PROVE THAT GIGANTIC JOBS ARE DONE BY MIDGETS RING 3.408 DOOR BELLS FOR $1X0 WITH A PLAINDEALER WANT AD .: * McHenry Plaindealer Published every Thursday at HKcHenry, HI., by the McHenry ffebUshing Company, Inc. N A T I O N A L E D I T O R I A L (AsTbcfATl01N #. BURFEINDT, Gen'l Manager AfcXELE FROEHLJCH, Editor BUSINESS SERVICE .N Plaindealer Want Ads No ad counted less than 26 fibrds, *1.00 minimum. 1 insertion $1.00 (Count 5 words per line) 25c service charge on all blind >. Cash with order. of Thanks- $1.00 Minimum Want Ads close promptly at Ifi a<m. Wednesday, CLASSIFIED DISPLAY: 95c Col. Inch. -- 2 Inch Minimum. Classified Display Must include a minimum of one 18 pt. head and 6fte 18 pt. signature, or its equivalent. 3 lines of 8 pt. allowed per inch. Cash with order on following ifessifications: Wanted to Rent Situations Wanted Business Opportunities SUBSCRIPTION RATE la McHenry County 1 Tear |3.00 « Months $1.75 3 Months $1.00 Outside McHenry County 1 Year $3.50 6 Months $2.00 5 Months ... ...... $L25 *-- f -- CESS POOLS - SEPTIC TANKS Ffamped and Cleaned PHONE 1480 If no answer, call 1383-R-l O. A. DOUGLAS Lakeland Park, Rt. 120 McHenry , $-tf Piano Tunning Repairing and Rebuilding Member of American Society of Piano Technicians. E. Zaboth Lake Zurich 5341 SStf Candid Weddings rrom Homa, Church and Reception KOLIN Photographers Commercial, Publicity, Sports aqcl Photostats VeL 566-W-l McHenry, 111. 44-tf st^mQKrBwy7 r«i»itiiiTiii7 Entered as secand-olass matter St the post Office at McHenry, IH., under the act of May 8, 1879. AUTOMOTIVE IBUODIENT PARTS FO ALL CARS AcaK||y and Seat Covers €X)ldlWteT AUTO SUPPI/f^ - 1 Block East River Bridge Ojisn Week Days 9 son. - $ p i, fcuuuays: 9 am. to 1 pan. Il-tf JFOR SALE -- 1941 Chevrolet, club coupe, radio & heater, fully equipped. Excellent condition. For quick sale $150.00. Phone Wonder Lake 3132. 10 Low Cost Farm Buildings Need a tool shed, loafing barn, hog house. You can have a 30'x45* tool shed for $2,550. Save today on Doane Designed low cost barn^ For further information call or write Arnold May, Richmond, 111.' Office 4381 - Res. 4744. v 45-if Carter's Radio & T. V. Service Lilymoor Sab. -- Calls made at all times including, evenings, Sundays A Holidays. All work guaranteed. Phone MeH. 1385-W-! 6-tf BOATS AND MOTORS JOHNSON MOTORS New and Used -- Terms Motors and Boats Servicf - Refinishing and Storage BILL'S OUTBOARD MOTORS 104 Vi S. Riverside Drive Phone McHenry 1076 44tf INSURE TO OiE SURE FOR SALE -- "A" - Utility racing boat 9' 6" and hp. Mercury motor, with quicksilver and stock unit. Phone McHenry 476-J. *10 FOR SALE FOR SALE -- New and used straight sewing: machine and automatic zig zag. Portable and console conversions. Repairs and supplies for all makes. Also motor repair. New sewing machines for rent. To sew and save call: FREUND'S Sales & Service Across from Hunterville Subd. Mchenry 1590 44eow ANTIQUES, MISC. ITEMS -- Clothing (good condition) for entire family. Formals. Open Tues., Thurs., Sat, 1-5 p.m., 6-9 p.m. Wed., Fri., 1-5 p.m.; Sun. 11 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Closed Mon. Mrs. R. Dietrich, Terra Cotta Consignment and Resale Shop. Phone C. L. 1346-R-l. 30 eow MACHINE TRENCHING A DIGGING Septic Systems -- Water Lines Dry Wells -- Seepage Beds WELLS DRILLED & DRIVEN GARRELTS A ROGERS Rt. 4 McHenry, HI. Phone 534-W-l or 539-R-l 4*tf FOR SALE -- TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES. Service on all makes, also ribbons for all makes, carbon paper. L. V. Kilts, Clay St., Woodstock. Phone 549. 7-tf Architectural Drafting Ray Ostergren Rt, 4, Box 200,. McHenry Phone 622-J-l S-tf Mike and LaVerne Perrin Sewer and Cement Contractors Dxy Wells, Septic Tanks and Drainfields Installed Grade A Black Dirt All Work Guaranteed Wonder Lake 5672 or 9013 42 tf FOR SALE -- 1947 Willys Station wagon. Good condition. Call 463-M after 6 p.m. 10 BUSINESS SERVICE WELLS DRILLED OK DRIVEN WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 167. 26-tf John Reinboldt GENERAL CONTRACTOR All Types Of Carpenter Work Satisfactory Guarantee Gall McHenry 137-R S2tf Jackhammer Service Hourly rate for jackhammer, spade, tamper. Let us do the hard work. Fast efficient service. Arnold May, Builder, Richmond. Office 4381 - Res. 4744 46-tf Anderson Tree Service 519 Waukegan Road McHenry, 111. Phone 724 A Complete Service 37tf WALL 3c FLOOR TILING Our only business - not a sideline. Prompt guaranteed work. Free Estimates. CaH Cary 6164 or Barrington 1276 2-tf COLEMAN BOTTLED GAS -- Do like hundreds of housewives do, use it for cooking, baking, refrigeration and water heating. Prompt service and deliveries. Vycital's Hardware and Sheet Metal Shop. Call McHenry 98 today. 1-tf FOR SALE -- Coats and snowsuits are here! Use our lay-away plan. A small deposit and small monthly payments holds any article until October 15th. 10% down and balance paid by October. 10 THE VOMMERSNOr 312 ELM STREET McHENRY, ILL. IF YOU RON WTO TROUBLE. WHO WILL PAY THE BILLS? It won't be '/oU if you re „Jequately protecteAbjr insurance. It costs so little to carry, may cost 00 much to neglect. Call us . . . NOW ! THE KENT CORP. INSURANCE A REAL ESTATE For Over 29 Years Insure through this agency and feel safe N. Riverside Dr. Phone 8 McHenry, IQ. FOR SALE FOR SALE -- Universal washing machine with pump. Good condition, $30. Phone Wonder Lake 2662. 10 FOR SALE -- ' Adorable little puppies part shepherd, $2 each. Johnsburg Airport. Phone 1282-R. 10 FOR SALE -- G.E. refrigerator, $40.00. See after 7 p.m. Henneberg, Seminole, 1st house west of county road, Wonder Lake. 10 FOR SALE -- Children's outdoor playground swings and slides. Vycital's, Green St. Phone McHenry 98. 10 FOR RENT FOR RENT -- Newly decorated rooms, home nrivileges, near depot and schools. 109 Main Street. Phone McHenry 100-R. 20-tf FOR RENT -- 3 room heated apartment, stove, refrigerator, hot water heater and washing ma* chine. Phone MqHenry 742. 9-tf FOR RENT -- Furnished room located on Rt. 120, Lakemoor. Prefer male. Call 593-R-l. •lO HELP WANTED HELP WANTED -- Experienced mechanic. McHenry Garage. Telephone 403. 10 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE -- HOMES--FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY Knox Real Estate 4% Richmond Road McHenry, I1L Phone: McHenry 421-J 24-tf FOR SALE -- 6 rooms, bath, utility, garage, near Johnsburg, water rights, price $7,500. Terms. For appointment call at our office in Johnsburg. JACOB FRITZ -- REALTOR Phone McHenry 87 5-tf ®"OR SALE -- Lot, 60x150, Hunterville Park subdivision. Nice location. Call McHenry 1436-W. 5-tf Floor Coverings Asphalt, Rubber .Cork and Linoleum Plastic Wall Tile Formica Tops FREE ESTIMATES RAY IRION Wot^Mk - PlMMM 650 10-tf C. S. A G. hand and power lawn mower expert. Complete rebuilding and sharpening, hand mowers $3.50, power mowers $5.50 wp to 21". New and used mowers and nedge trimmers. We service what we sell. For information call 1606. 50-tf OARAGE DOOR8 WOOD SECTIONAL Residential, Commercial or Industrial -- Standard or Specially Designed. KEN LEIBACH Sal«s, Installation and Servtee " McHenry 1187-R 14-tf PETER A FREUND (Formerly Eddie Huff's) SANITARY SERVICE I clean and pump septic tanks, cesspools. Phone McHenry 1819-J, residence, Fox street 16-tf FOR SALE -- Moving; will sacrifice „ household furnishings. Genuine maple drop leaf table and 6 chairs; blonde record cabinet; 3 piece sectional parlor set; bedroom set, spring, mattress, singtfe bed complete, six year crib, high chair; 100 piece set dishes; maple bed, full size; man's suit size 40, | short; Dormeyer deep fry, like !new; vanity dressing table, mirror I and glass top; mason jars, pints | and quarts; lawn roller; 2 used I windows 24x24 complete with frames casing; storms, full ; screens and Venetian blinds; 1 1% door 24x6-8; pair sliding doors 24x6 and rails; lamps, etc. Call Wonder Lake 2641. *10 : FOR SALE -- Baby bottle sterfr; !izer, $1; Taylor-Tot walker, $5; hassock, $3; 2 walnut knick-knack shelves, $1; mahogany coffee table, $3; smoking stand, $2; 2 TV chairs, $5 each; mahogany sewing cabinet, $3; mahogany magazine rack, $3. Tel. McHenry 1436-W. 10 FOR RENT -- EMERALD PARK, Kirk's Kottages and Kabins' (housekeeping) $15 - $20 • $25 - $30 - $45 week. Saturday - Sunday $6 up. Fish, swim, boat. Phone j 169. 10-tf FOR RENT -- Large 3 room furnished apt. in town. Reasonable. Call 746 or 962. 10 FOR RENT -- Pleasant room 403 Main St. Call 61-R. 10 FOR RENT -- Large room in private home, located near lake with vacation facilities. Call 596-J-2. 10 MUSIC INSTRUCTION In Your Own Home. Piano and Piano Accordion Clarinet and Saxophone EARL P. KOCH Phone McHenry 1470-M 5-tf BOATS AND MOTORS H. V. Jackson Tuck Pointing, Acid Cleaning Waterproofing, Caulking F^Vimney Repair, etc. ne McHenry 471-M After 6 p.m. 47-tf EXPERT SEWING MACHINE and VACUUM REPAIR, For Sales and Service CSH Singer Sewing Machine Co. ttl Benton St., Woodstock, 294 52-tf FOR SALE -- Boats and motors. New and used inboards and outboards. Resort cedar row boats. Boat kits, trailers, marine sypplies. Ed Wendt Boats and Motors on U. S. Highway 12. Phone 3231, Richmond, HI. 46-tf FOR SALE -- Large maple finished crib, excellent condition; complete with nice mattress; reasonable. Tel. McHenry 1202-R. 10 FOR SALE -- Spauldiqg "-"'"t, in excellent condition. Call UL-R. *10 FOR RENT -- Apartment, 2V> rooms, includes shower and bath. 201 Riverside Drive, Town Club. Call 12. 10 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED --- Experienced sewing machine operators. Alert young girl for shipping room. Ambitious young mai to learn trade and assist in receiving room. Also, woman for pressing. Apply Magic Slacks, 600 Main St., McHenry. 5-tf WANTED -- Oirl to assist dentist. Experience unnecessary. Will train. Reply care of Plaindealer, Box 473. » 9-4 FOR SALE -- 6 antique chairs; 2 cots with pads; end table; telephone stand; bedstead; Brunswick victrola. Phone 1789-J. 10 FOR SALE -- 12 ft. SwiUercraft boat with 25 hp. Johnson motor, with shift; complete with* all accessories; good condition, $525. Call McHenry 1466 after 7 p.m. '10 FOR SALE -- REX AIR Cleaners -- new and rebuilt -- repairs and parts.. Used vacuum cleaners' --• Free home trial on refrigerator defrosters -- Portable fire extinguishers. Carl Barnickol 19&5-J. lO^tf FOR SALE -- Concrete mixer with electric motor. Phone 452 or 1092. 10-tf FOR SALE -- Cheap, red tweed davo-bed. Tel. McHenry 1031-R. 10 ith 1111 ii rii 1111111:1111 rti i!i f 11 i;ri n! 111 ri;iii i:i:i 111111111 n rt 1 mi Centrally Located For Quick Service FRED J. SVOBODA & SONS SEACO SALES And SERVICE Repairing -- Rewinding -- Rebuilding Electric Motors --- All Models I Automotive^ Generators, Starters, Armatures I DAY Or NIGH* t Box 416 - Llfymoor fUiM. | PHONE 183 McHeary, HELP WANTED -- Young man to work in hardware store and repair vshop. Vycital's. Call McHenry 96. 10 HELP WANTED •-- Reliable man with some experience to sell home appliances, salary and commission, dealer has been In business in this community over 20 years. Write care of Plaindealer, Box 475. 10 HELP WANTED -- For weekends. Morning waitress; morning cook; dish washer, male or female. Must have own transportation. Call 323, Pink Harrison's Resort. 10 3 Bedroom National Home complete incL lot and all financing costs in McHENRY HARVARD WOODSTOCK TOTAL PRICE $10,600 Veterans ONLY $650 Down RICHARDSON CONSTRUCTION CO. 10S VAN BUREN WOODSTOCK 662 10 t FINER DRY CLEANING and Our JU>W. LOW PRICES Heat Combination In Town aM SAVE -- SAFELY Cash and Carry Cleaning;" v McHENRY CLEANERS 1«S Elm Street PHONE lOfeM . «0eHen*y( IB. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE -- Store, suitable for any retail business, year round. Living quarters. Newly decorated. Call Wonder Lake 3221. l-tf FOR SALE -- By owner on route 120, 1 block fast of bridge, 3 bedroom Dutch Colonial home on large lot, full basement, oil heat, 1 car garage, will sell on contract. Phone 137-J evenings. 9-2 FOR SALE -- PLstakee Bay 8-rm. water front hohie, located N. end Bay View Lane Rd. See Sat. and Sun. L. F. Mann, owner. Phone Chicago DE. 7-4220. 9-2 FOR SALE -- 12 acres of wooded property, 2 cottages, one, yearround cottage with knotty pine interior. Located on Glen Lake in Marinette County, Wis. Cottages furnished including 2 boats. Excellent trout stream. Only $7,500. Write Patrick Knapp, 1724 Washington Road, Kenosha, Wis. 4-tf FOR SALE -- In McHenry, 2 bedroom brick house, 2 years old. Inside city limits. Large lot, gas heat. Reasonably priced. Terms. Tel. McHenry 1168, owner. 10-tf FOR SALE -- New modern house in Hunterville Park. For information, call McHenry 1442. 10 FOR SALE or RENT -- 7 room house located in Ifrelen's Fairview subdivision. Call McHenry 1732-J. »10 FOR SALE --- $1,729 down paymertt buys a* new brick and stone 3 bedroom home. Living room, dining area, fireplace. Kitchen with utility room, with new Crosley automatic washer, dryer, stove, water heater, gas heat, attached garage. Appraiaal value $17,500. Priced at $15,225. McHenry 1046-J. *10 FOR SALE -- 3 bedroom, living room, kitchen & dinette, bath, full basement, oil furnace, brand new, ready to move into. City sewer and water, 80 ft. lot. Priced at $17,500. Good financing. 10 WANTED WANTED -- Boat trailer' capable of 1200 lb. 16 ft. boat. Call Wilmette 924 or drop a card to 2615 Blackhawk Rd., Wilmette, 111. *10 WANTED tO BUY WANTED TO BUY -- Top price paid for iron, metais and junk cars. Ed Marsh, phone Woodstock 1610-M-2. 33-tf WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT -- 2 adults would like year 'round small cottage, approximately $45.00 per month rent. Phone Bishop 7-8699 collect, or write J. Schaefer 3039 So. Kedvale Ave., Chicago. »10 WANTED TO RENT -- Couple wants to rent year 'round home on river frontage. Reply care of Plaindealer, Box 474. 10 LOST AND FOUND LOST -- July 7, in Wonder Woods, white female springer black ears, 1 black eye, wearing red tag No. 38203. "Slicker". Probably with children. Wonder Lake 4464 after 6 p.m. 10 LOST -- White purse at the Sky- Line Drive-In theatre. Please return purse and contents to the theatre. Reward. *10 *^^^^^^^^^0^^0*0*^0*0*0*0*0^^*0^^1 f L E G A L NOTICE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Notice is hereby given ttiafc" Donald Frederick Schulz has file4L^ his petition In the Circuit fcourjT* of McHenry County, Illinois, askpsr ing that his name be changed t#- Donald James Schumacher, Order of the Circuit Court of Mc| Henry County, Illinois, and j this Petition will be returaabiffcf September 7, 1954. Donald Frederick Sehuijt Petitioner's Attorney ^ Herbert O. Krenz .*>». J 68 N. Williams St. " ;t: Crystal Lake, Illinois' (Pub. July 15-22-29) '!'V. SCIENCE and your MISCELLANEOUS TOYLAND NURSERY By Hour, Day or Week Special Rates - Reliable Care Will pick up and deliver children within a radius of 5 miles. Call McHenry 596-J-2 8-5 Fish Fry Every Friday Night Pl*za, Friday and Saturday night "Alibi", Gus's Place ISO S. Green St. 87tf 210 8. Gveen St. Phone 1126 SITUATION WANTED SITUATION WANTED -- Elderly Catholic lady desires room and board in exchange for household services or companionship. Very capable and, loves children. Call Crystal Lake 1392-M-2. «10 WANTED -- 1 or 2 children to care for in my home. 5 days a week. Call McHenry 907-M. 10 I SITUATION WANTED -- Middle I aged lady will care for an elderly i lady in ner home, tojvn or country. iStay. Phone Wonder Lake 3647. 10 FOR SALE -- MeCuftom Lake, McHenry, 111. 5 room house, fuU basement, 2 car garage, land 100x280. May be bought separately. Write or phone Floyd Lewis* 711 18th St, North Chicago, 111. DExter 6*3957. 52tf FOR SALE MclJehrjr Area River frontage -- All year 'round house, 70x250 lot, access to Chain- O-Lakes; gas heat, fireplace, steel Kitchen cabinets, garage, boat house, $15,000. Small down payment required, fid. Polan, Emerald Park. 10-2 New Shipment ' ol Wisconsin Clean Tested HoUtein and Guernsey Cows and Heifers 22 Calfhood Vaccinated 1st and 2nd Calf Heilecv Some Purebreti 'Cows and Bulls \ We buy and sell all breeds of cattlr . JULIUS MAYER: 1 sw Corner of Rt. 120 and 63 TsC Libertyville 2-2084 a -Ti iti:ili iT.rri.i c.i.ii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiriHiiiiiruiiiiiiiiTiiiiiriiil Advertise In The Plaindealer r ~ Club Lilympfr on Route 120 -- PRESENTS -- ALYCE JOYCE at the Hammond Friday Nite and Sunday starting at 4 P.M. Saturday Nite Feature ' "The Golden Ton*!" 10 CHERRIES -- Pick your own at DeWitt Bros. Cherry Orchards, 2 miles west of East Troy, Wis. on highway 15. 10-2 LOANS -- Residential, Farm or Resort property. Inquire of Attorney Vernon J. Knox, 101 North Green street. Tuesday and Friday afternoons or phone 43. 10-4 FOOD FOR MENTAL HEALTH • By Scisnca Features ' Good nutrition is necessary focf * good health, both mental and physfk* cal. Most people know that a welH& balanced diet--one that contains sufficient minerals, carbohydrate* and vitamins---is necessary fofr growth, energy and normal body functions. But new studies no# show that a severe vitamin de* ficiency is known to be among th#" :*• causes of at least 11 nervous of--- mental disorders. { Dr. Robert A. Peterman, medi* . cal director of J. B. Roerig and Co* • -- '.ma. and Dr. Robert ' S. G o o d h a r t f c scientific dire6* - tor of the Na-» tional Vitamin F o u n d a t i o n , summarized 74 " recent studies. They reported fhat disorder# due to vitamiitr deficiencies in*®* v o l v e d suck . , . . . . symptoms a f t mental deterioration or depression!, nysteria, defective memory, loss 01 •ense of - location, hallucinations^ lrrl'tabl>Hty.erMCUti0n' *nXie,y The survey points out that larg* dosages of vitamins, as high as if times the amount required for normal nutrition, administered fof long periods of time may be necessary to aid sufforers. Anti-stress formulas such as ASF have already been devised to meet th« vitamin requirements for acute stress situations. , Major -emphasis in the report ii i on the B vitamins. Lack of thiamine (B-l) may cause forgetful* ness. difficulty in orderly thinking and Insomnia. Insufficient riboflavin (B-2) Way result in mental depres' sion, visual disturbances and in* ability to concentrate, while not enough niacin may produce apprehension and anxiety, according to the study. Shop at Home and SAVE! luamiK - ' IMMaecaraU / 4 DON'T MISS IT THE LENNOX COMFORT ON DISPLAY ALL DAY MONDAY. JULY IB ALTHOFF'S McHenry County's Leading Hardwtfa 501 Main St. McHenry, ID. Save Up to 50% liy Direct from Factory FIBRE GLASS AWNINGS MADI OF CORRULUX PRODUCT OS LMy-OwOTt-Ford Olais C*. SVPSKIOR IN QUAUTYI • P«rnwn«»t color and b«auty. • natural lifU without qUra. • Kra ratittant. • Warp fraa (hot or cold wtiMitr). • Custom mada oa axtrudad alumiaom tram* structure. • Lasts • lifatima. • Raducas window etamtnf. Prefect Yo«r Ho«a« Agabst All Weofher CesdHfeesI ALL AWMIMOS Cwt*om SalH U Mm* YMT R*q«lr*M«ti PHA TIXMS--UP to 3 TSARS to PAT NO MOHIY DOWN float for Free Esflsaft COrnelia 7-4303 CALL DAY Ot NIGHT . American Fibre Gloss Awning Co. 3C?2 Hcrth E'blcn A>c /Local Representative 300 W. Elm Street Phone McHenry 230 k