/ iy# April 8,1954 /<* r.-»? " p v . v- *j >?» 7 ,-« ' w j - : mtM THE McRENRY PLA1NDEALER I f n i i H i i n n m i M w Health Talks iHH.1111 HfUI»+»+ •4r v f / . . : Cue of I t e S i d * : • The skin is not only a vital organ of the body, but it is the largest and is essential to life. Care of the skin is important, not only from a standpoint of cleanliness, but because of its many functions in relation to good health, the educational committee of the Illinois State Medical society observes in a health talk. In an adult, the skin normally weighs about six pounds. It varies in texture in individuals and | in different parts of the body. |The palms of th^handa And the soles of the fe?t, as well as the Farea across the shoulders, for example, vary in thickness from that on the face. • |f A protective organ, the skin ^serves as a covering for thfe underlying tissues. It also acts as • a barrier, when unbroken, a- Against bacteria. As an organ of Recretion, the skin also removes * poisonous wastes from the blood through perspiration. While perspiration helps to eliminate water ..from the body, it also serves to regulate the body temperature > tnd keeps the tough outer layer - 9f the skin, called the epidermis, soft and pliable. One-third of all of the blood that circulates in the body is received by the skin for nourishment. When the flow of the blood to the skin is impeded for some medical reason, the skin hardens, thickens and loses its normal appearance. Heredity is a factor in the color of the skin. Some persons have more pigment or coloring matter. The color of the skin in some persons is affected toy inadequate circulation of the blood. The skin is fed and nurtured by the blood circulating within the body. It cannot be nourished from the exterior with creams, astringents or emollients. However, these play an important role as cleansing agents, keeping the skin surface smooth and moist and helping to protect it Against outside elements, such -fcs exposure to sun and wind. ,H Massage is important in the tare of the skin, for it stimulates the circulation of the blood, which is the 9ource of true nourishment. Except in those persons who have an excessively dry skin, because of Improperly functioning glands, or those who +.ave some type of dermititis, or . skin disorder, washing the face thoroughly with soap and water is essential to real cleanliness. Creams, powders and other cosmetics have a tendency to clog the pores, thus obstructing the release of sweat. For this reason, their application should be preceded with a thorough washing of the face. However, cosmetics have a place in care of the skin for, if used properly, they enhance the wearer. If not, they give the wearer a grotesque and ludicrous appearance. Some persons have sensitive skins. An allergy may not be a factor but the skin is susceptible to easy chapping or chafing. These people usually have dry skins and can be helped by the application of creams and oils for surface protection. The half and nails aire.appendages of the skin. They are really not living structures, but insensitive horny materials that take their root from underlying living tissue. They too get their nourishment from the blood. Many disorders affecting the genen-al health are reflected in changes of the skin, hair and nails. However, when no disease condition exists, everyday cleansing and attention to the details of good grooming will give you that "clean look" desired by everyone. MILK GIVES YOU BEST PROTEINS AT CHEAPEST COST You'll find that mil1: ""oducts give you the greatest bargain in food protein. K. E. Gardner, dairy production specialist at the University Qt Illinois, says milk proteins are the highest quality proteins you can buy. And they are essential for development and maintenance of muscles and many body tissues. A pound of protein costs about $1.50 if you're buying cottage cheese, $2,25 in cheese or evaporated milk and $2.75 in whole milk. In other animal foods the cqst of protein per pound is over $3.00. Cost actually approaches $6.00 a pound in many of the meats. For example, bread, a plant product containing a much poorer quality of protein, is a more expensive so&rce of protein than are cottage cheese and dried skim milk. Gardner points out that milk hasn't advanced so much in price as the average or all other foods on the market. In fact, when 1941 is used as a base period, milk stands at only 79 per cent in its relative cost to other foods. «CES®^S OH GAS DRYER now only '219s0* ELECTRIC DRYER now only $19950 • Whirlpool Dryer's new low prices mean you add extra dollar savings (mm the start to the many other vital economies anly this wonder-working dryer provides. r v Ask us about a Free Trial in Your Home AH these mtnatched features are yours at this new low price POrCI-FLO VINTIM©--Sure protection against lint and moisture. SILICTIVt TfMPKRATUM --Lets you "custom-control" the drying as-you-like-it. eUMICIOAl LAMP --365 days of "fade-free sunshine" every year in your dryer! CONTtOUID OSCULATION--Fastdrying, breeze-blown warmth, best for all fabrics. SATIN-SMOOTH MY1NC MUM--Handles clothes with "kid glove" care. LeRoy West Etan Street PHONE 779-W OPEN EVERY \TTFMcHenry, I1L - /fsner/ca's Fa/n/Yy o/" //o/rte tatsne/er/ng It**•H Page Elmn Food Sense*--Not Nonsense 1EARING FACTS Food makes the picnic. In this modern age, good food comes out __ the picnic basket fresh and wholesome even in warm, sultry weather^ It is how you handle it that counts. i*j° Preserve *he goodness of picnic fare, give those foods to be served! cold--cold treatment. Life begins at 50 degrees for bacteria, especially1 those trouble makers responsible for undesirable spoilage. Perishables, such as salads and salad-type sandwich fillings should be chilled before being packed for travel. Here is an idea--don't let bacteria come to the picnic--prepare most of the food at the picnic site. Food can become contaminated in unsuspected ways in even the spotless kitchen. It's more fun to do the final mixing of salads or spreading of sandwiches under open skies. Fortunately, bread is a good hot weather traveler and needs no chilling. To keep the picnic basket cool, select one of the new insulated types and tuck in a refrigerant. A bucket of ice cubes or the handy new gels, encased in plastic tubes, which can be frozen at home, do satisfactory jobs of keeping perishables cool en route. Bacteria bypass acid food but ride along with moist mixtures of poultry, meat, fish or eggs. Addition of several tablespoons bf vinegar" or lemon juice to mixtures of protein foods help to stave off bacterial action. Among acid foods which carry well aVe fruit pies. Cream pies, however, must be refrigerated if taken along. Good picnic fare also includes breads of all kinds, cake and cookies, all easily bought at your local bakery. Because these baked products are comparatively low in moisture, they do not need refrigeration. When sandwiches must be completed in advance, choose fillings that carry well--processed cheese, peanut butter, jelly or summer sausage. For that right ending of the-out-of-door meal, have it well-balanced. •Provide a food with staying power--as cheese, meat or fish. The menu needs fresh fruits and vegetables to eat with plenty of buns or flavorful sandwiches made with enriched or whole grain bread. TREE PLANTING Illinois landowners will probably plant about seven million trees and multiflora rose shrubs this spring for timber crops, soil tonservation, and wildlife shei ter, according to E. E. Nuuttila, state forester. Planting is already going on in southern Illinois. Orders for trees will be accepted by the state forester's office at Sjningfield until April 30. About 13 different kinds of evergreens, hardwoods and wildlife plants are still available, Prices range from $5 to $15 p^r thousand seedings, f-.o.b. the two state nurseries. Planting stock is not available for ornamental or landscaping purposes. (ADVEltHSKMENTJI SIZING FABRICS GOOD SUMMER IDEA "Sizing-" is an excellent way to make garments look better -- especially during the summer months. Sizing can repel stains, retard wrinkling, and delay soiling. You can look fresher longer . . in sized clothes. Many fabrics are truly enhanced in appearance and wear when sized. (The use of starch in shirts is a good example. Sizing is "evil" only when used to make a poor fabric look like a good one.) There are five types of sizing, each one of which does a particular and specific job: 1. Gelatin » 2. Gum arable 3. Gum tragacanth 4. Fl&x seed - : 6. Synthetic resins : ; We determine what's needed before cleaning, then apply it in the amount required prior to finishing. That way you can be sure that your garment will have the right body and weight to look better longer. Try it today. BRING IT TO -- RAINBOW CLEANERS, North Front Street around the corner north of National Tea. PHONE 937 for pickup service or save 10% cash ft carry. Mrs. C. G. Nacker says, "I take my cleaning to Rainbow because I have found from nearly two years of dealing with them that Rainbow means, J R eady to serve A im to please Ideal parking place N ice folks to deal with B eautiful work On schedule Welcome smile to greet you." ROAD CONTRACTS A new Illinois high record for Ik !a Suits... the very latest -- "fresh" from ' Uxe Designers Sketch Pad to you > . . Priced to Suifr Xou . $5500 and $5950 ' Summer Weight *35°° admirina qlancesl opOTl v08» $1995 - $3500 Slacks all the latest v Styles & Pat- ^ terns to go with your favo r i t e S p o r t C o a t and "Sport#" ; . . $795 to $1995 TOPCOATS Wide Selection of j§Hid Colors -- and Checked Patterns to choose fqpm . . . $3375 to $4950 Select Now! For EASTER FitzGerald's Men's Shop x Mr Henry, III. "Ask About Our Suit Club" So. Green Si- Phong 19 T ... . DANDY BOY year 'round GARDEN TRACTOR When yem do cultivating in mimttms with Dandy Boy Power, yov save valuable time for other work! Actually, a Dandy Boy with attachments does over 40 jobs so quickly ond easily you gain mors lohwre time to enjoy lie ... wijoy your lawn ond yards*. 2 3 and 5 hp. models with l^^forwQrdspee&A^everse. . Slop m today. ADAMS REPAIR SHOP PISTAKEE BAY ROAD JfOfTNHBUltG, ILL. Phone McHenry 434 single letting of road contracts established at Springfield week, when the state Division of Highways took bids on construction projects totalling $15,832,451. The proposed work embraces 58 separate projects in 27 counties. It includes the building of more than 12 miles of additional two-lane pavement on U.S. Route 66, as a part of Governor William G. Stratton's plan to make this trans-state road a four-lane divided expressway by the close pt 1957. The Army and Navy versions of the Star Spangled Banner Sre not identical.' BUTCH'S ||||3F 24 Hour Towing Service SAVE MONEY ON YOUR CAR Regular check ups and maintenance toy our experts means lower our coals yon! We Do "Complete Motor Overhauling S09 W. Elm Street McHenry, DL Phone 811 -- Residence 91-R BOARD ...OR A TRUCKLOAD LET US SUPPLY YOUR BUILDING MATERIALS No order is too Small or too Large to receive our Careful and Prompt Attention - We'll help you with BUILDING IDEAS TOO!, and suggest ways to get more for your Building Dollar - SO, if you are Building, Remodeling, or just enjoying your Woodworking Hobby* SEE US before you start your project. .. INSULATION 0l/2* Sq. Ft. MASONITE 9* Sq. Ft. CEILING Till CEILING TILE 12x12 16x16 It1 Square Foot EXTERIOH LOCKSETS PASSAGE LOCKSETf $2», BRASS (3x3) BUTTS 90 SPRING GROVE LUMBER CO. PHONE - RICHMOND 2732 -- SPRING GROVE, ILL. 11 Make your own proving ground" test -41' • W- _ I Th. new 1954 Chevrolet let Air 4-4oor • With 3 great seri«>. Chenfotot offers *M beautiful dnic. of nod eh in h hM. . . . and we know this is what you'll find Chevrolet is out ahead in powerful performance- Chevrolet is out ahead in economy You can easily tell the difference between engines when you drive-- and-the difference is all'in Chevrolet's favor! That's because 'Chevrolet's great engines deliver full hot fe power where it on the road. What Chevrolet promt***, Chevrolet dduen! Year aftmr year more people buy Chevrolet* them any other earl There's new power, new performance smrf nnNr ^CtUomy in both 1954 Chevrolet engines--the "Blue-Flame 145" in Powerglkle? models and the "Blue-Flame 115" in gearshift models. And they bring you the highest compression ratio at any leading low-priced car. That's why they can deliver a big gain in power, acceleration and all-around performance, along with important gwoSae nvngg! Vewr tmt cart ready sow... Well be glad to have you ampere the smooth, quiet performance of this new Chevrolet with any other car in its field. Come in and put it through any kind of "proving ground" test you care to, and judge its performance f«>r yourself. Your test car's ready BOW and wa hope you ant te* CLARK CHEVROLET SALES _ 204 W. ELraM# oSrToRErEeT* PHONE 277 McHENR?. Wtm ,