*%.•/ v-V** :- •• . ,. .r : * A-: - ••' •• ••• - r» .Thursday. June 17, RINGWOOD By Mrs. George Shepard Mr. and Mis. B. T. Butler en-1 Mrs. Rush of Richmond spent tertained their five hundred club' the weekend in the John Ehlert ^at their Jiome Tuesday evening. Piizes were awarded to Mrs. Kenneth Cristy and Louis Haw- • ley, high, and Mrs. Louis Hawley and Arthur Hoppe, low. f The members of the Home Circle had dinner at Honey Bear farm Thursday. They visited the • various gift snops in the afternoon. Little Miss Ida Mae WalkirigtOn celebrated her seventh birthday Wednesday aftei noon by »entertaining her class JrorTi Edible school at a partv^at* her hprne. Games were pltfyed and*" lun<? | 1 was served by her mother. Mr. and' Mrs. Allan Lundgren Vand son have moved from, the * Jepson apartment to, Elkhorn,/ L wlieie he is employed. f j Mr. and Mrs. Jackson have [ moved into the, "lower apartmwnt ^ in the Harold Jepson ftbuse. I The Round-Up club met Saturday night. They all played pepwee goff and afterward went to Mie home of M". and Ml-s. HenrW Tomlinson. Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert and daughter, Mabel, Mis. Rush and Mrs. Fred Bowman spent Thursday at Kenosha.- Mr. and Mrs. George Miller of Chicago spent Sunday afternoon in the John Skidmore home. Mr. and Mi's. W. Glauser have returned home from Phoenix, Ariz.,, where they spent several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Sowers and son went to New York to attend the wedding of their daughter on Saturday. Mis. Woods of Moline is visiting her daughter, MVs. Pete Sebastian. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard spent Sunday and Monday morning in the William Heine home in Chicago. Mrs. Magnus Nelson of Mc- Henry was a visitor in the Louia Hawley home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Diwne Ehlert of Bohner's Lake spent Friday evening with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.' John Ehlert. Mr. and Mrs. Kemneth Powers and children of Chicago spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowman. Mr. and Mrs. P. Nv Muzzy visited relatives at Sycamore Sunday. Mr. and M*s. Granville Carlson and daughter of Hillside spent Sunday in the Clayton Bcilce home. Mrs.. John Skidmore and Mrs. Fred Bowman were Elgin visitors Monday afternoon. home. Mr. and Mrs. YortV Pettise and family and Mis. Earl Jeneks and daughter, Nancy, of Barrington spent Sunday with Mrs. Agnes Jencks. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison entertained Sunday in honor of the birthdays of Chancey Harrison and his son, Frank. A picnic dinner was enjoyed on ihe lawn. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Smith and son, Frank, of Pistakee Bay, Mr. and Mrs^ Henry Marlowe and famU^ and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Donahue and family of Huntley, Mr. ^knd Mrs. Dc-nald Brenner and family of Ailington Heights, Glen Wattles, and Howard Wattles and son, Donald, of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan entertained Sunday at a partyhonoring her sister, Kathleen Ackerman, who will become the bride of Roger JJauman on June 2°. Attending were Mr. and Mr*. Samuelson, Mrsx^ Bauman and son, Roger, of HarVard, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ackeipian, daughters, Doreen and Kathleen, and son, Leonard, and Phyllis Bruce of Poplar Grove{ Marvin Ackerman and Joyce Stover of Elburn, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Decker of Marengo, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Wagner, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ackerman of Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wagnei and family, Mr.' and Mrs. Charles Ackerman and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ackerman and family. Mrs. John Hogan and Mrs. Paul Zink took the latter's baby to Wesley Memorial hospital, Chicago, last Thursday, whei e the infantv^vill undergo surgery. Mrs. John Hogan and Mrs. Allen Wagfter drove to Champaign last Saturday to visit the former's daughter. Charlotte, at the University of Illinois, before she left for Estes Park, Oolo., where sher will be employed for the summer. Th**"mfant son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ackerman who passed awaj^ three hours after birth, was miried Monday afternoon at Poplar^-^Grove. Attending the lites were M^s. Allen Wagner, Mrs. John Hogaft, -Mrs. Howard Wagner, Mrs. Claybsm Bruce, Mr. and Mrs. Charles AClterman, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ackerman ahd Mr and Mis. Gene Acker man, • , LAST ROUND-UP Th last wild horse round-up in North Dakota took place May 1. This round-up was for the purpose of cleaning up wild horses running in the Theodore Roosevelt national park and adjoining badland areas. The mavericks undoubtedly wound up at packing plants, thus virtually terminating a business which down through the centuries had a great deal to do with man's well being. ' • * ¥ "r-v' A'.•: THE tacHfeNBT WAtifeEXLfcn Springfield, 111.--Distribution of safety pledge stickers to Illinois motorists was begun by state highway police as another step in Gov. William G. Stratton's campaign of safety education for motorists. A state policeman is shown affixing the sticker which pledges the motorist to "drive with courtesy and safety#^ Inset is a closeup view of the front side of the sticker, which is in •ihe/ form of a gold-colored six-pointed star, ; •• DDR--Stat* •/ Illinois It P&ys to Advertise In Tke McHenry Plaindealq lTscrifilion jc/ Pliarm.insls THE TOWER GRILL ON ROITTE 120 AT LAKEMOOK "OPEN EVERY DAY FROM 10:00 A.M. TO 2:00 AJVI Chicken - Steaks - Shrimps - Seafood Specials and Sandwiches Full Fountain Service FOR CAHRY OUTS PHONE McHENRY 161 Large parking area reserved for our patrons Special Menu We Are In Tli Process Of Installing A Charcoal Bar-B-Que Rotisserie For Hickory Smoked Ribs And Chickens. . • . . can you count the f a c t o r s e n t e r i n g into your p r e s c r i p t i o n . Pharmacy deals with a multitude of details, and the many thousands of items in your pharmacist's stock prove the point. Your prescription specifies drugs, amount, strength, size, and dosage. Add to these the order'of mixing, compatabilities, .and hundreds of procedures and diversities within the knowledge of your pharmacist. They multiply the selective factor of medicines, and establish pharmacy as a most complex profession. All of these skills are employed to serve you when we fill your prescription. BOLGER'S Its So. Cireen St. F»*fne 40 McHenry, m. It's a BUICK.! It!* a \ » ! Il* oiik $. 2266 88 TAKE heart, food friend--you can buy a hit-of-the-year Buick if you can aflord any new car. And we proudly show our price here to prove it. For this price is the delivered price--the local delivered price--of the new Buick SPECIAL 2-door, 6-passenger Sedan--and it's just a few dollars away from those of the so-called "low-price three"--lower, in fact, than even some models of those very same cars. But look what this Buick price gets you! It gets you the very took of tomorrow in styling modernity, even to the spectacular new panoramic windshield that seems* tooutdate everything before it. It gets you Buick V8 power--highest in SPECIAL history -- plus the. economy of new Power-Head Pistons. It gets you Buick room, Buick luxury, Buick size and structure and solidity-- including of course, the famed Million Dollar Ride and a new precision in handling ease. It gets you, too, solid and deep-down value. . For any way you look at it, you're money ahead with the car that's years-ahead now in looks and line and the lift of its power --and the car that's outselling every other ear in America except two of the "low-price three." Drop in today or the first thing tomorrow ^-just to try and to drive and to compare a new Buick. We'll let the car prove its points. DELIVERED LOCALLY! 1954 SPECIAL 2-DOOR, 6-PASSENGER SEDAN, MODEL 48D (illustrated) *OpHonc! rr- 'p-or.t, ccce:"~r •"< stale and locdl taxes, if any, additional. Prices moy vary sightly in adjoining communities due to shipping charges. A(i prices subject to change without notice. Even the factory-installed extras you. moy wqnt are bargains, such as: heoter&defaoster...only $81.70. fio icondef Buick Sales are Soaring! WHIN UTTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT BUICK Will BUILD THKM R. I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES 403 FRONT STREET PHONE 6, McHENRY. ILLINOIS Our Display at the Auto Show Friday, June 18th Twice Told Tales ^.r.tr4^7.rAnr.r^nrAr^r^r^r^r2rjru Twenty-Five Years Ago * Work was slarted Monday morning on what promises to be McHenry's newest and largest subdivision, to be known as McHenry's "Venetian Gardens." Modern improvements including electric lights, water and sewerage will be extended to these lots w'.iere residnts will have all the pleasures of a summer home, at the same time being in close proximity to the business section of our busy city. Master Dean McCracken, son of the Li. G. McCrackens, entertained several little friends at a birthday party Tuesday afternoon. Several invitations were issued but for various reasons some of the little guests were unable to come. Those present nr.c Barbara Carey, Joan fteihansperger and Andy Briekson. The St. Rose Young Ladies' society of ist. Alphonsus church of New Munster, Wis., will present "Little Miss Jack" at the | parish hall in Johnsburg June 24. j , Graduating exercises of St. j Mary's school took place at, the | high school auuTtorium Thursday | evening, June 13. The' class roll | included Roy Blake, Milton Bre- I feld, Robert Frisby, John Herdrich, George Larkin. Carl Rothermel, Mary Althoff, Olga Brefe! d, Louise Dateiel, Rita Freund, Evelyn Freund, Eileen Leonard, Genevieve Freund, Dorothy Leonard, Marie Miller. Eunice M4§* shall, Evelyn Smith, Lucille Stdk fesaad Eleanore Sutton. Kuui Pomltry The comparative standing at the poultry industry In relation to other leading farm enterprises hi Kansas was fourth in 1948. Wheat was first, cattle and calves secood, dairy products third, and hogi fifth. DRUG STORE ^ - S"5? ^mp i mrnrnrnammmmmmmmm ~~~ * ^ LOCKED OUT? Always Carry % Extra Keys ^5^ Ben Franklin On Green Street McHenry, IM. Ready Mixed [r9 Concrete fu Right ^*or The Road Our mixed-to-order concrete is RIGHT for that road you're planning. Eliminate high labor costs . . . get the best results ... save .time. Call m " McHenry Sand & Gravel Co. "RADIO DISPATCHED" PHONE 920 fire stone v v* i J u |y. *4-- # 1 TIRE FAMOUS FIRESTONE DELUXE CHAMPIONS Used As Original Equipment On America's Finest Cars BUY 1st TIRE AT j REgTnO TRADE-IN |f PRICE OF $20.60 GET 2nd TIRE FOR.. . m • 6.00-16 Plus Tax Mid ytwr present tint H they are recappable All Sizes Black and White Sidewalls SAl£-PRtC£D! BLACK SIDEWALLS WHITE SIDEWALLS SIZE tIG. NO TRADI-IN PRICE 1»t TIM ¥* 6.00-16 6.70 J 5 j 6.40-15 7.10-15 j 6.50-16 J 7.60-15 j 8.00-15 8.20-15 I 20.60 22.60 21.55 25.05 25.40 27.40 30.10 31.40 GIT 2nd TIRf FOR SIZE I RIG. NO TRAM-IN , PRICE lit TIRE 10.30* 11.30* 10.78* 12.53* 12.70* 13.70* 15.05* 15.70* 6.00-16 6.70-15 6.40-15 7.10-15 6.50-16 7.60-15 8.00-15 8.20-15 25.25 27.70 26.40 30.70 31.10 33.55 36.85 38.45 GET M mi roR 12.63* 13.85* 13.20* 15.35* 15.55* 16.78* 18.43* 19.23* 'Pl«l To* and your pr.s.nl tires if tH«y or* rKoppabii * Mm TM WE HAVE a / BATTERIES CARS and TRUCKS Up To $5.00 Trade For Your Old Battery FOR ALL MAKES McHENRY TIRE MART WALT FREUND and BOB THURLWELL, Props. 526 Main Street Phone: 294 or 295-J McHenry, QL