Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Jul 1954, p. 7

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Thursday, July 1, 1954 ¥HE iJeHENRY PLAINDEALER CLASSIFIED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED -- Young ladies for counter work at Skyline Drive-In. Apply at Snack Bar. 8 Help Wanted EXPERIENCED Secretary - Stenographer for busy executive. Shorthand & Typing essential. 5 day week. small office in ^ Crystal Lake Art* R«ply c/o Pfaindeafcr, Sox 472 REAL ESTATE WANTED FOR SALE -- Lot, 60x150, HuntervlUe Park subdivision. Nice location. Call McHenry 14S6-W. 5-tf WANTED--120 to 200 acre farm, must be good land. Cash buyer. Call 421-J, Knox Real Estate, 405 Richmond Road.. 8 »0B=SS!a0B0B;a;S I rjOwMrch. 8 ••i FOR SALE McHenry, 111. basemqnt, 2 -- McCuiiom Lake, 5 room house, full car garage, land | WANTED TO BUY 100x280. May be bought separ- i WANTED TO BUY -- Top price ately. Write or phone Floyd Lewis, pal<j for iron> metais and junk 711 18th St., ftorth Chicago, 111. DExter 6-3957. 52tf cars. Ed Marsh, phone McHenry 563-R-l. 33-tf FOR SALE--Waterfront house on WANTED TO BUY--Small sports- Fox river; 4 rooms, inside plumb ing, electricity, lot 100x250. Near Chapel Hill. Phone 476-J. *7-2 FOR SALE--Here is an opportunity for a "Do It Yourself" couple. A 2 bedroom, living room, bath, kitchen, large utility with all fixtures. Electric stove, water heater, pump. Half finished inside. River frontage, lot 100x125. A real | buy at $10,600. Call McHenry 1046-J after 5 P. M. k>' ' *8 HELP WANTED -- Experienced sewing machine operators. Alert young girl for shipping room. Ambitious young mas to learn trade and assist in receiving room. Also, woman for pressing. Apply Magic Slacks, 600 Main St., McHenry. 5-tf FOR SALE--8 lots on Route 120, in Lilymoor. Call EVerglade 4-3810. •" 8 Help Wanted Experienced Engine and Turret Lalte Operators TAM Corporation 405 Crystal Lak Road Telephone McHenry 1005 FOR SALE--4 room house, Indian Ridge subdv.,' in Wonder Lake. Closed in porch, combination storm windows, unfinished attic, deep well, garage. Price $7,000. Phone Woodstock 100. 8 FOR SALE--Widow must sell - 5 room year 'round home on river frontage; lot 65x200, automatic heat. 2 rooms completely furnished. Garage. A-l condition. Imm«- diate possession, $13,500. For appointment, write c/o Plaindealer, Box 471. . ' • • 8 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE -- HOMES--FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY Knox Real Estate #05 Richmond Road McflHenry, HL Pfeone: McHenry 421-J 24-tf FOR SALE -- 6 rooms, bath, utility, garage, near Johnsburg, water rights, price $7,500. Terms. For appointment call at our office in Johnsburg. JACOB FRITZ -- REALTOR Phone McHenry 87 5-tf FOR SALE 2 bedroom home; basement, oil hot air heat, solarium, tile bath, 3 years old. Price $11,500. Country Club Subdivision. New brick and lannon stone, 3 bedroom home, attached garage, utility room with Crosley automatic washer, dryer, hot water heater, electric stove. Price $14,- 500. Country Club Subdivision. 2 bedroom home, living room, kitchen, tile bath, gas heat, hot water heater, 3 years old." $9,500. # KNOX REAL ESTATE •( 4i)5 Richmond Road Phohe 421-J. 8 FOR SALE -- Store, suitable for any retail business. ye*p ce^uvl. Living quarters. Newly decorated. Call Wonder Lake 3221. 1-tf FOR SALE -- 12 acres of wooded property, 2 cottages, one, yearround cottage with knotty pine interior1. Located on Glen Lake in Marinette County, Wis. Cottages furnished including 2 boats. Excellent trout stream. Only $7,500. Write Patrick Knapp, 1724 Washington Road, Kenosha, Wis. 4-tf FOR SALE--In McHenry, 2-bedroom, brick house, 2 years old; inside city limits; large lot; gas heat; reasonably priced. Terms. Tel. McHenry 1168, owner. 8 FOR SALE -- Property ut McHenry, Wonder Lake, Island JLake and surrounding territory. Homes Cottages, Businesses and other types of real estate. 210 S. Green St. •" McHenry PHONE 1126 17tf FOR SALE--LAKE FRONTAGE ON 3 DIFFERENT LAKES in Northern Wisconsin. Excellent fishing and right in deer, partridge and duck hunting area. Some of the tracts as low as $650, with $100 down, $10 per month. Wc will £elg you buil£ a cabin ,if ^roji wish. Art Schmidt, Park Falls. Wis. 5 men 1 man sleeping trailer. Phone 813-R. *8 LOST AND FOUND LOST--Red wallet containing important papers and pictures. Lost in vicinity of McHenry Ice Cream Bar, Saturday. Please call Marian Blake, 899-J. Reward. *8 LOST -- Parakeet in Woodlawn Park, Tuesday, June 29. Call McHenry 1120-M. »8 MISCELLANEOUS CASH IN '54 You can own a Fabulous Zig-Zag Sewing Machine EARN EXTRA MONET WEAR BEAUTIFUL CLOTHES On our Evcluaive PARTY PLAN For Details, Write Dept. 16 Box 172, Harrington, I1L 7-2 KIWANIS CLUB •' V s McHenry Township j Urges You To Attend The Church Of Your Choice Every j Sunday. St. Patrick's Catholic Church Rev. Edward C. Coakley, Pastor Masses Sundays Masses: 7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:30 and 11:30. Daily Masses: 7:00 and 8:00 A.M. Holy Days: 6:00r 7*00, 8:00 and 9:00. First Fridays: Communion distributed at 6:30 and during '7:00 and 8:00 Masses. Confessions Saturdays: 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 to 8:00 pjn., and on Thursdays before First Fridays: 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. Page Seven Uncle c AVOID BEING A FOURTH OF JULY HIGHWAY CASUALTY Will you be one of the 370 Americans who will <He in highway accidents during the coming three-day July Fourth weekend? That is the number of deaths predicted by the Association of Casualty and Surety companies, whose figures for the recent Memorial Day weekend were ^grimly close to reality. At that time, 362 lost their live*. Based on the accident rates of three-day Independence Day holidays in the past, fatal accidents fall into the following six categories, which should be avoided if you want to be alive on the Fifth: Speeding is expected to kilt 1SS peripi. Excessive use of alcohol will account for 82 more. Failure to keep to the right of the centerline, 37 deaths. Failure to yield the right-of-way, 26 deaths. Over-fatigued drivers or >d?iveriii actually asleep at the wheel, 23 deaths. / \ Miscellaneous causes, Iv deaths. Club Lilymoor on Route 190 -- PRESENTS -- ALYCE JOYCE at the Hammond, Friday Nite and Sunday Starting at 4 P. M. Saturday Nite Feature 'The Golden Tones' DELTOX RUGS America's smart low priced rugs, made to order. 9x12 -- $21.95 NIESEN'S 5 to $1.00 STORE 523 Main St. Phone 38 McHenry, 111. 8 FOR SALE--2 lots; 80x130, With 10 large fruit trees. In beautifu Country Club Subdivision. Call McHenry 42. 8 FOR SALE - In Orchard Beach, permanent 5 room home, fully insulated, v carpeted, gas heat water softener, new double garage, outside fireplace, school bus to door. K. G. Voss, 20 Orchard Beach. 8 SITUATION WANTED SITUATION WANTED -- Would like 3 or 4 lawns to cut weekly. Have own power mower. Call 545-W-l after 5 p.m. 7-2 SITUATION WANTED -- Carpenter work, cement work of all kinds, including cement blocks Basements dug by hand. Phone Wonder Lake 3934. *8 Advertise In The Plaindealer Lfff Take advantage of the long Independence Day Weekend to get the outside of your home painted -- you'll be better satisfied if you use only Quality Paint such as . . From $449 gal, % up • DUTCH BOY • O'BRIEN'S • GUDDEN'S • BRUSHON CLOSED MONDAY. JULY 5th * Opdn All Day Wednsdays and Sunday Mornings. Main Paint Center lit Main St. PHONE 1115 McHenry, HL TOYLAND NURSERY By Hour, Day or Week Special Rates - Reliable Care Will pick up and deliver children within a radius of 5 miles. Call McHenry 596-J-2 8-fS Come One! Come All! to the Creamery Tavern Burton's Bridge, Rt. 176 JULY 5th FOR FUN and FROLIC Phone Crystal Lake 825 8 St. Mary's Catholic Church Msgr. C. S. Nix, Pastbr Masses . v: Sunday: 7:00, 8:30, *nd 11:30. Holy Days: 6:00, 8:00 and 10:00 Week Days: 6:45 and 8:00. First Friday: 6:30 and 8:00. Confessions Saturdays: 3:0o p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Thursday before First Friday: After 8:00 Mass on Thursday; 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. St. Peter's Catholic dwell Spring Grove Rev. John L. Daleiden, Pastor Masses Sunday: 6:30, 8:00, 10:00 and 11:15. Holy Days: 6:30 and 9:00. Weekdays: 8:00. , First Friday: 8:00. Confessions Saturdays: 2:30 and 7:15. Thursday before First Friday, 2:30 and 7:16. > *' Official Board meets Second Wednesday of month', 8:00 p.m. Choir Rehearsal* 7:30 Tuesdays : • . . ; ; v Organizations ;..Vv Junior High Group, 7:00 p.m., Sundays (j Sen|or High SGroup, 7:30 p.m., Sundays I Young Adult Fellowship, 8:00 p.m. First Sunday of month Women's Society monthly meeting, Third Tuesday of1 month at 1:00 p.m. A cordial invitation is extended to you and your family to come for worship and fellowship with us. McHenry Bible Church Rt. 120, Lakemoor Donald G. Liberty, Pastor Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Worship Service: lliOO a.m. Evangelistic Service: 8:00 p.m. Wednesday: Prayer Meeting, 8 p.m. For other information, write P O. Box 232, McHenry, 111., or oall the R. W. Brooks home, McHenry 601-J-2. "You're Always Welcome Here." Fish Fry Every Friday Night Pizza, Friday and Saturday night "Alibi", Gus's Place 180 S. Green St. 37tf Seven U.S. vice-presidents have succeeded to the presidency because of vacancy in the office. Experts speak of skis as "hickory." St. Joseph's Church Richmond, III. Rev. Fr. Frank Miller, Pastpr Sunday Masses: 8:00 and 10:00. Daily Mass: 8:00. Holy Days: 7:00 and 9:00. St. John's Catholic Church » v*- k* --Jobosburg, I1L . Rev. Joseph M. Blitsch, Pastor Masses Sunday: 7:00, 8:00, 9:00 and 10:00. Holy Days: 7:00 and 9:00. Thursday fesfora First Friday: 2:30 and 7:30. Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church The Church of the Lutheran Hour 408 John St., W. McHenry, 111. Rev. Carl A. Lobitz, Pastor Sunday School: 9:00 a.m. Service: 10:15 a.m. You are cordially invited to attend our services. Community Methodist Church of McHenry Main and Center Streets J. Elliott Corbett, Pastor Services -- Morning Worship: 8:00 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. (Nursery for children during second service) Sunday School: 9:15 a.m. $tu/y WGVIC-BIXG The PICNIC-KING combines the beauty of wood wit the strength of sieel. Strong wood plauk tops anu bench seats, supported by genuine high tensile rait steel ribs and cross members. AH steel parts are finished in attractive, rust-resistant forest green, and ail screws and bolts are plated for weather protection. The handsome tables are built for years of tou"h usage, and here is another exclusive feature: * CAN BE DISASSEMBLED FOR EASY, COMPACT, WINTER STORAGE The PICNIC-KING ends the winter storage problem* Can be quickly disassembled for storing in garage or basement, or can be reassembled in your game room or basement for winter use. 6 FOOT TABLE Furnished Complete with all Lumber Pre-Cut . *19« ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. 547 MAIN ST. McHENRY, ILL. PHONE 1424 Wonder Luce Gospel Church (Nolnsectarlan) Frank W. Anderson, Pastor Services Sunday Bible School: 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship: 11:00 a.m. Sunday Evening Service: 7:45 p.m. Prayer meeting Thursday, 8:00 pjn; Bring the family with you to Sunday School and Worship Services. There is a place and a welcome for everyone. , Nativity Evangelical Lutheran Church Wonder Lake, Illinois Burton W. Schroeder, Pastor Sunday morning Worship Service 10:45. Sunday School: 9:30 Choir practice: Junior Choir: 10:00 a.m. on Saturday Senior Choir: 7:30 pjn. on Thursday A nursery is provided during the Sunday morning worship service. All are welcome to the church "Where you are a stranger only once." Rlngwood Methodist Church Ringwood, 111. Rev. Darrell D. Sample, Pastor Sunday: Public Worship, 9:30 Church School: 10:30 Choir Rehearsals: Wednesday evening. LEGALS NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of WILLIAM K. WRIGHT, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons that August 2nd, 1954, is the claim date in the estate of WILLIAM K. WRIGHT, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of sum mons. MBLVINA KNACKSTEDT, Executrix JOSEPH X. WAYNNE and L. S. GIBSON, Attorneys. (Pub. June 24 - July 1-8) IfOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of DANIEL T. COONEY, Deceased. .Notice is hereby given to all persons that August 2, 1954, is the claim date in the estate of DANIEL T. COONEY, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. • MARTIN COONEY, ? Administrator. VERNON KNOX Lawyer Crystal Lake, Illinois. (Pub. June 24 • July !••) NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of BERTHA S. STAACKE, Deceased. Notice is hereiby given to all persons that August t, 1964, is the claim date in the estate of BERTHA S. STAACKE, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. "" MARY CATHERINE USEMAN, Executrix LOOZE and KINNE Attorneys McIIenry, Illinois. (Pub. June 24 - July 1-8) If you threaten to strike a person, you are guilty of simple assault. PRE - FOURTH SALE WADING POOLS THURS - FRI - SAT & Reg. Price $3.00 $5.00 . $8.00 $10.00 $12.00 Size 38" 50" 48" 60" 60" $15.00* 72' Gal. Safe Price 20 $2.66 # $4.44 40.............. $6.88 100............. $8.88 125...... $9.88 155 $1238 $20.00* 84"....... 200.. $16.88 $30.00* 84" 325 $24.88 $50.00* $100.00* . .... $175.Q0* . - 102" 630 $39.88 144" 1600 $79.88 l&it. .5500 .$149.88 * 3 Days Required to fill order,' Buy All Your Water Toy» «t . . . BEN FRANKLIN on South Green Street Some fellers who won't hack up git run over. • • • One way for a feller to ^be boss at home is to send the wife and kids away on vacation. • » • It seems that all the fellers we'd like to poke in the nose •re bigger than we are. » • • • It seems like the door of portunity is always slammed m our face., • • • . Every politician clabM to be , the people's choice. The preacher heard 'what Tobe Hinch was sayin' ytste* day while he was fhangW % tire. • • • Rklge Corners was dark last night as Junior Hinch got his kite string tangled up in the light wires yesterday. • • • Since that good lookin' paper hanger come to Ridge Cornet# he's gittin' a lot of free dinners. ^ * * S ' The feller who dont know where his_ Money goes aitft married^ --REV. CHARLEY GRAM* GROSS WORB ACROSS 1. Stop 6. Church 9. Rodent 12. Great lak* IS. Implement 14. Self 15. Sneen 17. Window door 19. ParsonaM 20. Belief 21. Vender 23. T*ke an attitude 26. Printing meaaurt 28. Father 29. More uncommon 30. Animal fat S3. Lamprey catcher! . 34. Lifht part of milk 35. Upper limb 86. French conjunction 37. Lead 38. Exposing to air 41. Darlings 43. Parta of ahoea 46.Cut out pattern 48. Shop 49. By 50. Part of foot 52. Facility 53. Affirmative word 54. Essential being 55. Part of plant DOWN Boat steering wheel 2. Region 3. Legal clatma 4. Concise 5. Near 6. Put in pots i 7. More painful 8. Ardor 9' Bring back 10. Past 11. Male cat 16. Rarely , 14 Country between Tibet and India «. Edict U. Dry 25. Formerly . 26. Engrave 27. Female " 29. Negligent SI. Conductors 32. Burdened S3. Make a mistake S5. Passageways •89. Short letters 40. Exhibit evil pleasure 42. Pain 44. Gaelic ; 45. Appear tS lM ! 48. Emissary 47. Coif mound 61. French article Solution F- H--5* THE McHenry State Bank WILL'ftff \ CLOSED Monday, J u ly 5tfT" and Will Be OPEN For Business On ~ Wednesday, July 7th 3' Vt .**«;•«? .i* Farmers r; M. FLEMING 8c SON JILUS CHALMERS VEW IDEA -- PAI*EO DIIALER TRACTORS SALES & SERVICE A Complete Farm Implement Service. PHONE McHENRY S3 522 Waukegan Road HOGS WANTED -- All classes and weight for highest net return. Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Marengo Dally Hog Market, phone Marengo 262. 50tf Dead Animal Removal WHEELING RENDERING WORKS Be Legal, Keep a Clear Conscience Prompt Service, Day or Night Sundays and Holidays' No help needed to load. Operating under State Inspection Made by Dept. of Agriculture. Highest Cash Prices Paid. Phone Wheeling 3, collect. 45-tf GEO. P. FREUND Authorized Dealer for SALES & SERVICE Farm Implements and Tractors Universal Milkers New Holland Farm Macfciaerjr PHONE McHENRY 4.'0 501 Crystal Lake Road For top prices on Down or Crippled cattle, call L. B. Products, Marengo 907, collect. „ 2-tf McHENWY'^ EQUIPMEJ^ wm SALES & 11 VICE GUS FREUND PHONE McHENRY 186 80S W. Elm St. (Basemrqftl VI*: FOR SALE--Forty acres standing hay. Reasonable. Call Wauconda 4117 or 4041. *• FOR SALE -- All is Chalmers 40 All Crop, used 2 seasons. Fincutter's Garage, Grayslake, I1L 8 McHENRY COUNTY FARMERS CO-OP ASSK, Dough Boy Ful-0-Pej> • Lane* Poultry & Dairy Fm& PHONE McHENRY 780 539 Waukegan Road WANTED -- Down and crippled cattle at better cash prices. Ofville Krohn. Woodstock. Phm* 1051-R-l, collect *15-tf McHENRY MILLS. Inc. 51 a ilMA Poaitrv. Hog & Cattle Pee^S^i v PHONE McHENRY 111 j . . #0i Cryatal Uto ' i , - '

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