Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Apr 1954, p. 13

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' ' '**• < V * ^ » s.<!*«'.S}M,»« »m V :• h,'• *>rrT »'. 1 fir ^61 ;i -•*---,-* vi -•/• A.*, "H#* f* »•**'* *,v y | V> » •"nrMeHENRTKaiNDBALES " 9 »>>T RINGWOOD #1 *y Mrs. Georjfce Shepard Mr. «nd Mrs. Kenneth Cxi sty entertained their card club Tuesday evening. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. George Shepard and B. T. Butler, high, and Mrs. Aj|-1 thur Hoppe and Pete Sebastian, low. Mrs. Ben Walkington entertained the women's five hundred club at her home Wednesday. A 1 o'clock dessert luncheon was served. Prizes were merited; by Mrs. Pete Sebastian and Mrs. George Shepard. The W.S.C.S. will hold a smorgasbord supper in the church hall Thursday, April 22, serving starting at 5 p./n. The Community club will hold a meeting at the school house Thursday evening, April 22. This will be the lecture on cancer. Mrs. Ogle of Woodstock, accompanied J>y: a doctor, -*rill be present. Tfyere will be a Communion service in the Ringwooi church on Friday evening. The service will .beg^n at 8 o'clock, Mrs. Roy Harrison and daughter, Edith, and Mrs. White entertained the Past Matrons' club at the home of Mrs. Harrison Monday night. The Home Circle Was entertained in the home of Mrs. James Wegener at. McHenry Thursday. A 1 o'cldck luncheon was served by Mrs. Louis Winn and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr. A fine program in charge of Mrs. C. L. Harrison followed the business meeting. Mr. and Mrs. John Skidmore and family, Mrs. Dick Malsch and family and Mrs. Fred Bowman and family helped Miss Mabel Ehlert celebrate her birthday Friday evening. John Skidmore was re-elected to the school board Saturday evening. Nine votes .were east. Evelyn Harrison entertained seven little schoolmates at her heme Wednesday after school in honor of her seventh birtnday. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard spent Tuesday in the home of their daughter, Mrs. Alan Ainger, and family at Hebron. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Can- were visitors at Woodstock Wednesday morning. Mrs. Viola Low and mother. Mrs. Emily Beatty, spent Tuesday in the Irving Herbert home at Burlington. , Mrs. C. L. Hanison spent Monday in the Donald Brenner home at Arlington Heights. Bill Wiedricft is .spending th$ \yeek with Chtfrte?TT^fri>'. Mrs. C. L. Harrison arid Mrs. John Hogan attended 4-H stunt night at the high school at Woodstock Tuesday evening. Mrs. Louis Hawley spent Thursday and Friday in Chicago. Mrs. J. C. Pearson spent Saturday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. William Pagni spent Saturday evening at Lake Geneva. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frey of Palos Heights, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Jackson of Richmond, Mr. fend Mrs. Walter Wilcox of Woodstcx^k, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Low of M<Henry and Mr. and Mrs. Walter*!*)^ and family spent Sunday in the Beatty-Lov; home. Miss Virginia Jepson of Chicago spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington. David McCannon of Wheaton was a Sunday dinner guest in the Walkington home. Mrs. Susie Evanoff of the Solon Mills Rest home spent Sunday in the home of her brother and wife. Dr. and Mrs. William Hepburn. Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert visited relatives at Antioeh Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Senkerik and famll> of Chicago spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlerl. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Meyer of Marengo spent Sunday afternoon in , t$M.. W^liftm Cruickshank honile. Mr. and "hlitf. Russell Ehlert and daughters of Richmond spent Sat.!!'ay. evening in the John Eh'ert home. . .Kiennf.lh Cristy, Jr... of Chicago spent the weekei d with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenae'Ji Criaty. Mrs. Clinton Martin has returned home from Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Adams and family visited relatives at Manteno Sunday and saw the damage done by the tornado. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harrison were visitors at Woodstock Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Aadreas and daughters, Dhrieae and Margo, spent Sunday afternoon with her parents, Mr. .and Mrs. Albeit Ebel, at Algonquin. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison spent Sunday in the Wayne Donahue home at Huntley. Clarence Harrison and sons were Sunday diilntfr gueste of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harrison. Clectfcrlfr Result Of Gtf£. • School nooBp, Pupils neither abseiit nor tardy for March are Yvonne Bruce, Linda Low, Ida Mae Walkington, Gary Sherwin, Robert Gibson Jacqueline Aissen, Michael Hogan, .Roger Hunt, Donna Low, Walter Hunt, Patricia Low and Emily Ortlieb. Monday afternoon the lower room had a popcorn party. Wednesday the lower room received a birthday treat from Evelyn Harrison, who was seven years old. There was no school upstairs Monday because Mr. Andreas was ill. v Friday morning the school children cleaned the school yard. Friday afternoon Ringwood i played Spring Grove at Spring Grove in baseball. The score was 8 to 4 in. Ringwood'8 faVOr.. Ringwood has won two oat of -.wo games this year. Next week Ringwood will play Wonder Lake at Wonder Lake on Thursday. On Pi iday Ringwood will play Johnsburg Catholic at Johnsburg. Jay Walkingtpn School Reporter Subscribe For The Plaindealer ii nun in 11111 iiimi i mm 111 mi mi um 1111 Shop at Home and SAVE! mil n i m<i 1111 mi 11 ui nutiniiiui 111 iniiii THE TOWER GRILL One of McHenry County's Oldest Landmarks r 'staring the finest foods obtainable tickets - Steaks Shrimps Seafood* Sandwiches -- Complete Menus --... Ice Cream On Route ISO CARRY OUTS At Lakemoor SPECIAL EASTER SUNDAY MENU PHONE McHENRY 161 McHENRY, ILL. Clean-up is catching! The stojry of how CleIn-u*E> Week begun is ample proof- of that. The year was 1909. A young teacher in a poor district school in Cleveland had taken a special fancy to one ragged little girl in her class. One day, on impulse, she bought a little blue pinafore and gave it to the child. She washed the youngster's grimy face and combed the unkempt hair -- and it was a clean pretty girl who skipped home that afternoon. She was as out of place In' the slum where her family lived as a firefly in a cobweb. That night, in amazement, she fingered the clean cloth that her mother ha)i put on the table in honor of the occasion. Her father was not to, Ue outdone. Soon die sagging pickets in their fence stood straight again; flowers were planted in the drab yard. • By' .contrast, the neighbor's homes looked worse than ever -- and since few can resist keeping up with the Jonese •, wive* prodded husbands into action. Before long, the entire slum had become an attractive, respectable pail of town. Nearby community heard the Ftory and followed suit. In 1913, Cincinnati held the first citywide clean-up drive, a week-long campaign led by civic groups and school children. Today, according to the National Board of Fire Underwriters, Clean-Up Week has spread to some 10,000 cities and towns all over the United States. Bach of tliem has found that a yearly clean-up makes any community healthier, safer from fire, and a more attractive place to live. On Wedesday, April 14, sealed proposals for the consUuction of 38 highway projects in 25 counties, to cost an estimated S8,- 344,000, were opened in Springfield. One of the largest of these jobs is the building of two additional concrete lanes on 22 more miles of U.S. Route 66 in McLean and Montgomery counties It was pointed out by Edwin A. Rcsenstone, director of Public Works and £;iildings, that this April 14 letting brought to more than $35,000,000 the ^jgregate figure for Illinois highway construction projects on which bids have been called since, the first of the year, demonstmUfik that Governor William G Stratton's $84,500,000 road building goaj for 1954 is well on schedule. News •fcr Jcan Weyl#* Shop in McHenry and Save Take It Easy- Take A Cabt When the wseftUwsr'g bad . Wfcea you want to ijpcfc your deettnattoa la a hurry . . Whas yaa tanH» or heavy afeo with you, It's to call ua for a eah. M»- McHENRY CAB PHONE 729 1 lower upkeep costs! do more work per day. .. more work per dollar! You save hours an tho road. oft in the new Advance-DesioA the "Jobmaster 261" (optional on Thanks to new high-compression power, you can maintain faster schedules without driving at higher maximum speeds. Increased acceleration and hill-climbing ability let you save time where it counts. You savo time on deliveries. With new truck Hydra-Matic transmission, you save time at evfery delivery stop. And you can forget about clutching and shifting for good! It's optional at extra cost on Vi -, Ya - and 1 -ton Chevrolet trucks. You sewt ^xlra trips. That's because of.the extra load space you MOST TRUSTWORTHY get in the new Advance-Design Bodies. New pick-up bodies are deeper, new stake and platform bodies are wider and longer. Also, they're set lower for easier loading. You save with lower upkeep, too. Extra chassis strength saves you money on maintenance. TherG are heavier axle shafts in two-ton models . . . bigger clutches in lightand heavy-duty models... stronger frames in all models. You sova on operating costs. New power saves you money every mile! The "Thriftmastcr 235" engine, the "Loadmaster 235" and TRUCKS ON ANY JOE! -- Cfiavrofel die optimal 2-ton models at extra cost) deliver increased operating economy. And your savings start tha d*4r you buy- In fact, they start with the low pricc you pay and continue over the miles. Chevrolet is America's lowest-priced line of trucks. It's also the truck that has a traditionally higher trade-in value. fome in and so* aH the Wonderful new things you get in America's, number One truck. We'll be glad to give you all the moneysaving facts. " Advance-DerngK Tirudb WHY MOT BUS S0MI ON VQUfi WMlW'TUK UKiMtNT Nf AO TNIN ? MAK(t m IK SMMT/ Worwick's McHenry Camera Center Cameras, Photographic Equipment Amateur and Professional Bought, Sold and Exchanged Photo Supplies view Masters and reels See Us Before You Buy Worwick's Studio 117 N. Riverside Drive PHONE McHENRY 275 Senior Vice-President The V.F.W. Auxiliary to Post 4600 held its bi-monthly meeting last Monday, April 12, with some thirty members present. Among the many things oj/l the calendar is the installation of officeis at the Geneva, JU„ V.F.W. post, next Saturday, April 17, at 7:30 pjn. Our auxiliary color team has been inyited to perform at this installation and Mrs. Lins Kilday is to be the installing officer, auxiliary members picked for this ceremony. The color team consists oL- Connie - Thomas, Grace Miller, Isabel Thompson and Mary Kilday. Conductress is Betty Ciark and Pauline Pries will be musician. This same group, with the exception of musician, will perform at our I own joint installation with V.F.W. post 4600, Saturday, Apiil 24, at 8 p.m. Musician at i that time will be Alice Barbian. j The public is cordially invited. We closed our card tousna- ! ment with first prize going to j Marion Schoenholtz and second i prize to Martha Raasch. All 1 players willing, we will pick up ; the cards again in the fall. ! Our next meeting will be April I 26, with our new president, Geri trude Barbian, presiding. Many thanks to Past President Helen Mf: FIRES COST MONEY .. . BUT IT NEED NOT BE YOURS! Insurance can protect you against financial loss by fire, provided your coverage is in line with presentvalue of your property. Better cheek. THE KENT CORP. INSURANCE ft REAL ESTATE For Over 29 Years Insure through this agency and feel N. Riverside Dr. Phone 8 McHenry, DL bom im a» iruly successful year, and our best wiahse ta Gtarti* ki the year to come. 1ARDE8T « BU8IM ' CHEAPlif r - , ' IN TOWN WANT ADS Shop irr~-MfcHenry and Sav«* fd You Call ,e Difference ' . in our better lahm Dry CUmIbi j /tH Dirt Out 4 Spots Gone y Colors and Patterns i.ook Like New Again A eeuttx AND LAUNDRY N. Front StrMt Aroand Corner North of National Tea PHONE 927 For Pickup Service or Save It% Cash A Carry 16 tbra 24 SUPER KIM-TONE IN tome latex wall paint {vamteed washable $5.45 GAL rfnp cofort iCgMy Pwgfar SUPER KEMGLO tl» jMt lustra nami far kitebeis, bathrnas, ail woodwork $2.53 QT. TWO sunn VALUES! Ml UNIVERSAL PINT VACUUM BOTTIE All new Aluminum Com botil* with "Roc-LH*** p las lie cup. Individai »y twted Alton. Marmot $!.•# valM ONLY $1.49 HCAVY DUTY KIT Ckdomiv* built-in cup holdor. Htm W lithographed finish. r»iii|ilsl> with alumiauM eas* pf ' NmmoI $3.19 valve ONLY $2.59 Magnetic Cabinet C^1 Catch w Fits all cabinet door* M«9< bar latch *L2S Colonial Black Finish OM Colonial charm with modern magnetic power - o ; O ' I No more spatter when you Hf Pot. No. 2.643,024 THE AIR CONDITIONED 2-PIECE SAFETY-1.ID FOR FRYING PANS Protect yovrttli your child ran and . y«wr Ititdicn from tpattwing gr»-- wMi SPAHER PRUFE. K**ps «p«tt*r r* in... Uh moistura out... m foods dry-fry d«li<iov*ly cril^. T*« plti I co«w oport for o«qr doaniof. Pril any «kiS»f up to IIM". vM Mjrm-hug fhtgtr tovor IIIIOI. SAVE s25 ON Sweep H with a SHOPMASTCR C1ICIKIC KITCHEN CLOCK Color styled tar 4 Kfefcsa ot. Bstkroom colon... OmrM fLOOR MOOSL Tilting Arbor Including Va H. P. MOTOR laiy to r--4 controls. Stardy ttand, powor. f M Vt H P. Motor * f*«evoto9 74" CLARK CHEVROLET 204 W. ELM STREET PHONE 277 NBtiswtr. tau Woat tb« best lookiaj U*« o» yoor Wut to <ct rid of cot tmk ood ia 1/10 the tiatc? G«t • Ptrier, todnr** hnt lawn twuper vila*. Lift oat bnkat P^ldaway It*n|« A root thr%o-»oo«j»o work-f»r*r. W Farkorotto IMiI Omfy (SSJU. ' #T\ '-ft'*. : . •Ill ' ' ' AITHOFF'S Ml MWn St "McHenry County's Leading Kertiwsre" PHONE 3U Miassry, BL PIUS TAX em '•V ' '3:* sLscrmic clock twin values Low Price! "DORM" Crisp, Iresh design piss of perfectly cawfrM tsUing lor such o pics.

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