Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Apr 1954, p. 11

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Wonder Lake By Vanesse Sells Plan Camporee footer Lake's Boy Scouts will Kicipate in the camporee of the Blackhawk Area council of the Boy Scouts which will be held in June at Harvard. The Wonder Lake Scouts are already planning an Indian dance which they will give at the camporee, In April they will perform 'their dance for the Kiwanis club of McHenry Township. The boys ind their leaders are busy making authentic replicas of Indian Dgalia, complete with swasticas (which were American Indian long before tht Nazi regime used them as symbols!, \^4r bonnets are being painstakingly created, some using the Eagle feathers such as the Indians used. Others are using pheasant tail feathers, even though those birds were not on this continent at the time of the Aborigines. The Sea Explorer Scouts met again Sunday and worked on the "land ship" which they will put up at the camporee. They a'so started creating an anchor our of bottle caps for display purposes. , Last week, this column named pommittee members a? Scouters they are, Instead, Sea Explorer Scouts. Find Doe, Ffcwn A tame doe and fawn were jtattnd Sunday at the north end of Wonder Lake by Marshall Smedley. Smedley reported his find to the sheriff's office, where Deputy Henry Faerber was on duty. Faerber remembered that Frank Howard of the Lost Valley farm had some tame deer on the place. Contacted, Howard said that a doe and fawn had gotten out of the enclosure on the farm. Gest is survived by one other daughter, and four sons. Bumble Bees Win Two of Wonder Lake's 4-H clubs were in a selection of ten in the county in the "Share The Fun" competition. And one of them, the Busy Bumble Bees, is among the final five to compete for district honors. The district competition will be held in St. Charles, probably in July. The Wonder Lake entry, based on a "This Is Your Life" theme, was written by Carol Bell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Bell of Shore Hills. The county elimination contest was held in Richmond Saturday night. • ,-V". Cooaty Judge Speaks County Judge Henry L. Cowlin of Crystal Lake discussed delinquency at a meeting of Wonder Lake's Harrison school last Tuesday night. Also on the program were the candidates for the Harrison school board. Held For Burglary Marvin (Skippy) Porter Darwin, 16, of Wonder View, was arrested Sunday and charged with stealing a portable radio from the home of Jerry Luciano, also in Wonder View. Skippy was put on probation for a year last September after he admitted he had entered the home of Edwin Sladkey and taken some personal property. Serves on Committee Mrs. Dorothy McEachren of Wonder Lake was a member of a committee at the McHenry County Business and Professii ^ al Women's club last week. At a dessert luncheon in the Cen tral school at Woodstock, Miss Mabel Hobbs, retiring county nurse, was honored, as was Mrs. Hedvig Welander, pioneer in the baking field. Plan Safety Campaign The youngsters of Wonder Lake will cooperate in a safety campaign day, probably in about two weeks. Each of the children is to decorate his bike, or a buggy, and participate in a parade. Full details will be available later. will receive their First Commun* ion. Miss Janet Gill will sing solo. Tomorrow, the Rev. Burton Schroeder will deliver a Good Friday sermon at 7:30 p.m. en-a titled "The Shame of the Cross." Easter Sunday there will be two services at Nativity -- one at 8 a.m. and the second at 10:45. School Board Election Francis Marion and Gladys Gustavspn were elected to the board of Harrison school Saturday to replace Frank Cheney, who did not run for re-election, and Anthony Audino. Marion had the largest number of votes. Mrs. Alice Noren was clerk of the election. She was assisted by Uldena Haugtit and Pat Wrede, who served as judges., Gospel Church Easter services at the Gospel church will be at 10 an£ 11:30 a.m. and at 7:30 p.m. • The iNinth Anniversary of our Sunday Bible School will be observed on Sunday, April 25, with Pastor Arley L. Bragg of Chicago as our guest speaker at the evening service. An unusual musical program. STRICTLY FRKH TN Boston, a man suspected of be- ^ ing.a bookie was released when he proved that he could neither read nor write. Somebody should have given him a test in addition. • • • A movie house recently adver» tised this double feature: ••FATHER OF THE BRIDS" and •THE BIG HANGOVER" • • * In New York, a man fractured his hip while playing dominoes. OUCH/ In Theta XI Fraternity Recently Paul R. Marke, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Marke of Wonder Center, became an active in Theta Ji fraternity at Purdue university. Mrs. Marke said that Paul spent a hectic and strenuous week and that it was something he will never forget. Holy Huirsday Service f (There will be a service at 7:30 this evening at the Nativity LutheTan church. Coinmunion will rziuMK ft uf&js inet iKa KmsIq be administered and confirmands of the game. Flo Dean's Mother Dies Mrs. Amelia Gest, 74, who had been making her home with her daughter, Mrs. Walter Dean, fpr the past three years, died in Memorial hospital at Woodstock list week. Mrs. Gest, who was a native of Watertown, Wis., was taken back to her home town for services and interment. The service was held on Sunday. Other than Mrs. Dean, Mrs. Business and Service Directory WONDER LAKE mm IB9SI M!M!l!HI1II.MIt I IIICMIl'llin llllll IIMlHi "• • • and this Brand will make you as popular as F. M. RADIO £ TELEVISION!" • <! s \ USE OUR EASTER LAY-A-WAY CROSLEY and COLEMAN Products Household Nteds -- Bottled Gai -- T.V. Service REUTER'S GENERAL STORE fr 'I had a little cloth left over after sewing my cir*« Hancock Drive Phone WX. 4SS1 At Your Service FlUf RADIO AND • 1*1 • TELEVISION Air Conditioners Clock Radios drildren*s Portable Phonographs Sales - Service - Installations Prompt efficient service on afl makes by Raytheon bonded technicians. We guarantee all parts installed by us for 90 days after date of repair.. • Authorized Poolers FOR • GENERAL ELECTRIC • SENTINEL • WESTIN GHOUSE • ADMIRAL • SPARTON • RAYTHEON , • CAPEHART • HALLICRAFTER PHONE 979 14ft N. Riverside DriWS " McHenry, HL PHASE Plumbing DISHMASTER Push Button Dishwasher Completely Installed 11 only $55.00 Phone W.L. 8651 New Horizons In Bonding r - ' * Crisiy and Slendebach GENERAL CONTRACTORS Phone Wonder Lake 5432 -- 2464 -- 5301 WONDER LAKE BUILDERS SUPPI-V Free Estimates 'it Delivery Phone WX. 3231 Virgil's AUTO '6 REPAIR "AUTOMOBILE WRECK REBUILDING" Frame - Alignment - Painting At Wonder Lake 1 Mile North of Route 120 on Wonder Lake Blacktop, Road Phone WX. *381 - Nile Phone 4191 T. P. MATHEWS HEAL ESTATE • INSURANCE of aii Ki«fl» * WONDER LAKI 3061 Street's Hickory Falls Phillips "66" Service Station • Washing • Greasing • Tires • Batteries One block So. of Ringveood Road on Blacktop - North-end of Wonder Lake . . . Phone Wonder Lake 8601 SANITARY SERVICE Pumping and Cleaning Complete Septic Systems Installed L. PERRIN Phone Wonder Lake $672 or 8281 If you have news items of interest to your neighbors in Wonder Lake, please contact your correspondent, Van Sells, at Wonder . Lake 2933.. ^ CUB SCOUTS Pack 881 - The*e has been a chaagt .in the date of the pack meeting due to the fact that the regular meeting falls on Good Friday, April j 6 The meeting will now take place on April 23 at the merican Legion Home at 7:30 sharp. There will be movies pertaining to the theme of the month. Mrs. Ricker's Den 4 is handling the theme for the month. Mrs. Saynor's Den 7 will present the colors and Mrs. Jessup's Den will seive refreshments. If it's a job for Bottled Gas ITS A JOB FOR SHELLANE KRUSE HARDWARE COMPANY Richmond, McHenry County, I1L Long Distance Phone 101 An iconoclast is one who attacks cherished (beliefs. Edward Teach was the real' name of Blackbeard, the pirate. ^bo4t Sayl, Soft Drin^c And Alcoholic Beverage Stains With warm weather approaching, there's hardly a family in the land that won't be. drinking either soft drinks or alcoholic drinks of some kind. From the standpoint of clothes, and the inevitable spilling and staining,' a few words to the wise can help avoid serious consequences. SOFT DRINKS. All of the common soft drinks, such ag, the colas, rootbeer, ginger ale, and "pop" fall into the category of thit "tannin-like" stains. These^remAin invisible until heat is applied. Then a characteristic brown stain appears -- fixed for good. The same suggestions apply here that do for all "tannin-like" stains. If the garment is washable, sponge it out with clear water only. NEVER USE SOAP. And don't iron until absolutely sure all of the soft drink is out. If the garment is a dry cleanable one, DO NOTHING. No rubbing or wiping. And if you'll tell us where the stain is when you bring the garment in, we'll give it the special treatment such stains require. And don't let the garment sit around in the closet. Moths just love stains. I ALCOHOLIC DRINKS. In general, the same precautions as with soft ^rtnM'the « inception is that alcohol frequently causes dyes to bleed off. There is, unfortunately, no real remedy for this. And so it follows that, with washable garments, you may take immediate emergency treatment yourself. Naturally, the sooner after staining you do, the better. AVitl^Bry cleanable garments we recommend that you immediately bring them in for cleaning. In either case, the reason for quick action is that--in addition to the reasons cited above--the longer the stains stay on the fabric the more deeply Imbedded they become--and through aging, the more permanently fixed. BRING THEM TO -- RAINBOW CLEANERS. North Front Street around the corner north of National Tea. PIIOl^E^an for pickup service or save cash & carry. Mfs. M. E. Degcn of Waukegsn Rd., McHenry, says: "I take my cleaning to RAINBOW CLEANERS because they are courteous, prompt, and my clothes are always cleaner, brighter and feel fresher When RAINBOW cleans them. Just One of the Many Convenient Services Available te Our Savers 4 SIMPLE STEPS e Make out a check or money Order in the amount you're going to save • Place check or money order and your passbook in an envelope addressed to this association. (If you're opening a new account, include ycur name and address} v" e Drop envelope in the nearest mail box • We'll send back your credited passbook by return mail Classified Ads bring result^ Place yours with the Plaindealef today! The' U. S. National Parte System originated in 1872. STRICTLY FRESH il NEWSPAPER in New York City is running a Deer Hunt* ing Contest. Broadway night clut owners should be declared ineligible. They've been bagging the tourists's buck and stalking his doe for years. • • • A man in Florida caught a pretty string of fish on a fishhook he had painted with nail polish. But at the risk of being labeled a "red baiter." • • • London .doctors reported a prematurely born baby, weighing two pounds, lived for the first few dagrs %MCf WHAT A on brandy and water. Wonder II he spent the next few days on aspirin and bicarbonate of soda? IU your Kitchen! You Can FEU The Difference in our better Sanitone Dry Cleaning V Fabrics soft, yet full-bodied V Like-New Textvre Restored CRYSTAL LAKE SAVINGS and LOAN Phone Crystal Lake 1400 ASSN. 181 N. William St Crystal Lake, I1L 6 eantx AND LAUNDRY N. Front Street Around Corner North of National Tea PHONE 927 For Pickup Service or Save 10% Cash ft Carry because Vanilla is an orchid tool Parke-Davis Vanilla Extract comes from that Royal Plaat Family, Orchidacear, the Orchids* While the satiny lemon-yellow Vanilla Orchid ia beautiful in its own riprht, its real hidden chim lien in the subtle flavoring principle stored in the Vanilla bean. ('•areful selection and blending of three varieties of Vanilla bctiM from far places--Mexico, Tahiti, and the Bourbon Island*--produce the delightful, delicate, but luting ] aroma of Parke-Daria Vanilla Extract. This is a Pure Vanilla ExtrMt. No artificial flavorings or colorings are added. Because of the purity and qnaBty of Parke-Davis Vanilla Extract, a surprisingly small amount imports a delicious flavor to foods and confections that w«NS*t bake out tfr freere out. Parke-Davis Vanilla Extract fts available only through retail drug (tores. Ask for our free Vanilla Orchid Card of tested and approved recipe*. Bolger's DRUG STOBE 108 8. Green St. Visit PACKARD'S ipvp New 1954 PACKARD. America's new choice in fine cars. Complete line of luxury automobiles, featuring the famous Packard Thunderbolt Engine and (optional) all power features. (Illustrated--1954 Packard Patrician 4-Door Sedan, one of 14 models in new Packard Ifne) Featuring Two Packard CLIPPER for '54. True Packard-built quality at mediumcar cost. If you plan to buy in the $2500 price class, see the exciting Clippers. Optional power features. (Illustrated-1954 Packard CLIPPER Panama Hardtop) iries Of Cars For '54r Come in!... See and drive the cat that are setting the style trend! SET your sights high. Then come see our beautiful 1954 Packards and Packard Clippers . . . two complete lines of America's finest, quality-built cars in a spectacular Spring Showing! Here are cars with trend-setting contour styling. Smart cars with that Packard look. Brilliantly performing cars offering new, quiet, high-compression engines . . . extra wide doors and chair-high posture seats . . . more comfort, visibility • and all 'round handling ease ... a choice of proved power features that include the finest of all automatic shifts, Packard Ultramatic! Luxurious Packards! Popular-priced Packard Clippers! The most exciting and challenging new cars of the year. Come see and try them, 4 -I - \* I LET PACKARD PROVE IT! 0 During the Spring Showing we are making cars available so you can testdrive them and discover what wonderful cars today's great Packards and Packard Clippers really are. There is no obligation--just let Packard tell its own story on the rood. Confirm what your eyes tell you... that the Packards and Clippers for '54 challenge all common! N,18#.K S & S PACKARD SALES 405 & Elm St. McHenry. 111. PboM 1010

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