*&E McHENBT WjUNDfiALEft «n'v- Wonder Lake News By Vanesse Sells ..i m Four Wertts Mn. Grace Paetow, who rein an apartment at her 1*8 home in Hickoiy Falls, has Bl for the past four weeks is still unable to return to ker work at Marshall Field and >mpany in Chicago. ,.a Her grandchildren, CharJa and fCathy Paetow, were ill recently, Also. The little girls had measles. Christen Infant Vtath Marie Mathews, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Malews of Wonder Lake, t was bristened Sunday, May 9. at "iri«t the King church by. Rev. ^Ames Vanderpool. Sponsors for the baby" wer* |»er maternal uncle. James Hartm of Wonder Lake and Linlolnwood, and her great aunt, >thy Klasen of Chicago. Among the guests present at he christening and the open jiouse which followed were the f's grandparents, Mrs. Pearl Cathews of Wonder Lake and r. and Mrs. George Hartmann #f Wonder Lake and Lincoln- Irood. i Ruth Marie, who was born k^ril 12 in Memorial hospital, Las one sister, Mary Louise ifotfaew* aw fourtM&j months Wd. KMHOH TO Meet T. P. Mathews of Wonder Lake, president of the McHenrjf County Realtors association, will preside at a luncheon meeting of iat group "today at the FieSta Crystal Lake. This Is a rtguar business meeting of the up. Gets Recreation Jab Fred Zandier of Indian Ridge, recently appointed principal of the Riley school, near Marengo, was hired as the recreation director of the Crystal Lake park district for the summer. The park district recently was voted a permanent fund by the taxpayers for a continuing program for the young people of the area. There were 600 children in the program last summer. Zandier will be assisted by Mary Frieburg of Barringtor.. \ Have Baby Daughter Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chase of Zeeland, Mich., are parents of their fourth child, and first daughter, Susan Marie, born this week in a Holland, Mich., hospital. The Chases formerly were residents of Indian Ridge, when he was employed by the Ring- Wood Chemical company. She is the former Esther Althoff of McHenry. Their other children are Fred, Jr., David and Dan. accepted into the Boy Scout troop by Larry Silva, Scoutmaster of the Wonecr XAke troop: A skit, called the "AKESLA," will be the impressive part of the evening, and in addition, awards will be given to the parents of the Cubs for achievements their sons merited in the past by Cubmaster Arthur Miller of the Wonder Lake pack. A skit will also be given by the Boy Scbut troop. The Cub committee invites the public, as well as the parents of both Cub and Boy Scouts. The Wonder Lake Scout movement is only as great as its backers. Come see, come enjoy, cooie encourage these boys. "Gospel Church New* " The confirmation class (BFble instruction class) of 1U53-54 will have their closing exercises next Sunday morning, May 23, at 11 o'clock. There will also be the presentation of Bibles and certificates. The members of the <3ass are Ruth Ann Fossnftugh, Sharon Sue La Greca, Larry Ronald Pierce, Randall Jack Sellek, Beth Ann Smith and George Floyd Smith. A cordial Invitation to this festive occasion is extended to all. We especially welcome members of former confirmation clashes. Cub Scout News On Tuesday, May 25, the Wonder Lake Cub Scout Pack 358 will hold an impressive Webelos ceremony at the Lookout point No. 2 beach. This ceremony will be in honor of the boys who have earned their Webelos badge, the highest honor in cubbing. Beside this ceremony, a candlelight ceremony will be held for the following Cub Scouts who aTe eligible for Boy Scouts: Tim Miehling, Kenneth Audino, Richard Mann, Tom Miller, Wayne Feldhan, Terry Haak, Jack Moore, Karl Weisenberger and Brian Powers. These boys will fffcrrlfton P.T.A, The final meeting of the year of Harrison school P.T.A. was held at the school on Tuesday, May 11. The meeting was called to order with - the assembly saying the pledge of allegiance and singing "America." Mrs. Slavin accompanied at the piano. Mrs. James Bastian then repeated the P.T.A. prayer. The hostess room6 ware thOae of Miss, Meyer and Mrs. FoHes. The room-mothers were ,Meidames Smith, Whitfield, Wrede, Brown, Benoche, Erber, Hensel agd Murdock. The room award was a tie in parents attendance, therefore, Mr. Bailey's room ind Mr. Foiles' room each received an award. A short resume of the convention was given by the delegate, Mrs. 8wanst>n. A complete report will be filed with Mrs. Marion for future reference. The merit award that Mrs. Swanson brought back from Springfield was presented to Mrs. Peter Samkus for, her P.T.A. magazine sales rfecord at Wonder Lake. Mrs. Alford Johnston, vicepresident and program chairman, then presented the Wonder -Lake 4-H Live Wires. They entertained the assembly with a minstrel show. It was most enjoyable. Through the request of Mrs. Bell, music chairman, Mrs. Johnston then introduced the very entertaining barbershop quartet consisting of Mesdames Gustavson, Johnson, Fiala and Yokley. They sang three songs and received much applause. r Mrs. Swanson then introduced the chairmen who have so very capably carried on the P.T.A. program for the past year. Without their help, the objects of P.T.A. could not have been so successfully upheld. On behalf of the retiring president, |/frs. Swanson, and the retiring vicepresident, Mrs. Johnston, each chairman, the faculty, P.T.A. officers and Mr. Majercik were presented with a P.T.A. objects bookmark. These chairmen are Mesdames Setzler, Sellek, Weisenberger, Gustavson, Samkus, Miller, Belshaw, Marion, Mieling, Pierce, Bastian, Specht and Bell. All officers and chairmen wore beautiful corsages, thanks to James Bell for making them so beautifully. Retiring president, Mrs. Swanson, then presented past officers, Mrs. Belshaw, Mrs. Decker and Mrs. Weisenberger, and retiring officers, Mrs. Johnston and Mrs. Frederick, with beautiful P.T.A. insignia pins. Mrs. Swanson was completely surprised and overjoyed When she was presented with a be&utifuul past-president pin and a life membership In tile P.'t.A. Congress of Illinois. The installation of officer* then took place. Mrs. Swanson installed the new officers, using the P.T.A. installation service. The new officers are Mrs. Marion, Mrs. Mieling, Mrs. King and Mrs. Johnson. jVfter the opening of fife lovely gifts, the remainder of the afternoon was spent in playirig games. Lois Hansen and Jeanrtte jo Benoche Were awarded prize#. The party came to a delightful close with the serving of a large birthday caike, topped with a miniature stagecoach and cowj boys and Indians, and ice cream ' and milk. Nut cups, gay favors and small gifts completed the decorations. Mrs. Roy B. Swaneort, retiring president of Harrison school P.T.A., wag the guest of honor at a dinner held at Honey Bear Farm in Wisconsin at noon on Monday, May 10, by the officers and chairmen of < Harrisoh school P.T.A. V" "• .Those attending were Mesdames Johnston, Bell, Gustavson, Marion, Weisenberger, Mieling, Samkus, King, Setzler, Frederick and Miller. ' Mrs. Swanson was presented with a beautiful four-piece let of jewelry. Mrs. Swanson will always recall this occasion with the most pleasant memories and she wishes to thank each individual executive committee member for the very lovely gift she will alyrays wear with pride. '* The VanKanfegtut 1MS purchased the Steinle Food store. The Steinles have moved into the VanKanegan home. ROBERT HAY LOW OVERHEAD WAY' General Contractor New Construction and Remodeling LET US FIGURE FOR YOU Phone 622-W-2 ROUTE 4 McHENRY, ILLINOIS On Tuesday, MSy* li, Jftfhie Grasser was host to ten little playmates in honor of his fifth birthday. FAIR IMPROVEMENTS - Various Improvements are being made at the Illinois State fairgrounds by Manager Strother G. Jones in preparation for the 1954 fair, Aug. 13-22. Work now going on includes construction of a Warm-up and judging ring south of the coliseum, remodeling the women's rest room inside the coliseum, moving the horsemen's cafe at the half-mile practice track into the building formerly used as an office by the superintendent of speed, and building a hub rail along the rim of the practice track. Aim T~ If it's a iob for Bottled Gat irs A JOB FOR SHELLANE Pttehct of ffce ShmU Otf Company KRUSE HARDWARE COMPANY Richmond, McHenry County, IB. Long Distance Phone 101 Y0 Business and Service Director? of WONDER LAKE NOW! VISIT ALEXANDER .LUMBER CO. McHENRY, ILL. inHiHwmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiHminiiimiuiiiiiiHniini SAVE MONEY ON Home Carpentry BEAT THE SPRING RUSH ORDER NO*! H. GERTZ General Contractor Route 2 -- McHenry. HI. PHOBE 1497 REPAIRS REMODELING Shop at Home anj SAVE! BICYCLE 8 Authorized Schwinn Dealer Q MARK'S Sporting Goods - Marine Supplies 212 8. Green St: Phone 1000 McHenry, 111 AVOIO LIVESTOCK POISONING. EXPERT WARNS FARMERS Are you all set to turn your animals out to pasture? Dr. R. P. Link, of the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine, suggests that you make a final check first to see what you have around your farm thftt coitfd poison ydiir animals. Lead is a major livestock poisoner. If you are going to paint your bairn, gates or fences, u6e non-lead paint. Keep cattle away from old painted surfaces. Pick Qp old paint cans and batteries so that your cattle can't get at them. Keep your animefls out of orchards while you are spraying with lead arsenate, and don't let the chemical collect on grass and in ponds. Buy lubricating grease for your machinery that does .not contain chlorinated naphthalenes. These chemicals can cause hyperkeratosis (X-disease) of cattle. ( Check With your veterinarian before you put your animals on pastures you' have sprayed with weed killers like 2, 4-D and 2, 4, 5-T., These chemicals can \ grain, don't feed any seed grain isfuse " changes in some plants . th*t has been treatWT with merthat wDl mak. them pol*,**.., cury „ uwnic Ketp U» wettable powd.fl t ersashopp«r b*lU form, of lindane, chlordane. >n(| nUlxU fertulIer <*,, methoxychlor or DDT as animal Qf y,e reach of livestock as w^l). insecticides. The oil forms are! as children.-Cover Salt trough poisonous. Keep animals off ; salt brine will poison swine. pastures you haVe sprayed with -- the new organic phosphate insectides like parathion. In a few days, the poisonoua effect' oft*' these chemicals will wear off and the animals can graze safely. If you are ntnning short of at and SAVE! W00 CLARENCE'S SHOP g tMffhrala Redwood or Pondorosfc pine in bird hone^r'^l" Hbuses, lawn chairs, lawn swings, picnic and umbrella cables, pier and park benches, sand boxes, flower boxes, flower wheijj. barrows, rose artwrs, trellises, picket fences, Cabinets made to order. CetneM cesspool rings and chimney caps. ' MADE tO ORDER V CLARENCE SMITH PHONE 1515-Jhx. . -: WHNSBURG, DX. ! Air super service jaBUfejk McHenry Garage 600 FRONT STREET Kaiser -.Willys Sales 8c Service PHONE 403 McHENRY, ILL. t; Tt " '£f ' Never Before So Great a /' Tire at Such a Low Price De Luxe Champions ALL PHASE Plumbing DLSHMASTER Push Button Dishwasher Completely Installed only $55.00 Phong W.L. 8851 New Horizons In Building T' e Crisiy and Siendebaclf' GENERAL CONTRACTORS Phone Wonder Lake 5432 -- 2464 -- 5301 WONDER LAKE BUILDERS SUPPLY Can Arrange < FINANCING ! F. H. A. No Money Down -- 8 Yean To Pay ( ) PLUMBING ( ) BATH < ) ATTIC or BASEMENT FLAT ( ) HOUSE -- S KM I-FIN LSHED | | HOUSE -- COMPLETE ( ) GARAGES ( ) CARPENTRY ( ) DORMER ( ) KITCHBH , ( ) SIDING ( ) PORCH ( ) ADDITION PIRW * ....... Address Phone ' For FREE Elstimate Phone or Mail Coupon Iw- I ...LI • • . J • - L » I - I . ' i . Pree Estimates A Delivery Phone WX. 3231 Virgil's AUTO •6 REPAIR "AUTOMOBILE WRECK REBUILDING" Frame - Alignment - Painting At Wonder Lake 1 Mile North of Route 120 on Wonder Lake Blacktop Road Phone WJL 8881 - Nlte Phone «L»I T. P. MATHEWS REAL ESTATE INSURANCE of AU Kinds • WONDER LAKE 3061 Street's Hickory Falls Phillips *166" Senioe Station # Washing • Greasing* # Tires # Batteries One block So. of Ringwood Road on Blacktop - North-end of Wonder Lake . . . Phone Wonder Lake 8S81 SANITARY SERVICE Pumping and Cleaning Complete Septic Systems InstaBed L. PERRIN Phone Wonder Lake 5672 or 3013 WIDEN'! Standard Service Wishing Greasing Wonder Center Phone W. L. 8341 FRICEO For Detoratioii Day Tire Sale Size 6.00-16 Iteg. List Price Witholit Trade-in PIUS TAX EXCHANGE H your did Hre hrecap]Mbl» |Buy Today and Save on Pdmoifs ^ ( Original Equipment Tires, first Choice K for America's Finest New Cars. ' If you have news litems of interest to your neighbors in Wonder Lake, please contact your correspondent, Van Sells, at Wonder Lake 2933. ALL s»; £CS -SALE PRICED! SIXI MOVWUI ItfT MICI WITlkHlV TtAM-«N* IMCUl TKAOC-IN Mil MICI* 6.70-T5 22.60 17.99 6.40-T5 21.55 17.78 7.10-T5 25.05 20.47 6.50-16 25.40 20.96 7.60-T5 27.40 22.61 8.00-15 30.10 24.83 8.20-15 31.46 25.91 •PIUS TAX ' Sale Ends May 29 TrcRle fir Yoift1 Okl Tirds NOW! _ McHENRY WALT FREUND and BOB THURLWELL. Preps. SM MAIN ST. MdlENRY, ILL. PHONB IN or 2U4