Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Apr 1954, p. 2

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*..., .i^naA* .V,..., fe£v;*; f *v som-"•*e" a• rticle for this -s-a •l e^. The committee in charge includes Mrs. Peter Justen, chairman; Mrs. Carl Hoyte, Mrs. Paul Doherty, Mrs. Albert Vales. Mrs. N. J. Nye, Mrs. Gus Freund, Mrs. Art Smith, Mrs. James Smith, Mrs. Norman Effgert, Mrs. Joseph VVaynne and Mrs. M. L. Schoenholtz. Km May Tour Of Uirota Land McPenry county Home Bureau plans to charter a 36-passenger bus for a tour to Springfield. May S and 6. Hie two-day spring- tour to Lincoln Land is planned to include a visit to New Salem state park, near Petersbuig, where the group will have lodging accom-i modations for the night of May . 5. The next da> will include, 'a", tour of the state capitol, other, state buildings and Lincoln at-: tractions in Springfield" j Mrs. .Toe Rosulek. Woodstock; ) special projects chairman of the i -county executive, .board,' is- making tour arrangements. She an-1 nounces that the group will leave 1 Woodstock at 6 a.m. May 5 and return late the following night. Tour participants are asl;ed to have their reservations in the county Home. Bureau office by April 21. AlUtounre Wittrers i In Card Tournament I Winners in the recent C.D. of j A. card tournament were an- } nounced this week. They were Rose Freund, Helen Thompson, Ann Rodenkirch and Tetesa Steffan in pinochle; Marie Oeffling, Clara Adams and Florence May in canasta: Elizabeth Thompson In auction bridge; Helen Dobyns. Ella Buss and Marie Larkin in contract bridge. Special prizes were awarded to Van Diediich. Helen Thompson. Florence Mfy, Eleanor Yoiuig, Helen Heuser, Pauline Nimsgern, Ann Rodenkirch, Olivia Bauer, Marie Larkin. Coletta Adams and Helen Mauch. The April} social meeting has been postponed from April 15 to April 29. » wljen there will be an all-day I me^bng starting at 10 o'clock. I a county business meeting will 1 op*n the day's activities, with a l pot-luck luncheon to be served at noon. The. afternoon session will begin at 1 o'clock, with i members ..f the Crystal Lake Women's chorus offering selec- 1 tions. Mis. Ann Varese will then I review the book, "Sliver Chai lice." ; . The eleventh district president, Mrs. c. L. Walters, will be guest at the meeting. Those unable to attend the morning session may be present from 1 o'clock on. McHenry ladies attending are • asked, to bring a hot dish. Other information may be obtained by calling Mrs. Fred Ueberson at 780. -••'/• '" • • . .. . -;" Training School For Home Bureau Pauline Brimhall, University of IllinoLs home economics extension health specialist, will conduct a training school for McHenry county Home Bureau on "Recognizing and Preventing Children's Illnesses" Wednesday afternoon. April 14, in the meeting room ot the Farm Bureau building. The session will be conductecffrom 1:15 to 3:45 p.m. Miss Brimhall will train representatives from each of the Home Bureau units, who will present the subject at their May or June unit meetings, . MRS. HENRY SMITH NAMED CHAIRMAN OF 1954 FLOWER SHOW $ '*•' TH. Gilpin Infant Otristened Sunday The little son of Mr. and $lrs. George Gilpin was christened George Gilbert, Jr., at St. Mary's church last Sunday, with Rt. Rev. Msgr. C. S. Nix officiating. Sponsors vifere Mr. and Mrs. Eugene P. Freund, aunt and uncle of the baby. A dinner followed t«v« christening at the home of the gr'r-atgrandparents, Mr. and Mrs Otto Hanke, Sr., In Aqtioch. t. Attending from here ' Stephen H. Freund,, Miss Bertifta Freund. Herbert H. Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene P. Freund, Paul Freund, Joan Scholz. Joan Freund and Robert P. Freund. Others present included Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hanke. Jr., and sons, Arthur and Wayne, of Antioch, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Gilpin and son, Richard, of Woodstock. Circle 1 At , Heide Home Circle 1 of the W.S.C.S. will meet at the home of Mrs. F. W. Heide in Country Club Drive on Tuesday, April 13. There will be a dessert luncheon at 1 o'clock. Woman's Club To Meet April $ The McHenry Woman's club will hold its aext meeting on April 9 at 2 o'clock at the Legion Home. It was necessary to change the meeting place on Wednesday. Guests arc invited to attend. The program WilJ includc dramatic skits by Mrs. Wallace Kjuse. as well a? organ music. K silent auction will be held and all members are asked to bring Mrs. George Krickl held the first meeting of the year of the McHenry 1 Garden Club at her home last week. Apparently each member had sp^nt the winter itiaking ex^elAenJ. plans for club activities. , \ v ' At the top -of the qf course, is the flo\Ver show f&r which Mrs. Henry Smith graciously accepted the chairmanship. Her reputation for efficient planning and hard work is enough in itself to assure success of the show. Her ideas on how the event shall be handled were accepted with enthusiasm. As soon as details are worked out the schedule will be published. If the exhibitors will cooperate as wholeheartedly this year as they did last, McHenry will maintain its reputation for outstanding flower shows. Mrs. Smith let it be known that she Will weibome any suggestions before the schedule is printed. Mrs. Albert Barbian and Mrs. Fred Lieberson are at the head of a committee planning a large public social event in June. It will be announced in the near future and will be a "must" on Pie social calendars of all the women in McHenry. It is regretted that several of the most active members of the dlub have left the community but already the names of new taembers who will be an asset to the organization have been submitted. PERSONALS MIH ; i » n I H I " & V ^ jV f * . t M f Thursday, April 8# 1954 WTHE McHENRY PUUH&EALER George L. Burns of Wonder Lake has just returned from a two-week seminar and round table discussion of present day family finance and retirement problems at the Mutual Benefit Life Insurance company's home office at Newark, N.J. Mrs. Robert E. Rusboldt and children. Michael, Linda, David and Terry of Harvard, and Mrs. Ben Freund of Johnsburg were dinner guests in the M. L. Schoenholtz home Sunday. Mrs. Rstelle M. Beatty sailed April 7 for Hawaii aboard the Lurline from Los Angsts Harbor. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weber and Mrs. Nettie Weber attended1 funeral services for Fred Hart, a cousin of the latter, on Monday. Emoute home they visited Mrs. Alida Mead and Mrs. Mytar Bartlett at Skokie. Miss Celia Page, a student at Illinois Wesleyan university, spent a few days the la3t of the week visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Page. The first part of her spring vacation was spent in Tennessee, where she visited Serviceman and Mrs. Donald Butler. AMONG THE SICK Ben Freund returned home from the Wqodstock hospital Sunday, where he underwent surgery. Mrs. Tena Combs, who has been ill for several wefcks, is still with her sister, Mrs. Rudolph Bruelheide. Frank M. Blake is still confined to the Woodstock hospital where he is reported to be improving nice'y. He Plans to return home ne:<t week. Woman's Club County Host Members of the McHenry Woman's club will act as hostesses ! to the McHenry county Woman's J dubs on Wednesday. April 14, ; r y Wee Folk's Play School (McHenry's FUwt Day Nursery) Pick Up Service Will Start March 22 Call For Information 109 ELM STREET PHONE 880 McHENRY, ILL. OPEN: 9 TO 11:30 A.M. DAILY . MRS. EVELYN VARE3E, Director and Teacher MRS. CARMIBN ANTONSON, Teacher Miss Rita Martin, Miss Helen V^elch and Mrs. Leo Winkel visited Clarence Martin' in Waukegan Sunday afternoon. . Sunday guests in the home of Mrs. Eleanor Foley were Mr. and Mrs. Howard Phalin of Wilme'.te, Mr. and Mrs. James Mahoney and family of Chicago and Miss Julia Foley of Park Foreat. Now making their home in McHenry are Mr. and Mrs. George Enstrom of Crystal Falls, Mich. Charlene Guercio of Crystal Lake and Mary Untl of McHenry have returned home from a two weeks' trip to Florida. They visited Hollywood, where they attended dog races, and also Miami and Miami Beach. CARP OF HIANKS * In this manner I would Hketo express nay sincere thanks for cards, prayers and flowers during the time I was confined to the hospital. They were appreciated so much. 48 Mrs. Agnes Bienapfl iiMJMiMiriitiiikn.iJiiiJiJ.iriJiHiiiiiiiiiiiiwriniii . BIRTHS iiiMiiiUiiiMiiiiiMiiiiuiraiiiiiamiiiiiifi^i.MiiMijiMiii Friends will be happy to learn of the birth of a son, Thomas George, weight 8 lbs., born March 26 to Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Jensen of Amariilo, Texas. Mr. Jensen, who has been in service for a number of yeari, formerly made his home with the George Reikers of Weingart's subdivision. Mr. and Mr. Clarence Harrison of Ringwocd are the parents of a daughter born April 1 at the Woodstock hospital. Mr. and Mi^ix Richard Zieman of fivamiton areWjie parents of a daughter, born April 3. She has been named Jane Carey. Mrs. Zieman is the former Barbara Carey, daughter ' tltt Gerald J. (^ureys. , The average book contains 150 typographical errors in its first printing. TO WIAR ... >Mt«r PKNDI Orchids, KOMI, )*ocl>«f Mid Daughter Corun TO SHARI... A bonqiMt or plant for tht boat. Euw flowcn foe iht iai. Altar flowers for tb« chuck. WE SEND EASTE* rLOWERS-BY.WlRB ANYWHERE s ^ Elm St. Florist "Across The Street From A Sc. W* Hp* St- McHeary, Phone 230 Open Sunday AJif. 9 io 12 Store Hoem y8||P Mon. - Tues* 10-8 B ffflP Wed, - "Riurs. „- Sat. 9-« * ® Fri. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. IftSmERSHSP EASTER OUTFITS For Broiher-Sister, and Baby Toil 312 Elm St. Phone 746 McHenry, 11L Designate April As Home Burea^vMemb&fshijp Month The mogth of April is scheduled as membership month for Mo- Henry county Home Buvcau. Announcement of membership drive plans >vere made by Mrs. Rath Feawick, Huntley, county membership chairman, at a Gingham Brunch Thursday morning, April i, in Woodstock. Forty workers representing the twenty-five Home Bureau units in the county attended the brunch which was prepared and served by Mrs. Fenwick and her committee, Mrs. Thurlow York, j Harvard, and Mrs. Clifton Peterson, Hebron. t "One Hundred More in *54" is, the slogan of the drive, which will end April 30 witft a Calico Tea for all membership worked. McHENRY COUNTY THROUGH THE YEARS la last week's issue of the Plaindealer, ki the chapter of McHenry County Through The Years, mention was made of the fact that Mrs. George H. Johnson was a granddaughter of Flavel k. Grander. Johnson is a daughter of the late Mr. Granger. Subscribe To The Plaindealer . . Makes you look smart shd sweet. No, we're not poets . . . But when it comes to your hair -- We're MasteW -of th« Art. Individual Hairstyling and Haircutting-- Permanent Waving, Tinting, and complete Beauty service -- Make your Eaater Appointments Early. Open 'Sues., Thurs. and Fri. Evenings 'til 9 p.m ffiwerbLde d&c&rtJjftinfy 1®® N. Riverside Drive McHenry, 1IL Ph\me 147 Cost Fuel Tour Door Why use out-moded fuels Wit* all the extra work they cause? We will deliver convenient, thrifty, safe Bottled Gas direct to your door, wherever ypl live. ALTHOFFS HARDWARE "McHenry County Leading Hardwae®" Phone 284 501 Main St. McHenry, III. a V ilKI-THERM-SCNSATIONAI NIW MVnOfMUIT--CMAItS WOMO'S MST HAT WAU INAMCt-- O'BRIEN'S LIQUID VELVET! lllmeWsoasa^./^A Mart* Wilton; •v«r CBS-TV • iosy'to uM-whk brush m f*lbr • Covers In one coat -- dries quickly • .No lapping -- no spotting • Odorless type--extra washabl* o Volvety finish -- smartest colors TRY IT-and you'll nevkr be satisfied with any other paint or enamel! The dream paint you've erf ways hoped would give you everything is here at last. Made with exclusive Alki-therm, Liquid Velvet goes on wall* and ceilings like magic -- anyone can ®®t„an, •xPert job with it. For a real painting thrill, buy and try new Liquid Velvet. MAIN PAINT CENTER IP *4IN ST. Open Daily £-6 PHONE 1115 Friday Nites "Til 9 McHENRY, ILL. Sunday "Hi Noon O ' B R I E N PAT NTS mviMi V Y ES -- always use a pen; write amounts at - -- far leftt and fill in the rearming space with^ , heavy lines; be sure that amounts in words ^ and figures agree; don't erase or make alterations; don't sign uptil the check is filled in. Checks are safer than cash. Open your checking account with us soon; follow these rules to transfer funds with maximum safety. i McHENRY STATE BANK r«J55¥BER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION MEMBER FEDERAL. RESERVE SYSTEM INTEREST PAID ON SAVTNGS DEPOSIT# PHONE 1M0 o T E Austin L. Wyman FOR V O E Austin L Wy man Republican Candidate FOR U.S. Senator , - l ,l i...' , , i ' v ^ to the head of^ Easter Parade % smart fashion . . . *• i l l : 0# ALL GAUGES 72-66^60-51 DENIERS »' 12-1S^0 McHENRY HOSIERY MILL "On The Crystal Lake Blacktop Road" McHenry, QL Phone 850

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