I , ^Thursday,- July 29, 1954 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER JBElWjSf 1 ocaoi --'ftdH Pagfe Fifteen Holy Pays: ?:00 and 9:00. Confessions -- Thlirsdar trefore First Friday: 2*30 and 7:30. KIWANIS CLUB of McHenry Township (Urges You To Attend The j Sunday. *• St Rev. CKux^c Every Patrick's Catholic Church Edward C, Coakley, Pastor passes Sunday Masses; 7:00, 8:00, 9:00. 10:30 and 11:30. Dally Masses: 7:00 and 8:00 A.M. Holy Days: 6:00, 7:00, 8:00 and 9:00. First Fridays: Communion distributed at 6 :.>0 and during- 7:00 and 8:00 Masses. Confessions Saturdays: 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 to 8:00 p.m., and on Thursdays before First Fridays: 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. St, Mary's Catholic Church MsgT. C. S. Nix, Pastor Masses SUnday: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:00 and 12:00. Holy Days: 6:00, 8:00 and 10:00 Week Days: 6:45 and 8:00. First Friday: 6:30 and 8:00. Concessions Saturdays: 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Thursday before First Friday: After 8:00 Mass on Thursday; 3:00 pan. and 7:00 p.m. Community Methodist Church of McHenry Main and Center Streets J. Elliott Corbett, Pastor Services -- Morning- Worship: 8:00 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. (Nursery for children during: second service) Sunday School: 9:15 a.m. Official Board meets Second Wednesday of month, 8:00 p.m. Choir Rehearsal, 7:30 p.m., Tuesdays Organizations -- ' Junior High Group, 7:00 fc.m., Sundays Senior High Group, 7:30 p.m., Sundays Young Adult Fellowship, 8:00 p.m. First Sunday of month -Women's Society mpnthly meeting, Third Tuesday of month at 1:00 p.m. A cordial invitation is extended to you and your family to come for worship and fellowship •d-with us. ? St. Peter's Catholic Church Spring Grove Rev. John L. Daleiden, Pastor Masses Sunday: 6:30, 8:00, 10:00 and 11:15. Holy Days: 6:30 and 9:00. Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 8:00. Confessions Saturdays: 2:30 and 7:15. Thursday before First Friday, 2:30 and 7:15. St. Joseph's Church niclimond. 111. Rev. Fr. Frank Miller, Pastor Sunday Masses: 8:00 and 10:00. M f e S T ' - 9 t ' 0 0 i ' V * Holy Days: 7:00 and 9:00. St. John's Catholic Church ! Johnsburg, in. Rev. Joseph M. Blttsch, Pastor *-• Masses Sunday: 7:00, 8:30,, 10:00 and 11:30. Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church The Caiurch of the Luthera* Hour 408 John St., W.-McHenr^', ill. Rev. Oarl A Lpbitz, Paster Sunday School: 9:00 a.m. Service: 10:15 ajn. You are cordially invited to attend our services. - Frank W. Anderson, Pastor Services Sunday Bible School: 10:00 a.rh7 Morhing Worship: 11:00 a.m. Sunday Evening Service: 7:45 p.m. , Prayer meeting Thursday, 8:00 pjn. y . . Bring the family with you to Sunday School and Worship Services. There is a place and a v\'elcoijne for everyone. Nativity Ev&ngelical Lutheran Church Wonder Lake, Illinois Burton W. Schroeder, Pastor SunHoy morning Vv'uiaiilp Service 10:45. Sunday School 9:30 Choir practice: Junior Choir: 10:00 a.m. on Saturday Senior Choif: 7:30 p.m. on Thursday A nuraery is provided • during the Sunday morning worship service. All are welcome" to the church "Where you. are a stranger only once." Altar and Rosary Meeting: First Thursday of Month, 8:00 p.m. Holy Name Society Meeting: Second Thursday, 8:30 p.m. Confessions: Sunday,*7:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. Catechism: Sunday, 8:45 a.m. I • II i I • i i i 1 i . k I I < l I l I j St, Mary's Episcopal J West Side Oriole Trail North of jDole Avenue, Crystal Lake, 1U. | The Rev. Richard C. Adams I Clerk of Bishop's Committee," i Phone Crystal Lake 675 ^ j Sundaj* Services: Holy Com1 Jmunion, 8:00 a.m. I Morning Prayer second and ; fourth Sundays. i Churt-h School, 10:00 a.m. ^venue, phone 1009. Mrs. C. S. Wright, director By Marie Schaettgen McHenry Bible Church Rt. 120, Lakemoor Donald G. Liberty, Pastor Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Worship Service: 11^00 a.m. Evangelistic Service: 8:00 p.m. Wednesday: Prayer Meeting, 8 p.m. For other information, write P. O. Box 232, McHenry, 111., or oall the R. W. Brooks home, Mcs Henry 601-J-2. "You're Always Welcome Here." Wonder' lake Gospel Church (Nonsectarlan) FOR Building Materials Sears Roebuck & Co. Floor Tile -- Wall Tile Gutters -- Roofing -- Siding Garage Doors Comb. Windows -- Doors Kitchen Cabinets For Free Estimate Call or Write FRANK CANS Drive Phone* 1878-1V McHenry, IU. Ringwood Methodist Church Ringwood, I1L Rev. Darrell D. Sample, Pastor- Sunday: Public Worship, 9:30 Church School: 10:30 Choir Rehearsals: .Wednesday evening. First Church of Christ, Scientist South and Dean Streets Woodstock, Illinois Sunday, 11 ai.m. Sunday School ' Sunday, 11 a.m. bhureh Service. Wednesday Evening Services, 8 o'clock, include testimonies ol Christian Science Healing. Reading Room open daily, except (Sunday &>' Holidays 2 to 5 p.m. How Christian Science Heals Sun. 7:40 a.m. WJJt> (1160 kc) Sun. 9:00 a.m. WROK (1440 kC) St. Andrew's Episcopal Chiirch Rev. Jon K. Sinedberg, Pastor Phone Grayslake 3-2911 Sunday: 7:30 and 11:00. Sunday School' and Fami.v Eucharist, 9:00. Christ the King Catholic Church Wonder Lake Rev. James A. Vanderpool, Pastoi Sunday Masses: 8:00 Low Mass, Mission House, 331 McHenry 10:00 High Mass. Daily Mass.: High Mass, 8:00 a.m. Holy Days: 6:00 and 8 a.m. An English brewery offered to. help the Red Cross blood donor drive by exchanging beer, pint for pint, for blood. The Cape of Good Hope is at the foot of South Africa. First Meeting Frances Matchen took the gavel for the first time at the July auxiliary meeting. She did very well, too, and if she had butterflies in her tummy, she didn't o.n'w n i nf» mppii.ng was lightly attended because of the terrific heat. This was unfortunate since the yearly reports were read by the various, chairmen. Our historian, Marie Diedrich, read the record of our accomplishments. Her story was concise and complete and the members were glad to hear of all .the fine things our unit !has done throughout the past year. Marge Mikota gave a frport on the. district convention to •.vh." a she was a delegate. She repo .ad that, our chairmen got many citations and here and there a first place in the eleventh district, which comprises . approximatuy fifty-two units. Girls State Peggy Whiting gave us a good account of her activities at Girls State held at Jacks .mville in June. There weri? 42? girls there and they operated a miniature state government. Upon arrival at Girls State, the girls are divided impartially into two parti'.-s, the Nationalists THE HIGH... AND L0W..J Or WEIGHT CONTROL . ,s PIPER'S HEALTH BREAD. High in protein . . . low in starch' E a t P I P E R S HEALTH BREAD--and reduce! Try it today. i pipe** H PIPER feMINS CO. Cbicago s iMgest VirMj likm 4 Cook your Best "" • • € i® 7 GET IT AT YOUR FAVORITE GROCERY STORETODAY! Dating is more fun when you know your clothes look right: Fresh, neat, attractive. We are experts in cleaning finest fabrics and delicate date-time dresses. ., , ML Jl»w. if oy, FIEE Pickup and Delivery Service PHONE McHENRY 20 LOCAL CLEANERS 206 S. Green St. McHenry, I1L . (7 You'll find no other motoring to equal Chrysler performance! Come learn what all of today's Chrysler owners know . . . that today's most enjoyable driving is being done in the world's most powerful car! Chrysler's new kinds of power make this possible, and in no other car can you have them all. Reward enough?... wait till you hear how easy it is to own a Chrysler! Talk to your Chrysler-Plymouth Dealer today! 1. 235 HP . . . world's most powerful V-8, with the greatest safety-reserve "on tap"! Hemispherical combustion gets from gas what most engines can't... maximum drive power, even on "regular"! 2. POWERFLITE . . . greatest no-clutch transmission achievement in automobile history: it's fully-automatic! Multiplies engine power over 400r'0. Makes passing safer and traffic easier. No jerks or "delayed action"! 3. FULL-TIME POWER STEERING . . . 100% effective all the time you drive. Takes over 4/5 of all turning and parking work, yet leaves you comforting roadr-feel. Safest car control yet developed--it even absorbs all wheel-fight in a blowout! 4. POWER BRAKES designed to com- ¥lement Chrysler's tremendous "Go" power. ou can brake with as little as 1/3 the usual effort . . . yet your stops are the smoothest, swiftest and safest you've ever known, no matter where you dnve! The power / of leadership is yours in a beautiful . . . s e e US TODAY! ii COLBY MOTOR SALES 12 S. Main Street Phone 1110 Crystal Lake, IU. and the Federalists. (From then | on they go through the mechanics \ of operating a state government , just as closely resembling the-1 :eal thing as is possible. They' appoint committees! they find i campaign managers, they i un for ' al} city, county and state offices, j Peggy was elected an alderman. \ $he advises any girl picked for' the honor, of Girls State to acquaint herself beforehand as to procedure there. Th this way she can get organized immediately and-perhaps succeed in capturing.., a high office'. r«irlK Nallnn Ninety-eight girls, two from \ each state and the Panama Canal Zone, will learn about national ' government by operating a Girls ; Nation i*i Washington, D.C., July 31 to Aug. 6, under sponsorship , of the American Liegion auxiliary. , The girls; will represent about ; 12,000 -fglils of advanced high schorl age who attended the 1 auxiliary's Girls State programs held throughout the nation. Here they will operate a feder- ; A1 government just as they did ; the atate government in June. J A similar program is sponsored ! by the American Legion for boys. ' No August Meeting j Our August meeting will be | omitted this year in order to accommodate a party at our Legion home in August. If the weathf-r stays as hot as it has been, that won't be too hard to take. ' .Subswibe to the Plainfteater M Central Garage FRED J. SMITH SALES SERVICE Complete Motor Overhauling Welding JOHNSBURG. ILL. McHENRY 200-J Tfre$tont JULY BUY 1ST TIRE AT FAMOUS FIRESTONE DELUXE CHAMPION# Used As Original Equipment On America's Finest Cars REG. NO TRADE-IN PRICE OF $20.60 GET 2ND TIRE FOR WE HAVE 6*00-16 PbUS TAX and your pmcat tires if tfjey or* recappoble *1 BLACK SIDEWALLS--ALL SIZES REDUCED sizes REG. NO TRADE-IN PRICE 1ST TIRE" OCT 2N» M FO« 6.70-15 6.40-15 7.10-15 6.50-16 7.60-15 8.00-15 8,20-15 22.60 21.55 25.05 25.40 27.40 30.10 31.40 11.30* 10.7 V 12.53* 12.70* 13.70* 15.05* 15.70* *Plui lax and your prciant tires If they arm rccappable. * * Plu» tax. FOR ALL 7 BAXTfcKlES CAR and TRipKS TTp To $5.00 Trade-in For Your Old Battery MAKES FAMOUS FIRESTONE DELUXE CHAMPION WHITE SIDEWALKS ALSO REDUCED... BUY 1ST TIRE AT REG. NO TRADE-IN PRICE OF $25.25 ^ GET SECOND * TIRE FOR 1... 6.00-16 PIUS TAX and year pr«s«at llrtl II fh.y ar* wwpyfcle OTHER SIZES REDUCED (l SIZES REG. NO TRADE-IN PRICE 1ST TIRE*' GET 2ND TIM FOR } 6.70-15 ; 6.40-15 r7.10-15 £ 6.50-16 7.60-15 8.00-15 8.20-15 27.70 26.40 30.70 31.10 33.55 36.85 38.45 13.85* 13.20* 15.35* .15.55* 16.78* 18.43* 19.23* *Plu» tax and your priitnt Htm If th.jr or. recappabl*. **Plw» lax. McHENRY TIRE MART WALT FREUND and BOB THURLWELL, Props. 526 Main Street Fhone: 294 or 295-J McHenry. 111.