Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Apr 1954, p. 16

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tyggEffly ymmPEALEit urg News Vj M». Betty Hett.nnann jiFV'* Tim IJ1^ I # ^, « jl>;*kiL yi* - -• |* ™ ^ ^ J•'•l«'*mm\<^"if1 "jjm$«1 \* 1?}n^r,?7ftr-: ^ V ' ,,-t ' * * " .{ . r • •* " .' ..;j,\4 . Zr ' «" '• -C*> *> ** **y* <• *;f v; v ,^}uiiriday» April IS. niess.ip1 lo u;.I dog owners to please keep their dogs tied up at home. Now that the went her is Bake 8ale The Christian Mothers sodality rt»a announced their forthcoming | "pj'^ng4 nice • the* g»rdens"a«* Jbakt Sale on April 25 ;>t tti*? ne'A ( t,> show siens of lif» unri ®t. John's school. All you people 6 1 ; Vho have had a yen for honievyour - Jhomemade goods am be at hinderin„ /the j * • • - " *' -- sible. Jthe school before 8 *,m» if P°s" before any harsh words * '• • M if" •\£V to show signs of life and small children are going: out to . play Your neighbors do not like rnado bread and goodies, here is ^ jdea o(- yOUr dog running a'l chance to buy some. All j ov<M; tliejr javva and garden and their children so please aie said, keep your dog at honnft Come on, Rirls, get your best , If nejghbors wanted dogs recipe out and ^ their property, they would start mixing because ' April 25 , j,ave. some of their own. .will be here soon. Let's all make j MVe been asked on numer. "; ***" rousing sucj^f v; ,ous- occasions' to write about this ~ ' - • * s o o n c e m o r e I a s k p l e a s e t r y t o ! Slok List , show a little ..cooperation and, • We are vipry happy to, see'Eten keep your dog home as mucl} as Preund up and around a^am so,! possible. soon after his stay at the Wood-; ' ~ : stock hospital. Mr. Freumi wifr < . . v Here "n There .> w.:1 return to the hospital within .-iflte .< ••. «|^»./* Afth"Herting, next few months. Our Wst get| raine Nemis and son of Chicago well wishes are sent special de-! were gunday afternoon callers at • livery to him. - the George Michels home. We were very sorry to iwnr ;V"„Mr. »and Mrs. Jeppe C. Jepaen -•of the unfortunate accident that , were Sunday dinner guests at , happened in the Louie Tomisellas ; the home of Rev and Mrg home in McHenry last week. It | gchrag in Ivanhoe. seems Louie's five-year-old son I Richard Dehn family was pulled a kettle of hot waier Saturday afternoon guests at the down on himself and received home Q*f his parents, Mr. and some very bad burns. The little j^rs. John Dehn, in Chicago, fellow is recuperating in his, Relatives from Chicago were home, where the doctor visits weekend guests at the home of ihim daily. / j j|r arM| jjrs. Cvril Heim. Louie is one of the owners of j " the Bowling Bar here. After kitchen remodeling is finished Tve heard tell they will start serving pizza. Bill Ricks, who is recupeiating at his daughter's home in Morton. 111., is coming along just fine. He has gained a few pounds already although he has been there a little over a week. He sends his best regards to all his friends ber». Yov*. Knew? - U. S.TEA STANDARDS ARE HIGHEST IN THE. WORLD-8£CAUSe U.S. BOARD OF TEA EXPERTS GUARANTEE THE JEA Commiinity Club Dance Community club members and their families are invited to attend the dance at the club hall on April 19. Music for the evening's dancing will be furnished by Barbara Horick's oichestra. RULES ^ / ^BREWING "TEA^1 ^ V USE ateabdt 1 "TEASPOON TEA OR 1 TEA IWS PER CUP- 1LB.TEA- ^ LESS THAN roue ruraousLY BO» U NG WATER. BREW 31D5 MINUTE oU, many lovely Banquet News The lady Foresters will hold their annual banquet next Tuesday evening. April 20. a1. Hettermann's restaurant. The Thursday night ladies' league has voted to hold ,their annual dinner at the Oak Park hotel this year. It will be held i on April 29 at 7 o'clock. After i the evening's dinner, election of j officers will be held and the j checks will be distributed by the | treasurer of the league. Election Result* Last Saturday e^ning Edwin' Hettermann was re-elected to his j place on the school board ta^K. I 'He won by a large margin of • votes ' ! ; A Reminder Once More toiee more I am sending a ' the recipient gifts. Those present were Mrs. Kathryn Docter, her grandmother, Clarence, her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Conrad and son. Garrett, of Glenview, Mr. and Mrs. William Baston of' Sunnyand Mrs. Clarence Timm, cele- side Estates, Mr. and Mis. Willi- j go. brated her first biithday last i am Martinec and son, Bobby, and j First Birthday Celebration Dona Jeanne, daughter of Mr. MILK PROMOTION Sponsorship of a two-month milk promotion campaign and a five-week diet derby in Harvard, culminating in award presentation on the June 4 Harvard Milk Day, has been announced by the Pure "Milk association of -Chica- Wednesday, April 7. She was William Smith* Subscribe For The Plaindealer SPEEDY ^ M? HENRY GARAGE TOO NVC.H SALT HESE NOT ENOUGH CHOPS SHOOLDN OOM ALLTMiS FUSSES 601 To STOP! DAO.VOU'fE 601N6 PI6HT DOWN TO NICK MILLER'S M<HENItY 6ARA6£ AsiD LET THEM Fix IT SCIT'LL BE SAFE TO DWC THAT'CU E .Ml NATE TH£ BA'-K SEAT OWIVIN6. THEN WE'LL 60 OUT TO DiMNEP SO PAUL I APPRECIATE mother's Swell HOME COOKIN6 HAPPV DRIVINCJ MEANS A HAPPY HOME LIFE. FRONT 8TREET KAISER-WILLYS Sales 8c Service PltONE 403 PLAN TO CONGRESS The following is part of a radio talk given recently by Postmaster General Arthur E. Summerfield of the Post Office Department; » "When the present ' management of the Postal establishment took office just fourteen months ago we found many injustices in the wages paid postal employees. This was due largely to fiveacross- the-board pay increases made during the past ten years, such increases -- you know -- give every employee the, same raise in pay regardless skill or type of job. ' i "We tound the differences in pay levels between jobs of wide- I ly-varying responsibility and j skill were so small that there was little advantage in promo- i ti'on and little incentive for ad- i vancement. Therefore good em- I !>loyees were' unwilling lo accept; the more responsiole jobs because the extra pay offered did not compensate for the extra duties assumed. Many employees -- and understandably so -- preferred remaining in the easier jobs because both skilled and unskilled workers received the same pay. "To correct this situation we spent a year in careful study and then as a result of our investigations and experience recently presented a pay and incentive nian to Congress v/hieh will give our Postal employees 80 million dollars more in additional wages per year. "Our plan gives immediate increases in pay to 400,000 of our 500,000 employees. "Our plan gives average pay increases of 5 cents an hour or $100 per year. Some will get more. A few will get less than that. "Our plan uMdens the /differences in pay by skills and degrees of responsibility. "Our plaR puts a piemium on incentive ahd rewards ambitions and merit. "Our plan does not reduce the salary of any employee. on our payroll. ^ * v "The average salary of a regular letter carrier is $4,067 a year. Many veteran letter carriers get as much as $4,370 a year. Postal clerks get the same pay. "This works out on an average of $1.96 per hour -- with a maximum of $2.10 per hour. *£hat salary of $1.96 per hour is 17 cents per hour more than the average pay for production workers in manufacturing plants. Under our plan, the advantage Of these postal employees over Workers In private industry would (be increased to approximately 3S2 Cents per hour. "You know j think that -- over and above the salaries we pay our employees -- the Post Office Department is one of the most desirable p'aces to wo:k in ttm ettmtiy..* MABCH SALES' The consolidated sales of National Tea company, fdr the four weeks ended March 27, amounted to $37,555,698 as compared with 34,001,687 for the four:, p^eks ended March 28, 1953, bin inr crease of 10.45 per cent. LABOR PAY , by the state Department 6f Labor shows that #»e January weekly pay of Illinois Workers engaged in manufacturing averaged $75.90. This Is $4.98 more than the national average earnings in such work. Average hourly earnings for this class of Illinois workers w«re $1.90, an all-time record high. National hourly average was $1.80. The National Guard was organised in 1903. . * Read Hm Wast Ada! aoi 10195 BRAND NEW , SPINET SPIANOS Q Full $9 Note Keyboard O In Mahogany V FI SEC SPINETS BOM $37500 USED Q9ANDS FROM $34500 ALSO BIO SAVINGS ON FLOOR SAMPLES SAVE UP TO <200°° i ' - Large Selection To Oioose From SIMONSON'S 2 Established .1919 %6 N. Grove Ave., Elgin, S Open Mon. ft Fii. AT SOLCER'S A _ . GREPN |f,. • McHENRY, ILL., < ^ ' \ McHENRY, ILL. WEEK-END SPECIALS FRIDAY - SATURDAY & SUNDAY ONLY! in n? JOHNSBURG PRAGER 6-PAK CAN g 99c rrs BOCK.,-, BEER TIME AGAIN BLATZ 6-PAK CANS * 1.051 24 Bottle Ca«« plus dep. , L 24 Bottle Caa* plus dep. PRAGER w 11.99 BLATZ i2-«. $3.99 NAME BRANDS Nationally Advertised I NAME BRANDS Nationally Advertised GIN so. $2.99 WHISKY 5m *3.29 Th* A^?t® Advertised Pricea **> Available ONLY At Thne 4 Place* In Johnsburg . . . Bowling Resort "At The •lohnsbuTg Bridg«** . Phone McHenry 147& TIMM'S TAP .1 Phone McHenry 600-^-1 LAY'S TAVERN Phone McHenry 640-R-l Hetterman's Tavern Phone McHenry 382 TWO SUPBR VALUES! \ irJkT PINT VACUUM SOTTtt All M* Aluaiaua COM bold* with "Boc-Ut»" plactic cup. Individual ly t«at«d fill«rm. Normal $1.9* value ONLY $1.49 HEAVY DUTY Kit bdulr* baill-ia cup hoUw. N*v lithoqraph»d finUh Ctapltto wilk dninum COM pint TOCSW Nwmrt $3.1* ONLY $2.59 General MlOn • Betty Crocker !1Electric Iron ? $14.95 Value >1Q98 STAMJPCO Lawn Sprinkler Oscillating Type |9.95 Value muciEMm HEDGE SHEARS •tt" blod«t »f lewtr klU* ••rralarf I* «»• tllflft kiMir. Shaped handUi. Dy- ^ ™ Mamie king* fcolt mm4 »*• •*» ,«•*> wark !•••«. CLOSE OUT zftimi »« On ALL WALLPAPER ^ PRICE Metal Folding Chairs Keg. $2.69 Value •* $1 98 18" McGulr^'s Bamboo LAWN RAKE Rag." $1.59 only $|19 \^stii^iouse Grill - N-Waffler &imMms beatrty Mi atliity -- As a sandwich grill it will toast, fry or grill complete meals or delicious snacks. Top doubles back to provide generous ^10 Square inches of frying surface.* Easily changed to a waffle baker in a few seconds. Automatic signal light and Sfivctor (Sal $29.95 Reg. Price <®»y *24.88 Reg. $17.95 V4" Cummins ELECTRIC DRHL , ! It. SWAN - Plastic - . Btpek Enameled - CUy - 6arden Hose Mail Boxes (5 Year Guarantee) 98c Value , $4.79 Value $3«B 59* SCREEN! PAINT BLACK Screen Paint .,'*[ ' 69c' Valu« 49\'t Quart ARVIN Electric Heaters ^ " 514,95 Value" $g98 S'/i" Pure Bristle Paint Brush Double Thick Value Only •W "J" Pure Brisflo Paint Brush $1.79 Value Only 38' RADIO FLYER WAGON $9.95 Vaiuw VYCITAL'S HARDWARE 132 So. Green Street PHONE 98 SHEET METAL SHOP McHenry, Illinois

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