Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Jun 1954, p. 14

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V*; THE McHENBY PUUNDEALEB Ik -' " (•• « -r.-HUjJ * a,) 't .y' :'i'j. ?%'•: \ • •; v ^ rjt'r > 4 J ' " v ' » « # lAKEMOOR & LILYMOOR l&s By Marcella FOBS L4.A. New* The L.I.A. held their election Bunday, June 6. Newly elected Offlceia are: President, Marcella * FV)W; secretary-treasurer. Rita l&rickson; ttyistees, Marie Hyatt, Helen Para and Joseph Yaegoi. At this meeting it was decided to have our annual election in August and the installation in September. The house committee members were re-appointed. • They are Roy Erickson and \ Marty 4 Wrublewski. The social chairman is Mrs. Dorothy Wrub- j >lewski. 1 It was also decided to hold a dance for th^ 'teen-agers June 26 in the fire house. Refreshments will be served and dancing will be by juke box music. Rich- ' ard Hyatt and A1 tGodina charge of this affair. We are very happy to welcome into the club Mr. and Mrs. Friedman, Mr, and - Mrs Norman j Motrison, Mr. and Mrs. Bucih- ! waiter, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hoppert and Mr. and Mis. Volmer. The club wishes to extend a .big "thank you" to the outgoing president, Edward Kamin, Jr., for the' wonderful job he did last year in running this new \ type of social club. I only hope that I can do as well in the forthcoming year. Brownie Xm T'.ie Brownies will meet next Tuesday from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. at the fire house. For the iest of the summer season they will meet in the mornings at the fire house but a definite time has not been set. Mrs. Othele Brady will be an -assistant leader for the time being. We hope she will enjoy it enough to want to remain in the organization permanently. Birthdays Happy birthday and wedding anniversary to June Kraus. Curly and June celebrated their wedding anniversary on Monday of this week. June's birthday was last week. Bill Robinson celebrated his birthday Wednesday, June ». Adele Leon had a small get-togot'ier for a few of his friends. Those present were Bernie Peschke, who is home on furlough, Carol Klingburg, Vic arid Connie Hopp .and Adele's cousin, Jeanette Hoener, of Silver Lake, Wis-, who is visiting the Leon's for a few days. Happy birthday. Bill. Tony Leon will celebrate his birthday Saturday, June 12. and will really start his year out fright by beginning his fourweek vacation at the same time. Happy birthday as well as a wondcrfuls vacation, Tony. Bake Sale Residents, please do not forget the bake sale Saturday at the fiie house, sponsored by the auxiliary. It will start at 1 o'- VJock and will run until merchandise is all sold out. Mis. Buchwalter is in charge of this affair and would like the goods to be sold brought in before 1 so that they can set it. all up and have it priced before'the sale actually starts. If you can not make it befoie 1 p..m., the goods will be appreciated at any time. So come on out and do your weekend shopping 4 at. the fire )iouse\ All proceeds wfll go t o t h e f i r e d e p a r t m e n t ; . N Confirmation Party Kenneth Booster was confirmed last Sunday. A party was held for him by his parents. Outof- toWn guests were A1 Lieduk and family, A1 Schillio and family, Helen Emslie and children, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Vogel, Mis. Mahlke and grandchildren, Mr. and Mrs. James Siekerman, Grace Siekerman and Jane Wysck. Kenny also received a clock radio from mom and dad and a watch from his grandmother, Myrtle Booster. Congratulations. Kenny, and I am sure it will be a day long remembered by you. Graduation Party Mr. and Mrs. Ray Oynowa held a graduation party for their son, Ray, Jr., Saturday evening in their home. Out-of-town guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cynowa, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. John ^urk and family and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Clark and son. Friends from the neighborhood were also invited and enjoyed the buffet supper served them. Conggratulations, Ray, and we wish you fhe best in whatever you have decided to undertake in'the future. home and oh the road to recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Vachet went to IoWfc City over the Memorial Day weekend. Maiy Schiavone took a much needed rest over the holidays at Devil's Lake, Wis. She says it spoiled her and she now wants to keep right on going. Saturday of this week, Claude F McDermott will attend the Republican convention in Springfield as a delegate. Attending the civilian defense meeting at Woodstock June 9 were Co-Director Edward Kamin, Jr., Frank O'Leary,(Henry Hoppert and Harrry gtrnad. Mr. McDermott, director of civilian defense in Lakefyoor, was unable to attend due tfi other committ ments. i General News f Patricia Dixon, formerly of Lakemoor, graduated from grammar school and received the American Legion award. Congratulations, Pat, and we hope you will continue the good work through your high school years. We were sorry to hear Mrs. Sofsky, Mr. Pogany's sister, had been in the hospital, but welcome the news that she is again GAS REFRIGERATOR proof that is best! I r v i l i l N I 10 full years i •• - on the silent, no-moving-parts freezing systeml Ho other^rerrrgerator gives many exclusive features as the Servel Refrigerator--and no other refrigerator gives you a fui1 10-year warranty! Learn the many advantages of owning a Servel Gas Refrigerator. Check Ihiie Features • Large, Separata Fraezer Comportment • 12-Posltion Temperature Control e Hostess Tray, Adjustable Shelves e Hg^lO-Cu. Ft. Capacity your S»rv«l dealer, or NORTHERN ILLINOIS GAS COMPANY Mothers, will yhu please warn your children theV are nots^ to play around the m\il boxes. ^It is a very serious onense to /be caugfa t taking mail out of A he other people's boxes. . .• 1 Village New* • There will be a village meeting jfiiday evening, June 11. The meeting place will be the fire house at 9 p.m. Everyone should try to attend these meetings and learn what is going on in the village. ' Bible Church News The Bible School summer school started off with an attendance of 100 pupils and teachers. The children are divided into three groups this year. Ages 3, 4 and 5 are in the schoolhouse, ages 6, 7 and 8 go to the McDermott building, ages 9 to 14 attend in tine file house. Classes start at 9 a.m. and end at noofi. These classes will be held this week and next week. The closing program will take place Sunday, June 20, at 7:30 p..m., at which time a king and queen from each group will receive awards donated by the merchants tn McHenry and Lakemoor. An award wfll be given to the child wiho brings the most children to the school. Diane Ki!bfoe has a very good start as'she broughtv eleven on the first morning. Evening services will be resumed &tef the Summer school is closed. BEGIN "RING FOR A RIDE IN ROCKET" - CAMPAIGN LOCALLY One of the largest car demonstration programs ever to be launched in this community started June 1 when Overton Motor Sales began the "Ring for a Ride in a Rocket" campaign. The local drive is part of a full-scale national effort which will attempt to "ring ' up" one million demonstrations in 1954 Oldsmobiles during June and July, according to R. J. Overton. "Our goal is to provide a demonstration drive or ride for every motorist in the community," he said. "All it will take is a telephone call to 'bring a 1954 Oldsmobile demonstrator to club, home, office, school or work." The "million demonstrations" campaign is an organized effort to satisy a pent-up demand for demonstrations of the 1954 "Rocket" engine, new silhouette body, and new panoramic windshield. Because of unusually heavy spring business, it was pointed out, dealer stocks were reduced for a time until increased productiorf"""scheduleB could meet the demand. Oldsmobile dealers throughout the nation were not able to accommodate all requests for demonstrations. A powerful promotional campaign will back the demonstration drive locally. Newspaper advertising will invite people to "ring for a ride." AWARD CONTRACT FOR MANUFACTURE V OF 1955 LICENSES f Hemp & Company of Macomb has been awarded the contract for manufacture of 1955 Illinois automobile license plates, Secretary of State Charles F. Carpenter has announced. The Hemp company, Which fns made the state's license p'ates since shortly after World War II, submitted the lower bid of two received. The unsuccessful bidder was S. G. Adams and cojnpany of St. Louis, Mo. Seventeen forms were solicited for bids. Hemp's bid was 23.2 cents, the same price paid fort 1953 and 1954 plates. Secretary Carpentier said the 1955 plates will bear the slogan, "Land of Lincoln," the same as the 1954 plate^ but that it will appear across the bottom of the plates. Across the top will be the figuies "19" and "55", separated i by the word "Illinois" (19 ILLINOIS 55) J Secretary Carpentier said he is studying several different color combinations and will decide soon what the 1955 colors will be. Application blanks for next year's plates will be available about October 1, Mr. Carpentier said, and the period for reassignment of present numbers will extend from thsit date through midnight, ^lov. 1. Need A Rubber Stamp? Get It at the plaindealer. HI I Ml I mi I Mill II11 III I ITU I III III I ll'IJ 11 III II11 l!ll!lll!llil!l I 111 I111TJ1III11 ll!| 111110111 IHIIIiUllll I Greatly Reduced Prices j- for Wised I Aluminum Combination | WINDOWS & DOORS Assembled At Toolcrafls New Plant Richmond* IllAiois Delivery 10 Days, Installed By Factory Trained Mechanics AUTHORIZED DEALER May Construction * TOM BOWER. Salesman § RICHMOND 4381 or 25SI 5 111 Him 11 r iriiii!iii!iiiitiiiiiiii;itiTri;Mii;nirn'irii;it:i;ii rn-i in n m tiiiiTiiinirnrni irrnin w7 IMPORTANT tO CHILDREN'S WELFARE, COMFORT, CLEANLINESS SERViSOFl SOFT WATER SERVfCf /*"% en a low-cost • PHQNt FOR DtTAILS R. Q. Andrew Co. Woodstock 428 •wr SOfTfS THE WATER FOR IOU Red Cross Russell Reimer, county chairman of disaster, has received information as to tornado safety rules and he believes these facts should be understood and alert people to possible danger rather than to create a panic. To know what to do when a warnlrf is received, or a tornado is observed, may mean tlie difference between life «nd death. Mr. Reimer continued, that since May is the highest frequency month for tornadoes, now is a good time to call attention to some of these facts. If you are in open country and there is no. time to escape, lie flat in the nearest depression such as a ditch or ravine. If you are in a city or town, seek inside shelter, preferably in a steel reinforced building. Stay away from windows. In a x home, the southwest corner of the lowest floor or in the basement offers greatest safety. If in a school, stay inside, away from windows; avoid auditoriums and gymnasiums with large, poorly-supported ^Thursday, June 10, 1951 -- • - ILLINOIS TOPS In preparing for useful occupations last year 782 men and women with a history of tuberculosis, the state Division of Vocational Rehabilitation won for Illinois the top rank among all states in this field of work, and relief in this county; that I The division provides training on May 26, 27 and 38, there was and advice for tuberculosis paa joint session at Ft. Sheridan tients who have recovered to the for instruction in emergency' point \^iere they can work and feeding and Mrs. Margaret Jen- study. It conducts courses in, canteen chairman !n this business training, typewriter recounty, and her assistant, Mrs. ! pair, watch making, commercial Erich Utech, both of Crystal art, housekeeping; auul Other Lake, and Mrs. Irene Moricoli subjects. s of Woodstock attended the three- I day session. 1 Subscribe To The Plalndealar , ^ roofs. If,, in factories, wdrkers shoul^ be tnoved tc sections of the plant offering the greatest protection. Mr. Reimer reports tha^ jprogress is being made in connection with disaster preparedness FREE - -FREE - FREE the V.F.W. Qkmhouse and Picnic Grounds Are Available to# Everybody. Phone In Your Reservations Now! First Come First Served • / V Big, Beautiful.. r Fleet, flowing lines land style distinction to the beautiful new podge Royal V.| 4-door sedan. New spring colors now on displciy. and bom to the road! Here is beauty that is born to fUe road: Graceful and gracious, swift and sweeping, without a single false note of anything artificial or awkward. When you open the door and slip behind the wheel you realize howr truly big this '54 Dodge is. Big in headroom, legroom, shoulder-room. Big in the steady easy-going way it hugs the road. Big in power and performance. Come discover the added pleasure this new Dodge offers. Pricey start below many models A the lowest price fiaMU DODGE Dodge Oetlers preeent: Denny Thomes, ABC-TV ••rt Parks in "Break The Beek," ABC-TV . Roy Rogers, NBC Radio A. S. BLAKE MOTOR SALES, liic. #01 E. PEARL STREET PHONE McHENRY 156 FRESH CANDY HEAlHjI AItTEKS! Our Whitman's refrigerate gives you kitchen-fresh candy all year 'round... 6et some today! MA fRW CHOCOLATES BOLGER'S DRUG STORE 103 S. GREEN STREET PHONE 40 McHENRY. ILL. BO,000 HHJE GUARANTIEE See COLOR TELEVISION AT THE Fox River Picnic Grove FOX RIVER GROVE, ILL Be Our Guests At Any Time and Watch The NEW ADMIRAL COLOR TELEVISION. - Whether Telecast in Color Or Black and White. You Have To See ItTo'Believe It. Be Sure Not To Miss The Many New Shows That Are Coming Along In Color Every Day. WATCH THE NEWSPAPERS FOR COLOR TELECASTS "•JM ALSO WATCH THf ALEX DRIER SHOW TO BE TELECAST OVER STATION WNBO AT 6:20 TO 6:25 PM. ON June 23-25-30 - July 2

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