Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Apr 1954, p. 12

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If mm i"' rk^-> THE WcjliiiNhy PfiXTPTUKAUEH IMOOR & LILYMOOR ^ MarceUa FoM --J Blbk Church News ,! fib Bibfc church will hold a tm rehearsal for its Easter pro- CTWn next Sunday afternoon at i JMtt, The program will be held ttU year in the McHenry high whool auditorium, Easter Sun- J(hy evening'. There will also be av candlellfht Communion service on Good FHday at the church at 8 final rehearsal for the Easter program will be the Satuiday morning before Easter Sunday. The church. Is sponsoring a large Bally in the high school auditorium April 24. Churches from all around McHenry will be cooperand elementary school -- will be held Saturday, April 10, from noon until 7 p.m. at the Chaim House in Lakemoor and at the McDermott building. These are two separate elections and you should remember to go to both places to vote. In the primary election, Tuesday, April 13, the ninth precinct polling place is the Community Center building, hours 6 a.m. to 5 p.ip, Nunda township polling place is at the store building at Fritzsche' Estates. If transportation is needed, please call 742 and you will be picked up and ating. More news <n\ this n£xt brought home again. week. Pastor Liberty and all of his parishioners would like to take tHs opportunity to express their gratitude to Mr. McDermott for all his kindnesses in allowing them to be in his building with the many church meetings. At preent the church is not definite on its future plans. We expect gtood news on this soon. ,'.V. Arthur Kurbyun would like to notify all persons in Precinct 9 that on April 13 he will furnish transportation to and from the polls. He will also furnish information in regard to precinct boundaries. For this Information call '593-R-2 after 6 p.m. Village News April IS, election day, marks another note of progress in the (growth of our community. This day will be the first time polling places will be located within our village limits for a national election. Village officials utgc all to make use of their American heritage and turn out and vote. We are pleased to hear that our village president was selected by the Kiwanis to head their committee on juvenile delinquency. We are sure that under his leadership, the committee will get results. Mr. McDermott was invited with his committee to attend a meeting of the Harrison school P.T.A. at Wonder Lake Tuesday, at which time an address on juvenile delinquency was igiven by Judge Henry L. Cowlin, can remember. Eighteen of her New Residents We welcome to our community Mr. and Mrs. Walter Frank of Chicago, who are now residing in the McDermott building; also Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hopkins and their four children, formatly of Chicago, who are residing on the north side of the highway on Riverside drive. I wish to state here that Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoppert's newhome is located on Sheridan road and not on Lake Shore Drive. Birthdays Belated greetings to the Hyatt twins, Kenneth and Kathleen, on their birthday, March 26. , Jenny Valone had a very pleasant birthday on the twentyninth when her family surprised her with a large party at a Chicago restaurant. She said it was one of the best birthdays she Edward Kamm, Jr.., will brate his birthday on April 8. Many happpy returns of the day, Ed. Mary Ann Brzezinski was 1 year old on the sixth, the youngster celebrated two days in a row with friends and neighbbors. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gibson both celebrated their birthdays this month although I am not positive of the dates. Nancy Ehr&ardt celebrated her birthday Sunday and -was made a very happy little girl when mother and dad gave her a wrist watch as a gift for the occasion. Congratulations to all of you and may you have many, many more such <Tays. county judge. He was accompanied by Judge Harry Brady, who is also a member of this 'Committee. There will be a village meeting Friday evening, April 9, in the McDermott building at 8:30 p.m. Everyone is invited to attend this meeting. There was a house committee meeting last Friday. Rules and regulations were formed and a copy will be brought to each organization by their representatives. All inquiries on the activities in the building are to be directed to the secretary, Mrs. >f .v. nearest relatives were present. <M|ierai News Mrs. Louisa Nielsen Was the guest of Mr. 'and Mrs. Godina and Mr. and Mrs. Ehrhardt at the Ice Capades and after the show they all went to Joker Joe's. An enjoyable evening was spent by ail. Sunday, April "4;"' the "Girl Scouts, accompanied by Marge Ehrhardt, Lucille Nielson, Mrs. Kalemba and Ross Duncan, went on a hike through LilymOor .Woods, They played games and had their lunch and all went home very pleased with their undertaking, but tired. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett and family have moved from our community to a* farm near McHenry. We are sorry to Me you leuv* but wish you luck in your new home. The girls' 'teen-age club Vlll meet Thursday evening, Api S. at 7 p.m. at Marge Khrhn lt's home. The girls will make KftHter baskets and decorate eggx for the children's home in Woodstock. They are adopting this home as their purpose and will do everything to help bring a little cheer to these children throughout the year, for which I think they deserve a lot of credit and good luck in this undertaking. Summer plans are also being made. Any girl from age 13 up Is invited to join this organization. Call 674-M-l for any information regarding joining. Election New* School election -- high school CLARENCE'S SHOP California Redwood or Pondorosa pine In bird houses, dog houses, lawn chairs, lawn swings, picnic and umbrella tables, pier aad park benches, sand boxes, flower boxes, flower wheel barrows, rose arbors, trellises, picket fences, ett, Cabinets made to order. Cement cesspool rings and chimney caps. , MADE TO ORDER ... ^' . CLARENCE SMITH jfc PHONE 588-J-l ifOHVSBmO, ILLINOIS Mrs. Marge Ehrhardt wishes to thank personally anyone who had anything at all to do with helping in the carnival andi making it such a success. Also she wishes to thank the firemen who worked so nard to get the building in shape for the occasion, because without the help of all it could not have been such a success. Bobbie Warren of Sunnystde Drive is to appear for audition next Tuesday for the Martin J. Kelly Show Case TV program. Miss Warren wijl be one of the feature attractions at the next L.IA Social, April 24, which will be held in the fire house. Those of our community who are following the career of Joyce Sarfinne, niece of Mrs. Rosonova, will be interested to know that Joyce recently signed a contract to sing with Guy Lombardo. At present, Joyce is making personal appearances in New York. Mr. and Mrs. Roy EricksOn will celebrate their wedding anniversary April 11. Congratulations, Roy and Rita. Mrs. Helen Para entertained her bunco club on Tuesday with luncheon. A pleasant afternoon was spent. Don't forget the Red Cross class on Tuesday evenings at 7:30 p.m. in the McDermott building. It is not too late to start. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brickson over the weekend were '\J -v., •- •* • -*r Mrs. botrtte Brl&uwn,1 ftofr nto<- ther, is visiting wit* them for the next few days. The Lake county auxiliary meeting will be held May 5 in Highwood at § p.m. Anyone de-. siring to attend thip meeting, please contact Pat Morrison ten days ahead of time so that.she can notify Highwood as to how many are coming; also, te foe aible to get transportation for all who are going s&e must know ahead of time. Mrs. Leon's son, iftcfty, and his wife and child were .visiting the Leons Saturday. Next Sunday at 3 p.m. there will be another movife shown in the fire house. The sound system will have a booster on it so it will be much louder for the next movie performance. ; . -- • .' . • APPOINTRHS . Governor William G. Stratton ha appointed three members of the^Spanish-Amerlcan War Veterans commission, which was created by the 68th 'General Assembly to assist and promote the welfare of the Illinois Department, U.S.W.V. The appointees are: David Davis, Litchfield, and Martin J. Weiland; Chicago, both of whom are past commanders of the Illinois Department, U.S.W.V., and Martin L. Duffy, of Salem. Jotinsburg News jjy Betty ArtternuUlli Sick List Mary Elltfn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Freuhd, is now recuperating from having her tonsils removed two weeJKS ago. Members Of an early Indian tribe added a letter to their Mr. and Mrs. Broms of Chicago.1 names for each birthday. Friends of Bill Ricks Will be sorry to hear that he v?as ill this past week. His daughter and husband, the Emil Boilers, of Morton, 111., came here last weekend and decided that Bill Should return to their home for his recuperation period. Everyone extends "get well quick" wishes to Bill and hope he will be in our midst in the near future. date ftnA fet your tickets for ttie-daeoe. County Banqurt ; " The McHenry county ladles' bowling league banquet is coming up on the twenty-seventh of April at the McHen; y V.F. W. Ail winning teams from here are asked to attemp t© their winning checks. bYfdaf, April & 1054 HacA a Ktupr (fttampT It as* at the PlUnwirr. Don't forget, folks, iryoti lave any news at all give me a buzz before noon on Mondays. Help keep this column filled with news items of interest^ Call 699-M-l and I'll be glad to write up ybllr new items. Thank you. Short Trip Mr. and Mrs?5 Gerald Wakitsch took a short trip to Kentucky a few weekends ago. Mrs. Wakitsoh's sister from Chicago, came to stay with thetr children until their return.1' Forthcoming Dance The Johnsburg Tigers are sponsoring a dance on Saturday evening, May 22, at the Community hall. Music will be furnished by the Badger Hot Shots. So be sure to mark down the SPEEDY ^ M? HENRY GARAGE ARE OU ONLY CRAOC6D EADY^TH/ ISMME OH. MY GOODNESS* UWTUCEN THEM % TWICE X ITS UNFORTUNATE THAT TRTEFFE ARE SO Mft^ DttXypglVEgS, •OTITIS FORTUNATE OUR? TOWN CAN BOAST OP KICK MULEITC (MEHMGARA6E AND THEIR COMPLETE REPAIR AND sgjMCE DemRTMENT. THEIR WORK IS i-TFE") THE BEST AND Q,//. TXEIR PRICES ARE J 1 REASONABLE • FRONT STJtyCfcY KAISER-WILLYS Sales 8c Service PHONE 40# McHENRY, FISH SPEARING The 1954 fish spearing season opened April 1 in the. .central zone of Illinois, and will start May 1 in the northern zone. It began March 15 in the southern zone ,and will run until Sept. 1 throughout the state. Carp,, buffalo, suckers, gar and dogfish may be taken by spear but no game fish. The regular hook and line fishing license also covers fish spearing. Want Ads. flfo everybody's business. If it's a job for Bottled Gat irs A lot FOR SHELLANE V * if - • ^2? «iifVi 1 / r~ 4l\! m Product dFtfo Sim* oi Company KRUSE HARDWARE COMPANY Richmond, McHenry County, 111. Long Distance Phone 101 liet your clothes ready for EASTER! Careful ... your wardrobe is showing! Coming out int6 the light after months •f under-cover. For Easter and after, he extra-sure your clothes are crackling clean and well-pressed ... that every oufr ft is in tiptop shape. CaU us for t quick Chance! w TO THE VOTERS OF McHENRY COUNTY f\ » Whio Said Taxis' Are A Luxury? Add the obst of cleaning this mail's raita-soaked .clothes and you'H agree door-to^door taxi actually saves money. A cab can help Is a hundred different w*y*.W1iefty«tt • one. CALL 724 McHENRY CAB PROFE5510HRL D I R E C T O R Y DR. ARTHUR J. HOWARD Chiropractic Physician 124 S. Green St., McHenry, H Phone McHenry 1068 Hours - Mon. and Frl. 10 to 12:S0 - 2 to 8 Toes, and Thorn. 1 to 8 Sat. By Appointment Only The office of County Judge is an important office having charge off estates of widows and orphans. It also handles all minor dependents and delinquents. There has never been any question as to the handling of any estate by the present County Court. In the matter of delinquent children the record of the County Court speaks for itself and no ofie has ever questioned the decisions regarding same; Further, no political favortism has ever been shown and no one can charge the C6Uflty Court with partiality or with being associated with graft or rackets. McHenry County is a large county with a population of mote than 51,000, the greater portion of which is in the eastern townships. There are nine major electiW offices in the County, five of which are now held in Woodstock. Is it fair to the r&t of the county to try to concentrate all offices m a city having less than 15% of the population of the county? Give sou^il^ County which hitt <Jver 20% of the people a fair break by nominating. L Cowlin FTm Pick-Up a Daltoetf LOCAL CLEANERS 90s s» Gf*» si.; Phone 20 McHenry, IH for County Judge ' Keep experienced and qualified men in office Harry C. Herendeen, Jr. for Sheriff • • : • , • V ' DR. O. R. SWAXSON Dentist 120 S. Green Street Office Hours: Daily Except Thursday « to 12 -- 1:80 to 5:30 Mon., Wed. and Fri. Evenings (y Appointment Only TOlephone McHenry 160 VERNON KNOX Attorney At Law Os^. Green and Elm Streets SlcHenry, 111. Tuesday and Friday Afternoon Other Days by Appointment Phone McHenry 4S WILLIAM M. CARROLL, Jr. Attorney At Law lI0'/2 Benton Street ihone Woodstock 1884 Woodstock, Illinois JOSEPH X. WAYNNE Attorney At Law SM Waokcgan Rc^d (RFD Phone MefXaamr 492 West McHenry, ill. FRANK S. MAT BLACK DIRT Ssad - Gravel - Driveways Excavating Route 5, McHenry, IU. Phone: McHenry 580-M-l S4ffd Limestone VERN THELEN Tracking Black Dirt Excavating Tel. McHenry 588-R-l or 588-W-l Box 218, Rt. 1, McHenry, IIL Gravel - A. P. FREUND A SONS Excavating Contractor Trucking, Hydraulic Crane Service -- ROAD BUILDING Vet 204-M McHenry, * INSURANCE EARL R. WALSH Fin, Auto, Farm ft Life Insurance Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When You Need Insurance Any Kind PRONE 48 or 958 Green & Elm McHenry, III. SCHROEDER IRON WORKS Ornamental ft Structural Steel Visit .Our Showrooms 8 Miles South on Rt. 81 Phone 950 R I N G ' S PLUMBING and HEATING BOB FRISBY, JR. Qoalty Fixtures-Radiant Healing Gas and Electric Water Heaters Watt t Systems - Water Softeners Repairs - Free Estimates Phone McHenry 289-M * FRED W. HEIDE Realtor TELEPHONE* 150 11' McHenry, 111. /

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