailored for OLD McHENRY TAILOR 416 W. Main St. McHenry, I1L Phone 123-R BE YOUR OWN BOSS 60 INTO BUSINESS FOR YOURSELF AT Tifr& MODERN SHELL STATION IN McHENRY * You have complete contnl oi your investment " You feu? inventory only .-v.:-.v.v Ottlttlinnm Ihfestaieat Approximately $2800) * No experience necessary (Wen TtmA Ton All The PImscs «t the Bnstaess) * You can earn $600 per month or more OW3TCA kry . .tee \ HERTS A HEAL OPPORTUNITY FOR AN AMBITIOUS. MA&»>e > > t . . J t t P (For Further Information Apply v . f-J J SHELL OIL STATION 202 W. Elm She* McHwrj-. Hi Apply Friday kv<^| 7 to p.m. Saturday 1 to 8 pjn. - Sunday a to Phone or Write: N. O. AUMAN, 116 Hamilton St., Geneva, IB. PHONE 1145 I: •4 LTITLE FAlOffR McHENRY MILLS, Inc. ISS8 % iXXMA .*.* Poultry, Hug A Cattle Feeds PHONE McHENBT BIS 806 Crystal Lake Send ^ MEN AN 0 MAT# . OFF MAIN STREET Br JOE DENNETT !ehj ( C'M0N/MEATBALL/VfEV/E GOT LOTSA TRAVELING TO 00 TODAV./ WELL SEE THE GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE AND NIAGRA FALLS/ THE EMPIRE STATE Building and the GRAND CANVON / DRIVE ON, MEATBALL I NEXT STOP, THE STATUE OP LlBERTV/ . a MM * v#g» DEEMS Mf TOM OKA © GRANDPA'S BOY BY ARN1E MOSSLER ^ I p\DN'T MEAN TO BREAK THE CAME! IT WAS t UOYJ COULD AN \ IT BE AN ACClDENT.'jACClDENT? GRAN PA. J WHAT FOR? I'M SORRY.' A " I BROKE VOUR CANE OVER ^A^vs HEAD' * Uncle I ^ Epi^rins* Grandpa Hedges thought he swallered his upper piste but it wafc only Gram's pie crust. • • • Some folks Just seem to oose raonality while others are lust plain drips. • • • Many a chap radiates and Illuminates who ain't lit up. • • • When Zol Klinger was asked how long he had worked at the depot. he> arid ever since they had threatened to fire him. • • • Nothln's as dlsgustln' is a run In a stockln* that you cut hid*. # • • If money does talk wt ours say something? It sure takes dough one oC the upper crust • • • When a chic gits catty wolves leave her alone. • • • When a erook decides to Wk straight Ifs a turin' point. • • • Too much night HCs MM Mortens four days. • • • Hum, one thing nice about fe; women. £EV. CHAim •Wit t > i - Mi •SSL mi a#«r mmwrnmaauB ACK06S i#S*ie«eer JL Kato IX. Uatapdni H. MuakalMle U, A tougk kaat ft. Sarte of bmit 20. Prnarw tor n. KSod «f tm ZS. To vufc 2S. Treads 27. Comparative auffiz 28. To otaka haffnr PurpoaefmTttft® S2. Pinuhed 34. Bristle .55. Comctad i|S& Cotnfortad 4L Ua _ ' 42. Watery port|fe| tvkid UL Central part 46. Soajaactioe 47. Eata 4S. Taoaia tana SS. Most weird OWfeXfau 43. Tluwa 46. NartMdednic ! CL Meadow It. Narrow inlet M Tha (Sp.) fS. Bachelor at Laws nBEED nBCBQ •••nnn CBBnor CD CBE3CE3 BQQD •no bbedg ncr; anm QtDQBS ur; cmrnm •••• senn Dpnnc mm ••dcd EjDgh ••• •CDQli DED BQflE BDDCJE DO •BQDDD •••••• ODCUEI muunE Solution c 2 5* rr assxar W. Ckeea tifht^ DOWN t. Grandly iST"** i Strains 7. Matte bmbi S. Con turned I. Narrow stria doth 10. Woa poiata. iv-v- • ; •«j

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