T««HAt ' • " •>'. ' THE McHENRY PtADfDEALER tfiOT? N\ C *" ;• iV *v ' ' ' \ ^ * > • ' . < ' " • " * ' ' / . < ' ' 3 • ' * - -<%" . July? 15» 1954 RINGWOOD By hits. George Shepard Mr. and Mr*. Louis Hawlev en-! scheffei t and children of Hen- . tertained their five hundred clublning. Minn. The four brothers at their home Tuesday evening, were Mv. and Mrs. Henry Woh* ** Pilzrs were awarded to Mrs. leit of. McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. c" Kenneth CriPty and Ben Walk- Alfred Wohlert and daughters. *' 'falgton. high, and Mrs. B. T. r carol and Marleen, of New York *"." j|utler and Pete Sebastian, low. j Mills. Minr... Mr. and Mrs. Her- *Mvs. Ben Walkington ente:-; ftian Wohlert and children of tained the women's five hundred * Wadena. Minn., and Mr. and Olub at her home VVednes- Mrs. Clarence Wohlert and fami- ' 4ay x 1 o'clock cessert luncheon ly of Ringwood. * "Was served.^Prizes were awarded: Mrs. B. T. Butler and Mrs. • to Mrs. Viola Low and Mrs. Pete 1 Sayler Smith spent Thursday in •"'^ISebastlan. ' j the H. C . Hughes home at Wood- • The members of the ^tock. -'tfiircte enjoyed a picnic at Fox i Mv. and Mrs. C„ L, Harrison *» River park Thursday. They held spent Sunday with their datjgh- ^'•;3Hheir business meeting' and Mrs. j tei s and laniilies at Huntley. 5""rHoae Walkington gave a book i Mr a)*l Mrs Tom Pettise and * review on "Little Boy Lost." ! family % Barrinftton and Wade The Busy Three 4-H olub wont Sanborn of Spring Grove spent to Chicago Tuesday to see the ' Sunday with .Mrs. Agnes Jencks. '*^iihs plav at Wrigley- Field and i Mr. and Mrs. Tony Senkerik In the evening to Riverview park • and family of ("l\icago spent the ! |£1n*ere were twenty-three that past week with her parents, Mr. \vent Mrs. John Hogan and Mrs. j and Mrs. John Ehlert. f'-Leo Smith accompanied them [ Wolf Shadle is visiting his sons « Tuesday, July 20. the Sunshine j and their families in California. "4-H girls" are having their silver Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aissen 5 _ anniversary and local achieve- and family visited in the home of 1' ment day * in the church hall at j Mr. and Mrs. George French at $ 8 o'clock. All past members are j Elgin over the Fourth. f invited to attend. i Miss Virginia Jepson spent the 6 Mrs. Clarence Adams enter-[ Fourth with her parents, Mr. tamed «t * stork shower for her and 'Mrs. Ben Walkington. Mrs. Virginia Heitz, sons, Paul and Joseph, and daughter, Irene. *.»ist*r-in-!HV.\ Mrs. Eddie Adams, ?' #t her home Sunday afternoon. J' Games weie played and lunch j Mis. Irene Beauehamp and Mrs. * Was served. She received many : Margaret McEvoy of Arlington * " nice gifts. Guests were fiom Mc- Heights were callers in the Louis ^ llem v. Ringwood, Johnsburg, j Hawlev home -Tuly 4. 4 Madison and Kansasville. Wis., j Mr. and Mrs. William Heine of £ >nd Richmond. Chicago spent the July Fourth * The members of the Ringwood : weekend in the George Shepard * "*nd Greenwood churches held "a ; home. S, pound party for their new pas- j Mr. and Mrs. Joe Holly of Mc- * tor. Rev. Rt-id. and his family at j Henry and Wade Sanborn of tV Greenwood church Sunday j Spring Grove spent July 4 with evening. j Mrs. Agnes Jencks. In the after- Mis. Flora Harrison received a ' noon, they were all callers in the '.letter this week from Mrs. Lois | George Shepard home. bobbins, a former Ringwod resi- • Mrs. Jennie C. Smith of San lent, telling of the death of her' Francisco is visiting relatives fgjjlon. Chase E. Robbins, an elec-j and fiiends here. S|rical engineer, at Oak Ridge Mr. and Mrs. William Pagni lospital. KnoxviUe. Tenn. He ! visited relatives at Lake Geneva J Reaves his wife, two daughters j July 4. J;i»nd Wft nW»#r. *He was 64 years I Mis. Lyle Peck of Elgin spent **~,rWd "9iKl was well known heie. j Wednesday with her sister, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. William C'uiek-1 Ben Walkington. Lonnie Smith home at Plutakee Bay. Miss Marian Peet returned to Elgin Sunday after a two weeks' vacation with her mother here. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Low of McHenry and Mr. and Mis. Walter Wilcox of Woodstock spent Sunday with their mother. Mrs. Viola Low. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thomas and family of Hinsdale spent Sunday in the Walter Low home. Patty LoW.' who spent the past week there, returned home with them. Mrs. (leorgia Thomas and son, Loren, of Woodstock spent Saturday evening in the George Shepard home. Nancy Bowman and Betty Feltes spent the past week with relatives at Harrington, Kas. Mr. and. Mrs. Fred Bowman and daughter, Nancy, and Mrs. John Khlerl and daughter. Mabel, visited relatives at Wilmot Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bruce and family, Mr. and M's. Charles Ackerman, Phyllis. Unieo and Lenard Acker-man /visited the Cave of the Mounds ^t Mt. Horeb. Wis., Sunday. Mrs. Sayler E. Smith of San Francisco was a supper guest of Mrs. George Shepard Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heine of Chicago spent Sunday afternoon in the George Shepard home. I Mr. and Mrs. David Waller of May wood were callers in the Clayton . Bruce home Friday everting. Mrs. Francis Costello and daughter of Hartland spent Sunday with her parents. Mrl and Mrs. Wm. Cruickshank. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hoffman and daughter, Sandra, are spending their two weeks vacation at Rhinelander, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Howe of Crystal LaKe spent Sunday evening in the Louis Hawley home. Mrs. Will. Hepburn attended the funeral of her sister, Mrs. Madeline Stone, at Kenosha Sat- Louis Winn and daughter. Janet, and Mrs. James Wegener gpeilt Wednesday in the Don Smart home at Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Muzzy and daughter, Jean, have left for California to visit their daughter and family. ^ Mrs. B. T. Butler, Mrs C. L. Harrison, Mrs. Lonnie Smith and 'Mrs. Sayler Smith spent Satuf^ day at Honey Bear Farm. Jay Walkington and Harry Hogan of the M.Y.F. pre-high are attending camp at Conference Point, Willihnis Bay. . ,j: Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Schafggr and family had dinner at Ricfcr mond Sunday. The William WaiiTbergs of Chicago' and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Berkholtz of Fox River Grove spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hafer. ». Mr. and Mrs. John Lintim went to Winona Lake, near Warsaw, Ind., to attend th« Youth for Christ conference at the Billy Sunday tabernacle. Mrs. Wm. Hafer and Mrs. Fred Meyer were visitors at Dundee Monday. • Sunday guests of Mr. and Mi's. Wm. Hafer were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Erdmann of Chicago, Mr> and Mrs. Gordon Hafer of Foot River Grove, Lee Hefer and Oberlin Overland of Waukegan. Illinois Forest Fires Show Big Drop In 1953 Illinois scored one of the heal forest fire records in the nation last year, reducing the acreage loss to about one-eighth of the 1952 figure. American Forest Products Industries. in a report based on new government figures, said 532 fires burned over 29.707 acres in 1953 as compared to 1,587 fires and 240.491 acres burned over the preceding year. Smokers' iQd debris burners were blamed* fQK 330 of Isst year's fires. Fire losses in some of the urday. Mrs. Stone passed away 1 other states as shown in the •hank. Jr., announce the arrival of *• daughter July 4. The Henr y and Clarence Woh- Utt families left for Wadena. Minn...on Friday. June 18. to attend the wedding of a niece. Beverly Wohlert. daughter of Mr. end M:s. Arthur Wohlert. which turned out td be a family reunion as well is a wedding. The oldest sister. Mrs. Elmer Haas Mrs. Viola Low and Mrs. Emily Beat-ty spent Tuesday in the Walter Wilcox honte near Woodstock. Mis. C. L. Harrison, Mrs. Agnes Jencks and Mrs. Ben Walkington attended Home Bureau at j the home of Mis. Wilkinson at Wonder Lake Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard were visitors in the Alan Ainger Wednesday of a heart attack. Pvt. Franklin Block visited his grandparents. Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Hepburn, Friday, He will be transferred to New Jersey where he will attend an electrical school. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr.. and Mr. and Mrs. James ..rigener spent the weekend at Austin. Minn. Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., Mrs. IOC 301 BRAND NEW SPINETS 1 PIANOS df Valentine, $Iebi-„ mad* a spe-i home *1 Hebron Tuesday morn-., rial trip to Minnesota to s^e ing. Henry ajid Claience, whom she had not-^ seen for thirty-four years. She had not seen Clarence since he »-e* a babv. Mrs. Haas married at that time and went to live in Nebraska.. Those present at the. wedding were the mother and step-father, Mr. and Mrs. Tritz Wilfahrt. of Aklev. Minn. The sisters were Mr and Mrs. Clarence Haas and daughter. Sharon, of Valentine. Mrs. E. 15. Whiting of Richmond was a dinner guest in the Ben Walkington home Wednesday. i)r. and Mrs. William Hepburn spent a few dnyr the past week in the home of nis daughter and family, the Frank Blocks, at Sheboygan, Wis. The Sunshine 4-H git Is"'met in the church hall Thursday evening. where Ihey modeled their Fall M Note Keyboard Nebr., Mr. and Mrs. John Jal- ( dresses for their mothers. They dun and son. Loren. of Cleve- J are getting ' ready for local aland, Ohio. Mrs. Aldina Rich and , chievement day. Mr. ar.d Mrs. James Fitch of : Mis. B T. Butler and Mrs. Fa: go. N.D., Mr. and Mrs Carl j Sayler Smith spent Friday in the Phone McHenry 979 \|\(fe CuJl& ~J7v>Uj&044- Phone McHenry 979 "T m- I F. M. Radio & Television Sales & Service 128 N. Riverside Drive, McHenry, 111. Authorized Dealers for . . . G.E. - Sentinel - Sparion Raytheon • Capehart - Admiral also G.E. Room Air Conditioners Electric Fans - Small Electric Appliances WE DO ALL TYPES OF ANTENNA INSTALLATIONS Prompt Efficient Service On All Makes Television Sets and Radios. Work Performed by Bonded Technicians . . . WE GUARANTEE ALL PARTS INSTALLED BY US FOR ONE YEAR AFTER DATE OF REPAIRS "All Materials Used Are Of First Quality" USED SPINETS FROM $37500 USED GRAND* FROM $34500 ALSO BIO SAVINGS ON FLOOR SAMPLES SAVE UP TO $200°° Large Selection To Choose From SIMONSON'S report included: , Indiana. 18,190 acres; Michigan, 12.516; Ohio, 17,704; Wisconsin, 11,293. "This very fine record is a tribute to all who are working to keep Illinois green," said James. C. McClellan, AFPI chief forester, r TWIT'S n FDCT NEW CANDY-TOP COOKIES PROVE EASY TO MAKE Yak Facts I [PARROTS HAVE ACHIEVED -/ -:* •wor-AUTy BY THEIR ABILITY TPR*J"*V ?:9=AT WORDS ANP SENTENCES. : --- PARROTS iN THE1? Wi-0 STATE 43= NEVER ICMCUNi TO IAUTATE THE ?0:'MDS OP OTHER ANIMALS? SOME taSROTS HAVE VOCABULARIES OP '.ORE THAN A HUNDRED WORDS-- V 4VP SOME OP THESE VERSATILE C s RDS HAVE ACTUALLY BEEN ICNOIVM' 'O APPEAR AS WITNESSES IN COURT \\ LEGAL RECOGNITION! GIVEN TO THEIR.TESTIMONY! CO* ARE SOME WORDS AMERICANS ARE LEARNING THETRL'I VALUE OP;" BUY US SAVIMGS BONDS! THEY REPRESENT VALUE AND 5ECURTW AND REMEMBER- BONO* AR& • /• •ETTBR THAN EVER.'* , Wbert'i America? ' /ALTHOUGH CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS MADE TWT TRIPS TO THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE HE NEVER ACTUALLY LANDED ON, OR SlC-HTED ANY OP THE TERRITORY WE NOW KNOW AS THE UNITED STATES! AMONG THE ISLANDS HE ACTUALLY VISITED Wfll SAN SALVADOR, CUBA, JAMAICA. ST. LUCIA AND MANY OTHERS. When you want cookies customtailored <as to size, bake them in a sheet pan, and cut them small or large, oblong or square, bite size or finger size. Suit the size to the use, whether for lunchbox, snack, or accompaniment to fruit or Ice cream. And when you want cookies that practically frost themselves with delicious, candylike chocolate, then candy-top cookies are just what the cook ordered. Candy-top cookies are quick and easy to mix. Spread the batter in a sheet pan, bake, and while still warm, spread with melted semisweet chocolate morsels, those candy-like little pieces that melt readily for quick chocolate cookery. Sprinkle the chocolate topping with chopped nuts, and your candy-top cookies are reedy to cut to size desired. . ? Candy Top Cookies ] % cup butter Mi cup brown AVer, firmly packed. 1 teaspoon vanilla. 1 egg. hi cup sfFted flour. % cup roiled oats. 1 package (1 enpj semi-sweet chocolate morselst, Vi cup nutmeats. finely chopped. Blend butter, brown sugar and vanilla. Add egg and beat well. Mix in sifted flour and rolled oats. Spread in greased 11 x7 x lVfc inch pan. Bake in a moderate ovea (350 deg. F.) 20 minutes. Cool slightly. Melt mdrsels over hot (not boiling water). Spread over baked mixture. Sprinkle with nutmeats. Cut in bars while warm. YIEL®: 16 3Va"xll4" bars. The crescent of the moon does not always face the same way. CCAVE Y0U DISCOVERED U S SAVINGS BONDS? THEY ARE YOUR BEST INVESTMENT. ENROLL TODAY IN THE PAYROLL SAVINC-S ®LAN A HERE VOU WORK. V CSAINE.IS THE ONLY STATE IN THE UNION THAT IS TOUCHED BY ONLY ONE OTHER STATE. TENNESSEE "AND MISSOURI Ate BOUNDED IIf .THE MOST STATES - EKjHt/ • ••••": SHOW OPENS What would you do if your very lovable but slightly rowdy little boy were suddenly replaced by a* stifly proper "stick-boy" - who looks like your boy . but doesn't behave like him at all? That is the problem Baibara Foley of Showcase theatre faces in "Mrs. McThing," which began July 6. Barbara plays the role Helen Hayes played in this fant. isy, which delighted children when it appeared on Broadway. Miss Foley acted as Marine Day queen judge in -McHenry 'this week. Established 1919 VI 26 N. Grove Ave., Elgin, 111.11 I Open Mon. ft Frl. Evenlngb P wor---•---IOC3QI ICE CREAJVI STILL THE ICE CREAM - ,WI<nl© • • • Try it Today ALL ' FLAVORS BUY rr AT ... BOLGER'S DRUG STORE Qreen Si., McHenry, 111. LOOK AT ALL YOU GET ^TE=, * Low Cost Fuel Ai Your Door Why use out-moded fuels with all the extra work they cause ? We will. deliver convenient, thrifty, safe Bottled Oas direct to your door, wherever yew live. • ALTHOFF'S HARDWARE "McHenry County's Leading Hardwase" Phone 284 )1 Main Stl teUwy,' 111. •UVki p - ' JAVE money buy your milk by the gallon . 1 School's out! Now's the time to stoke-up with fresh, wholesome milk for that needed vacation energy. Have plenty on hand for the w&ole family ... order your milk in sanitary gallon or half gallon glass bottles. Easy to handle . .. compact. .. they save extra spafre in your refrigerator. Remember, the "gallon rate" assures you worthwhile savings, too. Mickey the Milkman says: "Buy your milk in glass, it's fho modern, convenient way" For Your Convenience We Deliver Two Half Gallons ai Gallon Prices. FREUND'S DAIRY. Inc. Route 31 Phone McHenry 195 2 y2 Miles North Of McHenry > . Only in a $ for 00* DELIVERED ALL TAXIS AND FREIGHT INCLUDED Chrysler Windsor DeLuxe 4-Door Sedan with Synchro-mesh transmission. PLUS all this!,.. NO OTHER CAR k OFFERS ALL THIS EQUIPMENT AT NO EXTRA COST! Chrystc National Warranty Policy Indudad Come In today and drlv* a beautiful CHRYSLER WINDSOR DE LUXE *Pric* may vary slightly in rfifftrtnl communities dwt to handling costs. /UrfoMH A u i'j rri t#t > Cti'um« (.l 111- Bump*' >»'> HaodUt H*u4 cid tm Ouat thraeti<x<(M • Onpoitti«i«t4fgM »rnj L»> Ott Batti fur ( Am, K«ds I S«iiV<*r« Warm* *r •• y»« n««4 It -- This year you have a choice of air conditioners that heat as well *s cool. This feature is ideal for removing the chill of spring, and fall evenings. f»* •. ,'54 Naw freeeem from dirt, duat, pollan -- The new air conditioners filter out dirt and soot--remove up to 99' ,' of the pollen --a real boon to allergy sufferers. Your home stays cleaner, healthier. ^ftif-Cuatoort Ci as* *** bnttae stiaek Lm4*4* ComtjaitwaHt Ignitiua-tUy ^tanflsc Cijat Lifhlei 2 Back up I nh's 6 Bump«i Gun<ti Witarptoot ijmtian Constant Po*«t llaetria Windshield Wipail Windshield DcfxHtar Vantt Full-flow Oil Ntar Sftety-Run Wheals Wool Carpctmi Synchro-mesh Transmission Fall Length tnsulatad lop The New Air Conditioners S THINGS THEY DO BESIDES ; KEEP YOU COOL Drfaa tlia air «a It ceela -- No more mujfUlf , discomfort this summer -- all models remove the excess humidity, that makes you feel sticky, miserably. You enjoy dry, cool air all summer long. ? COLBY MOTOR SALES 12 So. Main St. Phone 1110 Crystal lAke, IIL Kaapa •wtaM* noiiaa eutald* -- That's one ol tlte l»enefits you'll really appreciate. N<» trnftit- or street noises to awaken vou--and, the new air conditioners barely whisper as they work. If h'l • caaa of caiaaiaata -- You can look ahead this year to all the comforts of air conditioning. The new casement window models install easily without .interfering with window's operation. Choose the air conditioner with the feo-i tures you want from the many brands and models offered. Pay as little as $2.27 « week after small down payment! Don^ wait--sow's the time to get cool summer comfort. Visit our store or your dealer's today! PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY Ii79--LIGHT'S DIAMOND JU&llEE--I954t " v .•». ^m##.-v V. ; rf* r