»/ Y rT 7 1 ! p " | p - . - •$<•<: •* " ' • jf *#t,-.' " ^ ~ '. " " 'L' * >f THE McHOfRY -Tv GOLDEN BOY WINS TROPHY " """ --•1fiillifr*'l £<xst& Uta&Aii. / vou mny allonge, secr« 135 you ni«>" be. aU^nge, secret, | and dithyrambic; but, like every " V \ I maiden, you are hep to all this * i WOr.ship and prove ling adoration, The beat April Fool yarn came I and it t"rns >oui si 11 \ So• ttom KM. smith. i» the Ipt thts, Sp.'.»r feoys were going into Nve's D: us J evely .„„_h alnn mi •tore all day asking for a cup a'! ffoing V> Sel tough, slap you mod. .•One vof the girls slipped out j the back door aftd got some real j •» mud. At the neoct request, out Went the real stuf?. Customer hardly looked around his newspaper, but knew the weight of that cup was a bit unusual. - "What's , this?" • stormed '-the fallow. ' ' */ " )' "Just what you asked - for,"' down give you ,the works, and! then vou'll behave. Like Spring Was the sweet . reply. "Nye's uJ*- Ways give the customer vvliat J"* Itkt for;" Vy" 7 Big name basketball coaches in these parts have made it known that they are moving on next season. , ; First came word that Rues Ahearn will leave Hebron to atart with a new school. Woodland High, four miles south of fltreator, HJ. DAILY PIN-UPS: (Woman's Day) Where clinging vines were once the' rage, the ramblers now make the front page. The" most expensive liquid is a woman's tears. Some , women just never call it a day, unless in most things they've had their way. The fashion fads of Christian Dior, make women' purr and strong men roar. It always gives a woman a lift to be carried over the threshhold. The best portion of a good man's life, is the wholesomeness of a loving wife. ANONYMOUS Ahearn, who reached the heights two years ago in leading Hebron to the state title, will aerve as athletic director and coach in this new'school. Fast on the'heels of that announcement came woii that Harold Gaffney would give up Ms job at Barrington. Gaffney had a reputation of being a tough cookie to play under, but his amazing record aqusi be drawing the eyes of j^any .schools, t s RETRIEVER CLUB TO HOLD TRIAL SUNDAY, APRIL 11 In Illinois, as in many parts of Che country. Field Trials are held throughout the year, where enthusiasts of the breed meet f -- - BOXER OF MCHENRY are of two general types, both I COUPLE ESTABLISHES under the auspices of the Amer- i OUTSTANDING RECORD ican Kennel club. Informal "Sanc- CHnaude's Golden Boy ia ahown with Handler Jack Funk M it received the first prize ribbon and trophy from the judge at the speciality show in Kansas City recently. The dog is owned by Robert St. Luke Winkel of McHenry. Its sire is the famous Champion Clinaude's Scoop, owned by Peter J. Fisher of tfe+,r. Country Club subdivision. PATRICK BUCKIE AWARDED NATIONAL RIFLEMAN MEDAL tioned" Trials are run out once a month. In Spring and Fall "Licensed" Trials are .held, and the dogs placing in these win I points toward the coveted title % So, it seems that old eoaches j of Field Trial Champion. Par- !*on't just fade away. They move | ticipation in the Sanctioned Tri- |o greener pastures. j als, a strictly informal event, is $ - - • jjg Jim Freund, now in the old n|hrier class on the Johnsburg ,*Tiger squad, dropped in to tell i3bs that the club is sponsoring a spring dance to benefit the base- Wall team. ;T1» date is set for Hav 22 at the Johnsburg Community club hall. ^ inexpensive, has the spirit of Friends of the Robert Winkel family are expressing pride in the Winkels' dog, Clinaude Scoop's Golden Boy, which recently won first prize ribbon and trophy at the Specialty Show in Kansas City, Mo. Other recent winnings include friendly competition, and enables j the following: Western Specialty owners to get" together with I clubs, Navy Pier, first prize noother folks, with the same inter- j vice class; Jay County Kennel ests as themselves. ] club, Portland, Ind., first prize The participation in and train- American bred; AH Breei Dog ing for Trials has another at- jshow- st- Joseph, Mo., first prize traction for the hunter. It is . American bred; Tri-State Kennel . i way, as it were, to hunt all year j c'uf)' Joplin, Mo., fourth prize "Al Whst we really Want to tell 1 long. Live birds, raised and pur- American bred; Ozarks Kennel chased for the purpose, are I Springfield, Mo., first prize used Here is a chance to simu- ! American bred and reserve winlate for the whole span of the , npr: AH Breed Dof show- Kancalendar under surprisingly real- Ras Mo., third prize Ameri- - „ - -- -- . istic conditions, your favorite , can bred; Specialty Show, Kar.- J|#f those danceaji jjoy wflj soort. in whietr vou- can-indulge sas City, first prize American JpMat a rousing gcod time K WttTtS JOB If you haven't attended, in so doing, you keep your dog aow is your chance. Jim has up to pitch during the whole year, and he is ready to go when Suits us Ine if the • the season opens. What is best will cut it<t down to j 0f all since you can and do work SSfou is that each flayer haa a >^*tack of tickets and it would be *ery nice if you good sports Would help reduce the stack. If you have ever attended one jfoy romised us an "Irish Hop" if e atj jJBrchei t|nd. sport, whi©tr you can - indulge.' _ prae Americu only for a short time eafeh year. rpf^' '* Keftnel club, O maha, Nebr., first prize American bred; Wisconsin Kennel club, Milwaukee, Wis., .firat priie -Am* ia Our high school baseball team ^travels to Woodttock Friday af- -lernoon for a non-conference %ame. We hope to be there -- especially since some of the flayers tell us that they are ..going to have a snappy team .this year. Shouldn't be much flWUst to worry about this week. • Just turp on the sunshine, V with your dog so much, he learns that much more. In order to Liain the owner and teach him more about hand- Patrick Buckie, 10, 305 Maple avenue, McHenry, 'became one of America's top junior riflemen, it was announced in Washington, D.C., Monday by the National Rifle Association, as he was awarded the Distinguished Rifleman medal, highest junior shooting award in the nation. Young Buckle first took up shooting four years ago. Sinfcf that time the new distinguished shot has climbed through four** teen lower qualification rating) to join the country's elite young shooters. Patrick Buckie 1* the son 6f Mr. and Mrs. Jack Buckie and a fifth) grade student at ,8t>. Mary's school. , *• KV Claaatflef Ada. Mat Place yours with the Plalndealei today! -- McHenry Recreation -- . Friday Nite Ladies-- Bimbo & faons 2, The Pit 1. 8. Sutton, 455; V. Nemke, 448. Al's White House 3, Standard Studios 0. L. Vacondio, 460; P. Schultz, 421; G. Steinsdorfer, 425; E. Rand, 471. Little Chef 3, Schroeder Iron Works 0. P. Green, 416; L Fljalkowski, 477. Mi Place 2, Wolff Bait Shop 1. S. Weber, 427; J. fieroni. 421; P. Ryan, 430; I. Stollar, 428; it. Hoyte, 447. Thurs. 9:00-- « F.M. Television 2 The Vogue 1. J. Jannotta, 210-065; V. Freund, 201-552; W. Hojnacki, 521. Atlas Prag-rr 2, Club Lilymoor 1. H. Kreutzer, 501; A. Krause, 503-. Al's Welding 2, 'Lakeside Inn 1. R. Groh, 507. Blatz Beer 2,. Lattnes Realtor 1. ( '• Gutter QuriM&M-- ^ Lakeside Inn 2, Seven Printers 1. ' McDonald's 3, Thiea 1. Schneider-Leucht 3, McDermott's 0. Club Lilymoor '2, Wally'a of Lakemoor 1. Early Birds-- Dorothy's Millinery 2, Qarrelts & Rogers 1. M. Gates, ,451; D. Schaefer, 446. Peterson Boat 3, Carey Electric 0. E. Peisert, 440. Farmers' Mill 2, McHenry State Bank 1. N. Stilling, 429; H. Knox, 456. Freund Oil Co. 3, Nye's Drug Store 0. D. Freund, 4S4. Mints' 2291, Pefaraen'a,? JM9 Sayler, 520; Petersen, 510j Tavern-- ' Snug Harbor 2, Spotsman's Inn 1. C. Behnke, 215-579; D. Weingart, 512; A. McCarroll, 204-202-603; Jager, 200-548; Stoller, 503. Hank's 2, McDonald's 1. Winters, 516; Bob, 508; Frank, 212- 533. Hoots 2 Old Bridge 1. Overton, 204-532; Corso, 549; Larkin, 535; Bacon, 211-529; Todd, 509; Noonan, 201-202-566. Joe's Tap 3, Fox Hole 0. G. Schaefer, 526; J. Simon, 201t554; B. Peisert, 215-563; J Weyland, 524. Mooise-- (Last Week) -'V'; Ted'a 2 Cecil's i. Long, 542. Ray's 2, Joe's 1. Moose^-r Cecil's 2, Joe's 1. Stoller, 201- 519. , - Ray's 2, Ted'a i,. COMING EVENTS 1.1, j I- !• •8* Wonder Lake Ladies-- American Legion 2. Rolaine Grill l. B. Peterson, 185-501. Widen's Service Station 2, Golden Glo Nuts 1. T. Basile, 181-483. Krueger'u Fuel Oil 2, Kay's Gift Shop l. L. Meyer, 452; V. Kopp, 429. T. P. Mathews 2, Wonder Lake Oil 1. - ~ Palace -- Match- Palace 2852, C.O.F. 2583. J. Herdrich, 213-504; F. Meyer, 226-585; H. Miller, 543; Kinsala, 582; McCarroll, 216-605; Larkin, 212-545; Behnke, 201-201-573; Corso, 547. merican bred. The garnet sometimes is greefi, instead of the familiar red. Read The Want Ads ling his dog, it has been the CUS- m m m m m m m m m m ' m torn of the American Amateur I On«w#tiOur readers sent in the f foifyjvAnj* with a comir.ent that we, might need a yBUy jSBtth it to the finish and ^you'll get a chuckle ?: rHOOKY TO SPRING (Author Unknown) i ; O fcpring, thou vixen, thou ataiveling, thou errant siren, thou cracker-down of unexpected Retriever Club to hold what is called a 'Training Stake" at its ! monthly informal Sanctioned I Trials. In this event stress is placed on teaching the owner how to teach his dog to work better and more efficiently for him. Through this event have i i 001116 niany competent and en- IlFj j thusiastic handlers who progress so ihat they can make their Retrievers a more efficient "right aim." at. Many hunters who 'have scoff, ed at a good trial dog, have had to swallow their laughter when such a dog can unerringly mark THURSDAY, APRIL 8 Grand Opening FREE SHOW! "Canyon Passage" Rahdolph Scott Old Timers-- 1' Cristy** * 2268, Rogers, 202-543. April 9 Annual Easter Communion Of Christian Mothers And Altar Sodality -- 8 O'clock Man -- St Mary's Church April 10 Square Dance Program -- Edgebrook School April 11 Men Foresters, Juveniles And Men Of Parish Communion -- Sunday -- 8:30 Maaa -- Breakfast Following Mass In School Hall April IS Circle 1, W.S.C.S. -- Mrs. F. W. Hefde Home -- Dessert Luncheon At 1 p.m. O.E.S. Members' Night p.m. --- Acacia Hall April 17 Zkm Lutheran Ladies' Bake Sale -- Huppy's & Store April 20 Banquet And Installation Sponsored By St. Agatha Court, No. 777 -- Hettermann's Restaurant j April 21 . Concert By University of Illinois Men's Glee Club •-- High School Gymnasium -- 8:15 p.m. April 28 Movie Sponsored by St. Patrick's Mother Club -- St.-^Patrick's Hall -- 7 and 9:15 p.m. April 24 Joint Installation of V.F.W. and Auxiliary -- 8 p.m. -- V.F.W. Clubhouse WINNERS Photo by Ralph Patzke tHe above picture shows the McHenry public Grade School cheerleaders' team which recently won the contest staged in the . high school gym. Pictured left to right: Top row: Gwen Wiedenhoeft, Diane Tabor, Carol Schooler, Barbara Becker * Front row: Nancy Thornton, Patsy J^cCracken, Mary Lbu Watkins, Judy Bauer. - Pyrita 2§k. Erlanger Theatre 127 N. Clark St. Chicago 7:30 FRI., SAT., SUN. &--l^ON. APRIL, 9-10-11-12 "The Glenn Miller Story" James Stewart - June Allyson FRI. & SAT. APRIL 9-10 "WILD ONE" , Marlon Brando - Mary Murphy anowstorms! Last March thou i a d<wned bird- or at his owner's signals, go and get game across a wide expanse of water. The purpose of Retrievers /earnest as a golden-smiling umph (girl, lingered for a space with a sweet surcharge of sunshine, and then departed bleak as a white | I^ld Trials is to compare the owl over winter's woe. This relative merits of Retrievers in March on thy debut, thou cam- i the Field. Retriever Field Trials est also and likewise, but think- ; should therefore simulate as est thou we are such dopes as : nearly as possible the conditions TUE8., WED. * THURS APRIL 13-14-15 Swedish Film "ONE SUMMER OF HAPPINESS" SUN. it MON. APRIL 11-12 --^ "HONDO" John Wayne - Geraldine Page TUES., WED. & THURS. APRIL 13-14-1S ( "Eddie Cantor Story" f Ulla Jacobson - Folk Sundquist Keefe Brasselle - Marilyn Erskin^ to fall for it? O for breath to utter what ia like thee! Thou cold wench in met in an ordinary day's shoot. The American Amateur Retriever Club will hold its next flame-colored taffeta; thou vil- ! Sanctioned Trial at Wing and lainous changeling appareled in | Fin Club, US 12, mile north goddess guise; thou wayward • of Volo, turn left and follow swallow overhead at set of sun! ' sign, on Sunday, April 11, start- Saps, simpletons, and Sassenach J ing at b':30 a.m. that we are when we behold thee ! Sterling Silver trophies are acouched on yonder greensward, ! warded 'iie first place winner of with they slender arms behind ; the qualified and open all age thine amber head! Have we the j stakes and ribbons awarded the enterprise to slip a fist around j next three places. thee, and press thine opening j Any person owning any one ips as thy waist we gather slow , of the six retriever breeds, or "t n. O Spring, thy kiss is a | interested in field trials, is indrear buffet that withers our | vited to attend these monthly shining morning faces, withers i trials Iwe °f.th* W*y- Intonation *r the time and tK vtt^eis the violets upon I places for future trials can be fi lend^nnfflllf °fal °Ur ^rl j obtained by writing to American •PrtnE cold ,r°m _ I 3*ob, Route 1, Elgin, 1U * Why, a>* after ag«- have poets I wooed thee, naming thee a book i CRE»CKVT oittt Wril of; „amp Things You'll Need for More Fun Outdoors ^ERLANGER THEATRE CHICAGO s 5 Fhone STate 2-2459 % TAXES REDUCED NEW PRICES: Thursday Nights: $1.10, $1.75, $2.85, 33.50, 34.00 Sunday Nights: 31.75 to $4.60 (All pricas include reduced tax) Mail orders filled as received Inclose self-addressed envelope See us now for ail your picnic supplies and hunting and fishing equipment of finest quality PICNIC TABLE LANTMN • CAMP STOVE NEW Coleman Picnic TaMe; 28-in. square top, 2614 in. high; folds up into roomy carrying case. ColenuM Lantern floodlights 100- ft. area; lights instantly; safe; stormproof. Coleman Camp Stove ooks foods quickly, ; folds up and carries like a suitcase. Also In soil; a lambent green transfused of McHenry ha« Zn Z? V* with .Uver .hining? TnmpM. 195. Si a,rl w tonsucd and l)»t-«iu»d nlncom. Chi Alpha fraternity at poops foxing ppoooorr hhuummaanniittvy!! 1 vVeftrrsaiittyv of lliinou.. a fre^s hUmnain Come, Spring, pretty Spring. --^ ' iresnman gentle. Jocund, ethereal, cozening, caterwauling Spring! Q to * be almost anywhere else, now that thou are here! When thy hounds are on the winters's traces they'll shamble home, the* dumb dogs that they are, with wet feet, ahivers and the sniffles. Nats to you, 9pringr, and nuts att thia "thou" stuff! Maiden majoring in primary education Miss Dreymiller was crowned i last Saturday, she will now enter nation-wide competition with • representatives of 147 chapters. The Continental Divide ia formed by the Rocky Mountaina. Marine Models Adv«rtis«d LIFE I'OS'I FREI Colamon Outdoor Book Helps you enjoy the outdoors more! Come in for your free copy; Domenico, Theotocopuli is the r«l AM* Of El Graco, U>«,m g.. 0re„ MARK'S Sporting Goods st,s i Marine Supplies McHeary, IlL • Phone 1000- Two Early Curtains Twice Weekly Thursday & Sunday See the hit of the season! Get home early Curtain rings down at 10 p.m. Sunday and Thursday EDDIE BRACKEN in "THE SEVEN YEAR ITCH" with LOUISE KINO NOW Two Early Curtains Genoa T H E /X T R E Ob Hwy. 12 is Genoa OMy Square Dance Program -- Edgebrook School April 25 Bake Sale -- St. John's School, Jphnsburg -- 8 a.m. -- Sponsored By Blessed Virgin Sodality April 27 O.BL8. Past Officers' Night -- 8 p.m. -- Acacia Hall Regular Meeting of McHenry Garden Club -- 1:30 p.m. -- Mrs. E. W. Nardi Home May 15-16 Spring Concert of McHenry Choral Club May 17 Film ' Lecture By Sam Campbell -- High School -- Sponsored By Methodist Men's Club May 29 Bake Sale -- George Justen Furniture Store -- Sponsored By Altar and Rosary Sodality of St. Patrick's Church -- 10 a.m. June *25-27 Johnsburg Community CSufe Annual Carnival iirii tit t iii it 111 inn nt 11 etui m tin i it 1111 ELM RT. 176 WAUCONDA NOW OPEN EVERY DAY ULTRA-MODERN SCREEN .SIZE 52x<M Will RE-OPEN EASTER SUNDAY APRIL 18th i^I H THURS., FRI. & SAT. APRIL 8-9-10 THURS., APRIL 8 - LAST NITE Stewart Granger in "Scaramouche" FRI., SAT., SUN. & MON. APRIL 9-10-11-12 "The Glenn Miller Story" Technicolor James Stewart - June Allyson Feature Hours: 7:00 - 9:15 Sunday 2:45 - 5:00 -- 7:00 - 9:15 Adults 70c • Children 30c 7*30 JAMES STEWART JUNE ALHSON ^ *6LMN MILLER imrr SUNDAY thru THURSDAY APRIL 11 thru 15 DOUBLE FEATURE fwimoww « » ' »'»»• : MttlMHOWS ; I m, MMOM ROWVt>M^ :«OWfVFW)MHOMC : «MAL MOUXIS •TECHNICOLOR -- «Jo-t<eature -- TUES. & WED. APRIL 13-14 The Miracle Of Fatima" Gilbert Roland I C W N E Phone Fox Lake 7-1611 Grand Avenue, Fox Lake, 111. PLENTY OF FREE PARKING FRI., SAT., SUN. & MON. APRIL 9, 10, 11 & 12 'The Glenn Miller Story" In Technicolor James * Stewart - June Allyson For This Picture Only ^ Adults 74c -- 'Children 35c • TUES., WED. St THURS. APRIL 13-14-15 "Song Of Bernadeite" Jennifer Jones - William Eythe Charles Bickford FRI. & SAT. APRIL 16-tf "BORDER RIVER" In Technicolor Joel McCrae - Yvonne De Carlo NEW GIANT WIDE SCREEN UNIVERSAL INTERNATIONAL PICTURE KJMTV5 LA Starts Friday, April 9 -- 4 Days Fri.t Sat., Sun. & Mon. -- Matinee Sat. & Sun. fOUAC* TECHNICOLOR Starts Tuesday, April 13 --- 5 Days Tues.. Wed., Thurs., Fri. & Sat. -- Matinee Sat. Cine MA ScoPt AiVBdUREI SKCTAOH KOMMICEI KING^ KHYBER RIFLES nw* viCHtH POWER- MOORE -RENNIE FAM :EN 45x60 FEET GRAYSLAKE, ROUTE 120 - 21 COME EARLY -- SHOW STARTS AT DUSK -- SEE IT ALL -- CHILDREN UNDER 12 IN CAR FREE -- .V . We Show First-Run Features ' THE NEWEST LATEST AND BEST FRIDAY & SATURDAY" APRIL 9-10 TWO ACADEMY AWARD FEATURES [0 j ^-^TECHNICOLOR f A PARAMOUNT »tCTW«C with ^LAN LADD PLUS GREGORY PECK AUDREY HEPBURN give you the happiest film time cver'_1^> kWILUAM WYLER'S production or ROMAN QUNDAY. MONDAY & TUESDAY APRIL 1102-13 °»t Of Ae Greit Adrcnlorcs ^AIl Time I TECHNICOLOR m $0 a JOHN FARROW PUOOUCKON torfuod by JOStPH SISTROM Oradcd K JOHN FARROW Scratnplar by JONATHAN LA ' thf novtl by Chtfles Non m4 Jants Normn Hdl A PMMMOUNT PICTUK WEDNESDAY To SATURDAY Bing^ Crosby - Claude Dauphiji "LITTLE * BOY LOST" APRIL 14-17