Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Apr 1954, p. 9

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W W* W> +WW » I* ' i£" .; , P'"fev 'fir ; m. *T * *r. tifnwh in McHanry County Through. The Yeart by Marie Schaetturl - * Chapter H ET';' McHenry County md (he P' " ' Civil War The echr of guns fii-e.J. u^n P\ Sumter wet o so >n -to be owned and operated by his tatter and uncle. Tluourrh the old families and the o'i buildings, the past and the present form a bridjrf which leads us to Uie future. hfard in McHen y county. In i ^ jS intere^'in^ to 9p»<;wlate the President 8 c:»'l for troops, j u.hether that future will hold as McHenry county's qjc t:i was; manv ,,nt; u{! drastic changes as six regiments. A snec'al mtetin*,' j has *thf j)ast century. \of the board of super visoi-s was ; tiled on May 14. ISiU. At nastf TrBERCULOSlS DEATHS / meeting, Colonel Lansing was I. deaths from tuberculosis An unanimously elo<^>j oiiairiian imnois ^ year w^re 2l per after a motion in;vV by ,cent fewer than in 1952. The to. JOklyn.« j tal number of tuberculosis deaths v It waj decidedat Illinois residents, exclusive of llfl, also, t*.\ give Presid^itt i-in- ( those who died outside the state, coin all-out oUpjvvt hv.this. n.^. was 1,210. while in 1952 there tional crisis. A sum of $9,000 j were ^547 such deaths. This inwas voted from the yo'.n.iy j formation - ft given in a report treasury to aid in the v.mi ; cf* j,y tj,e state Department of Pubfort. Woodstork had aJready or-J^ Health ^ provisional Illiganized a company of viamteHs. t'nojs death rate from tuberculosis This company received an ap- j jS 23 4 per hundred thousand propridtion of $3,000 .from tire | population; for Chicago, 21.4; fund. Marengo. Union and Riley | for do\vnstate, 7.8 per hundred had organized anoth -r company.j thousand. Death rates from this To them was allotti >1 sno.luM | disease have declined steadily in $3,000. The rest of tr.c incu-y • j]ijnojS for a number of years was to be used jji • aiding tho ( In 1917 the rate was 129.4 families of the vrv.uriU»er.s. T> deaths per 100,000 population- in fuither raise funds, a war trx J 1923 it was g2.0; in 1933 it had of 2% .nills per '-far on -p:or j dropped to 54.1; in 1943 it was perty was levied. By the end of: 43 8 Tho state health departthe war, McHenry county had j ment maintains two tuberculosis expended $488,986. This a.mnmf Ranitarmms. one at Mt. Vernon was exceeded in onl;- f^vn other an(j one jn Chicago. Mobile units counties in the state. operated by the department and Bar Association , by other agencies throughout the In the yeai's hetiv? and aftei S{ate made approximately 1,- the Civil War many name? siill 1200,000 x-ray examinations durfamiliar in the county appear) Jtig*. 1953 upon the pages jf trv_» history of McHenry county. Among1 these :ufrues. M. L. Joalyn has an important place ilorsf v.*ith ihe names of D. C. Eiish. AVilliam Sloan and many ot.ho.-s as «uly members of the MoHer.rv Her. - 'Flavel K. Grans*?r. of MeHorry was best known .13 a r,u<.ve.«*f: 1 IWisiness man but ;re, too. \v.*s'a! ASC CHAIRMAN ISSUES. REMINDERS tO SOYBEAN RAISERS Farmers with soybeans under loan should be fully aware that they are still the ownert of such beans. They can pay off the loa* and sell the beans on the market if they so desire. These l-emindr ers were issued by Bert Bridges, chairman of the local ASC office. Last fall at harvest time beans were selling at about $2.60. A considerable number of farmers, therefore, decided to hold on to "their beans and place them under price support loan in anticipation of a market price increase. In recent weeks quite a few of these producers have been redeeming their loans apd turning their beans on the market at around $3.40 per bushel. "It's possible," continued Mr. Bridges, "that the market price may go higher. On the other, hand, it may hot, and we make no attempt to forecast what will happen. However, we ' do want all of our faimcrs who now have beans under loan to fully recognize that they can still pay off this loan and do whatever they wish with their beans." In considering this matter, farmers should realize, too, that there "is a deadline for redeeming their loans. Any loan beans stored in elevators under warehouse certificate automatically become the property of CCC if they are not redeemed by May 31, 1954. It is on this same date that producers with farm stored loans must also make up their minds relative to the disposition of their beans. HKimVAT ACODTTNTS Motor vehicle accidents on 1111. nois highways killed 122 person* during February, as compared to 130 in February, 1953, aocording to a report by the state Divisioii of Highways. In the first two ,wwn»i«:co UlOll UUl itr, IOU, W> months of this year fatalities r\ \ . " member of the bar. In 1S70 he j 276 while they amounted was elected as a sui>?n is ,r of J° m the comParable period .the town of McHerry.. He w:i-j '. a decluie of five per the first Republican fleeted to this office. In 1872 he »/as stot _ ~ ~ - -- - to the state L. gi.»l itur.\ He' V.MS ; KlomliVe gold rush took re-elcted, uno]tposed, tiro * liin.-s. I P,ac<> in 18®9- Flavel K. Granger ^'as $mn 1- j father of Miss Maud Grange:, Mrs. Robert Thoirpson and M»r. BICYCLE George^ H. Johnson of Ma.n street. McHenry. Mary Thankful Smith, >v] o was Miss Granger's aunt.1 mentioned in the histovy of McHenry county. She \va ; the vife j of Lewis Owen. who.» brother, j Charles, was the :at:icr of Harold Owen, ' our well-known Mo I Henry resident. Not too long ago j this newspaper ran a picture of!Sporting Goods - Maria* Supplies Green street in !3?o. vhich :ea- McHenry, 111 tured an olci water-nov/ercd jn;M|212 S. Green St. Phone 1000 Authorized Schwinn Dealer £ MARK'S If it's a job for Bottled Gas irs A JOB FOR SHELLANE Product ofri* Sh*M OS Company KRUSE i • • •... HARDWARE COMPANY Richmond, McHenry County, 111. Long Distance Pfcon^ 101 * mv - -<• n< RE-ELECT Henry L. (OWUN For COUNTY JUDGE Experienced - Capable Experienced because as County Judge he has handled all. the problems of the Probate and County Court, which has jurisdiction of widows and children cases, without complaint. His integrity has never been questioned and he has the support of the majority of lawyers practising in his Court. He is capable as his renominatibn each time shows the confidence the people of this County have in him. He has been a resident of McHenry County all his life. He is ^ graduate of the Crystal Lake schools and the University of Michigan Law school. He has practised law in Mo^Henry county Sfince 1922^ and was Master in Chancery from February 1933 to November 1936. He owns and operates farms that have been in his .family more than 75 years. TJhe County Court has always been kept out of politics and will continue to be under his administration. He will keep the County Court out of the control of a few ambitious men who wish to obtain control of both County and Circuit Courts and who are now. trying to use the County Court for their own political purposes. Vote lor Henry L. Cowlin ior County Judge flection: Tuesday, April 13 , mm** McHENRY PLAIHDEALER jliilfc'M r rrt, •"jftftirTtfr Thurtday. April 1. 1954 • : fc -* ft r ' •' i- Come Save at A*P! BARTLETT PEAR HALVES 29' 2": 49° Hon*y Sweet Brand t9*OX. in Light Syrup ^ fbi lona Peaches Prune Juice Pineapple Juice Pitted Cherries Yallew Cling Sliced or Halved Can Suvrn Ypu Money with "SUPtR-RIOHr* MEATS! ' fan Rtody 3 te 4 Lb. Stewiiig lb. Florida 46-oz. Uniw«et«n*d tin Red--For Pi«» or Tar+i 0 quert $|00 33* 39° TURKEYS 4-t lb. Belftville Oven Ready LI. 16-ox. tint WHOLE CHICKEN DUCKS--S-4 lbs. Long Island Oven Ready LB. FRISH FRYERS Pan Ready 9-3 lbs. LB. 45< Blade Cut "Seper-Rlgbt' Chuck Roast '39c Banquet Brand 4*$1 39 Round Steak Or Swiss "Super-Right* 59 Cream Cheese Z I0e Sliced Beets A&P Sauerkraut A&P Fancy 4»rad« "A" 16-oi. tins Fancy Quality 14-ox. tin 29• 10* Pure 1 10-lb. Beet bag SUGAR 91° Fur# 10-lb. |JBf6 Cine • . be« 93 Sirloin Steak 'Z- , 69' Porterhouse Steak o 'cTI ». 79' Pork Butt Roast Fr««h ;55' Fresh Spare Ribs ,k. 55* Smoked Butts k 75' Gulf Frincott Skinless Franks "l3^ff.^4l 49* 49' P;:39" Fratii Dronad Breaded Shrimp Lake Perch Ocean Perch Large Fancy Shrimp 10-ox. Pl9- lb. Cap'n John's Fillats 69' lona Sweet Peas Tuna Flakes T»nd«r--• Mind Sius Florido--Htw Red 16-oz. |||Q tin Sultana Irand t'/j-oi. tin 10 23' Potatoes 10-49 ^ 10-49c Ann Pago Floridd Seedlass 80 Size Grapefruit Beans 'A^an Frown 2^2S«1Wh||fc 2 35< «• IUC Preserves Macaroni Sparkle Dessert Ann P«9«--Paach, Apricot, Pinaappif OR SPAGHETTI Ann P«9« Ann Pag• 6alatin 2 45' 3;: 45* 4^25* Strawberries Orange Juice Blended Juices Grapefruit Juice Green Peas JZ 2 Old South Froion Old South Frown Old South 10-ox. pkgs. fr-oz. tie 45# 10* tlO' 3«: 25* 2r 33* Valencia Oranges Crisp Carrots In Plio. Baf Sweet Corn i T»*as Grown lb. bag 16-0*. 49* 19* Yellow Onions Dried Prunes Sunswaot Brand S 2 b., 3 25* 3 ,19* 2149* Blackberry Pie Golden Loaf Cake - ,i*na Parkor 1-inch AA| P«guUrly4fe pit Uw Fancy Quality--Pure, Unsweetened Gnipefniit Jnico 2 " 35 3 It-ox. tins 25c Florida Unsweetened Jim Parkor •aeh GRAHAM CRACKERS 29c Z Pure Orange Joice FlavoHul Nabisco lb. pkq. Unsweetened--A Taste Treat Any Time Florida Blend Juice 21:, 47* 2 I $-0*. tins 21c Orange *4 46-OZ. Grapefruit fin 21' Galvanized Pails r49« Miracle Whip T55* Roast Beef Soilax or Spic & Span 247* Nutley Margarine 2 P'C: 39' Beef Stew Saniinana Brand Walkor's Austoi % 10-ox. tins 19c - ";:45* l5-oi. 27' April Usee _ Woman's Day 7' AI.'GEl SOFT--WHITE Facial Tissue 2 ^ 45e FOR WASHES OR DISHES Cheer Oetergeat giant pkg. 69 GRANULATED SOAP Ivory Snow ' 2'"" Xl( p^. 01 Colored, Quartorad Duncan Hines Dressing Del Rich Margarine Red Cross Macaroni Underwood Deviled Ham Upton Chicken Soup ' Upton Tomato Soup Lipton Onion Soup For SaUdt l-ex. iar 35' 29' 27#t 9fo 23° 3? 37' 2 £r 31* ik ctn. 7-ot. pk9s. I'/l-ox. tin Sin pk9. I In pk). Flavor-Kist Butter Cookies 'X' 29e Armour's Pork in Gravy 10T 59c Paas Easfer Egg Kit each 39e Personal Ivory Soap 4 23c Ivory Soap Flakes 2 X'.' 6le AMEKICA'S FOIIMOST FOOD (RETAIlit ... SINCE 1IS9 Super Markets TM GREAT AtVANTfC « PACIFIC TEA COMPANY All prices 0ff*ctiw through April 3rd.

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