Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Jul 1954, p. 10

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By Mrs. George Shepard ^*, ' iv "* , • :, **f, **""# - ^ „ *£ •*: ffy •<;' , ' <•- •'* ,'-0*"»i* <• *nw. -tob? r 4* * jjg* • /\V^V';', 'f fe' ;5 ' LV. ^ t, ^-> K .*. »* , » Y ^ . " '*'•* • :-> •i; "v*-«-4l: •. '^&'- •'•'•/ 1 •>--?s*.'C-\:; ':. f Sf*./; ' '«'*" "" *""" **•' ' ,"!J/V THE McHEWHY PLAINDEALEB '•nfo,,*. ' ,rf. #:*#*% i*£ 4&r SMtfij "J ' '.;.V1' :,"is • 1 >",: *^r. •:*K '•*. M tnrtday, July & 1 "S > Mabel and Mrs. Fred Bowman and Nancy spent Thursday in the Jack Moriison home in Chi- I oago. Mr. and Mrs/Hcrb Kulasik of HEALTH TALK Insect Carriers of Disease Fliea are a nuisance and Hi® evening W.S.CS. met at! family ofBai ring ton spent Sun-1 homethe home of Mrs. Antone ^Vieser day evening with her mother Ml' Wednesday evening. There were i Mrs. Agnes Jencks. Seventeen present. The new offi- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Adams cers took charge of the meeting. ' and family visited her parents, l(n, Gordon Possum had the > Mr. and Mrs. Joe Condon, at •devotionals. Alice Peet gave the j Richmond inday afternoon. les»on on "Students in Today's , M, and \ii-s. Weldon Andieas World." Lunch was served. t ami daUA er Mai go, visited Mrs. Agnes Jencks entertained Brnokfield zoo Thui'Suay. the W.S.C.S. at her home Thurs- j- Mr and Mrs Fred Bowman day. a pot-luck dinner was serv- aru( ^jancy Were supper. guesis It •fl at noon. jn Kloyd Yardley home at The meeting Was opened bv Woodstock Saturday evening, devotional* led tty Mrs. PerfH Mr an() Ml:s Weldon Andieas, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Andieas and a"1: 3 E=:sr iv. _ Kvmninrf* snont Saturday in the hOlldr wrthday come the bride of Robert Bblert July 31. * Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Woh- Urt and da inters visited htt «... «..v. «..a>r«v.» - - brother artd family, Mr. **d McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. B3r- j "Mrs. Henry Wohlert, at nest Reinwall, Jr.. spent Thurs- .Sunday. Nancy oftd Donna Woh* riiea «»c <. uiU «» day evening , in the Louis Hawlcy j lert Returned hhm& With them >for j m<yjace health. They carry i-ome. , Ia •Wit. ' thirty or more diseases, including Mr and Mrs" Xnsrl Dewey and I >fr. a*d Mrs. Walter Panek of typhoid, dyserttery, cholera, diarfamily of Armstrong, 111. spent ttundelein tvere c*llera In the rhea and tuberculosis, the educathe weekend in the Ben Walk- , Elmer Sc'naefer Ifsnle Th«r«f*y tional committee of the Illinois ington home. On Saturday even- evening. i State Medical society points out iiifr. they and the Walkingtons Mr. and Mrs. Mike D«g«n of I in a health talk. ' were dinner .guests in tire Lyle | McHenry apent Sunday evtting, AS many as 25,000,000 mi- Peck home at Elgin. 1Wth fief mottrtr, Mr®. Htery I cr0^es y^ve been found oit Ohe Williams. - . | fly's body. Imagine the trail of Donald Justen, Jr.. to Ending y Mr. and, Mrs. George Shepard called ,oonn relatives aannda fmrieennudss ahti uonaia jusien, jr., ta opvuuing i .. , . Crystal Lake Saturday M^oon two WTtt hi. _*r.Mpar-!. , t J" « Mr. and Mrs. Paul Norman and family of Evnnston spent Wednesday vvith her parents, Mr. and MVs. Ben Walkingtons ents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo hauen, at Boston, Mass. Mr. artd Mrs. Elmer ^chafer entertained Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Saunders j Schaefer and Mr. and Mrs. Al- Cristy, told of fhe world confer ehce to be held at Evanston Aug. ;18 to 31. the topic to be "Christ, "the Hope of the World." Sycamore, spent Fred Wiedrich, Jr.., home. Mrs. lob Brennan and daughter and Mrs. Leland Be; g were visitors at Roclcfoid Tuesday. Jane Lee Lenard of Lake Geneva spent the past week with her Milwaukee baseball game at Milwaukee .Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. William Hoffman : and daughter. Sandra, returned The next meeting will be held home from a two weeks' fishing at the home of MfS« Mabel Haw- ti jp to Rhinelander, Wis. Jly Aug. 20. the topic being | \y0lf Shadle returned home --- - willa "Japan and Korea." ! Saturday from a two weeks' visit , grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred «»«• The program was in charge of'with his sons and their families ! Wiedrich, Jr. Mrs Viola Low and the subject j in California. He was accompan- • Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Walker of was' meeting rural needs. ; ied home by his grandson. Larry J.Waukegan and Mrs. Lee Ellis Miss Lona Brever visited her: Shadle. who will spend a few and children of Leominster, brother at Lake Geneva Tuesday. ; weeks here. Mass., spent Sunday afternoon in *i„n nf Richmond! Mrs. Griice McCannon... of the Roy Harrfsdn home. and Miss Luella Kn.mpin of (Wwdstock visited friends here David MccWnc .Benoa City called on Mrs. George .Thursday Shepard Tuesday afternoon. Lu- Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas ella remained for a few days'(and daughter. Margo, and Mrs. » Visit. Sunday in heffldf of the birthday Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Bugler and of their mother, Mrs. Joe Schaefer. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Benpy and family spent Sunday in the Lenfly allowed to light on the family dinner table! Becatise of the characteristic regurgitation of the fly before feeding -- tbe cause of "fly specks" on their resting places -- food standing about in uncovered dishes may toe heavily contaminated. Dysentery germs, for example, may ^ a VMmu Ilwlv live in the intestines of the fly ^ dothes are part of for about five days. Since the travel distance of a fly is about sunaay i«e i^en- ^ miies in one day, one can ard Brown home at Clarendon j rfcadjjy understand the danger of I this method of Contamination. With the advent of many new ! insecticides, the health menace David Mci spent the ^eeKend Walkington home. Mrs. R. \J5. Frank at Wheaton in the Ben of LakCMingel Andreas were dinner wood, crystal Lake spent sever- ' Among those from here to attend the Eastern Star card party 4,t McHenry V^ecfnesday after- , noon were Mrs. Agnes Jencks, Mrs. Roy Harrison and daughter. Edith Mrs. Roy ,D6dd, Mrs. George Shepard. Mrs., Oscar Berg. Mrs. Willitom Ciuickshank, Mrs. Louis Hawley. Miss Lona J Brever and Mrs. Hiller. . Miss Lona Brever visfted her Sister at Burlington Thursday, > , Mrs. C. L. JTarriyon, Mrs.' • Viola Low and Mrs. Clinton Mar- "• ;.tio attended a district meeting; of the W.S.C.S. at the Emanuel : church at Evanston Wednesday, j William Harrison of Round ; take VMM hi*'MO", Mr,. \ e„t„.talnMl Flora Harrison, Thursday after- ; ^ noon. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aissen If guests in the Duane Andreas home Sunday. Mrs. Oscar Berg was a visitor at Woodstock Friday. Mrs. Sayler Smith left Thursday for San Francisco after a two weeks' visit here. Joe Carr left for service Wednesday. At present h<? is in Al" kansas. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Reinwall, Jr. of Cooney Heights were Sunday dinner guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Haw- . , „ _ , Jytrs. Mingel Andreas is -spend- ' and Riverview Park hi the ing a few days in the home of, evening. her son. Weldon, and family. ) Lyle Ehlert of Wilmot and Mr. Mr. and Mis. Ernest Reinwall, i and Mrs. Russell E'nlert of Richa few guests j mond spent Saturday evening their homo at I vvith their parents, Mr. and Mrs honoring the John Ehlert al nights the/ past week in the Roy Harrison home. Among those from heff. tfr attend the supper at Greenwood Thursday evening were Mr. arid Mrs. Ben Walkington and Mrs. Roy Harrison. '/ Howard Wattles and soli, Donald, and Glen Wattles of. McHenry spent Sunday In the C. L. Harrison, home. * Mr. and Mis. John Skidmore and family and Nancy Bowman went to Chicago Fridfcy to see the Cubs play at Wrigley Field f Friday night at Cooney Heights. Mrs. Feltes, John Mts. Skidmore, Betty John Ehlert and x«r bifthday of her mother. Mrs. entertained Sunday in honor of ^ Ha^y Guests were Mr. the third birtnday.. of their, anj F)oTd Hf)we an(, Miss! Mabel and Mrs. Fred Bowman daughter, Dorothy • Gue• s Cora Wa)tp,.s' Gf crystal Lake, and Nancy attended a bridal were Mr. and Mrs. eo g ^ Mrs! Ernest Reinwall, | shower for Marian Stack of Sr ., am! M'. and Mrs. Hawley. : Twin Lakes at Wilmot Sunday Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert and afternoon. Miss Stack will !!>•- Ceorge French of Elgin and Mr. and Mrs. Julian Horn of Beloit. • Mrs. Flora Harrison and Stanley Jepson spent Thursday evening at Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aissen uttended a surprise birthday party**!** Mrs." Bathed Behroeder at Woodstock Satwrdfy evening. Mr. and Mrs. Granville Cftrlsoti and daughter of" Hillside. Phyllis Bruce and Lenard Ackerman of Poplar Grove spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bmc«*, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Geoige Shepard spent Satuiniay evening in the Henry Seegert home at H1-Henry. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aisasn and family spent Monday, evening in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Harrison and son of McHenry, spent Thursday evening in the J. C. - Pearson home. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nielsott of Chicago and Mrs. Agnes JJencks had dinner Friday at • Honey Bear F*fm. Mr. and Mrst Pete Sebastian w^re visitors at Genoa City Saturday morning. Miss Marian Peet of Elgin spent the "Weekend with her mother, Mrs. Lena Peet. Dick Aissen returned home Wednesday from Harvard, where he spent the past few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pettise and IARDEST lusafef CHB4MBM j ot the fly haA been reduced. WOXKERS IN TOWN jB5yery effort should be made to PLAIIigK!AlJ»l WA3JT AD8 cover breeding places of flies and mosouktoes, piU^eDting the larvae or young of tttese lnsests from growing to their stage of maturity when they tan fly about. Gaxfesge cans and manure heaps are likely breeding placeff for fliea; stagnant pools of water are favorite breedh% places for mosquitoes. Old cans or bottles, roof drains, lily ponds, sewer, basins and similar water shotUd be hunted out and sprayed with an insecticide. While certain insecticides have been called miraicle performers, they are not a substitute for hygiene and cleanliness. Homes that are not kept clean are a big menace s to human health. Garbage standing in kitchens, and soiled dishes are ah invitation to Insects, particularly flies and cockroaches. Some one ftiul Said that "clean-* liness is next to godliness," an axiom which, if followed, will insure a cleaner America. A clean body, a clean home and clean the good health picture As science advances to bring about effective control of the insect population, the citizen must cooperate by keeping his body and home clean, contamination will not flourtsRL in clean surroundings and y&ur, chances for better healtfl WUl fee greatly enhanced. ' " w ;-ni COMPANY PROIlTfiL';. {• •Tt. V. McflTamara, presMwrt, announces that the net profit of National Tea company audi subsidiaries for the twenty-four weeks ended June 19 amounted to $2,608,069, after provision for federal income tax of $2,855,000.5 This compares with a net profit of $2,275,345 after provision for federal income and excess profits taxes of $2,595,000 for the cor-; responding period in 1953. HMD TNI mar OF WAT TO OTWK MMIS--TO KMSTIMNS end tap jotir cor ht foft-drbf'mg coocfdjon of all tiimsl For an Inprraivt Entrance . . VWlt Our Show Rooms Structural Steel A Ornamental Iron FREE ESTIMATES SCHHOEDEH IRON WORKS PflOfcE McHEXRY 950 S Miles Sd. of McJIesry on Bute SI Despit' hfirr! FLOORS RETAIN A BEAUTIFUt rtNT.H WITH k J i i O t t j BEST FLOOR ENAMtl Use Elliott's Best Floor Enamel on -wood, concrete, cement or worn linoleum -- inside or outside your house «-- it provides a long lasting protective finish that wears likf iron. It not only withstands wsai^ but exposure to sun, vain and every change in climate as well. L'se Elliott's Best Floor Enamel with equally fine results on base boards, wainscoting and dados. Come in now and mal4| your selection from a wide range of practical, populjf Cdtar, fociuding white; Recommended tor pleiiC H it's a job far Bottled Gat ITS A JOB Hfr SHELL ANE KRUSE RAHDWARE COMPAlfT Richmond, McHenry County, Long Distance Phone 191 P R O F E ^ I O n f l L DIRECTORY THE TOWER GRILL OX ROUTE 120 AT LAKEMOOF •'OPEN EVERY DA* FROM 10:00 A.M. TO 2J09 A.M. Chicken - Steaks - Shrimps - Soafood • Specials and Sandwiches Full Fountain Service Large parking area reserved for our patrons » Special Menu Now Serving Bar-B-Qued Hickory Smokec Chicken Ribs -mr new Did you know that the n§w '54 Kaiser is like 2 engihes in 1? A thrifty engine for normal cruising . . . plus terrific extra power when you need it! Try it . . . there's nothing like it on the road! Com* In and Tosi-Drive It Today! MCHENRY GARAGE #1 FRONT «T. KAISER-WILLYS SALES & SERVICE ^ - ;j£*IOXe 408 * McHENtT, BTX. Slim MlTAL SHOP PHOSE 99 McHenry, Hi. HARDWAMI 132 Green St. OPEN ALL DAY W&DNESDAY fflmithhj ^rui0 A motsage from your Nye Drag Store Pharmacists PHARMACY IS PROGRESSING. *° raP,d,v Uuit can no longer depend on the knowledge we gained when we Ntudied in our College of Pharmacy. More than 75% of the Medicines we dispense in your prescriptions were Unknown 10 years ago EVERY DAY NEW DISCOVERIES are Sensed, Mr prescription Me, and we immediately stock them. We must latfm their actions and dosage, for ft h not unusual for Pliyxicians to request information from us about the availability of tJie newer medicines •* ?IN ORDER TO BE ABLE to b® informed we ORrefulIy read our Association Journals and other drug puMi eMlans. \Ve also receive reports from PharmaceutIcaJ Manufacturers, and carefully file them tor ready reference. WE ARE CONTINUOUSLY strhins to *"> wortl»y (| tk« Confidence you have in our ability to compound your pre w&tfkptions. R. Plu Hath Hernannn, "Pat" Ryan, H. Ph. NYE DRUG STORE WALGREEN AGENCY 129 X. klVERSIDE DRIlTC t^O NE 26 CAftBY IN -- CARRY OCT SHOP REPAIRS lladlo - ponographs - T.V. Electronic Equipment, eta RADION1C SOS E. Dm Sfl McHenry, HI Phone 1446-J DR. ARTHUR J. HOWARD Chiropractic Physician 114 S. Green St., McHenry, IB. Phooe McHenry 1068 Hours - Mon. and FrL 10 to 12:S0 - 2 to 8 Tnes. and Thurs. 1 to 8 1 By Appointment Only S. Green Street DR. G. R, SWANSQJf Dentist >vi. Office Houra: iMljr Bxccpt Thursday 0 to 12 -- 1:30 to S:Se MOB* Wed. and FlL Eventag* By Appointment Only Telephone McHenry 160 * VER^O.N KNOX Attorney At Law Cor. Green and Elm Streets McHeary, OL Taeaday and Friday Afternoefg Other Days by Appointment Phone M«JHenry 43 ill M i B^MBB I M tllLLIAM M. CARROLL, Jr. . Attorney At Law jltya Benton Street n«H Woodstock 13t4 Woodstock, lllfawil JOSEPH X. WAYNNE Attorney Law SOt WMkefcan lUcd (ItFD BOX) Phone McltaPr 492 West MoHecry, Id. FRANK S. MAY BLACK DIRT Gravel - Driveways Excavating Jloute 5, McHenry, 111. Phone; McHenry 580-M-l Limestone VJERN THELEN Trucking Black Dtrt Excavating Tel. McHenry 588-R-2 or 588-W-l/ & Box 218, Rt. 1, Mcflenrj-, DL ' A. P. FREUND ft SONS Excavating Contractors ^picking, Hydraulic and 1 * Crane Service ROAD BUILDING -- Tel. S$4-M McHeany, HL EARL B. WALSH INSURANCE Five, Auto, Farm ft Life Insurance Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES IhM You Need Insuranoe off Any Kind MtONE 43 or 953 Green ft Elm McHenry, 111. SCHROEDER IEON WORKS Ornamental ft Structural Steel Visit Onr Showrooms S Miles South on Rt. 81 Phone 950 DR. J. W. BAKER Dentiftt . 110 Green St. Pftftessional Buildiiiar Phone 1044 Hours -- Dailjl 9 to 12 -- 1:30 to ^:30 MOn., Wed., ft Fri. Elveziings By Appointment *

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