K\ ..v:- • \ * •;-.; 'S^iTS™" , ;i THITMCHENRYPLXINIJEALEE / : . '%0p. w« y ; "jrif >rT^s^r',^ ?-*r ,^f7w *t ^ *<H l' *' TTT^wr *.5?rr* >"•!» ••»* *«'. "' '**L '*" • "i • • * ' ?. '~v , ^ ' '**£ TT; P«0» THirtee* |tr ^ this picture of three young people u • p4cuk, the bat provide* M excel lent center of interest ud helps to tell the alary. r 'Stag®" a Snapshot With Appropriate Properties iRACTICALLY all of us have at some time or the other, been Connected with an amateur theatrical production. Thus we know that the play bopk lists the re- Suired properties right along with :ie cast of characters and the |ynopsis of the action. These properties are indeed essential to help ^ It 11 the story. " That's why props should deflfUtely be given consideration when ire pose people *or snapshots. IJTe're'all aware that story-telling snapshots are the ones we like iiest and the introduction of a fmple prop can easily add to the ipact of the picture. The picture above feature* a Haseball bat. Use of the bat in the picture of the three young people has several advantages. First of All, it provides a center of attention. It gives the subjects some- ""tihing to look at, something to do. The outdoor background suggests a picnic and the presence of the . bat carries the story that baseball ~ was one of the occasion's featured activities. Props are good for subjects of all ages. Babies and adults alike respond to them. I once heard a professional photographer of babies say that the prop you give them as a center of attention is a "natural anchor" because it tends to keep the small fry where you want them. With a baby it will* help keep the subject's interest at a high pitch long enough for you to snap a picture featuring a lively expression. With adults you use props, not to "anchor" them in one spot, but to relieve camera shyness and add to the naturalness of the pose. And, of, course, as I mentioned above to help tell the story ... to establish a reason for taking the particular subject at the particular time ... to help set the stage for the picture. Choose your props carefully, to be in keeping with the natural situation, and you'll find that they can dramatize your snapshot, add life, interest, and naturalness to yaur subject. Make them work for you. --John Van Guilder % STATE AWARDS >' ARE AVAILABLE TO V 'l SENIOR STUDENTS Seniors on the point of leaving high school who wish to teach aire urged by Illinois State Normal university officials to a«k about state awards to help them through college. Hundreds of awards are overlooked each year because stu- , dents do not know tJiey may obtain state assistance.. Students ranking academically in the upper third of their graduating passes are eligible for scholarships worth $400 to $500 each over a four-year period. High school principals supply lists of students whose records make them eligible. County superintendents certify names to the state superintendent. Awards not used by any high school become available to students from other schools within the same county. ~ Among the students now using ^itate scholarships at Illinois State Normal university is Allan ,r~ = Siedschta#, a Junior, from Spring Grove. ILLINOIS PROGRAM BOOSTS STANDING AS TOURIST STATE The state of Illinois will undertake a program this spring to boost its 1953 standing as the twelfth most popular tourist state in the nation. The new step -- promoting IUinois as a "vacatlonland" -- will be instituted soon by the 'Division of Department Reports, the state's publicity agency. According to Carl G. Hodges, division superintendent, the program is "an extension" of Gov. William G. Stratton's desire to publicize Illinois as a state rich in history and scenic fceauty. The first step in this dual direction was the adoption of the slogan "Land of Lincoln" on the state's 1954 license tags, Hodges said. Since Goyenjor St:atton assumed office, the Division of Reports has reissued a four color pictorial map, prepared a 30-page booklet entitled "Illinois -- Land of Lincoln," a ad assisted in the production of a 32-minute color and sound film with the same title. Hodges said the state this spring will make a concentrated effort to attract tourists to Illinois from states adjacent to its borders. This year the Division of Department Reports will launch an advertising campaign in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Missouri, Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Nebraska and Tennessee in an effort to attract tourists from the nearby states Inquiries from these states will be answered with pamphlets and maps as well as mimeographed lists of overnight accommodations in al." areas of the "tate, Hodges said. In compiling the lists of hotels, motels and trailer camps in the state, Hodges requested the cooperation of all Illinois operators. He urged them to forward the following pertinent information regarding such establishments to the Division of Department Reports in Springfield: 1. The name and address of the establishment (includes highway designations for motels and trailer camps). 2. The number of units in the establishment (rooms, cabins, etc.) 3. The price range (minimum and maximum overnight rates). 4. Special features (air conditioning, coffee sihops, restaurants, etc.). Spring Blossom Tart* ^ ^ = For Your Tea Tray L Incandescent light is that 'which results from high temperature. ROBERT HAY THE LOW OVERHEAD WAY' Qeneral Contractor Hew Construction and Remodeling LET US FIGURE FOR YOU Phone 622-W-2 ROUTE 4 MCHENRY, ILLINOIS I " A ) • • J ! r. cR1PT10H aborting compos the finesi drugs^ FRESH^ PURT^T ^PRODUCTS* such as are supplied regularly by E. RJ iSquibb & Sons, are used in your doctor's [prescriptions. They are compounded,, v measured and prepared with. [the best equipment^ • known to modern pharmacy. It is & oo|i« forting thought when tTwjiJiJllnaqgJn the family to know that / absolute accuracy1 in prescription work is our~watchwW«L tof vital concern, toe. arc the vtuiata / preSucti we recommend. As • 4taii$ supplement to prevent common vitamln deficiencies, we suggest VMMUN. Squibb Multiple Vitamin Capsules.. J| the name Squibb is your guarantee of the best product lor the purpoaej intended., * 'Your pre8criptiQn8~ar*~ourjipGcialty 'S DRUG STORE 9* Green 6*. McHenry, m. lisps « FAMOUS SALVATION ARMY BAND GIVES CHICAGO CONCERT Spring Blossom Tarts for the tea tray seem like chef's creations, but the tart shells are made with pastry mix and the filling consists of only two ingredients, semi-sweet chocolate morsels and evaporated milk. A bit of whipped cream and a morsel of semi-sweet chocolate complete the tarts in simplest style. Semi-sweet chocolate has a lighter, more delicate flavor that is perfect for spring desserts, and this chocolate is convenient to use whether whole or melted. Semi-sweet chocolate is most familiar to America in the famous Chocolate Crunch Cookies in which the morsels of chocolate stay whole during baking. But theidelicious flavor is good in recipes that require melted chocolate, and semi«yn pf^Qhocoiate morsels are efficient to use when a recipe requires melted chocolate since they are in small pieces that simplify the melting process. Spring Blossom Tarts % package pie crusf mix % cup (l small can) evaporated milk 1 package semi-sweet % cup heavy cream, whipped chocolate morsels and sweetened 1 Follow directions on package for preparing pie crust. Fit pastry m t back of small muffin pans, or lit into small tart pans. Prick with tihec * of fork. Bake in a hot oven (426#F.) 10 to 12 minutes, or until delicately brown To prepare filling reserve 1 tablespoon semi-sweet chocolate morsels to use as garnish; put remaining morsels and evaporated milk in saucepan over low heat. Cook slowly, stirring until mixture is blended. Bring to a boil, and cook, stirring constantly, until mixture is slightly thickened, about 3 to 5 minutes. Fill pastry shells; garnish with whinned cream and a chocolate morsel. , YIELD: Filling for 16 small Utijlp, The Marine Coup®*** tNTfiMMM branch of U. S. military eervioe. Authorized Schwinn Dealer {J MARK'S Sporting Goods - Marine Supplies McHfiyy, 111 212 S. Green St. Ptoone 1000 It Pays to Advertise !* The McHenry Plaiadealer ilwrrlmmw Erom where I sit... Joe Marsh Easy Does h-- An internationally famous Salvfttknt Army band -- the Tranas, Sweden Band -- will present a concert at Lane Tech high school auditorium, .Addison and Western avenues, on April 15, at 7:45 p.m. Known as the "Pride of Sweden" and considered the finest all-brass band in Europe, the 38- piece Tranas band is touring the United States and Canada during April. The band has also made extensive appearances in Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Switzerland and Great Britain. •» . Organized in 1896, the tend is direeted by Bandmaster Gunnar Borg, who assumed leadership in 1935 at the age of 22. By profession, Borg is director of the sales department for a prominent manufacturer of. fur. $o«kts and caps. , Aty members* the Trana* band are amateur musicians, and earn their livelihood in the furdressing and furniture industries for which Tranas is noted; They receive no remuneration for their services as bandsmen, and are making their current sroodwill tour on time normally allowed them for summer vacations. Tranas, a town of 14,000, Is located in southern Sweden, approximately UO mil-- from Stockholm. The Tranas band uses a diversified repertoire which Includes the traditional classics of the great masters, concertos, majestic oratorios, t everent meditations on familiar chorales, timeless hymns of the church, as well as dashing fantasias and brilliant marches. Soloists are featured on all the major brass instruments. The cornet trio has won renown In its own right, and is known for its popular recordings on Swedish labels. The oldest bandsman on tour, a contra-bass tuba player, is Erik Franzen, 63. Bo Johanson, 15, a cornetist, is the youngest bandsman. It Pays> to Shop At Home k,-. ©eat FreMo* tfodtted swagger coatf lfv fcef&| hailed by women as the answer to the one coat problem. These will fit vver dress or suit easily because they have a modulated all-over flare, deep sleeve that give comfoif and a bit of detail in their tar trimmed cellar aid cults. DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST : Al 136 S. Green Street McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) - EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILtTATflMV COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HOURS: DAILY 9 to 12 A.M. aad 1 to 5 PJNL FWDAY EVENINGS: to 8:30 pM EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT •. PHONE McHENRY 452 Ladies Aid Society had their rommage sale the other night-- and as soon as the doors opened, "Easy" Roberts was inside. Without a word, he headed straight for the coat counter, picked out a shabby old tweedjacket, and paid for it. "Easy", it and hurry down to buy that jacket back. This is the third time . I've done it!" From where I sit, everyone's entitled to his own likes--whether . it's a sports jacket, a baseball team, or the beverage he likes for dinner. For example, the wife tolcUme 4 little later that btiying uMfcn eeffee ele«g whh-6aterday his jaeket back was getting to #ight spaghetti while I like a be a regular habit. "That's been my favorite smoking jacket for years," he said. "And my wife talks me into giving it away regularly. Then I get to thinking how much I like glass of beer. We never try to "sell" each other on oar personal prefereaeea. Copyright, 19&4, United States Brewers Foundation Size Up the New '54 Dodge On Every Point of Valuo M- >M|( VSDB up Prearisa With Plwf- And toys Hw Record Right OR the Liaa M Efchto In CoMMy In ttw MOMMS Economy dm, Dodfe outperformed all atfkts. Wtcfri Brwhlm M Ram V-t Proved the most efficient engine in my American car.. Qfeetett performance ever recorded in officii! AAA tests. Fufly-Aukmttie Powerfllte Newest smoothest, most powec* (Hi of automatic trsnsmissions. New FnH>Time Power tmrtni Tekes more of the work eat-- leaves all the pleasure in. Elegant Jacquard Fabrica Previously used in only * few models of the most cosily can. Extra Value Featurw At Ne Extra Coat • Foem rubber cushions, front end rear. Restful riding! • Ges tank fuel filter. • Electric windshield wipers. • Cerpet, front and rear. • Air deaner and oil filter. . Gleaming baked one met flnith. Features apply to Royal V4 Una. See what you get for what you nay! tapal v-l Four-Door Sedan Dependable *54 in tfce new '54"ttedge you will find solid, substantial qualities that mean more car for the money. YouH find record-breaking performance matched ly prise-winning economy. Superbly engineered power fil> tures. Interiors that rival the most costly cars. Here is value that makes every mile more satisfyiag. Prioes start below many models in the lowest price fidd. PowerFlile and Power Steering clonal at moderate extra c«st -- and well worth it. • Dodge Dedere of America Present: Danny Thornet, ABC-TV • Bert Parks in *fereak the Bank," ABC-TV • Roy Rogers, NBC RaOa > A. S. BLAKE MQTQR SALES, Inc. 301 E. PEARL STBEST '/ PHONE McHENKY 156 311,000 HHP GUARANTEE Ask For A DEMOCRATIC BALLOT RE-ELECT X 10HN F. PETIT For DEMOCRATIC STATS CENTRAL COMMITTEEMAN 14TH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT (Kane, DuFage. McHenry Counties) Primaries: Tuesday* April 13* 19S4 »^1^ ,, f.>' iv,;., L... i&£2£S H* $29.95 MUSICAL CHEF KITCHEN TIMER RADIO Specially engineered for nch tone even with k i t chen acoustics, keeps truck of what's cookiny witii its built-in tim»;r, while providing melodic entertainment. Offer qood only c«s long c:c supply lust: YES! YOU GET THIS "RADIO FREE" WITH PURCHASE OF "ANY" KKiJ|N&!#»£ ^ - NEW CR0SLEY REFRIGERATOR SENSATIONALLY PRICED! TRADE-IN YOUR ONLY • $162M OID REFBIGERA- eENU)NE CROSLEV SHELVMOR TOR NOW! CRO flMpflHi MB t ym gBfeilKB al «*i i tUBlw prise! • IBtfTMU • TWO P0MMT KXIMTS «WH it MSIMM If M Iiapi reaalM* >»'i ACT MOMr eri* THE WORLD'S LEADING AUTOMATIC DEFROSTING REFRIGERATOR „ MOOCL i^r JWMltyi 7 «i. f». tpiMii 24% fitdxe YOU NOW 8A' CR0SLEY Am SHEIVADOR' V% EXCISE T* E-Z BUDGET TERMS MOOEl CAM2S Caea<ity: WUkhi 31V ft. s47875. with exriuftiv* DOOft OESICM BEVEKAGS SCtVtt, OUT SHCLVIS, OUT CRISKt, MEAT DRAW!*. fully Automatic DtfmKet Krtlti I Cheeie Sat* e Ceffe* Mefti keeps fr*th> MH, • t«ble> miaewM tl toffea "Caol-Gle" Celot Styling & RAY fLECTRIC SHGP Phone 882 Stow Th*i fienrieee v ' Kverythinc It SeUs" m ytain st. MtWety, m f" : - - -•>> -i ,'sl: