Wonder Lake News By Vueme Srll* and Mrs. Frank Cloos of Indian OatHtending Speaker j RWge. is a patient at Memorial Fred Jaoobt, a Chicago Luther- ! hospital in Woodstock. Th~ child "Ml wmiruiry student, was the ! is being treated for pneumonia. ' speaker at a weet'ig Monday; night of the Wonder Lake Nativ- j Report Vandalism Ity church. Jacobi, a senior at: ^ wave of vandalism has the seminary, served as an as- 1 struck the west side of Wonder atstant pastor in the Virgin Is- Lake. Deputy Robert Wiggins of lands and showed colored slides Highland Shores reported three 1»e took while he served there, j instances of depredation last ---- ' week to the sheriffs office. 8km Explorers To Select Queen j i.rm house, just south of * The Sea Exploter Scouts of Highland Shores, was broken in- ' Wonder Lake are to elect a tj and paint and varnish smeartyteen in the near future. Each e(j aj] over tee floors and the Mtif the Scouts will select a 'can- -basement steps. Also, wa'lpaper -.'ditfate and the . winner vi'ill*"'be j was ripped fpntt the walls. Apchosen by a board of judges ; parently entrance was gained Tnade up "of prominent . people ; through the cellar as the door from Wonder Lake; to the cellar was broken open. At a regular Boy. Scout met.t -' a Mrs. Ryder's home in the V tog Sunday, Cari Poedtke. Sr.,, ; sarue subdivision had the front 'Vfas, chosen as institutional r»*p- | porch completely dismantled and resentative. Harold Hoffman was carted away. She said that the -named chairman of the locel Boy i vandalism occurred while she Scout committee and Joseph Ko-i was away from home. Neighbors ^lar was selected as chairman of j gajd (hey saw* boys between the the special May project. ages of & and 14 tearing at the \ -- pgrch. Laker Is Moose Officer Violet Koppe and Xra. Elizabeth Munson. A .number of completed items were turned over to the hospital shop. Embroidered tea towels done by Violet Koppe, a beautiful •bride doll and pot holder contributed by Mrs. William Fiala, Sr.., a dainty pair of child's yel- SPRING GROVE Mrs. Charles Freund Members of her club met at the home of Mrs. Lne'la'May on low seersucker pajamas by Mrs, j TUeS(jay night. A delicious sup- Wohnrade and a number of baby sacques by Mis. Munson. Mrs. Wohnrade, Mrs. Sullivan, Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs. Widen and, Mrs. Davidson. , Such beautiful work deserved the bountiful luncheon. Three new members have joined the auxiliary. Mis. Leon Switzer, Mrs. Paul Vacula'and Mrs. Allen Schimke and they are mo^t cordially welcomed to the membership. Mi s. Freda Hoefler erttertained the Wonder Center card group Thursday, April 1, and six dollars,. was turned over to the hospital building fund. The hostess served chocolate marble cake and ice cream to the following players: Mrs. Simone Fuller, , Mrs. Velum Sinclair, Mrs. Neva Fuhrer, Mrs. Lillian Belshaw, Mrs. Betty Miller Mrs. Betty Wilkinson and Mrs. June Kiddell, Ben Davis, a resident of Deep said his house, still under con- Spring Woods and a me: chant i struction, was entered and the Gospel Church News The "Northlanders" (Forsbergf and Santfberg) attracted a capa- Mr. Lang of the subdivision city crowd on Friday evening, Mn Woodstock, was chosen as a trustee of Woodstock's Moose lodge in an election last Thursday. Davis will serve a three- • ytar term. oil stove was stolen. Announce Engagement Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boldt of Tftdian Ridge announce the en- ----- : gagement of their daughter, Go Into Business | Mary Christine, to Charles Mc- Mr. and" Mrs. James < Moi;sc > j Guire of Woodstock. Charles is Bell have gone into business for i the son of Mrs. Henry Knaack of themselves. They are operating a ! Woodstock. tavern on Route 14 formerly j Mary, who is employed at the known as Keller's. Mrs. Bell is . State Bank of ^Woodstock, is a the former Ardell . Krugger of j graduate of the McHenry high i school. Charles, an employee of { the Electric Auto Lite company, I is a graduate of St. Mary's high 13, is j school in Woodstock. primary day and all of Wonder i The wedding will probably Lake's citizens are urged to j take place in the fall. vote - it is an American privi- j » Wonder Lake. Vote In Primary Next Tuesday, April " lege' to have a selection of candidates. For those wishing transportation to the polls, a phone call to ^Wonder Lake 5352 will bring a Iter to the door. While mo.*t candidates are only selected in a primary, the precinct committeemen are elected. They are the men who directly Two Birthdays 8anday Sandra Sells of Indian Ridge celebrated her sixteenth birthday Sunday with a chicken dinner for several friends. Present at her home were Pat Kuhn of McCullom Lake, Bob Cormier and Pearl Mathews of Wonder Lake. Also present to celebrate tne April 2. Their program of singing and music was superb -- something seldom heard in Sf iritn-' l quality and artistic presentation. This Thursday, April 8, is the monthly meeting of the Missionary Guild. It will be 'leld in the parsonage this time, the first session to open at 10 a.m. The official board will meet on Friday night, April 9. There will be a Youth for Christ meeting at the Crystal Lake Mission church on Saturday night, April 10, at 7:30 o'clock. Guest speaker is Rev. Elmer- Sandberg of Loves Park. The pastor will conclude his series of Lenten messages on the general subject, "Calvary's Cross," Palm Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. In the evening, at 7:30, there will be a missionary service, with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lpshbough, missionary candidates for Africa, as speakers per was served, after which games of five-hundred were enjoyed. Prizes went to Mrs, A1 Schmiltzer. Mrs. Norbert Klaus and Mrs. Arthur Kl-iin. The club will meet next with Mrs. Eigred Johnson , in Woodstock. A group of ladies were entertained at the home of Mrs. Virginia ,Ginocchio on Thursday afternoon, with Mrs. Ben Marks &s hostess. Cards provided the afternoon's diversion and prizes were won by Mrs. Peter May.j Mrs. Marks, Mrs. Btn May, Mrs.' Math Nimsgern and Mis. WiHiam Errgels. A lovely lunch was served after cards. Guests" in the- Frank Tinney home on Sunday, March 28\ were Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Sasskna, Mis. Justine Tracz and children, John and Johnette, from Chicago. On Wednesday, visitors in the Tinney home were Mr. and Mrs. Bailey of Milwaukee. Mrs^ John Gritzuk and Mrs. William Gritzuk are visiting friends and relatives in South Dakota. An evening of cards on Saturday at the Dan Miller home was enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs. Earl Olsen, Mr. and Mrs. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence i Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund. Refreshments were served. Mis. Alice Claim of Lombard spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. Shirley Dawson and Ginny Those who drove to St. Nazianz, Wis., on Sunday to attend the Passion Play ;st Salvatorian seminary auditorium were Frank Tinney and da'ughter, Katherine, Mrs. Frank Tinney, Sr.., Mrs. L. Kagan and Mary Lou and Mrs. Charles Behrens. A large crowd attended Holy Hour services at St. Peter's church Sunday afternoon. There was recitation of the Rosary, singing of hymns and an interesting talk by Father Daleidejj, Dietician*. To Give Scholarship Janet Hage, a senior at Yorkville high school. Kendall county, has been named this year's winner of the J100 scholarship awarded by the Illinois Dietetic association. The award is given for the winning essay written by an Illiwho conducted the services. An! no's 4-H member who has had appropriate closing was Bene-1 home economics experience, with ' emphasis on the area of foods and nutrition. Janet's essay was entitled "How My Projects in Food and Nutrition Contribute to a Career and Better Living." As winner of the essay competition, Janet was guest of th^ Illinois Dietetic association for two days during the association's recent,, convention in Chicago. While at the convention she met persons who are successful in t^b^r field of dietetics and had a chaftce to • visit various institutions and see dietitians at work. Janet hopes •• to enroll as a student at the University of Illinois next September. If she chooses,, hospital dietetics as her diction of the Blessed Sacrament. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pittges moved to Chicago the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Nimsgern purchased the house vacated by them and moved in this week. Mrs. Bob Lent and children of McHensy spent Monday with her mother, Mrs. Math Nimsgern. The Catholic Youth cluib held i its regular meeting at St. Peter's parish hall on Monday night. A movie was shown as entertainment and refreshments served. Happy Birthdays this week go to little Peggy Miller and Larry Maxson! Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Williams and family have moved to Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Jess DeGroft and Norman returned on Friday from a vacation in Florida. Those from here who attended Mother's club meeting at the high school in Richmond on Monday night were Mrs. Harry Myers, Mrs. Ben Smith, Mrs. Helefc ,_ _er [ Smith, Mrs. Bob Kautz and Mri. Charles Freund. major and follows her college work with a year's internship in an approved hospital, she will toe qualified for membership in the American Dietetics association. She may then Center administrative work or plan and supervise diets in hospitals, hotels or other institutions, or she may choose to teach dietetics to nurses, interns and patients in a hospital. This is the thhd year the Illinois Dietetic association -has made a scholar-ship award. Last year Evelyn Ann Doubet, Hanna City, Peoria county, was the winner. STRICTLY A CLEVELAND couple bought i maple highboy in a used fur* niture store for $10. Inside it the* found $80 wrapped in an old news-* paper. Guess the money had heart a top-drawer secret for years. • * • In Vienna, Austria, an architect inadvertently omitted plans for a staircase and only ground floor tenants could move into the fln* tened apartment house. Sound# 'like an ideal place for ladderequipped elopers to move into. The U. S. President is honor* ary president of the Boy Scouts. We present the local groups at the j occasion was Sandra's sister and central committee meetings of j her husband. Dr. and Mrs. Doneach party. I aid H. Wilkins, of Urbana. There are contests in both j Peggy Sclsdorf, daughter of Wonder Lake precincts for Re-! Mr. and Mrs. James Selsdorf of ^publican committeeman. Incumbent Charles Bergdahl is opposed .%y Toay Grosso, Sam Yokloy and *4ack McCafferty. ' Incumbent j«arge Duttko is opposed by "Charles Paetow. There are no Democrat contests, Solio Fond J. "Leonard Townsend chairman for the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, reports that Wonder Lake col- *lected $677.33 against their quota 'for 1954. Paul Steinle, a former 7 polio victimr is responsible for •this fine showing. lias Pneumonia Michael Cloos, 2. son of Mr. Indian Ridge, also had a birthday on April 4. She was 19. Peggy a sophomore at Northwestern university in the jownr alism school. A family party Observed Peggy's birthday. Hospital Auxiliary News - Mr3. Harry Davidson was a decent hostess to the sewing county | group, at which time she served a delicious corned beef luncheon with all the usual accompaniments. Those present were Mrs. Victor Milbrandt, Mrs. Leon Switzer, who has just recently joined the group, Mrs. William Fiala, Sr., Mrs. Vera Wohnrade, Mrs. Karen Widen. Mrs. Helen Sullivan, Mrs. Kay Armstrong, Mrs. Best choice CHOCOLATES The "hand" uaed in measuring; height of horses is four inches long. II I111111111111 111 IIMIilMHlMtMII 11111! 111 Vogel For SHERIFF 11 III III H11111 I t III 111I I f 1111111 III 1 M l LI I PLUMBING - HEATING She«t Metal -- Gutters FREE ESTIMATES Gerald H.Schumacher PHONE MeHENRY 6 9 1 - R - l rm FAMOUS I SAMPLER $ ' The finest box of chocolate* in j the world. 1 Ik. $2 25 ; 1 lb«. $4.50 - TM • Golden Flair • Whitman's glamorous box...at 1 j a wonderful price! 1 Ik. $1.65 • 2 lbs. $3.30 BOLGER'S DRUG .STORE PHONE 40 MoHF.NRY JUST IN! Nett, light weight, low cost HOOVER Laik NORCROSS EASTER CARDS \ AT BOLGER'S Drugstore. PHONE 40 108 GREEN ST. .1 ,C> XfcHENRY, ILL. NOW OPEN PETER GIES NEW SHOE STORE and SHOE REPAIR SHOP 107 No. Riverside Drive McHenry, IJL FIRST WALKINC SHOES ARE-SO-IMPORTANT You just don't worry when they're ^ SIMPLEX , 36, -/ Si*. - ft ' es fOt TOUIIC MIV They're FLEXIBLE, they fit beautifully around the heel and UNDER THE ARCH with plenty of room for five little toes. YOUR BAIYt RECORD OF EACH FITTING IS KEPT IN out mt A TO EE from Cradle to Cof/ege -PLUSNew and more Complete- Lines of Shoes for the Whole Family . . . . "Massagic" MeriVShoef?^; . Also Omplete Stock of Men's Work Shoes • s. Girls' Shoes -- Ladies Summer Shoes New Store .Hours: Pally 8 to 6 p.m. \ Sundays 9 Til 12 Noon KING SIZE TRADE-IN for your cleaner at CAREY Electric Shop 119 S. Gm'n St. McHenry, 111. PHONE HI fl 11?" _ (Political Advertisement) |Re-Elect LLOYD ZIEGLER Republican State Central Committeeman • VETERAN OF WOULD WAR I PRESENT SUPERVISOR -- TOWN OF ILGIN • SERVED 11 YEARS AS JUSTICE OF THE PKACE • OPERATED OWN BUSINESS FOR PAST 22 YEARS • MEMBER EPISCOPAL CHURCH •# the REDEEMER 14tH Congressional District , (DI PAGK - KANE - MeHENRY COUNTIES) -V;y . REPUBLICAN PRIMARY TUESDAY, APRIL 13, 19J4 I have served the Republican Party well in this pffke for the past two years, I respectfully vote. ~ -- LLOYD ZIIGLER VERNON W. KAYS FOR County Treasurer PRIMARIES April 13, 1954 YOUR VOTE AND SUPPORT - WILL BE APPRECIATED Vote For A Man That Will Give Fult Time To This Office & L •