mry T" Johnsburg News By Mrs. Betty Hetteniuuin ^ Two-VVmy ('•lebratioii A two-way celebration took |ftac« at the Joe Frett "home on! "iade UP the third Part, of the ci^aifY c FATHER O FOR INDU Colonel Paul Q. Armstrong, Illinois state director of Selective i Service, has issued the following tpther's Day. The occasion was ' thr0e*way celebration »e First Communion day of the ! rett's daughter, Nadine, art8 Minie/'daughter of Mr. and Mis. Vic Freund of McHenry. Dinner Slid supper were served to Jllowing people: Mr. and Mrs. ; Vic Blink of Spring Grove. Mr. %nd Mrs. George Fiett and fami-; fy of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. j Richard Frett and family of i ^Crystal Lake, Mr. and Mrs, 1 •erndt Huntington, Mr. and Mrs. j .^rk Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Ford j Jackson and son, Jim, Mr. and i >|frs. Jacob Freund and Clara, rjkx. and Mrs. Eddie Blake and ! family, Shirley Thurwell and J Elizabeth Freund Tenn.. with their daughter. Mrs J; Mangold's birthday I statement to clarlfy thf> case of j Melvin Clarence Roggensaok, 28- j year-old father of three children, Chicago VlMitorai > i who has been ordeied for induc- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ziller j tion by local board No. 215 in had Mr. and Mrs. John Dix as I Rockford and whose case hes rethe i their guests last Sunday. The' ceived wide notice in the ptf®* Zillers" daughter, Lynn, has been \ recently, spending the last two weeks at ; Roggensack's the home of the Dix family; ! ; INSECT PESTS V induction order has not been canceled as reported in the press, Col. Armstrong said. His induction date has been merely postponed utitil M&y 33 pending further investigation of the case by the local board. Un-. less it can be clea ly proved to the board that Roggers;*ck*s induction would cause extreme hardship and privation to his dependents, he will be inducted ss ordered* :- /• Colonel Armstrong Illinois counties and in moderate I Roggensack failed to ..notify the to threatening amounts in 20 I local board of' the birth of his other counties, Dr. Mills said. : children in time to be considered He pointed out that a major in-j for deferment as a father. Presifestation of chinch bugs involv- dent Eisenhower, by executive *ng SO or more counties may order, established Aug. 25, 1953, stponed her^eelebration a j develop If weather conditions I as the deadline for presenting , - *•" COntinue to favor the insect*. | such evidence. This change in Illinois iorn teuffered more dam- ! the regulations was announced age from Stewart's disease in j forty-five days before the effec- • Delayed CelebrationV , i A delayed First Comfminion Celebration took place last Sunday at the "Bud" Miller home. ; Jjfancy Kay. daughter of the j i|§iillers, made her First Com-[ Ununion on Mother's Day but ! Last year's drouth was favorable to many kinds of insects, and the mild 1953-54 winter enabled some cf the chief insect posts to survive, according to Dr. Harlow B. Mills, chief of the state Natural History Survey. Chinch bugs came through the winter in good shape and dangerously large numbers in 15 • ; - j t iT- v • TJfiE McHENRY PLAINDEALER kUyaai^ii Wfft,'*•«"* A! Super-R3glit Um, T«nd»r, Top-Quality S>ecause of her cousin's First j|bommunion celebration in Chica- |jfo on the same day. Many relatives gathered at the Miller feome for dinner. Dost Forget! Get your tickets now for the dance sponsored by the Johnsburg Tigers next Saturdays evening at the Community club hall. 1953 than ever before. The mild ! tive date and was widely publi- Winter and the presence of large j cized in the press and over radio numbei s of the flea beetles that spread the disease makes even greater damage possible this season. Dr. Mills said. The llford Maternity Home io An enjoyable evening of d«n^> ; London reported to police the dis- Jp promised to one and all. The pearance of the wooden stork JJtedger Hotshots will furnish the over its entrance. •ftusic. _ Here 'n There La«t Saturday evening a A&ce given by the Northern Illinois courts of the Catholic Order of Foresters took place at the Community club. A nice crowd of fieople enjoyed an evening's dancing to music by the Badger Hotshots. On Sunday evening, the Christian Mothers held a public party at the school hall. Ptoceeds went to the new school fund. Mr. and Mrs. George Kae of Chicago spent Sunday at the home of their daughter and family, the Robeit Einspars. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Michels of Crystal Lake were visitors at the George Michels home last Week. Bet the wooden bird is delivering puppets to television studios. and television networks. The wo: ding of the President's order is such that no room is left for the local board to use its own discretion or to make exceptions. Colonel Armstrong emphasized. If a man failed to present evi-. dehce of fat'.iei. hQod to his local board before midnight Aug. ?4, 1953, he cannot be deferred on the basis of fatherhood. *1 n 111 in i i i i M i i i 111 i t 1111 n u i i i ui in i in 11 rni tnm in liu ciii 1111 un I run i u itwiwu All-in-One Celebration Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Mangold entertained seventy-two people at their home in a combination of bridal khowent farewell and birthday parties. The bridal shower was for Miss Esther Wagner of Fort Atkinson, Wis., who will become the bride of Norbert Mangold __ next Saturday. May 22. Many i = lovely gifts were presented to I z: the newlyweds-to-be by friends and relatives of Chicago. They will reside in the Mike Pitzen building after their marriage. ' The second half of the celebration was a farewell party for Mr. and Mrs. J. Mangold who have resided with their son's family on Spring Grove road for almost a year. The J. Mangolds are going to live in Bristol, Off nm ALL-SEASON AWNINGS "Coolest awning under the sun" Patented Zephyr Ventilated Awnings will bring | your hotpe t all-season, all-weather, protection I against sun, wind, raiii .and 'sno^.'^ri7S-/-. . | Their graceful modeling adds beauty g tinction. Many styles, all colors. , J " I Budget Terms Ii Desired The Zephyr Ventilated Awning Co. i PHONE CRYSTAL LAKE 323 | 1 S16 Virginia St. Crystal Lake, DL 5 3 ' - 111111111111 III 1111 III III III llll 1111 III 111111 111 11 III II1111111 III IIIIMIIII1111 111 111111 III ll'l ti NOW LOWER LUMBER PRICES Before You Build Check Our New Low Prices On Kiln Dried Lumber, # Why Endanger Your Building (or reputation as a contractor) With Green Lumber, When Ypu Can Get Kiln Dried Lumber, Priced ^ompe+it* ively. . • • AT / McHenry Lumber Co. 611 Main Street Phone McHenry 46 ' Jane Parker 13-Egg Recipe Cake Angel Food Regular P r i c e 55c Caramel Pecan Rolls Rhubarb Pie Sliced White Bread Parker Pork Loin Roast 49,s^65<^95 Fresh Pork Butt Boast •it EM 1st Cat Partis* Skinless Franks Su^*Pkg! 14-es. leaf 19c ANN PAGE PRESERVES i-25< Beans with Pork Black Pepper Peach, Apricot, Pineapple, Plum, Grape Jam, Orange Marmalade Sliced Bates 6ooM Picnics OceasPereh Fillets Halibut Fillets "Sup^r-Riqht" Tender, Laan "Supar-Riflht" 4 fA i Lbt. 45c Chuck Reasl k 79' Rcand Steak 1.49' Fresh Fryers 29* Stewiss Chickeas llid* Cut "Super-RIgM" Or SW!M-- "Super-Kifh(" Fully Dr«u%rf PaaHs^y Ci|i'a John's Frox«i< lb. * 49< Beef Rih Roast pkg. Fan Ready 3 to 4 Lbi, 1st Thru 4th Rihi--7" Cut 49s ik. si* ||U it. w ,3f it. 51* Chalc* - Ann Paga Rura Ground Golden, Tandar Whola Ker-nal Green Giant Peaf Niblets Corn Kraft's Cheese Slices Rindless Cheddar Kraft's Miracle Whip Sultana Tondor Florida / Red Ript Watermelon Southern Green Beans 2 •» 25 Florida Valencia Mr Juice Oranges 8&59* Swlaitr Old Englith A1P Madium Salad Dratsing l-ot. pkg. 8-ot Pk9- quart i*" Florida 54 Six* For Fancy Salads Hand Salactad New Sweet Com Cucumbers 39° Frozea Strawberries 0|c Qraage Jsiee 49° 4 2 for 29* Grapefruit 19* Orisp Radishes Florida M Site Seodlow W«ihe4 Topped n 2 I'M 59* 19c Slicad, Sugarad l0,/5r 25® Cabbage Southern Grown Old South Frown 2 tins 25c Suasweet Prases Drio4-- bMviii lb- 5c lb. Armour- Fins Quality 3 12-ox. tins Banquet Whole Chicken Banquet Boned Chicken Corned Beef Hash Sultana Tuna Flakes Broadcast Brand BEEF S100 4: «i« ;; 27c 25c With the EXTRA SPECIAL Sa«<;t BEANS Golden Whole Kernel Corn with Red aad Green Niblets Hexicorn 25' s?25« 2^35^ For Salads or Sandwiches 16-ox. tin 6-ox. tin Libby's Tematc Jsiee Sssshise Crackers Pineapple Jsiee Whele INN Nekles Twis HHIa Sweet Pickles 25° Polish Style DiH Pickles Thin; Crisp Doia, Libby or Dal Monto Paw Paw Brand 46-oz. tin 127s Slicad or Chunk tt-oi tin 33c i2J"I9« r'SRc l*r ww 29' PERT PAPER NAPKINS „I0' CaJojod or Wliita MULTI-PURPOSE "fiant pkq. Detergent 73" HANDY LIQUID Lux Detergent 39c 12-ox. tin FOR DAINTY THINGS Vel Detergent 73e QIANT pkq. AMERICAN FAMILY Detergent 2'p"kq"i. FOR DISHES OR WASHES Th|e Detergent 2 X 63c Thin, Crisp Sunshine Crackers Melody Whip Spaghetti Py-O-My Mil Star Kist Tuna Spry Shortening Peter Pan Peanut Butter Heinz Baby Foods lb. hoi Idaal (or Coffee, Bakinf or CoekiSf FOULD'S--Sarva with MaatUfll h Tomato Sauca^or Chaoso For Bluabarry Muffins Whito Moat Chunt Stylo H'/j-oi. tin 2: Fof Light, Flaky Ko Crusts 27c I0C 23e ^ 35° 34/,-., $>oo ties | 3 : 89° 35" ph««- 12-ox. Del Nests Piaeapple |ftA| Uitmlm FRUIT COCKTAI 1101 mom 5 Choico Fruits Libby's BarHstt Pears Pitted Cherries SsssweetPrsssJuiss Mixed VsgstaMss Broadcast Fine Foods 01. IRB 55* »,r: 39* 39* 2139* Chinese Maid 2 b', 86' "Z 29* Beef Stew Redi Meat Mixad Vafftebias W^h e etntroHS Portion ef Be^f im, ' lunchaeaMaat Spaghetti with Meat Chili with Beans!' i Dried Beef 14-ox. tin 12-ox. •in th-ox. tins 14-ox. tin I'/l-ox. 25e 47e 45c 25* 3le 12-ox. w Streinad 20 MULE TEAM FOR THE HANDS BORAX BORAXO •r i7c 2 X 33c Housahohl Rafrashor Air Wick $pic & Span Cleanser Vet's Dog Food Northern Paper Towels Angel Soft Tissue 3tr 28c Cashmere Bouquet Cashmere Bouquet Daily Dog Meal Dog Food facial Soap Bath Sise Cakes 2 2 3 2 roBs 400 et. hens re* eakoa largo eakas 35* 4? 25' 25» For a Haalthy, Happy P# . 2 3 13-ox. bottia 16-ox. ties 59' 47' 23* Ail Meet 5£ 491 2 - 39* amcsica'S rosiMOtr fooo mtaiiu ... »ihcs lese TNF CMAT ATI ANTIC * PACIFIC TIA COMPANY All prices effective through May 22nd