Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Mar 1954, p. 2

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Two -- «.»• jj't't**}"11' Thursday, March 25/ 1954! m' £f:-„ dAS. Plan* Group ttenire Attendance • ' Elsie A. Reiker, member of the Christian fellowship committee at the grand chapter of the Or- #?r of the Eastern Star, announces that members of McHenry chapter, No. 547. O.E.S.. will attend church services in a group on four special Sundays and will worship togotlKeV. • " • - The Christian fellowship committee has been Jet up recently 4M became active almost immediately. , Members of McHenry chapter §nd their families will be at Mchenry Community Methodist d\urch 'on March 28 to attend & i^)r the visit. On April 25. at 9:30 • a.m., Chapter members t will go to ftingwood Methodist church; on May 23, the group worship will tkke place in Wonder Lake Kativity Lutheran church; and on June 20 in Greenwood Methodist church. " 10:45 a.m. services. Special rrangements are betntj m»de 'mm m m mjtZm mmmmmmmmm . 600 Present At St. Patrick's Party A crowd estimated at 600 persons attended the annual St. Patrick's supper and party held in the newly remodeled and redecorated church hall on Wednesday evening of last week. A very efficient committee, assisted by a number of high school girls, served the tasty pot-luck meal from 6 to 7;45 o'clock. Un<ler direction of the Sisters .of Mercy, pupils from all grades took part in the most appropriate and enjoyable half hour program which included group singing. solos, batoh twirling and dancing. - , Taking special parts in the •progi-am were Colleen Mahoney, Maryellen Nye, Leslie Kilday, Kathy Smith, Jane Nye, Patsy Glosson, Janice Mikota, Martha Nihill. Maria Spates, Bette Miller. Roberta Meyer. Dorothy Kearns, Lois May, Eileen Knox and Judy Weyland. •Teen-age Dancers 'V' < Will Meet April 10P * Saturday evenin^^*^(farch 20, members of the 'teen-ag? recreation program met *t EJgebrook School, with Ernest. Useman calltog the square dancing. Chaperones were Mr. and Mrs. £aul Raasch from junior higl), ||r. and Mrs. Ralph Bennett and l^r. and Mrs. Clifford Kiehl from Community P.TfA^, Mrs. Joe May of St." Patrick's Mother's club and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vyci- 'tal of St. Mary's JP.T.A. The next meeting will be held "April 10 from 7:30 until 9:45 o'clock. Again, parents are asked to please provide transportation home for the young people promptly at 9:45. GINGHAM BRUNCE OPENS HOME BUREAU MEMBERSHIP DRIVE Announce Engagement Cherry Valley Members f Heard First Aid Talk 1 COMING EVENTS _ w _ . » ^ ^ „ I'M I !• I11 't1 Bob Schmelsser And Mark Zim' »• 4'• 1 • •» merman gave a demonstration March 25 , on the 4-H electric hand-i-cord McHenry Community P.T.A. I at the March 19 meeting of the Meeting -- 8:15 p.m. -- Speaker, ' Cherfy VaHey 4H club at the i Mrs- Delila White, Psychologist, Subject, "Special Training For Mentally Retarded Children." Lecture Luncheon Club Meet* A talk on first aid was given ~ Fieflt*' °rystal ***« - local high school at 8 p.m. Thirteen members and. tWo guests were present. Mr. and Mis Glenn E. Lupton of N. Elnnvood a\ t-nue. Peoria, have announced the -engagement of their daughter, Lou Ami, to Herbert Manfrid Engdahl, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Hertert M. Engdahl of McHenry. Miss Luptori, who attended the Peoria,schools, is now a student at the University of Illinois, where she is a member of Alpha Chi Omega sorority. Her fiance is a graduate of the local high school and is also a student at the univeisity. He is affiliated with Sigma Nu fraternity. 4-H FEDERATION PLANNING ANNUAL TALENT CONTEST by Jeannette Dresdow, after which Frank Pechart, Jr., gave a report on the recent 4-H Federation meeting. The club decided to send a dollar per member to the 4-H Camp 'Shaw-wawna- see. Mr. Curran, our leader, handed out demonstration booklets. Karen Schmelzer, Bob Schmelztr and Mark, Zimmerman gave reports on the county 4-H officers' meeting. The nex# club meeting will be held at tfie home of Karen and Bob on March 29 at 8 o'clock. Marita Thomson and Karjrn Schmelzer chose teams for a game of volleyball in the gyiyi. Refreshments were served after? ward. ^ Mark Zimmerman, reporter C.D. of A. Concludes Annual Tournament 5 The fifth and laat party of the current f card tournament of the Catholic Daughter of. Ameiica •as htfd last Thursday, March *8. T 1 Winners in cards v.*er£ Rose Freund, Elizabeth Thompson, Xathryn L. Freund and Therese tteffan, pinochle; Marie Larkin, antract bridge; Marie Oeffjing •%nd Olivia Bauer, canasta. 4 Refreshments were served by Leona Rauen and Marie Pagni 4nd their committee. Tournament and special prizes will be awarded at the business meeting April 1. Initiation of new members will l>e held at St. Mary's school hall $unday afternoon, Ma-c.i 28, at 4:30 o'clock, followed by a potluck supper. McHenry County Home Bureau's 1954 membership drive will start March 29 at a Gingham Brunch to be held at the Moose hall, Woodstock. Membership workers from the twenty-five units in the county will meet from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. for a brunch and meeting at which they will receive instruction and materials to aid them in the drive. Mrs. Wilma Ekdahl, northeast district director of Illinois Home Bureau Federation, will be pres^ ent to assist the group with their kick-off meeting. Present membership in the group, which serves homemakers in McHenry county, is 685. Goals and dates of the drive will be announced March 29 by Mrs. Ruth Fenwick, Huntley.' county vice-president. She is the county membership chairman. She is being assisted in tfie planning and staging of the Gingham Brunch and other details of the drive by Mrs, Thur- [ April 19. low York. Chemung unit, and Mrs. Clifton Peterson, Hebron Twilight unit, members, of the county membership committee. The McHenry County «£-H Federation officers met at the Farm Bureau office on Monday evening. The president, Vera Dahlgren, brought the meeting to order and the secretary, Mary Linn Hogan, read the minutes. Mrs. Sears and Mr. Tammeus were also present. The main discussion was the spring rally which will be held on April 10. After the talent contest there will be square dancing and refreshments will be served. Each club may enter one act and each person limited to one performance. The elimination will be on April 7 at the Woodstock high school. Deadline for entering talent is April 2. A new project' is being planned, proceeds to go to the new building to be erected on the 4-H fairgrounds. The minutes of the next three meetings will be sent out to each 4-H leader. , -f The next meeting .will be on David Smith, reporter I HI 11 tl II Iflil H JMffijHIWit IWItTIWi f i III11ll I BIRTHS SMMflSH Hill m 11 fill IW'I III I ITlTlil 111 HI III Mr. and Mrs. Frank Low (Helen Kilday) announce the birth of a son at the Woodstock hospital March 19. 1 A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. George Gilpin at the Woodstock hospital on March 20. The Cilpins (she is the JOrmer Barbara Freund) hav# one other Child, a girl. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stilling *re parents of a daughter, born Iffarch 21 at the Woodstock hospital. • A son was bom March 21 at Woodstock hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Einspar. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Doerrfeld announce the Wrtl> of a son, fcorn March 21 at the Woodstock |ospital, CARD OF THANKS We would like to take this opportunity to thank the many kind friends and neighbors for floral offerings, spiritual bouquets, cards of sympathy and money at the time of our bereavement. We would especially like to thank Rev. Fr. Vanderpool, Wonder Lake. Msgr. Nix and Rev. Ft. Reuland of McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Waldy, the State Police, Mr. Milbrandt and the party wrtio found our husband and father. . - - - FAXCL RITES '^ v Last rites w^re conducted on March 16 for John Henry Faxel of Hickory Falls No. 3, 'Wonder Lake, who was killed in an auto accident three, days before. Mr. Faxel, a purchasing agent for a Chicago firm, had resided with his farriily at Wonder Lake for the past six and one-half years. 45 Mrs. Faxel and Daughter *46 CARD OF THANKS My sincere thanks to everyone who helped us in any way and came to visit me at the hospital and at home. All the gifts and cards were also very much ap predated. CLARENCE MILLER Wee Folk's Play School (McHenry's Firnt Day Nursery) Pick Up Service Will Start March 22 Call For Information 109 ELM STREET PHONE tpt McHENRY, l»j. OPEN: 9 TO 11:30 A.M. DAILY MRS. EVELYN VARESE, Director and Teacher MRS. CARMEN ANTONSON, Teacher. ••K-M-H-S-W •!' »I •> i <1 •»»,» PERSONALS ; 1' * 1' I 1' '11 fljjfcf Mr. and Mrs. Josie Smith returned recently from a vacation trip to Tulsa, Okla., and Det\y§r, Colo. They made short visits H| Tekamah, Nebr., and Sioux Ciif, Iowa. " ^Lr; Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Schflflefer, Mr. and Mrs. John Jerak and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Brown visited in the home of ^Mr. Mfcl Mrs. Ted Kaelin at Aurora Sunday. Clara Engh, Avis Gans Helpn Miller attended $l regional Girl Scout conference on March 16' ** Miss Rita Martin visited Br father in Waukegan last Sarau> day. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bungattl of Elmhurst, Mrs. Irene Guffey of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Heniken of Woodstock wege guests in the Joseph May hqme on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Holly have been visiting relatives In New York, where they were called by the illness of her sisterin- law. j Mr. and Mrs. Stephen N. Schmitt have returned hoMe after spending the winter in St. Petersburg, Fla.\ Dr. and Mrs. Klontz returned fhis past week from Holly HilL Fla., where they have been va» optioning for seVeral ijnonths. 12:30 O'CIock March 39 Scrap Paper Drive -- Sponsor* ed By Mooeet Lodge , March 2$ C.D. of A. Initiation Meeting -- Afternoon CD. of A. Initiation -- St. Mftry's School Hall March 30 McHem-j- Garden Club Meeting -- Mrs. George Kricki ^pme •rwi,:30 p.m. '*'w; ' April V;. Study Group Meetings High School April l'Z Rummage Sale -- Methodist Church -- Sponsored By Circle 3, W.S.C.S. April 2-8 'White Elephant Sale -- St. Patrick's Church Hail -- bansored By Mothers Club ' April 6 Initiation Of Women of the }foose -- Moose Hall Ringwood Unit, Home Bureau -- 1:30 p.m. --^ Arthur "Hoppe Residence ' April 7 •• Adult Girl Scout Meeting -- Legion Home -- 1 p.m. April 10 Square Dance Program *-- Edjgebrook ^chool April IS ' O.E.S. Members' Night -=- 8 p.m. -- Acacia Hall April 17 Zion Lutheran Ladies' Aid Bake Sale --- Huppy's & JjgD'g Store' • - i •.?. ;; April 21 Concert By University of Illinois Men's Glee Club -- High atitool Gymnasium -- 8:15 p.m. April 24 Joint Installation of, VJF.W. and Auxiliary -- §1 p.m.* V.F.W. Clubhouse Square Dance Program <-- Edgebrook School ¥<•*( April 23 O.E.S. Past Officers' Night -- 8 p.m. -- Acacia Hall May 15-16 Spring Concert of McHenry Choral Club Jane 25-27 ^Johnsbung Community QBib AnixyaJI Carnival QooJti Gome* Hot biscuits know no season. They are good wiUi light meals on a hot day but they are an important part of Uie meal during the winter season. These pinwheel biscuits are fine as an accompaniment to any meal _ of the day or with, coffee or lb* in the afternoon. Pinwheel Biscuits 2 cups all-ptftt>ose flour ' 4 tsp. baking powde:- 2 tbsp. lard 1 tbsp. but|ic - ' 1 tsp. salt ' % cup milk % cup seedless raisins (steamed 1 minute, dried) 2 tbsp. sugar 2 tbsp. melted butter Vi tsp. cinnamon ' Sift together the flour, baking powder and salt. Work in butter and lard with pastry blender or knife. Add milk gradually, mixing with knife to a soft dough. Toss on a floured board, roll one inch thick. Spread with melted ibUtter, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon which have been well mixed. Press raisins into dough. Roll up dough as for jelly roll. Cut off one-inch slices and place on cookie sheet. Flatten slightly. Bake fifteen minute* at 400 degrees. AMONG THE SICK Mrs. Harold Miller underwent surgery at the Woodstock hospital on Tuesday. Frank Blake is a surgical patient at the Woodstock hospital. Mrs. Clara Hamil of Wonder Lake, formerly of McHenry, returned home Sunday frdm Augustana hospital, where she underwent surgery; She is recovering nicely; CARD OF THANKS 'We wish to take this oppdft* tunity to express our thanks to those who sent floral offerings, cards of sympathy and extended other kinrnesses at the time or our bereavement. We are especially grateful for the serviced of R#v. Corbett. 45 The Klein Family NOTICE The telephone number *! On Alexander Lumber Co„ Mcllenry, has been changed t^J424. 45 CLARENCE S SHOP ~ : California Redwood or l'ondorosa pine in bird houseC flog houses, lawn chairs, lawn swings, picnic and umbrella tables, pier and park benches, sand boxes, flower boxes, flower wgteel barrows, rose arbors, trellises, picket fences, alo. Cabinets made to order. •""" - Cement cesspool rings and chimney caps.- - ' '< v • * vv . • ' . v •" MADE TO ORD£R • • ^ ^ C^l^pggE SMITH PHONE 58S-"J-1 ^HNSBBRQ, ILLINOIS V/HAT 00 YOU WANT TO KNOW ABOUT BANKING 1 rIVE YOUR Bathroom the "NEW-LOOK" Shower Enclosures For Spring . . . .aj'- DO - IT Yourself • \ ^ Easy to Install -- Only 3 Screws on Each Side as the French Riviera Itself. Individual i Hairstyling and Haircutting. 1 Permanent Waving, Tinting * & Complete Beauty Service. Open Tues.. Thurs.. & ,Fri. tl Evenings 't# 9 PJt 129 N. Riverside Drive Studia -i; McHenry, I1L Phone 147 / BY endorsing each of them with the wordfe "'for deposit only," followed by your regular banking signature. This is called restrictive endorsement, and prevents further transfer of title to the funds the check represents. Enjoy all the safeguards that a checking account offers. Open an account here, if you hiiven't one; if you have, make full use of it. McHENRY STATE BANK MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION f MEMBER RE3JCHVE SYSTflfci . ; \ INTEREST Paid on SAVINGS DEPOSIfS PHONE 1040 II* YOU THOUOHT THB •WOCKBT* WAS •RBAT BHFORI Be Sure +o Drive this 54! J" WE ARE HAPPY TO THE OPENING OF THE YOUNC TEEN CORNER AT 312 E. ELM STREET CATERING TO Q.UR VERY YOUNG LADIES' COATS GLOVES HATS ACCESSORIES PURSES .. SLIPS DRESSES PANTIES SKIRTS SHORTS fTORE HOUR^: Mon. - Tues., 10-6; Wed. - Thurs. - Sat. 9-6 Friday 9-9 Sunday 9-12 BRAS, etc. STOCKINGS SOCKS SUITS BLOUSES TS* CHECK THESE FEATURES .. • Beauty in Styling • Brilliant Polished Finish • 100% Rust Proof • Extra Strong Construction . • High Strength Glass 7 32" Thick • No Swing - No Slide - No Slam - No Sag. Both Doors Roll Open on BALL BEARING ROLLERS. CIIECK THIS PRICE Only $7Q50 COMPLETE 1 ^ Clear Glass $62.50 H. E. BUCH & SONS PLUMBING & HEATlNii Sales & Service Highway 120 East , PHONE 48 :I » Mdlrarj', III. * .t.%iv»i iiii^ ^ •> Thii fr. is ouf year •fro own an "II" 2 Poor Sotfon. A GamraI Motor* Vaba. O UOVHUY • SO LIVRLV America'* most t«lk«d*abou| «•*! What' a personality--and what a performer! This sensational new' Oldsmobile Super "88" is not only the most stunning car that ever stole the show--it's the most thrilling, willing car that ever took to the road! Come slip behind its dramatic, panoramic wind* shield! Tingle to the breath-taking power of its record-breaking new "Rocket" Engine! Relax in the effortless security of its Safety , Power Steering*! Savor the solid luxury of its road-hugging ride! Here is visibility, maneuverability, readability you've always dreataied of discovering! See us far your dm. .. yitl an "88" 8 ; . i m i I Imp m 0 • , • SKI AND DIIVS II AT YOUR OLO^OIILI DKALIR'S R. J. Overton Motor Sales . . "Xr •, . - • • • • - i V- . '• • •- t< '*•' ' * " • V • •- • <i W |. • 'III >

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