Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Jul 1954, p. 6

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\-'rl;::^]^%v'::":°'^ •V1:.' • • V..: ^C'"' "'" \ v"~ • .. ' , '* • ••- • : ' V . •• THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER • r< .*u. ' . . • - i ' / • * - * », *r / •<* - • v , r ; : ' - " - ' v : ; v - v^i ""fii: ";^""""" f",i" '1111 •'» ***** - WANT ADS PROVE RING 3.400 DOOR BELLS FOB $1X0 WITH A PLAINDEALER WANT AD my-vt- ' ^ '•* : 'O 'OI.II' I MMMMMTRNRNTRN r. July 1. 1954 MkHenry Plain&aler BUSINESS SERVICE PtlbHahed every Thursday at McHenry. 111., by the McHenry a b' Pubitehing Company, Inc. NATIONAL EDITORIAL 1 AsTbcfi^Tl.t^N hand and power lawn mower expert. Complete rebuilding and sharpening, hand mowers $3.50, power mowers $5.50 up to 21". New and used mowers and hedge trimmers. We service what we sell. For information call 1606. 50-tf W, BURFEINDT, Oen'L Manager 'WDELE FROEHLICH. Editor . •* Plalndealer Want Ads No ad counted less- than 25 words, $1.00 minimum." ,i 1 insertion .." $1.00 • i \ (Count 5 words per line) $5c service charge on all blind ctd£. Cash with order. Card of Thanks--$1.00 Minimum Want Ads close promptly at, 10 a.m. Wednesday. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY: 95c Col. Inch. -- 2 Inch Minimum. Classified Display Must include a minimum of one 18 pt. head and one 18 pt. signature, or its equivalent. 3 lines of 8 pt. allowed per Inch. j CASH WITH ORDER on following classifications: Wanted to Rent Situations Wanted Business Opportunities . *Vfci>r SUBSCRIPTION RATE In McHeary County 'l Year ... $300 {-€ Months ............. $1.75 *8 Months ..Va/.i $1.00 [• Outside McHenry^County U Year /.... $3.50 • ,Months >.... $2.00 rl Months ^r....». $1.25 4- . 1 » . , " . OARAGE OOORS WOOD SECTIONAL, Residential, Commercial or Industrial --" Standard or Specially Designed. ( KEN LEIBACH - ' Shales, Installation and Service McHenry 1187-R 14-tf H. V. Jackson Tuck Pointing, Acid Cleaning Waterproofing, Caulking' . Chimney Repair, etc. Phone McHenry 47 I'M ' . After 6 p.m. * 47-tf rRIsS \ itstuiriM? i Entered as second-olass matter At the post office at McHenry, 'DL, under the act of May 8,. 1879. EXPERT SEWING MACHINE and VACUUM CLEANER REPAIR For Sales and Service Gall Singer Sewing Machine Co. 221 Benton St., Woodstock, 294 52-tf GB8S POOLS - SBPTIC TANKS Pumped and Cleaned PHONE 1480 If no answer, call 1383-Rrl O. A. DOUGLAS Lakeland Park, Rt. 120 McHenry 6-tf Piano Tunning Repairing and Rebuilding Member of American Society of Piano Technicians. E. Zaboth Lake Zurich 5341 52tf ' AUTOMOTIVE ' EMPLACEMENT PARTS FOB j ALL CARS 5 Acoe^fdioi and Seat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY Route 129 - 1 Block East < of the River Bridge >p|en Went Days 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. • ua. to 1 pjn. H-tf Only A Short lime Left to Take Advantage of Gigantic Savings on ^Dependable Used Cars During Our i | 24th ANNIVERSARY SALE 4 ' *1- PLYMOUTH 4-Dr. Sedan (R-H) $1145.00 •8® -DODGE 4-Dr. Sedan (!« (R-H-Gyro) $1295.00 -BUICK 4-Dr. Sedan •51 (Fully Equip.-Dyna) $1195.00 • STUDEBAKER Club Sedan (R-H-O'Dr) $875.00 <80 - PLYMOUTH 4-Dr. Sedan (H-Equip.) $695.00 *5® - NASH Amb. Sedan (R-H-O'Dr) . $675.00 *0-DODGE club Sedan (R-H) $677.00 '49 - DODGE Club Coupe (R-H-Gyro) ...>$595.00 •49 - FORD V-8 Sedan (R-H) $575.00 '49 - CHEVROLET 2-Dr. Sedan (R-H) $575.00 '47 - OLDSMOBILE 4-Dr. Sedan (R-H-Hydra) $275.00 A Wide Selection of Other Makes and Models All Reconditioned and Guaranteed VICTOR Adding Machines Sales -- Service -- Rentals Beck Office Machines Your Authorized Distributor Call Elgin 1546 8 DRY WALL JOINT TAPING AND SANDING Reasonable Machine Taped and Sanded Work Guaranteed Phone 1717 after 5:00 P. M. •8-2 BUSINESS SERVICE Mike and Laveroe rerrin Sewer and Cement Contractors Dry Wells, Septic Tanks and Drainfields Installed Grade A Black Dirt : All Work Guaranteed Wonder Lake 5672 or 3013 42tf INSURE IF YOU ntm WTO TROUBLE. * WHO WILL PAY THE BILLS? It won't be i"oU if you re -Jequately protected by insurance. It costs so little to carry, may cost so much to neglect. Call us . . . NOW ! Your Authorized Distributor Call Elgin 1546 THE KENT CORP. INSURANCE & REAL ESTAfB For Over 29 Years |nsure through this agency and feel N. Riverside Dr. Phone 8 McHenry, ill ROYAL Typewriters Sales -- Service -- Rentals Beck Office Machines p NO HOCUS P0CBS HERE! ^ . Just good service, low prices /Sl - and the best in drycleaning • *• SAVE -- SAFELY Cash and Carry Cleaning McHENRY CLEANERS 2 11$ Elm Street McHeni PHONE 104-M * ' We give and redeem Gold Bond Stamps. % FOR SALE Anderson Tree Service 519 Waukegan Road McHenry, 111. Phone 724 A Complete Service MUSIC INSTRUCTION Jj> Your Own Home. , Piano and Piano Accordion Clarinet and Saxophone EARL P. KOCH Phone McHenry 1470-M FOR SALE--Best offer takes a $45 credit certificate on a new sewing machine to be purchased at Freund's Sales and Service. Call'McHenry 535-J-2. 8 FOR SALE fr-tf ATTENTION for Brides-To-Be! A complete selection of wedding announcements and invitations at Town and Country Studio, 436 N. Riverside Dr. Call 297-J. 7-3 Immediate Service on all Exterior and Interior Decorating Free Estimates FLORIAN Decorating Service PHONE 1518 7-3 ANTIQUES, MISC. ITEMS -- Clothing (good condition) for entire family. Formals. Open Tues., Thurs., Sat., 1-5 p.m., 6-9 p.m. Wed., Fri., 1-5 p.m.; Sun. 11 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Closed Mon. Mrs. R. Dietrich, Terra Cotta Consignment and Resale Shop. Phone C. L. 1346-R-l. 30 eow FOR SALE FOR SALE -v- New Correct-Craft Atom Skiers in stock. Complete $1825.00 delivered and up, including cover. McHenry Boat Co. Chuck Coles, McHenry 303. 8 WALL & FLOOR TILING Our only business - not a sideline. Prompt guaranteed work. Free Estimates. CaH Cary 6164 or Harrington 1276 2-tf PETER A. FREUND (Formerly Eddie Huff's) ^ SANITARY SERVICE ^ I clean and pump septic tanks, cesspools. Phone McHenry 1819-J residence, Fox street. 16-tf BOATS AND MOTORS FOR SALE -- Automatic defrosting for your refrigerator. Free trial in your home. Guaranteed. Carl Barnickol, McHenry 1995-J. 6-tf COLEMAN BOTTLED GAS -- Do like hundreds of housewives do, use it for cooking, baking, refrigeration and water heating. Prompt service and deliveries. Vycital's Hardware and Sheet Metal Shop. Call McHenry 98 today. » 1-tf Candid Vveudlngs rrom Home, Church and Reception KOLIN Photographers Commercial, Publicity, Sports and Photostats .'el 566-W-l McHenry, 111. 44-tf A. S. BLAKE MOTORS, Inc. . McHenry Phone 156 8 FOR SALE--'1947 Willys station •agon. Good condition. Phone 463-MX. *g Low Cost Farm Buildings Need a tool ghed, loafing barn, hog house. You can have a 30 x45' tool shed for $2,550. Save today on Doane Designed low cost barns. For further information call or write Arnold May, Richmond, 111. Office 4381 - Res. 4744. 45-tf FOR SALE--1930 Model A Ford coupe; 1 - 7.00x20 lire and wheel., Call McHenry 804-R. g- JOHNSON MOTORS New and Used -- Terras Motors and Boats Service - Refinishing and Storage BILL'S OUTBOARD MOTORS 104^4 S. Riverside Drive Phone McHenry 1076 44tl FOR SALE -- Boats and motors New and used i.^boards and out boards. Resort cedar row boats Boat kits, trailers, marine sup plies. Ed Wendt Boats and Motoi-s on U. S. Highway 12. Phone 3231 Richmond, 111. 46-tl Carter's Radio & T. V. Service Lflymoor Sub. -- Calls made at all times including, evenings, Sundays ft Holidays. All work guaranteed. Phone McH. 1385-W-l 6-tf FOR SALE -- Johnson outboard motor, 16-HP with Switzsrcraf' boat. Excellent condition. Original cost $700.00. Best offer. Johnsburg Bait Shop at bridge, Johnsburg, LI. *8 FOR SALE FQR SALE -- New and uSec' straight sewing maphine and auto matic zlg zag. Portable and con sole conversions. Repairs and sup plies for all makes. Also motoi repair. New sewing machines foi rent. To sew and save call: FREUND'S Maico Hearing Salefc and Service Ever-Ready and Mallory batteries for all makes. Loaners Available. fI Free Demonstration by appointment Mr. Peterson, skilled representative, will call at your convenience. Tel. RENA SCHEID 207 N. Green Street 125-R McHenry, III. 8 FOR SALE--Walnut bedroom set, complete with spring, mattress, dresser, 2 tables, mirror and bridge lamp, $35.00. CaU McHenry 868-W. •8 FOR SALE!--6-yr. maple crib with mattress. Call McHenry 511-M-l. 8 FOR SALE:--Used flat and found bottom boats. Call 323. 8-4 FOR SALE--Currants and gooseberries, 25c per quart. Call 656- M-l. P, Nichols, McCullom Lake. 8 FOR SALE -- Used furniture - Table and 8 chairs; several large fiber rugs; kitchen cupboard; refrigerator. Call McHenry 1982 weekends, or Wilmette 4066. 8 FOR SALE--1 6%-ft. cot with new mattress; 2 or 3 piece bedroom set. Phone McHenry 1109. 8 FOR RENT FOR RENT -- 4-rm. heated apt., 2 bedrooms; stove, refrigerator included. Also 3-rm. apt. Available Aug. 1st. Tel. McHenry 742. 8-tf FOR RENT--Lilymoor - Fritzschie Estates; 4 room ranch home, furnished, attached garage, automatic heat. $90 per month. Call 513- W-l or TUxedo 9-8722. 8 FOR RENT -- Five room (two bedrooms) heated apartment at 541 Main street. Phone Elmer W. Jensen, 1119. 8 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED FOR SALE]--Inner spring mattress for youth bed, brand new, still in wrapper. Best offer, call Woodstock 1634-J-2. 8 FOR SALE!--Davenport and chair with covers. Walnut dining room table and buffet, in good condition. Pads for table. Call 598-J-2. 8 FOR SALS--Brand new Polaroid Land Camera, developes pictures in 1 minute. Valued at $89.75, j priced at $70.00. Call 1254-M. 8 I FOR SALE--2 pedigreed A.K.C. Collie puppies, male and female, j 5 weeks old. Phohe 1038. 8 | FOR SALE--Walnut dining room i set; table, 5 chairs and server, j 6ood condition. Reasonable. Call I 779-R. " 8 I FOR SALE--2 piece living room j suite. Good condition. $60.00. Cali McHenry' 514-M-l. 8 FOR SALE--1 new 1-pc. plywood 14' fishing boat, $85.00. Walter Kieras, Fountain Lane Road, Mccui iom Lake. *8 FOR SALE--6-year size crib and •hifferobe, high chair, walker and gas space heater. Call McHenry 1588. 8 AMERICA'S GREATEST RECORD VALUE! Complete, full length 78 & 45 RPM FOR SALE--19$2 Harley Davidson motorcycle; windshield, buddy •eat, saddle bags, foot shift; vised Very little. Tel. McHenry 1488. »8 FOR SALE -- '41 Chevrolet club Ccupe, radio and heater. Fully •quipped. Excellent running condition, body in A-l shape. $175.00. Ideal for 2nd car for the wife. Phone Wonder Lake 3132. 8 BUSINESS SERVICE MACHINE TRENCHING & DIGGING Septic Systems -- Water Lines Dry Wells -- Seepage Beds WELLS DRILLED & DRIVEN GARRELTS & ROGERS Rt. 4 McHenry, 111. Phone 534-W-l or 539-R-l 42 tf Architectural Drafting Ray Ostergren e Rt. 4, Box 200, McHenry t Phone 622-J-l 6-tf Sales 8c Service Across from Hunterville Subd. McHENRY 1590 44eow FOR SALE -- TYPEWRITERS. ADDING MACHINES. Service on all makes, also ribbons for all makes, carbon paper. L. V. Kiltz. Clay St., Woodstock. Phone 649 7-ti 4 HITS ON EVERY RECORD Ben Franklin On Green Street McHENRY, ILL. New elec. tronic microg r o o v i n g g i v e t y o u t w i c e ( h e music at hall Ik price! FOR SALE--Florence 2-burner oil space heater with fan, $75; Easy Spin-Dry 2% pound apartment size washing machine, $35; Maple high chair, $3.00; 60" double drain sink with legs, $10; 3 wooden kitchen chairs" 50c each; 1 wooden old fashioned rocker, $1.00; 1 sofa bed, $20.00. Frisch, 698-J-2. 8 FOR SALE--Flat top solid walnut desk, 34" wide, 5* long, $45. Call 159 after 5:30 P. M. *8 FOR SALE--42-in. Universal gas stove (for city gas); two pair unlined maroon drapes, new; parakeet cage. Cali Wonder Lake 3622. 8 HELP WANTED -- Man for all around work, yard and porter work, full or part time. Room available if needed. Apply Town Club, 201 Riverside, phone 12. 8 Subscribe to the Plaindealer Help Wanted SECRETARY for our Enginering Dept. Shorthand St Typing essentiaL Must like detail. 5 day week. RINGWOOD CHEMICAL CORP. RINGWOOD, ILLINOIS Phone Wonder Lake 2411 8 HELP WANTED -- Sales Clerk at the McHenry Bakery, on Green street. Apply in person. 8 HELP WANTED--Woman or girl to do ironing in my home during morning hours. Will furnish transportation if noceasary. Call McHenry 804-R. 8 PURE FOR RENT FOR RENT -- Newly decorated roems. home orivileges, near depot and schools. 109 Main Street. Phone McHenry 100-R. 20-ti FOR RENT -- Nicely furnished large room in modern home. All conveniences. Located on Idyll Dell Road off Rt. 31. Call 539-J-l or 404. 8 FOR RENT--1 large light housekeeping room, private bath, private entrance on Highway 120. Lakemoor Bakery. Call 544-M-l. 8 rot WHITER, CLEANER CLOTHES... LONGER LIFE FOR FABRICS FOR RENT--1st floor apartment, automatic oil heat furnished, IV2 miles from Crystal Lake business district. Inquire at 170 N. Main street, Crystal Lake. Phone Crystal Lake 720. 8 FOR RENT--1% room apartment. Living room, private shower and bath, kitchen not complete - includes refrigerator and hot plate. Town Ciub. Call McHenry 12. Riverside Drive. *8 ANNUAL PICNIC Deep Spring Woods No. I( Wonder Lake SUNDAY, JULY 4Mi 12 Noon 'til? -- TO BE GIVEN AWAY -- INFRA-RED ROTISSERIE & BROILER WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC BLANKET FREE ENTERTAINMENT -- HOME COOKED FOOD DOOR PRIZES -- PONY RIDES ft FISH POND 1 mm® SERViSOFT SOFT WATER SERVICK on a low-cost rUftfr Stfudec 44t • WOW FOR DIMM R. O. Andrew Co. Woodstock 428 'WE SOFTEN THE WATER FOR YOU Save Up to 50% Bay Direct from Factory FIBRE GLASS AWNINGS MADE OF CORRULUX PRODUCT OF UMby-Owess-Ford Gloss Co. luratlOR IN 9UAUTYI _ Permanent color and boauty. • Pcrmltt natural light without glara. • Fire resistant. • Warp free (hot or cold weather). • Custom made on extruded aluminum frame structure. • Lasts a lifetime. • Reduces window cleaning. Protect Your Home Aqaiast All W*atlwr Conditioas! ALL AWNINGS Cmtom Bailt to Meet Yoor Requirement* FHA TERMS--UP to .3 TSARS to PAY NO MONEY DOWN Pfcona For Free Estimate COrnelia 7-4303 CALL DAT OK WIGHT American Fibre Glass Awrtinq Co. 3932 North EMon Ave. Local Representative S00 VV. Elm Street Phone McHenry 230 ilJ ll!t!l 14ilUil.lJli:illil!ri!t!UllllJ!|fHJ1lf IJlllLllllililllllil l!l!l!l Lill litlill lilllll IIJII lllil!il!l!lll!tllll!lllllllil^ Centrally Located For Quick Service FRED J. SVOBODA & SONS SEACO SALES And SERVICE Repairing -- Rewinding -- Rebuilding Electric Motors -- All Models Automotive, Generators, Starters, Armatures DAT Or NIGHT Box 416 - Lilymoor Subd. 1 PHONE 183 McHeary, Illinois niiiiiiiiiTriTn'iiriiiiiiiiiiMiiiriiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiitHi'i |HLLB D1SZ1X.ED OK DRIVEN U'ATER SYSTEMS--We sell, rejpair and Install pumps. Bill Baton, 206 Main Street, McHenry. telephone 167. ^ 16-tf John Relnboldt GWNERAL CONTRACTOR All Types Of Carpenter Work 32tf ffworly rate for jackhammer, tamper Let us do the hard Fast efficient service. May, Builder, Richmond. on •-** *m ^HimHniHuitiiitiiiiiniiitiiiiitmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHuiiiiitiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiriH 1 4 ROOM INSULATED HOME | MODERN PLUMBING -- WATER -- ELECTRIC = FORCED AIR OIL HEAT -- CONCRETE FOUNDATION = CHIMNEY-- TILE FLOORS -- RUSCO STEEL WINDOWS| COMBINATION SCREEN DOQfMI | Price $6,750.00 | $42.50 MONTHLY | INCLUDING LARGE SITE. i APPLY INFORMATION OFFICE West Shore Beach - McCullom L Just North of Route 120 on Ringwood Road lillllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIUIIIIimilllHIIIIIIIIIIli 111111111111$ ANDY PALM C H A N N O U N C E S T H E GRAND OPENING of ANDY'S RECREATION . 319 Railroad Street, Crystal Lake, HL JULY 2 - 3- 4 MUSIC -- LTOCH BEER £ WINES - LIQUORS j^LI ADVENTURES VT in GOOD EATING | Phone MB or 841 I Art and Lee's 1 Dining Room a$d I Cocktail Lounge | Catering1 to Private Parties 1 204 Riverside Drive | McHenry, I1L r Llttfe Chef Restaurant _ Bibs & Steaki PHONE 425 188 X. Riverside Drive Ben's 120 Club "The Lure of the Epicure" Choice Aged Steaks Bar-B-Que Ribs - Seafood Hot Weather Specials Tasty Sandwiches SERVED UNTIL t AM. Route 120 LUymoor Phone McHenry 597-R-l Ml-PLACE Restaurant & Tavern • Complete Dinners • Orders To Take Out • Favorite Drinks PHONE 377 121 Green St. McHemy, BL RESTAURANT OWNERS W# bare additional space in this column lor salt. PHONE 170

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