J$if &ZH&> U/afaA. - BtodVl Springtime rolls around each year and with it comes the. annual steak dinner for the Forestor bowlers. ' Of course, the press has tp be iffcpresented at such social functions so who could be better qualified to wrap himself around A T-bone than yours truly. • . v ' The boys had a lot of fun before the "soups On" call and Watched Ernie Freund to be sure .fee drew the amber, foamy fluid from the proper spigot. - Maximum attention was given to the knife and fork act while tike speech makin' was held to a Minimum. That suits everybody. DAILY PIXl'PS: A bit for ye and a bit for me, that is friendship perfectly. By the time you are old enough to own a yacht you may feel young enough to go canoeing. Weekend congestion can bring on a weakened condition. Brains without brawn are powerless; brawn without brains is purposeless. Goodness is easily 'recognized and long remembered. Dull conversation is' pointless. To practice what we preach would put mest of us on overtime; • x X v . Anonymous George P. Freund, secretary .of tbe 9 o'clock league since some itme around the turn of the century, camej up with a list of those who had 200 or over games and 550 or over series. He admitted this report was given Since he had hit a 233 game himself. i Willis Schreiner had 8 games over 200, Gus Freund 7 and Ed Thennes 6. H. G. Weber, Harold Steffan and Harold Freund each had 5. "Red" Wirikel was credited 4* -but demands a recount. Others on the list were Henry Diedrich, AL Blake, Bill Tonyan, Chuck Weingart, Dan Weber, Bill Miller, Ernie Freund, Art Nefeon and George Justen. . * --• • In the " or over series, "Red" Winltep topped the list with 7. Gus freund had 6. Following down the line were Ed Thennes, H. G. Weber, Henry Diedrich, A1 Blak% Bill Tonyap, Harold Freund, WUlii Schreiner and Chuck WeinglRt. Bill Kreutzer reported as secretary of the 7 ofclockei* and Bujde a point of the fact that his group's finances were in the fclack. Bill's report showed three of his group in the 600 class. Bud .SThennes topped 'em with 630' While^Y*-.Secretary-had a 618 and 611 posted. ' rr. ' "Honky" Miller's 174 average was tops. Bud Thennes had 173, Fred Meyer 171 and Harry Conway 170. In the 200 games, Dick Fredricks had 10, Richard Justen 8 and (here's that man again) Bill Kreutzer 7. - Broken--down further, 4he records show that Bill had 6 games of 210 or better, "Honky" Miller 5 and Dick Fredricks 4. JOHNSBURG BALL TEAM WILL BE HERE SUNDAY Shamrocks Move to City Diamond Under Mutual Agreement While the weather has not been favorable for practice, the McHenry County Baseball league schedule tells us that the *54 race will get under way next Sunday, May 9. The McHenry Shamrocks will be hosts to the Johnsburg Tigers, the game to be played on the city diamond in Millstream Park addition. After playing several years on the V.F.W. diamond, the Shamrocks decided on a change and asked permission to use the city diamond. The request was granted and final arrangements made this week. Your Sports Editor^ in conversation with representatives of both the Shamrocks and V.F.W., learned that the change was made by mutual agreement, with best wishes exchanged in the fulfillment of plans. With the beautiful and spacious V.F.W. grounds available, it is expected that the extensive program for softball leagues will greatly benefit. As plans progress to meet the demands of a fast growing sports program in the community, it is felt that the change will prove beneficial to all in the way of providing recreational facilities. New Managers New managers will lead their,; teams into the fray "next SutidajK Larry Stilling having been chosen to manage the Shamrocks and Howie Katz leading the Tigers. While the relative strength of the teams cannot be predicted until they are seen in action, it is always a real attraction when Johnsburg and McHenry cross bats. Both teams will figure to gain strength when regular players return from college. The stage is set. Be there next Sunday when the man in blue yells, "Play Ball!" In.'tftp doubles matches, Dick Fredri%s and Frank Gende chimed In with a tops 1063. Fred Meyer took the singles with 611. Thanks to President Ed Thennes and the boys for the invitation. Mi Place set up a he-man's meal and everybody had a fine time. >. Boy Scout Troop To Hold Charter Unveiling Rite Boy Scout Troop 164, spon sored by the McHenry Moose Lodge, No. 691, will hold char ter unveiling ceremonies in the lodge hall at 510 Main street on Wednesday evening, May 12, at 7:30 o'clock. Jerry Frehse, district commis sioner, and Paul S. Jessup, neigh- A group of teen-age toys are commissioner, will conapproaching their recreational ^ problems in a real sane, constructive manner. They have held meetings to decide what the mawants. The first program dance next Tuesday night, -•-*4,--at the V.F.W. hall. The Irs have taken charge in nice Style and a lot of good, clean fila should result. Keep it up, fdjows. You are on the right tnfckt John Cj. Shay reports a new one happening at Coast Guard Auxiliary headquarters last Sunday. He and Wally Skord were on duty when Miss Dolores Kuenhold came in to report that her 40-foot sailboat had been stolen. She had placed ° the boat on the beach at the "Last Resort" on Fox Lake last fall. Of cqjbrse, they would like to find out who stole the 40-foot boat, It the puzzler "Where Hid they hide it?" r duct the service Refreshments will be served by the Boy Scout Mothers' Boos ter club. The public is invited to attend^ PITCHING *Cart Hubbed from th• book "How to Play" published by ffi)* Sporting News Chapter# CLOSING SUGGESTIONS You have to go along gradually. For the first three days do not throw hard, or throw curves. Loosen up--run-- play pepper games. After a week, try spinning a few curves, but do not snap the curve for ten days. , After a few years a boy gets to know his arm, and realizes that if he treats it properly* In the beginning, and once gets it into good shape, then it is actually difficult to harm that arm. It may become weary with extra work and lose its snap, but it will not be damaged. If it is. wrong to throw at the start of training, then it is especially forbidden to throw in the off-season. Don't throw at all in the winter. Rest you arm; it deserves a rest. Do not go in for exercise such as weight-lifting because that will overdevelop muscles which are not needed in pitching and which can get in the way and cramp pitching style. Use your legs and not your arm in the off-season. In fact, use and train your legs all the time, because legs are the key to the length of a player's career. You don't have to train legs strenuously. Walk as much as passible. Don't work sitting down in the winter. Be on your feet as much as possible, because once you let your legs get out of practice, then those legs will fall out of the habit, and will not last long. | In closing, I want to stress again the qualities oJL patience and confidence. Yotf must have both, because pitching is not easy and cannot be rushed. Time and again in our farm system we are conscious of those two virtues, because young pitchers so often lose one or the other. One youngster may have a good year in Class C, for instance, and he will conclude he is ready for the big leagues. He wants to go right up to the majors, and skip the natural course of development, physically and mentally, which will fit him for the best baseball. Another youngster may have a poor year in the minors and assume he will never make it, and tell us in disgust that he is going to quit. But we may prize that boy as one of our finest prospects. When things go real good for you, have patience to continue learning, and when the outlook seems grim, have the confidence in yourself to work harder than ever. *As related to Jot King. Next W.ek - "CATCHING" By Ray Schalk This ii the ninth In a strict of articles to help give proper instruction to boy* in How to Play BaMbaU. Future column* will include In/folding, Catching, Ovtfielding and Base Running. Chapters prior to this arc available from this newspaper, or «6t can order "HOW TO PLAY," consisting of 112 pagct, from Tm SttMkmia Nrw», iOlt Washington Ave., St. Louis 3, Mo., for fifty cents a copy. BARRINGTON BEATS McHENRY'S SCHOOL BASEBALL TEAM 6-2 In qpite of out-hitting Bqjfija|fton's baseball team 7 to 4, McHenry High lost a non-conference game the past week by a 6 to 2 count. While hitting has not been of a robust nature in the high school games, Loren Freund and Harry Schmitt each got into the 2-hit class in this game. STRICTLY FRESH CHARLIE HILLER Charles Hiller, Route 5, Mcenry, Illinois, a sophomore at e College of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota, is beginning hip second year as a varsity regular on the Tommy baseball team. As regular second baseman in 1953, Hiller hit .317 and led the Tommy team with 30 hits, 14 runs scored, 3 home runs, and 21 R.B.I.'s. As second baseman, Hiller teams with Bill McHugh of Aurora, Illinois, to form the keystone combination in the strong but youthful Tommy team. The Tommies, opening their season with two victories and now competing against conference, are finishing their season May 25th against the University of Minnesota at Lexington Park in St. Paul. HEADLINE: EXERCISE CAN AID TAUT LIPS. And now fellow Ubangi's, we will recite, "Peter Piper picked a peck of .. • • • Obese men and women, pledged to helping one another diet, have formed a fatties Anonymous Club in N. Y. -C. How about a club called "Anonymous Anonymous" for people addicted to writing anonymous letters and poetry? • * • A turn of the century belief was that "barber's itch" could be cured by "massaging the scalp with spittle and the ash of a Havana cigar." "You say your whole family's missing? Have you tried the neighbors -- they just bought a new TV set from FM RADIO & TELEVISION!" McHenry (2) AB R H Jackson, ss 2 0 1 Frett, rf 4 1 1 L. Freund If 3 L 2 Schmitt, p 4 0 2 M. Freund, c 3 0 1 Comstock, lb 1 0 0 Oeffling, cf 2 0 0 Huemann, 3b 2 0 0 O. Nowak, 2b 3 0 0 Totals • • V . "-24 2 7 Barrington (•) ' ' AB R H Soos, cf 4 2 1 Reetz, 3b 3 0 1 McHeson, ss 2 0 <5\ Dewitz, 2 0 0 Welsh, c 7 3 1 1 Grom, lb 3 1 0 Suchy. rf 3 1 1 Miller, rf 0 0 0 .Hartwig, If 3 0 0 Goldman, p 2 1 0 Totals 25 6 4 McHeary Recreation -- Friday Nite Ladies -- Al's White House. 2 - Little Chef, 1. L. Fijalkowski, .431; B. Hulquist, 422; E. Rand, 452. Wolff Bait Shop, 2 - Bimbo & Sons, 1. ' Standard Studios, 2 - Schroeder, Iron Works, 1. B. Dowell, 438. The Pit, 2 - Iff Place, 1. P. Ryan, 466. Bead The Want Ads ROBERT HAY "THE LOW OVERHEAD WAY' General Contractor New Construction and Remodeling LET US FIGURE FOR YOU Phone 622-W-2 ROUTE 4' MCHENRY, ILLINOIS At Your Service FJUf RADIO AND • 1*1* TELEVISION Air Conditioners Clock Radios Children's Portable Phonographs Sales - Service - Installations Prompt efficient service on all makes by Raytheon bonded technicians. We guarantee all parts installed oy us for 90 days after date of repair. Authorized Dealers FOR • GENERAL ELECTRIC • SENTINEL • WESTINGHOUSE • ADMIRAL • SPARTON • RAYTHEON • CAPEHART • HALLICRAFTER PHONE 979 128 N. Riverside Drive McHenry, HL 4iiiimif]|^rrin;iii:iii:riiiiiitr!Tfri)pri:ri<it«rrriirrrpr»- (Hubby to wife: "Put away the ashtrays; 'Itchy' Jones is coming for dinner." • • • Four U. S. jets fought with 24 Russian-built jets over Korea and came off without a single scratch after damaging one enemy plane. The Yanks went into the fight 6-to-l underdogs but the Beds went home sick-over-one. • • • A Knoxville, Tenn., student nurse basketball team routed a quintet of male interns. Guess the boys' team nseds some doctoring up! QXS9 Featuring Mrs. Steven's Candy THURS., FRI. Sc SAT. MAY 6-7-8 'Casanova's Big Night' Bob Hope EXTRA - MAY 8 - MATINEE Cartoon Carnival SUN. & MON. MAY 9-10 "Yankee Pasha" Jeff Chandler - Rhonda Fleming TXJES., WED. St THURS. MAY 11-12-13 "Affairs of a Model" Christopher K^nt - Mae NilssOn r«* mimumm. Featuring Mrs. Steven's Candy FRI. & SAT. . MAY 7-8 "SALOME WHEN SHE DANCED" • AND IT AINT HAY" SUN. & MON. MAY 9-10 "Paratrooper" Alan Ladd - Leo Genn TUBS., WED. & THURS. MAY 11-12-13 From Here To Eternity Burt Lancaster, Montgomery Clift Vi FRIED CHICKEN and FRENCH FRIES -- 90c JfVe had a little lull in sports sttee the basketball season, but look for the roof to fall in any day now. The county baseball league starts Sunday and the Softball leagues are rarin' to go. . The Johnsburg Tigers will be here Sunday to meet the Shamrocks. As explained in a separate article, the Shamrocks will use IMP city diamond this season. X RECEIVES FINE Harry Rapp of Chicago was fined seven dollars for a stop sign violation and twenty-eight ^ dollars costs in court in McHen- \ ry last Saturday afternoon. Rapp had earlier been followed to his Chicago home by McHenry police when ihe failed to appear in court. He had posted a ten dollar bond after the original arrest SLACKS STORE HOURS Open Daily 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays-# a.m. 'til Noon . . . c a s u a l a n d c o r r e c t I . • No question about it, men. No matter how adept you are at taking it easy, you can take it easier in slacks! They're as good at calming you down as dressing you up. They're the perkeruppers of your wardrobe, the picker-uppers of your spirits. Step into McGEE S today and see our new slacks crop. Choose from a wonderful assortment of fancy-free colors, carefree fabrics, action-free styles. Worry-free "prices, too! only $8.95 to $19.95 mix 'em with McGEE'S 117 So. Green St., McHenry, I1L v C3XS233 The only theatre outside metropolitan cities equipped for Cinemascope. All pictures are now shown on huge Panoramic Screen, «r McHENRY HIGH NINE WINS 4 T01 GAME FROM ZION-BENTON Timely hitting and air-tight pitching gave McHenry High a 4-1 victory over Zion-Benton Tuesday afternoon in a confer* ence baseball game. Besides pitching a 2-hit game, Loren Freund broke a 1-1 tie in the fifth with a 3-run triple. McHenry (4) AB R H Weber, 2b 4 11 Jackson, ss • 3 L. Freund, p 4 Schmitt, rf M. Freund, c i Comstock, lb ' f Frett, If : *1 Huemann, 3b - J Oeffling, cf . 2f / J. Totals - s, * 2 2 - 4 Zion-Benton (i) . AB B H Stanton, If 3 0 0 Cliff, c g 0 McCulloch, 2b «. Leech, 3b • " ' : 0' Middleton, p . 3 0 Jeceyicus, cf .5, Q LeFebure, rf 8 0 Thomas, If 1 0' Holzman, 3t> 2 0 Peterson, lb 1 0 Totals 24 1 Need a Rubber Stamp? Order it now at the Plaindealer. ™ ULTRA-MODERN SCREEN SIZE 52xT0 Program Starts at - Dusk THURS., FRI. & SAT. May 6-7-8 Color By Technicolor Bob Hope - Joan Fontane "Casanova's Big Night" Also -- "Holiday Island' Plus Color Cartoon SUN. & MON. MAY 9-10 In Color Jeff Chandler - Rhonda Fleming "YANKEE PASHA" Color Cartoon & Short .In an effort to determine wheth# there is any truth behind charger that today's baseball is an ultra* lively "jack-rabbit ball," scientists, examined several hundred of thS horsehide spheres. And as we predicted, they didn't find a jack~ rabbit ih one of them. • • • A Hindu fakir, who went witt*» out food for 53 days to becomiS; the world's fasting champion an* nounced that he'll marry a Frendl gal renown for her cooking., Ap-» • parently, he's made "fast" tims with her. 4ss T C W N t . Phone Fox Lake 7-1811 Grand Avenue, Fox Lake, HL PLENTY OF FREE PARKING FRI. & SAT. MAY 7-8 Academy Award Winning Picture Burt Lancaster, Montgomery Clift, Deborah Kerr, Frank Sinatra A Donna Reed. "From Here To Eternity" SUN. & MON. MAY 9-t( "Casanova's Big Night": Color by Technicolor Bob Hope - Joan Fontaine TUBS., WED. & THURS. MAY 11-12-13 "ROMAN HOLIDAY" Gregory Peck - Audrey Hepburn FRI. & SAT. MAY 14-15 Jeff Chandler - Rhonda Fleming 1 "YANKEE PASHA" Color by Technicolor TUES., WED. Sc THURS. MAY 11-12-13 Charlton Heston - Elizabeth Scott "Bad For Each Other" ELM HT. 175 ^ WAUCpUDAi NOW om EVERYDAY • THURS., MAY « -- LAST NIGHT "FOREVER FEMALE" "FLIGHT TO TANGIER" FRI. & SAT, MAY 7-8 "THE MIAMI STORY" Barry Sullivan SUN. ft MON. MAY 9-10 Open Sunday 2:30 p.m. "Casanova's Big Night" -- Bob Hope TUES., WED. & THURS. MAY 11-12-13 Academy Award Program , Audrey Hepburn "ROMAN HOLIDAY" Shown once at 7:25 ALSO William Holden "STALAG 17" Shown once at 9:30 p.m. GENOA T H E A T R E C - f N O A C I T Y . W I S C O N S I N On Hwy. 12 in Genoa CMy WED. thru SAT. MAY 5-8 jDKEVER FEMALE 0 "(0GEJR, SOGERS i i Co-Feature M-O-M STARS THE TOPS JN MUSICAL TALENT I _ ttlVEA :<;T> GIRL A BREAK*. , MME art town KMC If CHAMPION * REYNOLDS Added Featurette "BLACK FURY" SUN. thru WED. MAY 9-12 1,000,000 VOftJS OFBtUTEfOMS! wor ihCeu Block II -- Plus 2nd Feature -- Elroy "Crazylegs" Hirsh in "CRAZYLEGS" FRI. A SAT. • MAY 7-8 ' 2 Outstanding Hits "Those Redheads from Seattle" Starring Rhonda Fleming In Technicolor -- ALSO -- "Mighty Joe Young" Starring Terry Moore SUN. thru WED. MAY 9-12 CINEMASCOPE brings to the Screen modem day spy thriller. "NIGHT PEOPLE rr Gregory Peck - Broderick Crawford in Technicolor and Stereophonic sound. STARTS SOON IN Cinemascope "Prince Valiant" FAM OUTDOOR THEATRE SCREEN 45x00 FEET .KE, ROUTE 120 • 21 Op^i 7:00 p.m. -- First Show at Duak -- Two Shows Nightly -- CHILDREN UNDER 12 IN CAR FREE -- We Show First-Run Features THE NEWEST LATEST AND BEST Wednesday thru Saturday May 5-6-7-8 "GUNG HO" Randolph Scott - Robert Mitchum - Grace McDonald , . Plus:' "• '• Eagle Squadron Robert Stack - Jon Hall Sunday, Monday & Tuesday f 1 * • • • • • » • • • • • • • • * • ' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • * * • • • • OEM jjCCTftRRyy W tfPiSL. IMNW-IEMS fa-tfe lutsalm 4M<f hf DAMOWROWYDN ^ /wauJ? mousy FROM HOME MP* MARM MILIAR -PAT CROWLEY .. BCHAROHAYDN Jfe Rohrt Stmss GtraMIMir-Stettin Ucwd Km Vincart-tacM ****««*•• TPr^i Win btWKwtg • IwNwiSlwIihn< l»imi»IM« Wednesday A Thursday . May 12-13 "LUCY GOES WILD" plus "CUBAN PETE" Lucille Ball Desi Arnaz m