Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Jul 1954, p. 16

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Thursday, July I. 19&I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnniuiiiiiiinmmiiiiwiiiiiiiiiiumfliii r-'i ;1: Wonder Lake News By Vanesse Sells Two Slightly Hurt I ent included Mai ie Bendl, Betty Two Wonder ^Lake boys were! Vacula. Kathryn Vacula, Marge .r * ' Slightly injured in two separate PiGrazi;), Maige Anderson. Mary $ne-car crashes over the week-, Gnadt, Helen Caley, Ann Hughes fend. Jerry Cristy, 19, son of Mr. | and Frieda McCaffei ty. tmd Mrs. Kenneth Cristy, went I Each of the guests was given £o sleep at the wheel of his car L pair of earrings by Bob Street, Sunday morning and ran into a j brother-in-law to Anne, and each bridge abutment. The car then; received a corsage from the • Jslunged into a creek. The acci- | guest of honor. Cent happened on the Ringwood j The guests presented Anne blacktop road one-half mile south j witjj a rocking chair and ex- Of Ringwood. Jerry received mi-! p, csscd the hope that she w.ould tior injuries and the car was onj0y twenty-six more joyous 'Damaged to the : extent of about j years, $800. | following the steak dinner, Donald Audirio, 18, son Of Mr. the guests played cards and find Mrs. Anthony Audino of ~Qther games. Later they played Indian Ridge, received minor injuries Friday night when his car overturned several times on the McCullom Lake blacktop road. Audino told state police that another car had forced him off the road. Audino and a companion, Roberta Stoller, 17. McHenry, were taken to Memorial hospital at Woodstock for treatment. Last November Donald ivas severely injured when the car *>e was riding in overturned on the old Elgin road south of Mc- Henry. He was hospitalized for several weeks at that time. games at Millie's Pizza Parlor on, the west, side of the lake. Returns To Navy Henry Cross, Jr., who has been home on emergency leave from Navy duty since his fathei's recent death, left Tuesday for Norfolk, Va., to await the return of his ship. Henry has four months left to serve in the Navy. His wife will remain in McHenry. Return From Trip Mr. and M:s. Ben Redman of Deep Spring Woods have returned from a trip to Chemung Lake, Mich. They also visited Lincoln Park, Mich., where they attended the graduation of a niece. Register For Program Children of Wonder Lake Were registered Monday for the water safety program sponsored by»the American Red Cross. John Proudfit is the instructor for the swimming courses, which are open to any person above the age of 6, and life guards are Ragni Hiscox and Carl Robertson. Swimming and water safety will be taught Monday through Friday from 1 until 3 o'clock, at Deep Spring No. 1 beaeh and at Wonder Woods No. 4 beach. Visit Son At Camp Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Dombush are on a motoring tiip which includes a visit to Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., where their son Clayton, is in training. They also plan to drive to Kansas, Oklahoma and Colorado before returning to Wonder Lake. Dornbush is on vacation from his employment at Woodstock; Mrs. Dornbush is the nurse for Dr. J. F. Harris at Richmond. on the "topic, "The Gift of Christ," also to the evening evangel at 7:30. In the afternoon at> 3 o'clock, we conduct our monthly twice at Christian Haven. Lose Parents k Two Wonder Lake residents lost a parent this past week. The mother of Mrs. Betty Selsdorf of Indian Ridge died in a Chicago hospital after aij illness of about three weeks. She was Mrs. Mary Armamentis, formerly a resident of Wonder Lake. A 'widow. Mrs. Armamentis is survived by a son, as well as by Mrs. Selsdorf, and by four grandchildren. She was 79. The father of Mrs. Fern Paetow of Hickory Falls died suddenly of a heart attack at his home in Port Arthur, Texas, where he was the postmaster. He was J. C. Toups. 55, a veteran of W^rld War 71. Mrs. Paetow flew from Chicago Saturday to attend the funeral.^ She will return after the July 4 holiday. Mr. Toups is survived by two daughters and a son, his widow, five grandchildren ;and his mother. COUNTY RESIDENTS PURCHASED $178,177 IN E AND H BONDS Nativity Lutheran Church There are two services on Sunday mornings, one at 8 o'clock and the second at 10:45. On July 4, the sermon will be preached by the Rev. Dr. Roger O. Kaufman, pastor emeritus of t, Grace Lutheran church in Wood- 5$I stock. He will preach at 'both services. Dr. Kaufman will be remembered as being instrumental in the organization of the Nativity church and he conducted its fit st service in Harrison sc>ool. The women of Nativity church will meet Tuesday, July €, at 8 prn. The program will include movies, discussions and talks built around the home and child development. Wedding Anniversary Mr. snd Mrs. Ha:ley Street of Lookout Point, owners of the Hickory Falls gas station, celebrated their twenty-sixth wedding anniversary on June 15. On that day. Mrs. Anne Street invited a few friends to the Mill Inn for dinner. The guests pres- Reports Burglary Marie Staska, who has a cottage just above the Hickory Nut stand in Hickory Falls, repoited to police that the cottage had beeri broken into and a number of valuables had been stolen. Deputy Sheriffs Henry Nulle, Jr., and Melvin Griebel investigated and found that' entry had been gained by a window, which had been broken. Among the things listed as stolen were several lamps, an antique cldfck. two saws, a .22 calibre rifle, two blankets, three bedspreads, and two bathing suits. The itenis were valued at 5155. ' Mrs. • Staska told police that the cottage had been closed from June 1 to June 26. Gospel Church News The vacation Bible school closed on Sunday evening, June 20, \7tth a very wonderful program given by the children, when prizes were also awarded for oerfect attendance and for children brought in during the week. Again our chapel proved altogether too small to properly accommodate those who wanted to come. The school proved to be one of the very best in our history. Total enrollment was 110. MUch credit is due to the superintendent, Mrs. Richard Oldson, and that fine and efficient staff of teachers and workers. Also to the parents who cooperated so splendidly. For next Sunday, July 4, we extend a most cordial invitation to all, young and old, to our Sunday Bible school at 10 a.m.; to our morning worship service at 11 o'clock, the pastor preaching Residents of McHenry county purchased a total of $178,177 in Series E and H United States savings bones :n the month of May, 1954, according to figures received from the TYeasury department by Harold J. Bacon of Crystal Lake, volunteer savings bonds chairman in the county. Sales of Series E and H bonds in the state of Illinois totalled $34,187,173, an increase of 9 per cent over sales for May, 1953, according to word received from T. Merle Paul, state di:ector of the Illinois savings bonds division. H bond sales <n the state were $8,124,000 as compared to sales of $3,926,500 in the same month last year. In the first five months of this year, 44:9 per cent of the annual quota for the state I1 as been attained and sales in Illinois for. May repre^ sent 9..4. per cent of all bonds sold in the nation. Lightning without rain is likely to be more dangerous than with rain. * % * ' Ji* K • 1newer wafehsigre but YOU have. <f VM may be proud of what you get away with, too. But isn't it kind of foolish pride to boast about going through stop signs? Honestly, now, aren't they there to protect you--and the other guy, too? Why not be grown-up, and... ; NAW. I JUST THROW EMAWAV AfTlfi DO V0U Fill V0UR tcvrriM? FIM6ERNAIIS t Johnnie Weissmuller at one time held every free-style swimming record. Worwick'g McHenry Camera Canter Cameras, Photographic Equipment Amateur and Professional Bought, Sold and Exchanged, Photo Supplies VIEW MASTERS and REELS See Us Before You Buy I Worwick's Studio 117 N. Riverside Drive PHONE MCHENRY 275 Busmen and Service Directory of Spring Grove By Mrs. Charles Freund «UllltlllllllHlllllllllllllllllllftllllitlllllllllllllllllllllltlllU ALL PHASE Plumbing Sets the Pace TO SAVE OU MONEY WITH THE m DISHMASTER Push Button Dishwasher Completely Installed only $55.00 Phone WX. 8651 New Horizons in Building. & 53Ss*S»' UNI-HARVESTOR You cut your equipment costs ... you harvest your crops at lower cost than ever before with the new MM UNI-HARVESTOR. Think of it, a self-propelled combine, a Self-propelled picker-husker and a Mu-propelled picker-sheller on one power source, the MM UNITRACTOK. It's tomorrow's farm equipment built for fanning today. A PICKER-HUSKER, the UNI-HUSKOR gives you all the advanced, big-capaciiy, crop-saving advantages that have made MM HUSKORS first choice on thousands of farms. Easily converts to a UNI-PICKIR-SHELLER or a UNI-COMBINE. The Uni-Combine attachment offers features that have made MM HARVESTORS sellouts year after year. Add this to the power-packed MM UNI-TRACTOR and you too will see at once why more and more ?1.(?4crn ^arTncrs demanding the new \MM UNI-HARVESTOR. NEW UNI-PICKER-SHELLER unit means reduced handling costs on your picking and shelling operation. Here's a unit that gets both jqhs done fast and well ALL AT THE SAME TIME. Come in soon! We have the facts that will show you how the MM UNI-HARVESTOR can save you time and OB YOUR farm. Cristy and Stendebach GENERAL CONTRACTORS Phone Wonder Lake 5402 -- 2464 -- 5301 WONDER LAKE BUILDERS SUPPLY Free Estimates it Delivery Phone wx. y3i See your frhndly MM Safes and Service Deafer Fincutter's Garage a t - W Virgil's AUTO REPAIR "AUTOMOBILE WRECK REBUILDING" Frame - Alignment - Painting At Wonder Lake 1 Mile North of Route 120 on Wonder Lake Blacktop Road Phone W.L. S381 - Nite Phone 41»t T. P. MATHEWS REAL ESTATE INSURANCE of All Kind* e • WONDER LAKE 3061 SANITARY SERVICE Pumping and Cleaning • Complete Septic Systems Installed L. PERRIN Phone Wonder Lake 5672 or 3013 WlDEN'S Standard Service Washing Greasing Wonder C®n|§r Phone W. L. S24I . 0 GRAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS Plans were discussed at the j regular June meeting of the j Christian Mothers sodality for their annual chicken dinner on July 18 at St. Peter's church hall. A report on the success of the bake sale of May 30 was given.. After the meeting, there were-cards and bunco and prizes went to Mrs. Gertie Aylward, Mrs. Eva Freund, Mrs. Mayme Tinney, Mrs. Mary Smith, Mrs. Emma Kattner and Mrs. Frances Widhalm. A lovely lunch was served after cards. Happy anniversaries for the week of June 20 go to Mr. and Mrs. Bob Oxtoby, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Olson, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Kappie and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown. The Birthday clufb met with Mrs. Van Every in Richmond last week. The afternoon was spent at cards and prizes went to M:s. Lizzie Freund, Mis. E. TRY . ... ftJMPERNICKLE Breads in Loaves and Thin Slices . . . These are made from the Old Original GERMAN RECIPE and you will like its Flavor. Get It At Your Grocers TODAY! Harms, Mrs. Frank May, Mrs. Chester Stevens and Mrs.- Beulah Karls. The serving of a delicious lunch completed the party. Mrs. Charles Freund and daughter, Charlotte, and Mrs. Earl Olson and daughter, Judy, enjoyed seeing "Oklahoma" at the Music theatre in Skokie Monday night. ' Tom McNally Is a patient in Oak Park hospital. Word has been received that he is improving and feeling much' better at this time. Members of her club met at the home of Mrs. L. L. Kagan on Thursday evening. Games of five-hundred were played and prizes went to Mrs. Marie Lewis, Mrs. Regina Schaefer and Mrs. Eva Freund. A delicious supper was served to the guests. Mrs. Tom McNally and Mrs. Charles Freund spent a Day of Recollection at Our Lady of Perpetual Help church in Glenview on Tuesday. 3*he Earl "Moon" Olson family have moved to their new home just completed from the flat in the Laura Kutish building. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Britz and family have moved into the Albert Britz house. According to • the plftA, the Tower of Babel was to be high enough to reach Heaven. Work on the Panama Canal was started by the French In j The subway in Paris is called { the Metro. * -*4"M I •i'l'H'-M MM H Save More By Shopping At Home FRESH CANDY HEADQUARTERS! Oor Whitman's refrigerator gives you kitchen-fresh candy all year 'round... Msomt today I MA ?)£ fR(^ f&« i&- CHOCOLATES BOLGER'S DRUG STORE 103 S. GREEN STREET PHONE 40 McHENRY, ILL. Street's Hickory Falls Phillips "66" Service Station • Washing • Greasing • Tires • Batteries One block So. of Ringwood Road on Blacktop - North-end of Wonder Lake . . . Phone Wonder Lake 8631 If you have news items of interest to your neighbors in Wonder Lake, please contact your correspondent, Van Sells, at Wonder Lake 2933. KNOCKABOUTS or HOBBY JEANS In new weaves and denims. $4.95 COOL SLACKS Rayons -- Dacron Blends in colorful solid or fleck weaves. $6.95 & up GAUCHO T SHIRTS Terry Cloth -- Interlock Knits and Celanese In a wide selection of colors. $2.95 to $5.95 Crew Neck T Shirts $11*33.95 SPORT SHIRTS Cool numbers with short sleeves. See them in a large assortment of colors and patterns. $2.95 to $8.95 SWIM TRUNKS Famous Jantzen Make, boxers or close-fitting models. $2.95 ig $6.95 KEDS BOOSTER OXFORDS f>lip-ons or lace models. « . $5£5 BRAIDED BELTS Comfortable stretch elastic Solid colors and fancy, $2.50 Other Belts -- $1 to $10 WALKING SHORTS in fleck weaves, denims and poplin weaves. |ft.95 to $5.95 STRAW CAPS $2.50 SPORT CAPS l $1 to $2.95 McGEE'S Store for Men It? & Green Street Phone 47 . STORE HOURS: Open Brery Day from 8 A. M. to « P. M. Friday NiW '111 » p. jM. -- Sunday Morning from 9 A. M. 'tft 12 Noon

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